theirongiant 200 Posted April 30, 2014 Hey, would just like to say I think the way the forums are laid out now are a massive improvement. It makes finding info on the current status of the game a helluva lot easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted April 30, 2014 So I'm new here not quite sure where to look for things yet, this is the topic for last weeks update right? Was that an experimental one and now this week it's stable or is there another update today? (I read that it gets maintenance every Wednesday)Basically I'm not sure when something is stable or experimental, sorry to sound stupid but I'm sure every newcomer has been in this kind of situation :unsure: As for the update, digging the crossbow however only being able to hold 5 bolts per quiver and them taking up 2 inventory slots is quite inconvenient compared to taped stanag clips for the M4 taking up the same space but being 60 rounds.I think quivers should fit at least 15 bolts, or even 10. Since it takes so long to reload anyway having lots of ammo doesn't really give you a huge advantage but having so little is a big downer. And as for next update I think rather than adding things they should mainly get zombies fixed, specifically how they just run through walls it would make dealing with them so much easier while they're still being balanced out.Also they should be a little bit slower, I've had some catch up to me while I was running full speed and actually manage to hit me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gugolas 228 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) So I'm new here not quite sure where to look for things yet, this is the topic for last weeks update right?Was that an experimental one and now this week it's stable or is there another update today? (I read that it gets maintenance every Wednesday)Basically I'm not sure when something is stable or experimental, sorry to sound stupid but I'm sure every newcomer has been in this kind of situation :unsure:As for the update, digging the crossbow however only being able to hold 5 bolts per quiver and them taking up 2 inventory slots is quite inconvenient compared to taped stanag clips for the M4 taking up the same space but being 60 rounds.I think quivers should fit at least 15 bolts, or even 10. Since it takes so long to reload anyway having lots of ammo doesn't really give you a huge advantage but having so little is a big downer.And as for next update I think rather than adding things they should mainly get zombies fixed, specifically how they just run through walls it would make dealing with them so much easier while they're still being balanced out.Also they should be a little bit slower, I've had some catch up to me while I was running full speed and actually manage to hit me.Welcome :)I'll try to explain you some things, even if writing on mobile is a pain:1) every wednesday there is a mainteinance of the stable servers. This does not mean that there is an update every week, it is called mainteinance because that is what it is. That said, when they have updates to apply to stable they find convenient doing it in that specific occasion, but this does not mean every week.2) there is no experimental version atm, so there is nothing to import on the stable branch. There has been no update today, the last one is the one we are discussing in this thread.3) the experimental branch has always a different version of the game, and gets updated/put offline/ has mainteinance indipendently from stable servers (wich are always online) and usually in different days.4) you cannot play on experimental if you have the stable version of the game and viceversa. For information about how to switch branches, read in the experimental news section.5) the teams working on art, map, coding, fixing, animals, etc...are different teams.This means that while somebody is creating the new AI for zombies (they are a placeholder atm), artists are creating clothes.Why artists should stop working if the others haven't finished? Some teams are working on longer tasks, some on quicker ones, some on both. Every patch will always have some content and some functions and some things that are architectural and we don't see.The crossbow isn't good atm, we'll see in future updates. Nothing is definitive. Edited April 30, 2014 by Gugolas 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted April 30, 2014 Welcome :)I'll try to explain you some things, even if writing on mobile is a pain:1) every wednesday there is a mainteinance of the stable servers. This does not mean that there is an update every week, it is called mainteinance because that is what it is. That said, when they have updates to apply to stable they find convenient doing it in that specific occasion, but this does not mean every week.2) there is no experimental version atm, so there is nothing to import on the stable branch. There has been no update today, the last one is the one we are discussing in this thread.3) the experimental branch has always a different version of the game, and gets updated/put offline/ has mainteinance indipendently from stable servers (wich are always online) and usually in different days.4) you cannot play on experimental if you have the stable version of the game and viceversa. For information about how to switch branches, read in the experimental news section.5) the teams working on art, map, coding, fixing, animals, etc...are different teams.This means that while somebody is creating the new AI for zombies (they are a placeholder atm), artists are creating clothes.Why artists should stop working if the others haven't finished?Some teams are working on longer tasks, some on quicker ones, some on both. Every patch will always have some content and some functions and some things that are architectural and we don't see.The crossbow isn't good atm, we'll see in future updates. Nothing is definitive. Thanks for the info, you may have my first can of beans! I thought that every Wednesday they added some minor stuff and occasionally did a bigger update minor like fixing the Canned Sardines icon that disappeared last update. Also thought that a limited amount of stuff goes in each update so that some things are left out for future updates, that's more what I meant by focusing on fixing zombies. Not that I'm not liking what they're adding.Just hoping we're not left dead in the water when they add in diseases and stuff, having to deal with that and zombies running through walls to get you while treating yourself would be difficult, so zombies should be completed or mostly so before updates like that are implemented I feel. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) ...I thought that every Wednesday they added some minor stuff and occasionally did a bigger update minor like fixing the Canned Sardines icon that disappeared last update. Also thought that a limited amount of stuff goes in each update so that some things are left out for future updates, that's more what I meant by focusing on fixing zombies. Not that I'm not liking what they're adding.Just hoping we're not left dead in the water when they add in diseases and stuff, having to deal with that and zombies running through walls to get you while treating yourself would be difficult, so zombies should be completed or mostly so before updates like that are implemented I feel. Welcome. Concerning Wednesdays, usually there really is not done a lot on stable releases for weeks and then several things get put in at once. Things that were tested on the experimental servers before. In the last big stable update for example guaranteed server - client messaging and new mouse controls were introduced, they were tested on experimental before. Same with the crossbow, some gun painting, .... see the changelog. Sometimes there may also be a hotfix on stable to deal with some "really" bad issues that were introduced. But there is usually not a lot of changes on client side between stable updates. There is also the server side though. Loot spawning in military tents for example seems to have been fixed silently on the servers in the last stable period. Zed pathfinding was also done server side with no client updates. All of a sudden zeds started to run around some objects, through the doors of some houses and up some stairs. When doing that there is no need to update the client and such things can be introduced gradually when the devs feel confident about their work. Of course small things like the missing fish textures might be done,too. That was actually already a problem in the experimental before the stable update. Concerning the crossbow, Gugolas is absolutley correct. I was shot in the legs with one in close quarters (experimental shortly before the stable update), I think my legs broke, but I did not pass out. Also did not get very grey, I'd guess about half of my health was gone. Can't be sure though with the legs, because I died like a second later due to SKS shots. The screen message was that my leg was extremely painful or something like that. I would currently not take the crossbow when other rifles are available. It might be preferable to the Sporter, but only if getting your bolts back from zeds works. For PVP, it's probably currently not so great. Edited April 30, 2014 by bautschi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twinturbonet (DayZ) 294 Posted April 30, 2014 cmon ppl,nobodys found a tracksuit jacket or the new hat???? would prefer screens of real peeps not dev ones all glamoured up ...I found track pants. However, I didn't take any pictures of it lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) There was an unsuspected death in Berezino today. The family of the survivor is in mourning. The survivor was standing on the very top of the lokal school and all of a sudden fell over dead without even moving at all. There was noone else on the server. Please show your respect to the family. Such harsh acts of god are always especially hard to take for the relatives. EDIT: I had two really evil rubberbanding moments. Once I was climbing down a ladder of a tower, once going down the tower in a firestation. Maybe there is a "hight" component there, I had no other RB in hours. EDIT 2: OK, might have been also an act of the devil, so it might not be a bug: Edited April 30, 2014 by bautschi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted April 30, 2014 I think the damage the crossbow does is going to be nerfed depending on where you're hit but it is a good weapon, or at least it will be when things like that are changed.It's nice and quiet, if the ammo capacity is increased along with the ability to retrieve bolts it will be great, at least for a starter weapon as a main it's not excellent. The frequency of which you find bolts is pretty bad though you only get like one and they're kind of hard to notice too, they should definitely be colourful.As a weapon it has some decent potential, they'll probably make it so that you can put poison on the arrows one day or maybe a knockout drug so you can go steal people's gear or bait their friends over. As part of a group a crossbow user could be very helpful. Guessing they added it now though for fans of Daryl Dixon on Walking Dead :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted April 30, 2014 Please keep the talk about H1Z1 to a minimum. There is a thread for that and you're welcome to discuss in there - but this is the discussion about the Stable Patch of DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) I think the damage the crossbow does is going to be nerfed depending on where you're hit but it is a good weapon, or at least it will be when things like that are changed.It's nice and quiet, if the ammo capacity is increased along with the ability to retrieve bolts it will be great, at least for a starter weapon as a main it's not excellent. The frequency of which you find bolts is pretty bad though you only get like one and they're kind of hard to notice too, they should definitely be colourful.As a weapon it has some decent potential, they'll probably make it so that you can put poison on the arrows one day or maybe a knockout drug so you can go steal people's gear or bait their friends over. As part of a group a crossbow user could be very helpful. Guessing they added it now though for fans of Daryl Dixon on Walking Dead :P Daryl rules!!! ;). Seriously, there is much potential there for uses of a crossbow or bow. I could also really imagine being able to take along a crossbow AND a rifle. If that is not possible though, I doubt ppl will keep it when finding some other rifle. Maybe when they play in bigger groups, one or two might carry one, but alone or in groups of 2 or 3? I doubt it. Unless it gets really unrealistically OP. One shot kills is only one thing but what if you miss and the distance is a little higher and wind comes from the side and.... Edited April 30, 2014 by bautschi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted April 30, 2014 Daryl rules!!! ;). Seriously, there is much potential there for uses of a crossbow or bow. I could also really imagine being able to take along a crossbow AND a rifle. If that is not possible though, I doubt ppl will keep it when finding some other rifle. Maybe when they play in bigger groups, one or two might carry one, but alone or in groups of 2 or 3? I doubt it. Unless it gets really unrealistically OP. One shot kills is only one thing but what if you miss and the distance is a little higher and wind comes from the side and.... Well I don't think it could be unrealistically OP though, so long as people aren't getting shot in the foot and dying it actually makes sense for it to do way more damage than bullets the wound would be awful to heal in real life compared to a bullet which doesn't do too much unless it hits something important. Yeah it would make a far better secondary weapon I don't think being able to have 2 rifles would be so bad, it leaves people having to shoot zombies or use a knife on them which do little damage so two guns wouldn't make someone an overpowered badass as their melee ability is severely stunted, unless they fill up a lot of space in a backpack with an axe.It is quite a pain having to choose between a Mosin or an SKS/M4 at the moment since the former is so useless in close quarters. Can we actually cook anything in the pots/frying pans or has the system just been implemented? I look forward to doing it however food will need to be nerfed a lot because why cook your beans if it only gives you a tiny bit more energy?I'm glad they're adding it now, maybe we'll be able to pick herbs and make some kind of healing salve with it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DURKH3IM 0 Posted April 30, 2014 Nothing about the execesive fps drop on towns? Its really annoying since the last stable patch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted April 30, 2014 Has there always been an issue with the Mosin and the PU scope? Because I'm sure it worked for me once but I tried it recently and it doesn't do anything. The scope does get used but it's not held up to the eye, walking around you go at the speed with the scope up but you don't see through it.Not sure if it's a new issue that came with this update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xtrem3x 8 Posted April 30, 2014 2 bugs that IMO need fixing before any other: 1) Putting your weapon away as soon as you equip it2) Invisible inventory, someone needs to play inventory tetris or you need to relog to view contents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jomapika 8 Posted April 30, 2014 So yesterday i decided go to electro sniping when i found a problem, there is no bullet impact now at long distances, and i cant see a player bleeding when its hit (blood coming out of his body) and the textures looks possessed, like they a texture over a texture. i made this little video just showing some shots: like u can see at long distances, u cant see the bullet hit, only at short distances,anyone else having this problem or any kind of solution,because before it was fine and i asked my friend to grab my mousin and he had exactly the same problem. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) Well I don't think it could be unrealistically OP though, so long as people aren't getting shot in the foot and dying it actually makes sense for it to do way more damage than bullets the wound would be awful to heal in real life compared to a bullet which doesn't do too much unless it hits something important....Can we actually cook anything in the pots/frying pans or has the system just been implemented? I look forward to doing it however food will need to be nerfed a lot because why cook your beans if it only gives you a tiny bit more energy?I'm glad they're adding it now, maybe we'll be able to pick herbs and make some kind of healing salve with it? You misunderstood me concerning the crossbow OPing compared to rifles - even if you give the crossbow a oneshot kill on short distance ingame, there are other factors. From running wild on the internet just now, I'm saying that a bullet is probably between 5 to 10 times as fast as a bolt, when it leaves the barrel. Of course there are lots of different ammunition types, specifically the slow ammo for silencers, but just generally. Getting a good shot on target is way trickier in terms of distance and wind, when you think about how long the bolt needs to get where it should. Now I don't want to start a big discussion about damage of bolt vs bullet, broadheads for hunting or other stuff, I'm just saying I disagree with you saying that "a bullet doesn't do too much" unless it's a good hit. Unless handling a crossbow is made much easier in those things compared to rifles, I would probably prefer a Sporter for anything farther away than 30 or 40 meters. Has there always been an issue with the Mosin and the PU scope? Because I'm sure it worked for me once but I tried it recently and it doesn't do anything. The scope does get used but it's not held up to the eye, walking around you go at the speed with the scope up but you don't see through it.Not sure if it's a new issue that came with this update. Had that problem before, do you mean an equipped skope that is not visible ingame? Was already discussed in the past, see here:'s an SKS with a PU but the PU is not rendered. That turned out to be a bug concerning all weapon attachments, for example handgrips at the m4 AND invisible scopes on other players' weapons. A dude had a LRS on his mosin and I did not see it at all. Haven't had that for some time, thought the problem was gone... Edited April 30, 2014 by bautschi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wayze 549 Posted April 30, 2014 So yesterday i decided go to electro sniping when i found a problem, there is no bullet impact now at long distances, and i cant see a player bleeding when its hit (blood coming out of his body) and the textures looks possessed, like they a texture over a texture. i made this little video just showing some shots: like u can see at long distances, u cant see the bullet hit, only at short distances,anyone else having this problem or any kind of solution,because before it was fine and i asked my friend to grab my mousin and he had exactly the same problem.Yes, this is really annoying. Good job with the video. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillyWilly 7 Posted May 1, 2014 So yesterday i decided go to electro sniping when i found a problem,Wait, do people still go to elektro? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jomapika 8 Posted May 1, 2014 well its not a battlefield anymore lol 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jalapan 1 Posted May 1, 2014 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UltimateGentleman 355 Posted May 1, 2014 You misunderstood me concerning the crossbow OPing compared to rifles - even if you give the crossbow a oneshot kill on short distance ingame, there are other factors. From running wild on the internet just now, I'm saying that a bullet is probably between 5 to 10 times as fast as a bolt, when it leaves the barrel. Of course there are lots of different ammunition types, specifically the slow ammo for silencers, but just generally. Getting a good shot on target is way trickier in terms of distance and wind, when you think about how long the bolt needs to get where it should. Now I don't want to start a big discussion about damage of bolt vs bullet, broadheads for hunting or other stuff, I'm just saying I disagree with you saying that "a bullet doesn't do too much" unless it's a good hit. Unless handling a crossbow is made much easier in those things compared to rifles, I would probably prefer a Sporter for anything farther away than 30 or 40 meters. Had that problem before, do you mean an equipped skope that is not visible ingame? Was already discussed in the past, see here:'s an SKS with a PU but the PU is not rendered. That turned out to be a bug concerning all weapon attachments, for example handgrips at the m4 AND invisible scopes on other players' weapons. A dude had a LRS on his mosin and I did not see it at all. Haven't had that for some time, thought the problem was gone... I don't think it's necessarily that much harder there's just a learning curve to it since you can't just fire it like a rifle so I don't think it needs to be made easier you just need to be able to have more bolts and pick them up, excellent for getting used to it.Using it as a main you could be great with it if it's got a really high damage so I don't think it's useless, obviously at long range but not every gun is suited to that anyway.With a crossbow people just need to play smarter so it shouldn't be made as easy to handle as a rifle because the benefits of its damage should come with skill.As for the damage once a bullet hits a person depending on how powerful it is the impact can be greatly absorbed by muscle tissue where with a bolt it's basically certain to stick in there and rip through what it touches, except bone. Snipers should do about the same damage as a crossbow but with a crossbow there won't be any bandaging or morphine to fix it people will have to get somewhere safe and take it out, so it could be a great weapon for wounding your target and sneaking up on them. No the scope was still there on the Mosin just my character wouldn't bring the gun up to his eye it would stay in the same position and I'd walk slow as though looking through the scope. No zoom in either I could still hold the + key or right click to zoom in and out but not with the scope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EgoBusta 4 Posted May 2, 2014 Couldn't figure out how to report from the link on the first page but the FNX sights do not show the red dot for Me, even with a pristine battery. Anyone else having this problem? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted May 2, 2014 Couldn't figure out how to report from the link on the first page but the FNX sights do not show the red dot for Me, even with a pristine battery. Anyone else having this problem?I am, but id rather they fix the sights for the crossbow first Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarMan 18 Posted May 2, 2014 I tough I play some after month break.. After 1 hour and 4 deaths by invisible zombies and rubber banding glitches.. Well I think I wait until zombies are fixed. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exorade 214 Posted May 2, 2014 I tough I play some after month break.. After 1 hour and 4 deaths by invisible zombies and rubber banding glitches.. Well I think I wait until zombies are fixed. Must be either that you have a bad luck selecting a server or it's a problem on your end. I haven't had any problems with invisible zombies since maybe two months ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites