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Mountain Pack vs. Hunting Pack

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I've seen a lot of fully geared players on youtube wearing hunting packs, but they carry less than the big mountain packs, right? Why carry a smaller pack?  Just for the camo?

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Yes. Would you rather have 5 extra slots, or stand a far better chance of not being seen by a-hole bandits?

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actually 30 and 35 not so big difference, try not to carry a lot of useless stuff if you are not in team, because when i play like medic(99%) i need box of ammo, 2 med bags + defibrilator + some food etc stuff, that's take a lot of space

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1. There is no looking back over your shoulder in 1st person with a mountain-pack. 

2. You do not look like a creeping mountain when moving prone.

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Also when in 1pp it doesn't block your rear view - and yes they don't stick out like a sore thumb


Bah Cali beat me to it

Edited by tiadashi

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Playing on hardcore the big mountain pack makes it harder to look over your soldier. Also they have bright colours and give you a really wide profile to someone scoping you. And they're ugly.

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No need for either really. Improvised backpack is the best....  B)



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No need for either really. Improvised backpack is the best....  B)




This ^^

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Ya, I carry a lot of crap I don't need sometimes.  I don't have an ammo box right now, so I'm carrying a ton of extra sidearm ammo because I haven't found one yet to go w/ my SKS.  But I suppose if the difference is only five slots, then yes, hunting pack is best.  Not sure I my pack-rat mentality could handle an improvised though ;)

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No need for either really. Improvised backpack is the best....  B)



lol @ 20 slots.

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In my experience once you are fully hydrated and energized (healthy) you don't need that much space for food and drink. 4 cans of food, 4 soda's and a canteen should be more than enough to keep you going for a long time. Also, why would you need more than 60 bullets for an SKS or Mosin and maybe 150 for an M4 unless you just play COD style. 30 rounds for a pistol should also be enough to get you out of any problem, if you need more ammo before you can find new you are probably dead any way. So yeah, I prefer the improvised backpack for both its subdued colour and slimmer profile.

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What I like about the hunter pack is that it's smaller and if your in a gunfight with a mountain pack and someone is aiming for your head and miss, guess where it's going? Your backpack. Not much of an issue with the hunter pack.

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I've seen a lot of fully geared players on youtube wearing hunting packs, but they carry less than the big mountain packs, right? Why carry a smaller pack?  Just for the camo?



Other people have given reasons why the smaller hunting pack is "better" in some respects.  Here's another reason why you might down-grade to the smaller size; 


As a newer player you tend to carry more because naturally you are less sure about which is the best/right gear for you and your play style.  As you develop your skills and play style you will likely carry less stuff because you know exactly what you need.  

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For reasons already mentioned: Definitely Hunting Backpack.


It's way better disguised and those 5 slots don't make a difference, once you are fed and hydrated. Going from town to town and you'll allways something to eat, drink and shoot. And seriously, how often has anyone ever needed more than 120 rounds (two 60rnd mags) before dying or killing the opponent?

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You can effectively survive with a Rider's Jacket and Tracksuit pants.


That's a grand total of 6 slots!


All you have to do is eat everything you find, and keep a can opener and small essentials in your jacket.

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Improvised is the best camo and lowest profile. Good luck finding rope though (Only when you need it of course)

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hunting backpack > mountain backpack


improvised courier bag > all

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I love it when I see people wearing brightly coloured fridges on their backs. I know they will be so packed with loot that not even a shotgun could ruin it all.

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