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Suggestion: Map

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If there is any one aspect of the game I really dislike (aside from a no ‘auto-run’ feature), it’s the lack of a map. I would like everyone to have a map that is not an item. I understand the realism of getting the ‘map’ items, but I feel it would be fair to have an all the time accessible map.


On that note, it would be a good concept to force players explore the world (aside from their spawn point) to unlock areas of the map, thus making traveling inland and to other areas more reasonable. Everyone is currently forced to have a web browser running a website version of the map which can be irritating to people not wanting to alt-tab or run in windowed mode. Or simply not wanting to have a browser constantly running.


This map has the possibility of resetting (or not) as your character dies. Once again finding more reason to stay alive as you have explored most of the map. Or it can just save to your character and as long as you have played the game long enough, you have fair access to the map.


This is something I think we can all agree on right? What does everyone think?

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I think that Chernarus+ is way too little to need an always accessible map.


Chernarus+ is a very little map and very easy to run around.


After 10+ hours of gameplay you should always know your way around the entire zone, as there's even roadsigns.


Imagine if the RV engine could use the Just Cause 2 map and we all would have to walk around that map untill we got badly implemented vehicles.


Then I would agree with having an always accessible map.

Edited by Res

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Do you magically have a map of a place you have never been stored in your head? We can probably assume that our characters are not from the area.

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I think that Chernarus+ is way too little to need an always accessible map.


Chernarus+ is a very little map and very easy to run around.


After 10+ hours of gameplay you should always know your way around with the entire map, as there's even roadsigns.


Imagine if the RV engine could use the Just Cause 2 map and we all would have to walk around that map untill we got badly implemented vehicles.


Then I would agree with having an always accessible map.


10+ hours is not enough, by a long shot, to know the map mate.

It will perhaps be enough if you ONLY stick to roads and cities and NEVER EVER go into the wilderness, but proberly still not enough.

You need alot more then 10+ hours of gameplay to memorize this map, thats for sure.



I think the way we find maps right now is good as is, BUT it should be easier to find maps in certain areas, like the airfields or supermarkets, just areas that would have maps laying around IRL.

Perhaps increase the spawn rate of maps quite abit? I personally havent found a map for the past 25 hours of gameplay, going from the south coast to the east coast, through all the major cities.


But we should need to find the map before we can view it, i dont want a map from the start.

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I think that Chernarus+ is way too little to need an always accessible map.


Chernarus+ is a very little map and very easy to run around.


After 10+ hours of gameplay you should always know your way around the entire zone, as there's even roadsigns.


Imagine if the RV engine could use the Just Cause 2 map and we all would have to walk around that map untill we got badly implemented vehicles.


Then I would agree with having an always accessible map.


Just so you can compare:



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10+ hours is not enough, by a long shot, to know the map mate.

It will perhaps be enough if you ONLY stick to roads and cities and NEVER EVER go into the wilderness, but proberly still not enough.

You need alot more then 10+ hours of gameplay to memorize this map, thats for sure.



No, you don't.


If you get lost in the woods, go south, you'll eventually find a road, or the sea, if you follow whatever you find, you'll find a town, and there you go, you are perfectly localized.


You can even find roadsigns to a city you do know.


For me it was really easy.


Maybe knowing Russian has helped me a bit with the road signs.

Edited by Res
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No, you don't.


If you get lost in the woods, go south, you'll eventually find a road, or the sea, if you follow whatever you find, you'll find a town, and there you go, you are perfectly localized.


You can even find roadsigns to a city you do know.


For me it was really easy.


Maybe knowing Russian has helped me a bit with the road signs.


Most people dont even know how to find south without a compas mate, so it doesnt work like that really. :)

You might need only 10 hours, but that doesnt mean everybody needs 10 hours to memorize the entire map tbh.


A lot of people are having alot of trouble reading the road signs aswell (not complaining) so that doesnt really add up either.

And i can promise you, knowing russian has helped you ALOT in this game with the roadsigns :)


I also know about the size differences between the maps, but keep in mind the Arma maps are far more detailed then the Just Cause 2 map, it makes a big difference.


Im not trying to start a fight or anything, im just saying in general people need more then 10 hours of gameplay to memorize Chernarus, if they have never seen it before.

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10+ hours is not enough, by a long shot, to know the map mate.


1hr is enough to memorize the layout of the map and whee the major spots are. 9hrs is experiencing the map and converting 2D data into 3D data. If that is not enough time to memorize the key positions in such a small map...


Just so you can compare:


Some people already get lost when they have to go across the street...don't expect everyone to have a good sense of direction. In fact i'm playing with a couple of players who still get lost even with a GPS on...one wanted to drive from Zelenogorsk to Berezino and ended up in Lopatino...then got lost again while driving along Stary road to the east and ended up in Elektro but eventually found the spot he wanted to go. If he would have gotten lost on the coastal road northwards after that i would have lost all hope.

Edited by Enforcer
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1hr is enough to memorize the layout of the map and whee the major spots are. 9hrs is experiencing the map and convetrig 2D data into 3D data. If that is not enough time to memorize the key positions in such a small map...


We arent talking about key positions, we are talking about knowing the entire map, as the back of your hand and always know your way around.

Ive spend hundreds of hours in Arma II and DayZ in Chernarus, but i can still get lost once in a while.

Perhaps im bad at navigating? true :) But thats my point.


Some people need 10 hours, some need 100+ to memorize it, so saying 10 hours to learn the map is enough, just doesnt cut it for the 1.8 million players we have tbh.


Now im not suggesting we should start with a map or anything like that, im just saying some people really need maps in this game, some dont, but most people will.

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I find map pieces all the time,you just need to look and keep your eyes open and in fact I dont even use the maps anymore...there a waste of inventory space!

same as the compass,don't need it all that much anymore


Sun is South East usually so it is easy to navigate without a compass

I would have to agree that the map is easy to learn and reletively small


having a map from the start would make the game kind of arcadish IMHO

similiar to the Mod DayZ where you start with a gun etc.


I have even been totally lost and almost starved ,but have always found somewhere eventually.Even if it was just the maps border to orientate myself with.

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Since they increased loot spawns recently, I've found quite a few maps. You find pieces of it, then combine them to make the complete thing. I think it's good.


But it should be more accessible, and not require a loading screen when exiting map view.


I don't agree that an in-build HUD map is desirable. Things like that should be kept to an absolute minimum.

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On that note, it would be a good concept to force players explore the world (aside from their spawn point) to unlock areas of the map, thus making traveling inland and to other areas more reasonable. Everyone is currently forced to have a web browser running a website version of the map which can be irritating to people not wanting to alt-tab or run in windowed mode. Or simply not wanting to have a browser constantly running.



Forcing isn't always good but sometimes you have to but how should unlocking map areas work? What if a long time player decides to go bambi hunting on the coast? Where can those players excape to?


And you are not forced to use the browser map, if you don't like it don't use it. It's a crutch people use as an excuse because they are too lazy to learn the layout. It's not that hard...how many people have actually studied a map of their RL place but still know where to go? Those places are much bigger than in-game.

Edited by Enforcer

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Map when start? No. Map easier to find? Yes. Different versions of japs e.g. Military, tourist etc, etc yes.

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Since they increased loot spawns recently, I've found quite a few maps. You find pieces of it, then combine them to make the complete thing. I think it's good.


But it should be more accessible, and not require a loading screen when exiting map view.


I don't agree that an in-build HUD map is desirable. Things like that should be kept to an absolute minimum.


I can't agree with this and it annoys me having tiny pieces of map that don't exist in reality. One map is enough, there is no good reason to have 8 pieces of map and the town names need to be written in Cryllic. Having them in English is the most stupid thing I've seen in this game.

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Who uses in-game maps? I just keep one open in my browser.

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I can't agree with this and it annoys me having tiny pieces of map that don't exist in reality. One map is enough, there is no good reason to have 8 pieces of map and the town names need to be written in Cryllic. Having them in English is the most stupid thing I've seen in this game.


I get what you're saying, but I still quite like the map pieces. Some I've found are quarter-sections of the whole, some are half. Yet to find a complete one, but they might exist? I think it works quite well. You do get localised maps in reality - I don't know what you mean about that. But I agree they should be in cyrillic.


Think about this: if you're new to the game (and haven't discovered the on-line maps), you might find a map of SW Chernarus, for example. You don't know where you are, but decide you'd rather be somewhere you have a map for, so you head SW if you have a compass, or you could follow the coast, checking town names as you go until you reach one that's on your map. It adds a different dynamic, and encourages new players to explore.

Edited by Pillock

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I get what you're saying, but I still quite like the map pieces. Some I've found are quarter-sections of the whole, some are half. Yet to find a complete one, but they might exist? I think it works quite well. You do get localised maps in reality - I don't know what you mean about that. But I agree they should be in cyrillic.


Think about this: if you're new to the game (and haven't discovered the on-line maps), you might find a map of SW Chernarus, for example. You don't know where you are, but decide you'd rather be somewhere you have a map for, so you head SW if you have a compass, or you could follow the coast, checking town names as you go until you reach one that's on your map. It adds a different dynamic, and encourages new players to explore.


I have several OS maps at home that easily cover the region (and more) of Chernarus. They're in shops all over the place. What I haven't seen are maps as small 1/4 of the game sized map in rl (why would anyone make one that small anyway, a few square miles?).


Also there's a larger point at work here. I can find my way around the world pretty good as I've been playing for years but new players coming into the game? Maps aren't exactly scattered everywhere and when you do find one you have what, a 1 in 3 chance of it being in the area you're in (33%)? So assuming they find a map, say they dared to venture inland like the game designers want, they then further cripple them by making it impossible to tell what town they're in?


Could this get anymore thoughtless? The best option would have been to put both names on the maps and should be easily fixable in an update. I cannot think of a reason not to change it or a reason to have 8 separate map pieces - why do we need that extra layer of ridiculousness? 




checking town names as you go until you reach one that's on your map.


Didn't you read my whole post? How are you going to check town names?

Edited by Jexter

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Isn't JC2 made up half with mountains? Or are those just hills I can see?

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