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Knock (DayZ)

What You Get Attached To...

What You Get Attached To...  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you get attached to the most?

    • Gear (weapons, vests, etc.)
    • Buddies/Clan members
    • Aesthetic look of your character (Could be managing to look like a medic)
    • Your Character's Life (You lived a long time/went through hell)
    • Strangers (Could be fresh spawns being hunted, or maybe your patient)
    • Other (Comment yours)
    • *NEW* Adrenaline (Heart beating out of your chest)

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There is other stuff that you can get attached to other than gear. Other stuff that can make the game worth playing. What exactly is that for you?


For me, it's my friends really. There was one time where me and my friend were holed up in a building, and I was trying to think of what we should do next. My friend opened the back door, and he was gunned down. I immediately went after his killer in a fury, because there was another situation before that, where I had given my life to save my bud and it actually worked. And then he just gets gunned down in a backyard when I meet up with him again (kinda funny looking back at it now though).


So what do you get attached to? Is it awesome gear? Or is it the aesthetic look of your character? Friends maybe?


If you have multiple attachments and you can't pick the utmost important one, feel free to just post what they are in a reply.

Edited by Knock

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My char's life for sure. Gear is nothing, but the longer I live on a char- especially if I've had many player interactions be they good or bad, makes me value my char's life more and more. 

Edited by Amias Free
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I suspect all the derps will come in and say "Nothing, it's DayZ brah, don't get attached to nothing nub!"


But I get attached to the look of my character more than anything now that I think about it  (which is tied to gear, so it might be a bit redundant). Good job including that.

Edited by Katana67
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I picked "Gear" but there are multiple ones i would have liked to been able to choose from.

Edited by Deathlove

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I am so attached to Killing people that are attached to their gear or the way there characters look.


I am attached to ruining peoples day.

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For sure gear. My week consists of gearing up Mon to Fri and then I spend the weekend with friends having fun on the game. Usually die lol

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  On 4/10/2014 at 2:57 AM, NexVentor said:

I am so attached to Killing people that are attached to their gear or the way there characters look.


I am attached to ruining peoples day.


That's something new. I'll add "Prey" to the list.


EDIT: nevermind. I'll just keep it the way it is.

Edited by Knock

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I get attached to my gear in the sense I don't want anyone else to have it, I don't really care about it myself. Like I'd hate to get killed and supply my killer with tons of loot but I don't even care about the loot

Why do I hoard so much

Edited by Powell
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I am attached to adrenalin. This game offers it in spades. ;)

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  On 4/10/2014 at 3:08 AM, Powell said:

I get attached to my gear in the sense I don't want anyone else to have it, I don't really care about it myself. Like I'd hate to get killed and supply my killer with tons of loot but I don't even care about the loot

Why do I hoard so much

I feel the same way at times. I stripped down in a building before being murdered in Elektro before.


"You may try to take my gear, but you can never take my freedom."- Morgan Freeman


  On 4/10/2014 at 3:10 AM, lrish said:

I am attached to adrenalin. This game offers it in spades. ;)

Nice! Wish I had thought to add that before. 

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  On 4/10/2014 at 3:14 AM, Knock said:

Nice! Wish I had thought to add that before. 


You can still edit it in ;) 

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my clan members, i would sacrifice myself for them everyday (in dayz) but i don´t need to do that because thay are skilled, but i would.

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I died for them many times, gave them my last can of beans, rare gear that I've had soo much trouble finding and I know they will do the same for me.


You really shouldn't play DayZ as lonewolf. It's more fun tu run in a group and much safer to have someone watch your back.

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My life for sure.


When my avatar is alive for a couple of weeks I'm extremely cautious.

I hate the times I get KOS'ed after being alive for so long.

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  On 4/10/2014 at 2:17 AM, Katana67 said:

I suspect all the derps will come in and say "Nothing, it's DayZ brah, don't get attached to nothing nub!"


I'm one of those derps. :D I have simply played this and the mod far too long to get attached, I try not to let dying get to me any more. In fact, I usually end up finding a way to get myself killed because I enjoy the early stages of play.

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  On 4/10/2014 at 7:57 AM, Matej said:

when i find pristine anti-stab vest 

Is that the best vest in the game so far? Haven't played latest update yet.



  On 4/10/2014 at 6:57 AM, Alsmir said:


I died for them many times, gave them my last can of beans, rare gear that I've had soo much trouble finding and I know they will do the same for me.


You really shouldn't play DayZ as lonewolf. It's more fun tu run in a group and much safer to have someone watch your back.

Yeah I can relate to that. I run with a trio of people that I always look out for. I don't want the game to be "ruined" for them if they die, because I know I'm much more comfortable dying than they are.

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  On 4/10/2014 at 9:28 AM, Knock said:

Is that the best vest in the game so far? Haven't played latest update yet.


It's rare as hen's teeth but it's actually an awful vest, I think it's a placeholder.


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i love this scenario, the postapokalyptic zombie-world (as a huge zombiefan).
to play with my buddies and meet other people or kill other people, go together trough hell and you never know what will happen next.

maybe you get killed by another squad?
or, when you play alone, you meet "friendly" player/ a player and you never know if you can trust them/him.
do you kill them/him first or watch and maybe get killed later because you trusted them/him?

it`s not always easy and the most of the time i dont want to stay a long time with new people, because..hey, it`s dayz! never trust anyone.
but sometimes..you meet very nice players and sometimes (like yesterday) you meet players who kill you as an naked freshspawn and saying "i make me fear!!1, that`s because i kill you".. ;-)

Yeah..so there are many reasons why i live this game and the mod before.
I really hope its getting more like the world from j.l. bourne or max brooks. =)

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The random incounter i have with someone friendly were we end up surviving together is my main reason and main source of enjoyment in this game so i value allies over much else. Although the look of my character is a close second.

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  On 4/10/2014 at 9:10 AM, DarkwaveDomina said:

I'm one of those derps. :D I have simply played this and the mod far too long to get attached, I try not to let dying get to me any more. In fact, I usually end up finding a way to get myself killed because I enjoy the early stages of play.


Well, to that I'd say that there's a difference between getting attached to your gear and getting upset when you die. I get attached to my stuff, and then say "Wow, fair enough!" whenever I get killed.


And yeah, I find myself wanting (although never following through with) to start over from scratch. But I attribute that more to the lack of activities in DayZ than anything.

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  On 4/10/2014 at 2:09 PM, Katana67 said:

Well, to that I'd say that there's a difference between getting attached to your gear and getting upset when you die. I get attached to my stuff, and then say "Wow, fair enough!" whenever I get killed.

And yeah, I find myself wanting (although never following through with) to start over from scratch. But I attribute that more to the lack of activities in DayZ than anything.

Lol you sir have class! Whenever i die i immediatly scream every swear word that comes to mind into the mic. I get over it of course but i still get pretty upset.

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I value my bright blue UN helmet as the best part of my gear. It's impractical, but it's unique and I manage to find one every life for some reason.

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Iam personally starting to get attached to my charracter at the point when i find LRS, everything else is just a matter of time but that s.hit is a freakin lottery.... when they add some kind of binoculars it will get better but at this time LRS is essential.

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I would have to say the character. Gear can always be reacquired, but the inconvenience of a respawn in a random location is quite annoying.

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