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Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

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id hope with the cars you could use spray cans on them to change the color or put a camo pattern on them, Could take 20x cans to do a vehicle or something, but im sure that might be something theyll eventually put in, you can pant guns and stuff why not cars


But i think this thing would be awesome, its a Lada Niva i guess, would stick to the map theme.



Small cargo space but exelent off road 

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None. I'm the minority and I know they are coming but honestly the map is to small already. Vehicles are going to make it so quick to get across from point a to point b it's going to make the area feel like one or two towns and that it. So if I have to give an idea I say a unicycle. You asked.

Map too small? Vehicles will be rare anyway

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I'd like bicycles to be pretty plentiful. 


I still remember highjacking one in the mod. Was so much fun to try and get away

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All I ask for                                                             

                                                  :beans:  :beans:  :beans: 

Edited by Jorge_Assad
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This is all you ever need




That said, mostly junky old trucks and cars.


But, armed helicopters folks. They ain't scary if they ain't a threat. Gunners make that threat.


And this... please...



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Map too small? Vehicles will be rare anyway


Yes, map is small.  It doesn't take all that long to run anywhere in the game currently.  Sure for the CoD players or the ARMA players it seems like long runs but again I come from a MMO background and compared to the area they have this is a very small map.

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Yes, map is small.  It doesn't take all that long to run anywhere in the game currently.  Sure for the CoD players or the ARMA players it seems like long runs but again I come from a MMO background and compared to the area they have this is a very small map.

Ofc you had to bring up CoD... Anyway I'm not even demanding vehicles only because of the distances. It's about the feeling when you get your hands in a car or a chopper aswell and who doesn't like cars and choppers? :)

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Ofc you had to bring up CoD... Anyway I'm not even demanding vehicles only because of the distances. It's about the feeling when you get your hands in a car or a chopper aswell and who doesn't like cars and choppers? :)



I brought up CoD and ARMA (but you excluded the second.. of course) because they are wildly popular games that this game attracts players from simply in pointing out of your a FPS fan the map probably feels huge, if your a MMO player the map is small.  Simply explaining my point is all, wasn't speaking negative (or positive) to other players coming from any other game.


Oh, as far as cars and choppers? Well hell I liked using a nuke in Starcraft it was a blast (haha), doesn't mean it's suited for this game as it currently sits.  With cars and choppers Bandits/Highwaymen/Robbers/insert other non derogatory name here would be able to basically lock down newbie land and that's simply not good for the game.

Edited by StoutAle

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I would like to see at least one vehicle mounted with a medium caliber machine gun, obviously this would be end game along with the helicopter. maybe just a simple middle eastern jeep.



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I think this would fit with the environment ;)Ferrari-LaFerrari-Petrol-Station.jpg

Now seriously I would like some kind of not old car but russian or from an eastern car company. I would love an all-terrain lada and an MTB, thats all.

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any transport helicopter with side guns, preferably the huey

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I want every other vehicles in DayZ mod and military vehicles in Arma 3

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police car with working sirens:


edit: i want helicopters and planes but not with guns.

Edited by DMentMan
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I don't want any choppers maybe one of those crappy thin skinned civilian helos.




I wana see old toyota pickups those last forever.

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I want this to partake in drive-by shootings.




I love google, you can pretty much image for anything.

Edited by forddefect

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Simplicity and realism please! No harm having the odd military vehicle, but these should be rare as rocking horse shit and really hard to reassemble. For the most part it needs to be civilian vehicles: cars, busses, motorbikes and PUSHBIKES!

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I really hope they either increase the map size even more or add detrimental to driving top speed, since the cars in the mod could probably generate enough speed for lift-off if they were given wings.

(it's a post apocalyptic eastern European country so rocks and potholes should really be discouraging driving super super fast)


^ same goes for a helicopter but I think weather and wind, availability and technical skill requirements will hopefully play a solid role there.


The again I really enjoy the slow pace DayZ forces on you and I know a lot of people who don't.



anyway since I haven't seen anyone suggest this but quad bikes, they should really fit in well.



Also maybe some ancient soviet era amphibious vehicles/ military ones, although they should be very rare imo.

Edited by DedicateDdos

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