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As stated in the title, add the ability to kick things.


Things that kicking could have an effect on:









Dead Bodies (when ragdoll is added)






    Kicking would be a melee attack similar to fists. Kick damage would be depend on the type of shoe the person was wearing, and would also degrade the condition of the shoe over time. When zombie bodies are persistent, kicking could be used to kick the bodies out of your way.

Could also be used to kick people in the balls. Etc.


Tell me what your think below on my idea.

Edited by Jasonperson
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Kicking would be a good idea. It has a lot of purposes like you've said above. I believe it's a good way of countering punches if you're in a fistfight with some other player who's throwing punches as you trying to hit each others faces. This would also be great for kicking objects around, like kicking it aside(Like a weapon, let's say after you disarm someone and they tried to grab it again, just kick it out of there)

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Must have soccer balls if this gets implemented. Good idea though. Beans.

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I believe this has very recently been suggested. Try the search function before you post, or teh modz will hunt you down ;)

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I believe this has very recently been suggested. Try the search function before you post, or teh modz will hunt you down ;)

I did use the search function and looked for any posts on this in the past four months. Thought it might be suggested but it wasn't there. It might be a small part of a topic but not blatantly suggested. Maybe you should find the thread itself if you think it was recently posted, because I could not.

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Kicking dead bodies lol? Oh right, ur just another stupid kid, who wasnt taught any values, and thus has no respect for anything, pathetic.

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Kicking dead bodies lol? Oh right, ur just another stupid kid, who wasnt taught any values, and thus has no respect for anything, pathetic.

Is this really needed? Really? I mean we can handcuff people and shove rotten fruit down their throat so they slowly die from food poisoning. They know they will die and can't do anything about it, and you are upset because he might want to kick a bandit that was shooting at him that he killed? Also you talk about respect yet you give him none, so you are contradicting yourself. Yeah good on you mate.

Edited by Gregar700

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kicking a body could be used as a quick way to determine if it is dead or not ... if it makes noise/curls up it's alive ;)


I would then like to see a quick-kick option like back in Duke Nukem 3d, not that most of you know the game but it was awesome.

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Kicking dead bodies lol? Oh right, ur just another stupid kid, who wasnt taught any values, and thus has no respect for anything, pathetic.

I mentioned this because sometimes you have to wait for the zombies to despawn, since you are not able to move over it. Kick it out of the way so you can move. Not sure why kicking bodies causes so much disrespect. I would prefer non-ad hominem attacks too, so you could explain why kicking bodies is "wrong".

Edited by Jasonperson

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Kicking would be awesome. You could kick doors down and while handcuffed deliver some sort of savage looking kick so there'd be a way to get a jump on your abducters ..

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I mentioned this because sometimes you have to wait for the zombies to despawn, since you are not able to move over it. Kick it out of the way so you can move. Not sure why kicking bodies causes so much disrespect. I would prefer non-ad hominem attacks too, so you could explain why kicking bodies is "wrong".

Never had any problems with zombie corpses...Anyways, kicking dead bodies is just wrong, and I dont see a situation where such feature would be needed, because as I said, never had such issue even in the mod.

Your other ideas seemed pretty cool to me.

Edited by So Sexy

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I could see Kicking bodies as a means to kill unconscious players without a sound or wasting a potential bullet. I think if you need to check if someone is unconscious, the current system where you must manually check via pulse is more preferred and a much more realistic option.


Additionally I think that "Kicking" should also increase the chance of injuring ones leg if it fails to connect and hit a static object. I'd imagine trying to kick someone and accidently hitting a rock would likely cause some broken bones (while certainly not breaking a leg, but certainly near that regard)

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kicking, cool


also, whoever said kicking dead bodies is disrespectful, ppl shoot eachother for no reason? you think thats "respectful" but not kicking ? weird

Edited by qww
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Kicking zombies down the hill would be fun too

Or just to get some extra time to grab a weapon if a zombie surprises you.


The kick could be a bit like a defensive move to buy some time in any close combat fight (like in Chivalry Medival Warfare, if somebody plays that)

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Kicking dead bodies lol? Oh right, ur just another stupid kid, who wasnt taught any values, and thus has no respect for anything, pathetic.

was that really necessary? 

this is really nonconstructive, i would remove if i ware a moderator.

edit: you broke rule: 9) Unnecessary post, and 2) Flaming, reported.

Edited by DMentMan

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