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Put it back....lootable bodys after ten minutes

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enough said. im pretty sure everyone agree's. And if its immersion your worried about...well when you repawn technically your a new player or person...so that dead body on the ground is legit. this ruined me for dayz tonight..and in the current meta...you farm for loot...join a server with 40 people..and try to have some fun. don't make me fuckin play for another 2 hours doing nothing but lord of the ring style running around looking for a damn gun and some bullets just to glitch through a wall and die. I almost demolished my laptop tonight.. praise jesus for my patience and anger management skills. enough said.

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I'm going to sign your email account up for bestiality porn.



(Edit: Originally, the OP's full account name was his email address.)

Edited by Etherimp
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..and in the current meta...you farm for loot...join a server with 40 people..and try to have some fun. 

Man, you're just the worst.

Why aren't you just playing CoD or CS:GO?

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- I almost demolished my laptop tonight

- praise jesus for my patience and anger management skills


Pick one.


Anyway. Permadeath is an intended part of the game. If you could just run over and get all your loot back (which is still possible in some cases) that wouldn't be permadeath now would it?

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Pick one.


Anyway. Permadeath is an intended part of the game. If you could just run over and get all your loot back (which is still possible in some cases) that wouldn't be permadeath now would it?



THAT said.. I do think 10 minutes is a little short. A lot of fire-fights last more than 10 minutes.



I think 1-2 hours would make more sense... Maybe have all the loot in someones inventory degrade over the course of the 2 hours, along with an increased amount of "fly" sounds around the body..


So for example...


First 30 minutes, body is silent, gear is fine.

Second 30 minutes, a few sounds of flies, gear degrades 1 level

Third 30 minutes, more flies, body sinks 1/2 into the ground, gear degrades 2 levels.

Last 30 minutes, heavy flies, body sinks 3/4 into the ground, gear degrades 3 levels

After 2 hours, no more flies, body disappears, no gear left.

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How about instrad of the body sinking it turns into a skeleton slowly and the tear degades to ruins and into dust

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You server hop for gear, go kill everyone... thats what I picked from your OP. Now you are bored to hop for the gear and just want custom loadout. Yes that is basically what you are saying when you want to go loot that corpse of yours laying on the beach after you suicide few times to get close to it. What a bummer if your killer hid it or looted your gear...

OP proved, working as intented. QQ

Edited by Zeppa

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You server hop for gear, go kill everyone... thats what I picked from your OP. Now you are bored to hop for the gear and just want custom loadout. Yes that is basically what you are saying when you want to go loot that corpse of yours laying on the beach after you suicide few times to get close to it. What a bummer if your killer hid it or looted your gear...

OP proved, working as intented. QQ


Ehh what does OP mean, I see it everywhere :P

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OP proved, working as intented. QQ


That is BS. It was only implemented because the servers can't handle it.

Corpses have to be permanent. And if you whining lot can't stand the idea that a new character (permadeath lol) can loot an old one then it should be implemented in a way that

you cannot loot your own corpse (isn't logical at all since every other fresh spawn can do it but we have to take care of your delicate psyche and ego don't we?)

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That is BS. It was only implemented because the servers can't handle it.

Corpses have to be permanent. And if you whining lot can't stand the idea that a new character (permadeath lol) can loot an old one then it should be implemented in a way that

you cannot loot your own corpse (isn't logical at all since every other fresh spawn can do it but we have to take care of your delicate psyche and ego don't we?)

lol, it wasnt ment to be taken literally. It was just to poke the OP in his deathmatch frustration.

I agree, corpses should be permanent and lootable.

But you should not be able to loot your own body... that just compromise in this "perma non perma death" scenario. The problem is you know where the kitted out corple lays... if you woudnt know there woudnt be no problem for you looting it if you find it as it could be anyone.

Your killer should always have time to loot it. 10 minute despawn timer etc is not right neighter, gun fight lasts many times longer than that if there is groups fighting.

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because you're not the same character... you're a fresh new survivor... new person. deal with it or quit it :)

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Just play ARMA 2 or 3 PVP for christ sakes!


It's WAY WAY WAY better than DAYZ PVP.


You can even play 40 vs 40 -with a full load out..on this same map...


I don't get why you're even here...

Edited by doctor3d

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I like the idea of bodies decaying over time with changing effects (decomposition). It would be really cool to wander upon a corpse and see flies buzzing around it and trying to determine how long its been there based on its condition. However, I do not agree on this 1-2 or even permanent stasis. 30 min at most.

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Dissapearing corpses hardly have anything to do with permadeath. Other players will likley loot or hide your corpse (there you have your permadeath), so you might take whats left. And if you have friends there, there are still and will always be ways to get all the gear back, if they can hold the position. I suggest 20-45min until corspes dissapear, but they should dissapear after 5-10min when there is less than 8 Items or so on them. Why? To help the server handle all those corpses who commited suicide.


So I agree with Rauchsauger there. Seriously guys, get your fanboism under control. The OP didn't make the best post, but he has a point. Everyone I played with so far thought that the 10min timer is hillariously short.

Also doctor3d, to answer your question, but speaking for myself: I'm here for pvp aswell, but nothing is as intense as dayz, not arma2 or whatever. And why? Because of permadeath.


Also on flies: NO WAY. We got rid of that and that's good. It was like that for a long time in dayz and everyone hated the annoying loud flies on the corpses you can't get rid of. Also corpses would hardly decay in 2 hours or so. 

Edited by Khanarac

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Pick one.


Anyway. Permadeath is an intended part of the game. If you could just run over and get all your loot back (which is still possible in some cases) that wouldn't be permadeath now would it?

Agreed but at this buggy stage in the game i think the time needs to be increased to 15 minutes. For example last night i was in the second floor of police station above NEAF against a wall and a zombie came up and hit me, this pushed me through the wall as if you are pushed by a zombie you ignore walls, and i fell to my death. I got a berizino spawn and ran straight back there got half my gear but as i left my body to drop my first gun when i went to pick up my second gun i could no longer access the body.


It does not bother me but sometimes as we all know your death can be out of your control.

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I don't like the idea of bodies despawning.


They are far too useful for gameplay reasons to simply have them disappear.


A dead body is a tell tale sign of trouble or some poor guys bad luck.


Seeing a body in game should give you butterflys it should instantly give you a doze of adrenaline making you wonder if there is a sniper looking at you at the moment, if it was simply zombies that took him out.


Bodies need to stay as long as the server is up, and only despawn on restarts.



Perhaps if retards stop suiciding this could happen.

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Im not really sure what people are debating anymore.
Is it that the time is too short
Is it that you cant loot your coprse?
Or borth?

In any case permadeath(feeling of it) does not exist if you gear from your own corpse, same with anything persistent you can store your gear.
I dont feel exitement from combating if I can just run few minutes to gear back again from certain spot, this was even more problem in the mod when you had tents full of gear.

What does make dayz more intense than wasteland etc mods for arma?

Edited by Zeppa

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When I started with the SA I spawned in Kami and there was  a PILE of bodies.

It was intense. WTF happened? Are - whoever did this - still here? Is there something useful on the bodies?


It was simply great. So what if people can get their gear back?

Hide the body

Wait for them to return just to kill 'em all over again

Loot the body

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THAT said.. I do think 10 minutes is a little short. A lot of fire-fights last more than 10 minutes.



I think 1-2 hours would make more sense... Maybe have all the loot in someones inventory degrade over the course of the 2 hours, along with an increased amount of "fly" sounds around the body..


So for example...


First 30 minutes, body is silent, gear is fine.

Second 30 minutes, a few sounds of flies, gear degrades 1 level

Third 30 minutes, more flies, body sinks 1/2 into the ground, gear degrades 2 levels.

Last 30 minutes, heavy flies, body sinks 3/4 into the ground, gear degrades 3 levels

After 2 hours, no more flies, body disappears, no gear left.


This is definitely not the final implementation and will be looked into further. Don't you worry :)



How about instrad of the body sinking it turns into a skeleton slowly and the tear degades to ruins and into dust


Sounds nice. I'm afraid it would be pretty hard to do though.

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Just play ARMA 2 or 3 PVP for christ sakes!


It's WAY WAY WAY better than DAYZ PVP.


You can even play 40 vs 40 -with a full load out..on this same map...


I don't get why you're even here...

Because it is easier to murder here on SA, many ppl try to play the game and interact with others...making them easy targets. I wish that there where a Karma-system, or a long and boooring initiation/qualification routine that would slow down them psycho-killers.

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And if its immersion your worried about...well when you repawn technically your a new player or person...so....


How do you know where your dead body is if you're a new player - do you suddenly have clairvoyance? 

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Its called permadeath for a reason.

I think you should in no way be able to get your loot back.

I used to think this way, but over the last couple weeks, I've had too many 'glitch' deaths. Imagine you are killed by another player, they can come and loot you, or have a buddy do it. Time isn't really an issue in this instance. However, say you are on a ladder or roof somewhere(remote town), and the game rubber-bands you to death, or you get a demon-possessed ladder. No one will ever find your body, as no one is within miles of your corpse. However, at least you could 'revenge' your death by picking up the parts of your gear that aren't ruined. This is the same type reason that I won't carry anything valuable in my pants in DAYZ. The chance of it being ruined for no reason are too high.

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enough said. im pretty sure everyone agree's. And if its immersion your worried about...well when you repawn technically your a new player or person...so that dead body on the ground is legit. this ruined me for dayz tonight..and in the current meta...you farm for loot...join a server with 40 people..and try to have some fun. don't make me fuckin play for another 2 hours doing nothing but lord of the ring style running around looking for a damn gun and some bullets just to glitch through a wall and die. I almost demolished my laptop tonight.. praise jesus for my patience and anger management skills. enough said.

Try getting loot without server hopping. The game isnt about having loot and getting into fights with it. The game is about surviving. Running to your dead body, or 'farming loot (i assume your either joining low pop or server hopping) isnt what this game is about. You may be able to do it now but its going to get harder. Using your old body as a type of respawn system and not participating in the experience of gearing up on a populated server is denying yourself the unique experiences of this game.


If you want to shoot people so bad I hear good things about arma 3, or if thats still to hard for you titan fall seems to be popular.

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