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About doctor3d

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  1. doctor3d

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    I read that they were thinking of adding bears... Imagine you killed one..and you wanted the meat and fur. Unless you had a large vehicle - you wouldn't be able to move it. You would need to harvest it right there where it died - whether that's in the middle of an open field or not. While the action may be automatic - like pressing "F" and scrolling to get "Meat & Fur" or whatever - the length of time that it takes should be fairly long. It shouldn't be just press "F" and two seconds later you have bear burger and a new coat. It should take some time - time which you are vulnerable to bandits, zeds, and\or whatever else. You'll then need to move all that you harvested - the meat must be cooked -eating raw gives a variable sickness probability (like rotten fruit does -but greater) and the fur coat, hat or whatever else must be made with a kit. I'll be severely disappointed if they just allow you to shoot a bear or deer and instantly stick everything in your backpack...lol
  2. doctor3d

    Hunting- It better be damn hard

    Red Dead Redemption was the closest to perfecting this and the hunting in even that game was still abit too easy. But, it had things like you suggested such as ruined meat. I suggest the devs use RDR as inspiration for the open-world hunting and build off that while maintaining a focus on making it much more realistic.
  3. doctor3d

    Stashing LOOT

    Since storing items on the coast would be a horrible idea, the boondocks up north would be a lot more dangerous if they were actually some potential campers guarding their or their group's stash in them.. The positives outweigh the negatives. Eventually, when you consider all of the possible implementations such as tents and hunting, the player count for servers probably needs to be increased as the general play area is going to get more and more spread out. Vehicles will help some, but I HOPE they don't have too many of them. I personally want vehicles to be very rare - I want them to be hard to obtain, hard to maintain, and hard to keep.
  4. Just play ARMA 2 or 3 PVP for christ sakes! It's WAY WAY WAY better than DAYZ PVP. You can even play 40 vs 40 -with a full load out..on this same map... I don't get why you're even here...
  5. doctor3d

    Zombies in the next stable build....

    For these current 'placeholder' zombies - really all they need to do is tweak their re-spawn system some. Maybe add a longer delay and\or increase the range at which they re-spawn from the targeted player. I do get annoyed when a zombie seemingly spawns right on top of me moments after I just took him out. Breaks the immersion.
  6. It's rare for a mod of a mod to be better than its predecessor. Actually, it's rare for a mod to even be as good as Dayz turned out to be. Out of the thousands and thousands of mods for games that have been released over the years; few are ever that enjoyable to me. Most of the time, the mods RUIN the game for me. A lot of games in the past have been overtaken by crummy mods that do nothing but split up the community with various forms of garbage (imo). Especially - things like having infinite overpowered items, more health, etc etc -those really ruin it for me. But, it's always worth it, for that rare exception though. If it wasn't for mods we wouldn't have Counter Strike, Red Orchestra, and Dayz.
  7. doctor3d

    DayZ Standalone vs DayZ Mod

    Yeah, that's too much for me. To already have a fully funcitonal helicopter within a few minutes of playing...meh..defeats the purpose for me.
  8. doctor3d

    "My leg hurts... You are dead!"

    I wonder if random, but periodic morphine injections would prevent it.
  9. doctor3d

    Bleeding, No bandage or rags at SW Airfield

    It's a trap!!! :D
  10. doctor3d

    Would you shoot me...

    Chances are high you would just damage it when you guys were in a confrontation, unless you were very, very careful about it.
  11. doctor3d

    What is going on with Dayz right now?

    Beans for your sterling effort, good sir.
  12. doctor3d

    DayZ Standalone vs DayZ Mod

    I was curious about this too as I love the SA but never played any of the mods. But, everyone I asked and everywhere I looked - the majority opinion was that the hacking and glitches were really bad in the mod versions. It also appears there are very few players that really even play the vanilla version of the mod - most seem to want to play a game where you start with everything or within a vicinity of quick access to being fully geared. Just seems like more trouble than it's worth -when you consider all the various versions of these mods - and split up community within them. I just decided to roll with SA and watch it grow into a glorious game or fall into a pit of fail. Either way, i'll stick with it as I like it.
  13. Seems like you guys that want to constantly be in firefights and whatnot would have much more fun playing ARMA. DAYZ in a firefight, gun battle sense - is only a very watered down version of ARMA.