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1st person too zoomed in when aiming?

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I find aiming in 1st person little too close with a handgun and widening the FOV doesn't seem to help much without breaking the 3th person view...


Anyone else finding the same?

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Yes it has always been like this. It is absolutely horrible on my 32" widescreen monitor. Luckily at least you can turn your head unlike most games which makes it a little better. The FoV slider in this game 3pp or 1pp is just weird and doesn't seem like it works right.

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It would be great to have separate FOV sliders for 1st and 3th person view at some point but I don't see that happening although it may not be as hard to implement. I must say that the turning head only is easy to get used to and really useful and often find myself trying the same in other games

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1pp view.. that mtn backpack  >:(


And yes, I experience the same thing in 1pp. Horrid ADS. 

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Its the opposite for me, as I go with max FOV. I barely get any zoom.

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I think it greatly depends on screen size and resolution. I play on 24'' 1080p and when clearing buildings with a pistol in hand it feels like I'm wearing a cardboard box over my head and all I am able to see is half of the room where I should have a clear visual of the entire room. 

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Changing the FOV slider works for me and looks like every other FPS i've ever played. It's a sight, it zooms in, you can adjust that - what's the issue?


edit: we need some pictures STAT! lol

Edited by Jexter
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As per my early post if I widen the FOV to get comfortable 3th pers view it is then too wide for 1st person and make seem everything...too far

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I miss the arma 2 method of aiming.


Where you can aim, then press and hold right mouse button and it focuses in and zooms further making iron sighted shots at 300-400m possible.

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Changing the FOV slider works for me and looks like every other FPS i've ever played. It's a sight, it zooms in, you can adjust that - what's the issue?


edit: we need some pictures STAT! lol

Because people don't want to max out their FOV just so their sights don't zoom too much. I have my FOV just past the middlepoint where I like it and I cannot stand the zoom on the pistols and some other iron sights. It's like I'm putting blinders on. There should be zero zoom on pistols.

Edited by solodude23

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You talking about this?


I notice it as well.

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I miss the arma 2 method of aiming.


Where you can aim, then press and hold right mouse button and it focuses in and zooms further making iron sighted shots at 300-400m possible.

This would solve the problem

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Yeah, iron sights is too zoomed in.  It makes close quarters combat extremely awkward and forces 3rd person hip shooting.  It's ridiculous when you can't hit a zombie trying to attack you unless you shoot from 3rd person because it's too close.

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This would solve the problem


Yea unzoomed for close range targets , and scanning for targets.


Hold right mouse for precision shots.

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Because people don't want to max out their FOV just so their sights don't zoom too much. I have my FOV just past the middlepoint where I like it and I cannot stand the zoom on the pistols and some other iron sights. It's like I'm putting blinders on. There should be zero zoom on pistols.


 Maybe because i have my fov just under the middle point so when i go to my weapon the difference is not so dramatic ? If i go to middle or any higher the world starts to look weird on my 42 inch screen.

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I use the "- (num)" to gain a little FOV while ADS.

It's not much but does help.


This is tricky to explain so bare with me.


By default "- (num)" is set to zoom out, and you can also toggle it with "-(num) x2"

Now, I delete  the momentary one and change the toggle to a single press of "-(num)".


Then I set my default FOV lower to compensate for the amount that I just gained from toggling zoom out, which now gives me the same FOV as I had before toggling,

but I gain that extra zoom when ADS.


All this does is give you a closer view when ADS, which is the opposite of what the OP is saying, but wanted to share this weird trick without starting a new topic.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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As per my early post if I widen the FOV to get comfortable 3th pers view it is then too wide for 1st person and make seem everything...too far

Try double tapping + and - on your num pad. And generally the fov is because you are sighting down the gun. Are you saying just 1pp vs 3pp in general? Or when you are aiming? If the later dont right click tell you are ready to fire?

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Try double tapping + and - on your num pad. And generally the fov is because you are sighting down the gun. Are you saying just 1pp vs 3pp in general? Or when you are aiming? If the later dont right click tell you are ready to fire?


The problem is that the + or - has to be hold / pressed down which is ok for zooming in but not so much when trying to un-zoom


@Gews - precisely that is what I mean

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The problem is that the + or - has to be hold / pressed down which is ok for zooming in but not so much when trying to un-zoom


@Gews - precisely that is what I mean

Double taping it locks it in :)

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