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GhostSlayer (DayZ)

Would you like DayZ on Console?

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    I really want DayZ to stay PC only. I have found that the PC community is way more mature and responsible than the console community, which is filled with many very young children. Anyway, I want PC to keep DayZ :)

Idc for PS4 version of DayZ. Let the kids destroy themselves. PC will stay a bit more mature than PS4/xBone, even if DayZ comes to consoles.

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If you love DayZ and playing on consoles, there is some great news: it looks like DayZ Standalone will be coming to the PS4!

Dean “Rocket” Hall says he would be happy to see DayZ Standalone come to any console, but at this point it looks like the Xbox One will be out of the picture due to massive prices for patches. On the opposite end is the PS4, which does not charge anything for patches, meaning updates can be pumped out faster and more efficiently.

Sony Wants DayZ Standalone

According to Escapist Magazine, Sony has actually shown interest in getting DayZ Standalone on their console for months now. This is an awesome sign because this means they should be much more interested in helping the game not only be ported over successfully, but also with helping make the game more successful. For what is basically an indie game, this is something we really don’t see all that often!

Bringing More DayZ Players

As with any game, getting more publicity means more players. Along with this, the more accessible a game is, the more people will be interested in giving it a try. By giving players a choice of DayZ Standalone on both the PC and PS4, this enhances the number of people that can access it, meaning a bigger population and a bigger backing.

Having the game on both systems can cause problems with patching, as we’ve seen recently with games like Defiance, but as long as everything is handled with caution there should not be too many problems.




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thay can´t handle dayz probably, and thay should focus on the pc version anyway, so yeah.

Edited by DMentMan

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No.  For the same reason I pick pc versions over console.  Community support and projects..

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