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Logout timer/Combat Log timer tweak..

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I suggest the logout timer and combat log timer be adjusted. Currently you log out, and are in game for another 30 seconds. Many people have issues with being killed by zombies or players during this logout process and do not know until they log in again later.


In the Dayz mods there was the same feature, but you were not logged out.. you selected quit, and a 30 second timer would start. You could not log out until it finished, if you did by hitting altf4 or any other method you would be killed most likely by the system and would spawn on the coast fresh. So you had to let the timer finish. Now at any time you could back out of the timer process, but it took hitting escape about 3 times before you were back in game. It was not instantaneous. This took long enough to make it possible to survive a bad situation but still left combat loggers at a serious disadvantage. The screen was visible while the 30 seconds counted down, but it was blurred out and the noises were deafened slightly. 


I personally have no issues with the way it is now, but others seem to. So I think this small tweak would be a great way of making everyone understand what happens during that time out process. :)


TL;DR Instead of you logging out to the lobby and your player stays in game for another 30 seconds, you hit quit and see a 30 sec. timer start to count down. When it finishes you can select OKAY and leave the game immediately. You see the same screen the entire time, as when you hit escape in game to select quit, while the timer counts down. 

Edited by lrish

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I'd like the option to have the 30 second wait, But if you alt+f4 to avoid it, you still get your friendly neighbourhood ai that derps around where you last were.

Remember the timer in the mod was fairly basic and easy to bypass by either Altf4 or Task manager?

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They've already tested and dismissed this idea, I believe Rocket called the potential use for abuse "Ghost Combat-logging."


I think it's better to twerk and get the zombie spawns, to begin adjusting combat-timers, because zombie spawns is a little buggy atm.

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You could not log out until it finished, if you did by hitting altf4 or any other method you would be killed most likely by the system and would spawn on the coast fresh. So you had to let the timer finish


Seems a little harsh. Remind me never to have a powercut or have my computer crash while playing DayZ.


Besides that I like it. Seems fair. Provided that the screen is so obscured that combat loggers can't continue fighting until the 30-second timer runs out then I have no problem with it.


Perhaps leaving the game suddenly (alt-f4, crash, etc) could result in the current system whereby your character remains in the game for 30 seconds.

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Has anyone ever considered logging out safely? Instead of logging out in the middle of the town, which the timer is trying to prevent you could just log out in the middle of nowhere, where you'd normally not be chased by Zomberinos.


It sometimes can be that easy, logging out as intended in a safe area instead of somewhere where you can be mauled by Zomberinos within 30 seconds.


If you were to log out in a bush in a forest rather than a city I don't see where you'd be killed by then environment.

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How about after pressing log out a timer comes up and count's down 30 seconds the ONLY button is "quit now" for those who want to see themselves get gunned down for trying to combat log.

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