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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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Haha - I just realized, if you gave the zombs a little more hit power, they'd be about as dangerous as average players

About as smart

And they are already just as predictable as players

Players come through walls too, hehe

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As per the latest changelog, post your feedback here. Keep it constructive.



They are indeed too fast.  In all honesty, Zombies shouldn't be able to "Claw you" into bleeding unless your clothing is Damaged, Badly Damaged, or Ruined.  Now if they're at Worn or Pristine status, obviously the Zombies should be damaging the clothing, but if you're wearing a long sleeve shirt, how is a zombie able to claw right through your shirt and rip your skin virtually everytime they swing at a pristine/worn article of clothing?


I really don't think Zombies should ever be able to run faster than players, they may be infected or however you may want to spin it, but they're still human beings.  Just because an infection makes them not "feel" pain, their bodies will still give out, and just because they're infected doesn't make them the best Olympic athletes imaginable.


I heard at one point the team was looking at making Zombies into roaming/moving hoards rather than static spawns dispersed throughout cities/towns, that'd be great.  However it'd be completely asinine to have zombies moving in hoards at a gathered pace, and the instant they see a player suddenly can run a 40 in 3 seconds.

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You can still one-shot a zombie with an axe, but I find it very difficult indeed.



If all I had was a kitchen knife in the zombie apocalypse, you'd best believe I would be stabbing it through the head, not swinging with it like it's a fucking sword.


Kitchen knife should be one-hit bleed, and if you're even remotely aiming at a zombie's head should be a stabbed headshot.  The machete should be more than capable of being driven into a skull causing head trauma enough to incapacitate a zombie.  At its current rendition, I'd be surprised to see the machete cut off a finger.

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Oh you mean they aren't being one-shotted any more  :rolleyes: .  Uh ya, you kind of actually have to hit them multiple times now as they aren't as much of easy-mode as they use to be.


But it's like impossible Lol, tried quite often, idk :/ ^-^ 

They're like immortal at all! :c

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If all I had was a kitchen knife in the zombie apocalypse, you'd best believe I would be stabbing it through the head, not swinging with it like it's a fucking sword.


Kitchen knife should be one-hit bleed, and if you're even remotely aiming at a zombie's head should be a stabbed headshot.  The machete should be more than capable of being driven into a skull causing head trauma enough to incapacitate a zombie.  At its current rendition, I'd be surprised to see the machete cut off a finger.


If the infected had been slow and lumbering I can understand if it should be automatic headshots to dispose of them. But consider the fact that they move like a normal human. It's kind of hard hitting someone in the head as they're weaving and bobbing.


And then there's the issue of penetrating a cranium.

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Is this thing where zombies are not a one hit kill with an axe, is it a bug or is it permanent? Cuz it's kind a annoying.

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I honestly think that it was the best move DayZ has made so far making the Zombies run so fast in this latest patch (about 3 hours ago released). I'm on stable and I've never had to experience the Zombie Apocalypse as fun as this. Now, you have to actually care about the zombies, they are not just annoying now and the thing keeping you from having fun. They are now things that you have to worry about, and scare you. Me and my friend just ran through Elektro and almost died ~8 times from zombie attacks where 15 of them were flourishing from all directions at super speeds and almost tore us apart.

The game is amazing with this new addon? And they are now thinking about bringing it down back to normal because people will complain....

The fact that when running with my M4 out makes the zombies catch up to me and overpower me and kill me is a really good feeling now. I know it sounds odd, but the Mod was a PVP fest, a call of duty on a big map. Now we have a real zombie game. Something that makes us work to loot, its not the player that is the enemy anymore, its the zombies.

Do not let this happen? Show the love, its a zombie apocalypse, we need to fear the zombies.

I do agree that the zeds should be tough to deal with, the previous state was a bit weak. On the other hand, I don't think they should aggro or spot you from miles away, nor should they respawn instantly close by.

It should feel as if there are 100 zombies coming from afar (if gun shots rang off), and not as if the same 10 zeds are respawning right in front of your eyes. Takes away from the depth and feels like infinite survival mode at that point.

Most of us want to move on to looting after dealing with the zeds in that area.

I think the devs are on the right track, just needs some additional tweaking.

It's a zombie apocalypse, it should feel that way.

Edited by Vex_Vehix

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Yeah it could be difficult to encounter the Zs, but right now it's like 20 hits with an axe on them, but they won't die.

Tried it all, but didn't work somehow.

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New modifications on zombies are rather silly. I had one aggro me at the NW airport and it FOLLOWED me all the way to the military base just to the south. I was in turbo the entire way. Not even LOS broke aggro. I killed it as I was tired of the growling and 3 spawned. The only way to lose aggro is to literally log out.


1. They run too fast. Should they be able to run as fast as a player in turbo mode?

2. Aggro from too far away even when stealthing. Seems the devs gave them the ESP hack......(sarcasm)

3. No way of breaking aggro in a reasonable fashion.

4. They spawn way to quick and next to a player proximity.

5. Zombies now have the magically ability to hit the player from 50 yards away.

6. I also noticed that when having zombies chase the player, he/she is "warped back" to the zombie. I have had this happen to me a dozen times and got plummelled each time.


One positive benefit to this change is the bandits are too busy from the "enhanced" zombies as well. The one change I do like is that the player will bleed more often once struck by a zombie but it should not be on the first hit. I would think that the condition of the gear being worn by the player should have a factor in the bleed.


That is my 2 cents..

Whoa there dawg. Pretty sure you're having lag issues, which is a problem on your end. I get the same problems, because I'm from Straya. Thanks a lot Abbott you absolute cunt.

Gear making you more resilient to bleeding is a great idea. No clothing/ruined clothing- bleed 90% of the time when hit, average clothes bleed maybe 50% of the time and wearing military vests or ghillie suits brings you down to 25% of the time bleed after hit. Or something along those lines, anyway.

Also, super serious time now: Why do zombies cause bleeding on most hits, rather than broken bones? If a frenzied zombie is hitting you really hard in the ribs, then those ribs should break and internal bleeding follow, IMO, rather than "zombie hits you in the shirt, you start pissing out haemoglobin". Broken ribs would be the hardest to treat, legs and arms a bit easier. Obviously it's a long term goal, but it's an important realism consideration. Crawling zombies would be more likely to break your ankle, and bites would be the most likely source of bleeding from then on [running zombie tackles you to the ground, bites you, not common unless the zombie has been running for a bit though].


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I think most people aren't really seeing where they hit the zombies, in third person aiming at the head you're hitting their shoulder most of the time. It's a lot easier in first person, so long as you click on their head they usually go down.

There's the odd case of them getting back up but when it takes like 10 hits you're just doing it wrong.


What I notice is in first person, disregard the attack animation. If you click on their head you hit their head you don't have to try time the swing to hit them it just does unless it's lagging out.



But they are too powerful and too fast.

Why do they cause bleeding at all anyway?

Punch someone in the arm, they're not going to start bleeding they'll get a bruise or a fracture at best.

If some zombies had some kind of claws then that would be better but atm they just slap you and suddenly your arm rips open.


I think they should add a zombie type that has claws for bleeding and otherwise they should cause rib fractures and make your character in pain, bruises(then painkillers could actually do something)

The more pain your character is in the more likely they are to get knocked out.


A pain status is the way to go bleeding should be relatively uncommon and more dangerous, sewing kit should be used to stitch wounds for faster healing bandages shouldn't be an insta-fix of course.



Anyway I think he devs should just stop adding new features to zombies and making them more powerful until they can't run through walls, they can go upstairs now there is almost no escape it takes minutes to get ahead of them you only run like .5% faster than them...

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I really don't think Zombies should ever be able to run faster than players, they may be infected or however you may want to spin it, but they're still human beings.  Just because an infection makes them not "feel" pain, their bodies will still give out, and just because they're infected doesn't make them the best Olympic athletes imaginable.

You dum doog, zombies have both the advantages of not feeling pain and not being weighed down like the player. That's a huge advantage when it comes to long range sprints. Sure, zombies should never be faster than Bambis, but once we get weight systems going they should definitely be faster than a player  with a ghillie suit mountain backpack carrying 20 cans of beans, 2 medkits, multiple canteens, a rifle, another rifle and an axe. So saying "I don't think Zombies should ever be able to run faster than players" is a bit of a bad idea.

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But they are too powerful and too fast.

Why do they cause bleeding at all anyway?

Punch someone in the arm, they're not going to start bleeding they'll get a bruise or a fracture at best.

If some zombies had some kind of claws then that would be better but atm they just slap you and suddenly your arm rips open.


I think they should add a zombie type that has claws for bleeding and otherwise they should cause rib fractures and make your character in pain, bruises(then painkillers could actually do something)

No Krazy Klaws, please. It's better to keep this realistic to increase player immersion.

The only explanation I could think of for the bleeding was long fingernails.

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No Krazy Klaws, please. It's better to keep this realistic to increase player immersion.

The only explanation I could think of for the bleeding was long fingernails.


That's what I mean not like Wolverine claws :D

Imagine that though.


If they're going to have zombies that run on all fours, like in Red Dead Redemption then I think they should have long nails and cut you. Maybe they could be hairy and freaky looking too, perhaps their hair and nails continue to grow so an older zombie has the nails and hair then that would make it seem like the more fresh zombies are from people recently killed instead of just everyone but players being dead.


As for weight...I think people should still be able to run faster with lots of gear on, but for a LOT less longer. So you could escape one zombie but not be energized or hydrated any more, currently those status' last forever so it would increase the need to actually use and find food.

Could chalk the equal speed up to being adrenaline making your character go nuts, burning through their stamina.

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Zombies are very unbalanced.


I mean come on, would a rotting corpse really run faster and hit harder than a living breathing survivor?


Here are some tips on how to balance out zombies:

  • Make some fast, some slow.
  • Make walls & buildings be useful for escaping the undead.
  • Make hitting/shooting the head slightly more useful than body shots, but also make body shots do a good amount of damage.
  • Make throwable items distractions.
  • Fix the aggrovation distance! Would a zombie really smell a player from almost half a mile away? A military service dog can't do that.
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Zombies are very unbalanced.


I mean come on, would a rotting corpse really run faster and hit harder than a living breathing survivor?



They're not rotting corpses. They're living humans infected with a virus similar to the infected in the movie "28 days later".

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I feel like the zombies went in a direction that I don't personally like, let me explain.  I remember seeing gameplay videos of zombies that would walk/jog, but not sprint.  I liked those zombies, they weren't slow, however, they weren't fast.  Now it seems like all of the zombies sprint and jump, and I feel like it gets annoying.  There is also far too few zombies out in the world, I know they've said this is due to technical reasons... but didn't they say it was also because it was a mod in the DayZ mod early days?  How is it that Breaking Point, a mod for Arma 3, has far more zombies? I can look over the sprinting (although annoying, I feel like it's too fast) but, there needs to be a huge increase in the amount of zombies.  I'm tempted to buy Arma 3 for breaking point to wait for the zombies to become a challenge, yet fun in DayZ SA.


I guess I figured a Standalone game would have faster development times than a mod, was I incorrect in assuming this?

Edited by Shadowless
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The DayZ SA has all of the zombies placed at server restart. In the mod the zeds spawn when you go near to a town (and despawn when you leave) so in reality there is far fewer zeds over the map. I think greater zombie numbers are planned the further the SA progresses (along with proper zombie respawning)

Edited by Timmymachine109

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They're not rotting corpses. They're living humans infected with a virus similar to the infected in the movie "28 days later".

We don't what what they are. What we do know, is that they love human flesh.

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And they are all just placeholder zombies until the permanent version get in.
So if you hate em now just wait for them to develop proper once.

I guess I figured a Standalone game would have faster development times than a mod, was I incorrect in assuming this?


Yes :)

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I just don't like this running zombie

I like standard zombie lore, zombies are zombies and they dont run.

If you whant them to run call them the infected.

Sorry if i get all fanboy over it.

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The "zombies" are living humans that are infected with a rage virus and humans can run so doesn't make sense for them to just walk/jog in game.


They are limited zombies because so much work is being put into the game right now that the servers can't handle that number of entities. As the game progresses over the next few months it will be more stable and more zeds will be added.

Excuse me but i disagree totally with your opinion. Only in the case that if you meet a zombie athletics team nor agree. Tradition has always taught us that zombies attack in groups or surprise not to race ... And what about his prodigious visual abilities with rotten brain and eyes!!!!!

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The "zombies" are living humans that are infected with a rage virus and humans can run so doesn't make sense for them to just walk/jog in game.

Have you seen the zombies in Breaking Point?  They're speed/run is way better... imo.  They still run/stumble, but not full out sprint.



Excuse me but i disagree totally with your opinion. Only in the case that if you meet a zombie athletics team nor agree. Tradition has always taught us that zombies attack in groups or surprise not to race ... And what about his prodigious visual abilities with rotten brain and eyes!!!!!


Agreed.  They can still be fast, but not as fast as they are... if that makes sense.

Edited by Shadowless

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