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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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i really hope they just make the zeds so unbeleivably buggy and alarming that they literally scare off the call of duty fan boys hell bent on ruining this game :) they shud stay in confined maps of small spaces where they should shoot blindly as they run round each corner (just in case something/one else is round there). this game is amaze balls and i have high hopes for where it will be in 1 or 2 years time :)

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Here's my executive summary (I read somewhere that they're not Zombies, but rather Infected, so I shall refer to them as Infected)...



  • Infected speed makes the more of a threat
  • Respawning Infected is good and keeps on the pressure to be observant of your surroundings


Cons (which I understand is mostly just because some things aren't fixed/put in the game yet):

  • Infected respawning near players and in line of sight
  • Infected line of sight/reaction to noise is ridiculous at the moment
  • Walls don't block line of sight to Infected
  • Infected have limited collision detection to walls

So here's my long and short of the positive side of things:
I love that the Infected are faster because their speed makes them a valid threat now. With the Infected respawning while playing on the server, it heightens the need to have situational awareness. Since this is just a new implementation and not a finished product, I can understand why the Infected spawn randomly in front of you... rather, that they have specific spawn spots, which in my opinion is fine. It's not optimal, because it breaks immersion, but I'm sure even this could be fixed, making them spawn inside sheds/buildings and walk outside (like they did in the mod).

I noticed that I didn't bleed every time an Infected hit me, so that's been a nice change. I think the randomness with which I am made to bleed by an Infected attack is decent right now.

Now, here's my assessment of the negative parts:

A lot of the buildings still don't block the visual cone of the Infected and that is something that needs to be addressed BEFORE the Infected are made more difficult. It seems that either their auditory or visual cone is quite large and may need some toning down.

I'm not a fan of the Infected ruining player gear in one hit (just reading on the forum of this occurrence even though I haven't had this happen myself). If this is the case, it should definitely be toned down, unless we can start using duct tape and the sewing kit to start fixing things like ballistic vests, backpacks and other gear. I also feel that the damage to gear inside pants/jackets/backpacks/vests should also be limited by Infected melee attacks.

Crap... I really have to go pinch off a loaf right now... brb... more to follow

10 minutes later...

Ok... back...

A thought that would make the game even more interesting... Make the Infected health higher so that it takes 2 - 4 body shots and a single head shot (except for the Infected wearing helmets) to take down. I noticed that I was a lot more careful about where and when I used my rifle and was actually running out of ammo scrounging around in cities, thereby making ammunition much more of a commodity. Kudos on that effect, because it really helps with the "survivor" immersion aspect.

Something else worth evaluating, and I don't know if it is possible... If a player or group of players decides to camp out for an extended period of time, and makes a lot of noise, a detection system should be put in place to spawn an Infected horde close to their group. I don't know what a reasonable amount of time is, and I don't even know if the engine allows for it, but my thoughts are that a horde should spawn within a 100m radius of the group after they've been at a particular location for longer than 20 - 30 minutes. This means people camped out in/on the hospital, or the 4 story office building, even in the woods under some trees... the longer they camp there, the bigger the spawning horde of Infected.

Overall, I love the direction this game is heading... you guys (developers) are doing a great job, even though at times it might be a bit confusing to those on the outside and out of the loop... keep it up!



what im saying is just a reflection of how the majority of the community feel about this game.


Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be an ass here, but don't blanket your statement with "how the majority of the community feels" as you certainly don't speak for me and I'm sure you don't speak for a lot of others. You are not an authority that "has all the numbers" and I also don't believe that you've done any polls allowing you to speak for everyone with any sort of authority.

What you are presenting is how YOU feel and what YOUR perception is. ;)

Edited by sniperdoc
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Not liking the new zed speeds, just a LITTLEEEEEEEEEEEEE too fast, slow things down by only a tiny bit and increase the numbers.

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Here's my executive summary (I read somewhere that they're not Zombies, but rather Infected, so I shall refer to them as Infected)...



  • Infected speed makes the more of a threat
  • Respawning Infected is good and keeps on the pressure to be observant of your surroundings


Cons (which I understand is mostly just because some things aren't fixed/put in the game yet):

  • Infected respawning near players and in line of sight
  • Infected health is too low
  • Infected line of sight/reaction to noise is ridiculous at the moment
  • Walls don't block line of sight to Infected
  • Infected have limited collision detection to walls

fully agree with this





a "zombie" doesn't sprint.

a "zombie" doesn't leap.

a "zombie" doesn't run and leap and attack all at once.


if dayz is going to keep calling the zeds "zombies" they have some splaining to do lore wise (hidden patch notes from the orginal mod don't count)

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In my opinion the infected move slighly too fast but that is not really an issue. The distance that they can see you from is too far, way too far plus the infected can see through buildings as well as walk through them but I'm sure this is due to be fixed. Also they now cause bleeding after 1-2 hits which is a little frustrating, maybe 3-4 hits would be better? I find I am having to bandage every 5 mins and am quickly running out of rags. My crew and I have been considring farming new spawns for their t-shirts just to get more rags and that surley should not be how the game is played.

Respawning is okay as long as it's not in view of the player, I am seeing infected just appear in front of me now which is kind of annoying.



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I like the new zombies.  They make you play smarter in bigger towns/cities, and make the axe useful even after you have a gun and ammo.  IMO, game is a lot more fun now.


EDIT: Could do with like a 5-10 min cooldown on respawn... it can be quite difficult to move through a heavy zombie area when they just keep popping up in front and behind you.

Edited by wingman.edu

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a zombie should not be able to sprint


an "infected human" like the zeds in game should not be able to go faster DEFAULT than my fulll energy/health WEAPON DRAWN FULL FOWARDS SPRINT


seriously i get this is a test period for zombie speed but please don't let this continue on


28 days later sucks btw

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I think it's a HUGE step in the right direction.


Before this patch I had a full belly, epic kit, and nothing to fear but other players... Now things are a lot more tense, getting geared up to the teets is nerve wracking, and I know that other players have as much of a handfull as I do, so I feel they're a tad less inclined to KOS.


Rough edges, sure.. I feel like the game could use some roving hoardes, that shooting in the city should be a last resort and terrifying, but I don't think an incessant assault is right.. Firing your rifle a few times should draw a lot of zombies, but some should spawn further out of town and walk towards town rather than instant proximity agro, and there should be a limit -- a wave.. no more than 1 wave every 30 min or hour within x proximity or something.. Stealth and camo also needs to be more of a useful thing. Zombies should be able to hear when you run right behind them, but the rewards for stealth should be greater -- taking out a zombie with a crossbow shouldn't draw any attention.


That said, IRL walking into a zombie infested city is basically a death sentence unless you have some solid friends and great gear, so I wouldn't want it to get too nerfd.. 


Where I'd love to see this game go:

- Hardcore should be like this patch -- more refined, but equally terrifying. Survival should be pushed to the point of almost needing to meet up with other people. Scarcity is key, but so is a better gear spawn system.. There should be more random spawning of gear in houses / villages and more barriers to entering a city.. You should be able to barely survive by looting villages and occasionally find nice gear. Zombies and survival rule this game.. They should be able to take a bullet or two as well - shooting a zombie in the shoulder shouldn't put them down! Keep melee as-is.

- Normal is a more player driven game; not as harsh on the zombies and more opportunities for players to interact.. Harder than pre-patch, but not as crazy as now.. One person should be able to enter a city and survive / loot. This would also be a better environment for people who want to PVP.


I'd also LOVE to see a bot-enforced safe zone.. A weapons-free section of the map where people can trade.. Upon entry your weapons disappear (confiscated) and upon departure you get them back.. You can shoot at the guards from the outside, and heck - if you take them all out maybe you can enter without losing weapons and everyone gets their gear back inside, but those guards should have one hell of a good shot to reduce the chance of this. Would LOVE to see more trading and a safer place to interact.

Edited by Orisdorch

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My reply since the latest patch on zombies. These are negatives in my personal opinion.

- In my opinion they are way to fast. They can run faster than the players.

- There are to many zombies.

- Once they are killed they should remain dead.

- I still get hit in the back and there are no zombies present to be seen.

- They still run through walls and half of their bodies are in the floor.

- Some of them will chase you from one city to another.

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My reply since the latest patch on zombies. These are negatives in my personal opinion.

- In my opinion they are way to fast. They can run faster than the players.

- There are to many zombies.

- Once they are killed they should remain dead.

- I still get hit in the back and there are no zombies present to be seen.

- They still run through walls and half of their bodies are in the floor.

- Some of them will chase you from one city to another.


Seems like you dont want to have zombies that are threat in the game at all... ;)



Here are my thoughts:


after playing on the new version a few hours yesterday i could now finally test the new zombies ...

and well, i like that they are a real threat now but its not that good executed imo.


the new axe attack seems to be a lot slower than before, combined with ultra fast zombies and poor hit detection can get very annoying imo.

i kind of ruins the game when you have to dance arround a zombie for seconds just to get one hit with it.  The axe is still uber powerfull but with this slow attack atm im thinking of switching, how are the stab weapons atm?


I think the zombies are a bit to fast, imo zombies shouldnt have super human strengh, i mean they are a pile of rotten flesh and muscle, shouldnt be that athletic. So i hope they get a bit slower again in the future and instead increase the numbers.


About respawning... it is fine i guess... they didnt respawn right in front of me yesterday... btw where does the zombie respawn arround the place it died or were it first spawned? respawning near the original spawn point would be the best solution imo.


Last but not least the new damage...  i was hit a few times yesterday (3-4) and startet bleeding on 2 attacks. this is fine i guess. They didnt ruin any of my gear or clothes tho.

Edited by Sonic-NKT

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Afaik heart attacks have been implemented in the latest patch. If defibrillating someone would give that player a heart attack? I don't know.

As far as I remember from what Dean said at sacriels youtube vids, you naturally CAN get a heart attack when your blood goes below 500. So when your friend is unconcious you will be able to to check his pulse in the future. If the guy has a heart attack, he will have an unsteady pulse or something that indicates a heart attack. Then a defib will correct the problem. Well, he'll still be unconcious I guess... .


The problem with heart attacks as far as I remember is that they will kill you if nobody helps you. KPR will maybe also be implemented, but will only keep you barely alive while someone else is getting a defib.


I guess people should only wander around in groups of three or more now, two is ok if they have a defib and accepting of the chance that it might get damaged :).


But the interview was quite some time ago, maybe something changed. I can only guess that the whole thing is not implemented yet or is it confirmed that you can check the pulse of people when they lie in the dirt?


Either way, if in doubt, do NOT use the defib. It should do more damage than good if the patient doesn't have a heart attack. Or maybe its the kind of fun like forcefeeding disinfectant?


And I'm stressing again that the interview was some time ago, lastet hours and I don't neccessarily remember everything correctly.

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a zombie should not be able to sprint


an "infected human" like the zeds in game should not be able to go faster DEFAULT than my fulll energy/health WEAPON DRAWN FULL FOWARDS SPRINT


seriously i get this is a test period for zombie speed but please don't let this continue on


28 days later sucks btw


I agree 28 Days Later Zombies do suck.


I would rather see higher numbers of more slower infected to deal with. As long as there were loads it would still be a challenge.

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i am confused now (at work so i can't check by myself).


Are the "new and dangerous" Zs the ones i saw in the experimental built a week or so ago?


I played after the Z respawning was introduced and my reaction was more like:"... oh well, they respawn now but still they are lame."


all the whining and enjoyment let me doubt that those are the Zs everybody is talking about.


maybe the oldtimers remember the 1.7.7 fiasco where you could not play and test enough before the Zs got nerved down again and  never came back to the mod as a real threat.


i get hyped now to hear there might be real Zs which alter the gameplay or is it just the new players "whining" cause they never experienced Zs as a threat at all?


damned i cant wait to test it....let me know if it is worth to become hyped...

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In The Walking Dead, zombies aren't a huge problem. What is the main fear in that show? Other people.

Wrong. They are lethal in numbers and survivors are commonly over whelmed from having your attitude., They were almost perfect speed pre-patch- a slow jog, just needs to be more of them , and when they hit it needs to freaking kill! 50 % chance of fatality/infection. Lets get serious!!!

In The Walking Dead, zombies aren't a huge problem. What is the main fear in that show? Other people.

Wrong. They are lethal in numbers and survivors are commonly over whelmed from having your attitude., They were almost perfect speed pre-patch- a slow jog, just needs to be more of them , and when they hit it needs to freaking kill! 50 % chance of fatality/infection. Lets get serious!!!

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Harder/Faster/Agile Zombies are good as always since brings a solid challenge and promotes the team-play. Also it effects the whole gameplay in game positively, since now you need to worry about the ammo/medical/food usage more than ever.  


Keep it harder, basically keep it as a Main Threat (Zombies should be the main threat in Dayz, not only one but the main.)


Fix needed: Their strike radius needs to be re-arranged . (Atm it's wider than suppose to be) (And Come on already No Glitching through walls):)


Good Update though regards of the zombies. Enjoying more now.

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=
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a "zombie" doesn't sprint.

a "zombie" doesn't leap.

a "zombie" doesn't run and leap and attack all at once.


Hmmm... 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Wreck, Quarantine, Dead Snow, and World War Z just to name a few... :)

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Been awhile since my post so I quoted myself ... :)


On my laptop,generic humdrum rig it was very difficult to deal with Zeds with graphics way down although on my desktop,custom built gaming rig not too bad actually.

Since the patch my laptop runs the game the same as before with large cities lagging it down but nomore than before so things are back to normal.On my desktop Pc I can see them better,and definately spot them quicker as well they do not seem all that hard to kill or even clean a town out now since the patch....a small town ;)


Spent this morning,in the new town North of NWAF in both regular and hardcore and in both versions I snuck into town as sneaky as I could be...

Axed a couple Zeds,looted the Hospital and the Police station among a couple houses and when done and was sure no other players were around I opened fire :)


Shooting Zeds,until there were a few and I two handed on my gun run out of town turning every now and a then shooting them down in a line as they come at me.I noticed a few Zeds spawning almost as quick as I was slaying them down but fortunately they were respawning where they died so still had to try and catch me.I managed to run out of Zeds eventually ;)


Then I worked my way back South,looting and slaying Zeds at every place within site as I lumbered along in my newly chosin direction,needless to say I killed a lot of Zeds this early weekend morning.


The patch has renewed my game with no disconnection from servers etc. and the game starts right up as well my game play seems a lot better.The PopUp about the damage texture for the 9mm ammo box is gone and no longer popsup.So everything seems right as rain in DayZ again :)


Now my game is running smooth,at least on my desktop dedicated PC the Zeds I would agree could be a litte bit harder.Not any faster as they are now as there plenty fast when they want to be now.Would be nice to have more slower Zeds though with the odd ones being fast or in a perfect world random slow and fast Zeds alternateing there speed so players can not get use to which ones are slow or fast ;)


Making them a bit harder to kill would be good,specific head shot with the axe only for a one hit kill with anywhere else lobbing arms and or legs off may be interesting and with the new physics being worked maybe some day we could see hacking a leg of a Zed and having him keep coming at ytou crawling along the floor or road with his arms dragging is one attached leg along and the leg you chopped off laying on the road....that would make for a slow Zed lol :)


I like the Zeds now,now my game and the servers are running good again so yes I would like to see harder to kill Zeds,with alternateing slow and fast Zeds to surprise us.Hordes of slow moving hungry Zeds herding up as they move throughout the countryside as they pass other Zeds standing guard somewhere as they seem to do.


Decrease there visual a bit would be all I ask now, as they still can see way to far away IMHO

I also noticed this morning playing both hardcore and regular that I no longer took a lot of damage fighting with them with my Axe close range although I have started to be more accurate with my hits so it could be just getting better moving and hittting them especially with the desync fixed as my game runs fluid now again!


Good job with the patch and hotfix for all involved ,especially the new towns there really a welcome change to those areas.Please leave the Zeds as they are hoping you take consideration into varrying the speed of them...and the Hordes...we must have Hordes of them aimlessly wandering around through city's,towns and the countryside  :)


Thanks for all the new toy's/GunZ ....Zeds and clothes,being able to camo paint our guns(Awesome addition), as well as the "eat all" feature(major plus IMHO)



Respect is not something that is gotten on demand,but something that is earned IMHO

The Dev's have my respect,they really pulled through with a very good update,and a quick hotfix


There ain't enough Beans in Chenarus for you guy's,so you'lle just have to excuse my earlier post and accept a thank you for the excellent patch ;)



Harder ?

You have to be kidding...


On a LRS,barely even able to see the Zombie from way up in the woods he suddenly turns and runs right at me

They can see for miles now,this "re-spawning" is bullshit once you shoot them or axe them to death they should be gone forever!

Doesn't make sense having them respawn afterkilling one,that is not very realistic at all


They can run faster than a human now,especially if your suffering from all the Lag in and around cities

I myself can not even think of going anywhere near anywhere that has food or water do to this as it is absolutely impossible for me to enter a village or city without getting killed by being swarmed by Zombies.They hit once,your bleeeding and then can not even run away to badage the wound.


They state of the new Zombies makes the game not only unplayable,but so difficult the game is no longer fun at all!


Of coarse,this is all just IMHO

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Didn't they say that the current zombie spawn mechanic is temporary until they create a better solution and as a result all the conversation and whining and whatnot is therefore irrelevant?

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Fix needed: Their strike radius needs to be re-arranged . (Atm it's wider than suppose to be) (And Come on already No Glitching through walls) :)


Yeah, I've noticed this too. My only criticism is that they seem to hit you while facing >90° away from you. Other than that things are looking much improved zombie-wise.


They're using stairs properly now so we're making some progress with regards to pathfinding. Hopefully their using doors properly will follow soon.

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Fix needed: Their strike radius needs to be re-arranged . (Atm it's wider than suppose to be) (And Come on already No Glitching through walls) :)




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Wrong. They are lethal in numbers and survivors are commonly over whelmed from having your attitude., They were almost perfect speed pre-patch- a slow jog, just needs to be more of them , and when they hit it needs to freaking kill! 50 % chance of fatality/infection. Lets get serious!!!

Wrong. They are lethal in numbers and survivors are commonly over whelmed from having your attitude., They were almost perfect speed pre-patch- a slow jog, just needs to be more of them , and when they hit it needs to freaking kill! 50 % chance of fatality/infection. Lets get serious!!!

No, the major threat of the entire show is other people. How else do you explain characters nonchalantly chatting as zombies slowly move towards them [like that scene in the woods where they sneak out of the prison and see 2 zombies]? Zombies are not enough of a threat in The Walking Dead, and haven't been in DayZ, hence the buff. also you have to realise being hit by the hands and arms of a zombie will not realistically make you have a FIFTY PER CENT CHANCE OF DYING. Zombies are not kung fu artists who can kill in one hit half of the time. The answer to zombie weakness is speed so they can get close enough to attack you in the first place. Zombies being much physically stronger than normal humans is unrealistic, but them having a comparable run speed to people isn't.

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Been awhile since my post so I quoted myself ... :)


On my laptop,generic humdrum rig it was very difficult to deal with Zeds with graphics way down although on my desktop,custom built gaming rig not too bad actually.

Since the patch my laptop runs the game the same as before with large cities lagging it down but nomore than before so things are back to normal.On my desktop Pc I can see them better,and definately spot them quicker as well they do not seem all that hard to kill or even clean a town out now since the patch....a small town ;)


Spent this morning,in the new town North of NWAF in both regular and hardcore and in both versions I snuck into town as sneaky as I could be...

Axed a couple Zeds,looted the Hospital and the Police station among a couple houses and when done and was sure no other players were around I opened fire :)


Shooting Zeds,until there were a few and I two handed on my gun run out of town turning every now and a then shooting them down in a line as they come at me.I noticed a few Zeds spawning almost as quick as I was slaying them down but fortunately they were respawning where they died so still had to try and catch me.I managed to run out of Zeds eventually ;)


Then I worked my way back South,looting and slaying Zeds at every place within site as I lumbered along in my newly chosin direction,needless to say I killed a lot of Zeds this early weekend morning.


The patch has renewed my game with no disconnection from servers etc. and the game starts right up as well my game play seems a lot better.The PopUp about the damage texture for the 9mm ammo box is gone and no longer popsup.So everything seems right as rain in DayZ again :)


Now my game is running smooth,at least on my desktop dedicated PC the Zeds I would agree could be a litte bit harder.Not any faster as they are now as there plenty fast when they want to be now.Would be nice to have more slower Zeds though with the odd ones being fast or in a perfect world random slow and fast Zeds alternateing there speed so players can not get use to which ones are slow or fast ;)


Making them a bit harder to kill would be good,specific head shot with the axe only for a one hit kill with anywhere else lobbing arms and or legs off may be interesting and with the new physics being worked maybe some day we could see hacking a leg of a Zed and having him keep coming at ytou crawling along the floor or road with his arms dragging is one attached leg along and the leg you chopped off laying on the road....that would make for a slow Zed lol :)


I like the Zeds now,now my game and the servers are running good again so yes I would like to see harder to kill Zeds,with alternateing slow and fast Zeds to surprise us.Hordes of slow moving hungry Zeds herding up as they move throughout the countryside as they pass other Zeds standing guard somewhere as they seem to do.


Please make up your mind; you talked about how zombies should be nerfed, then said they were great, then said they needed to be tougher, then said they needed a nerf.


Personally I reckon they should be almost able to go as fast as players without getting tired in future, be attracted to gunshots from far away, and be able to take a few more bullets than players before dying.

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I have to put my two cents in here for this topic. IF the zombies don't play a pivotal role in DayZ, it will lose it's players and the "ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE" survival aspect. I don't think the zombies should be nerf'd in any way. They should me molded and upgraded to be more refined killing machines. Allow us to sneak. Allows us to plan our infiltration into a police station or airbase by creating distractions. Make military zombies stronger. Right now, even with the recent changes to zombies, i still do not fear them. I can run in circles and chop em down with my one hit kill axe. If zombies do not respawn, they should be in masses. LIKE city population MASSES, to be realistic. Smaller the city, smaller the population. I want 28 days later zombies. The ones that strike fear into the player. Ones that get the adrenaline and heart pumping in real life. 


Right now, the game is mainly (excluding many people who choose differently) people going to low pop servers, gearing up, then returning to a high pop server, mainly Balota airbase, and pvp'n. WHICH IS FINE. IT'S THEIR CHOICE. But, if the zombies were a legitimate threat, this would happen less, imo. IF ANYTHING, the zombies should get refined. 


If you shoot them in the head, they dead. A few to the chest, they die. Extremities, equal impairments. Low movement speed, or crawling. With no arms, they now have to bite. A "zombie survival" game should be just that at its core. ZOMBIES and SURVIVAL. Buff the zombies, make survival difficult, and weed out the weak.

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No, the major threat of the entire show is other people.

Why don't you go ahead and watch the pilot and tell me again how it is other people that are the major threat?

Edited by sniperdoc

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Why don't you go ahead and watch the pilot and tell me again how it is other people that are the major threat?

So the pilot is the whole show, yeah?

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