gibonez 3633 Posted April 29, 2014 Well then i want to see NV goggles in action! Not the same thing. The number of range finders in civilian and hunters hands far far far far outnumber the number of nvgs civilians own. Good example of what can be found they are not expensive they are not the huge 3000+ dollar military ones. These range finders are pretty accurate up to around 1200 yards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magickings 2 Posted April 29, 2014 Not the same thing. The number of range finders in civilian and hunters hands far far far far outnumber the number of nvgs civilians own. Good example of what can be found they are not expensive they are not the huge 3000+ dollar military ones. These range finders are pretty accurate up to around 1200 yards.I like you. Much and good info. +1!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted April 29, 2014 And yeah, this further villainizes sniping. I don't snipe all that much, but I don't feel a need to look down on folks who do. There's nothing wrong with it. And the fact that people focus on it, only tells me that they're only scratching the surface of what they find fault with. Do I think it should be more difficult? Maybe. Do I think it should be less common by virtue of loot rarity/weapon maintenance? Sure. Do I want more consequences/impediments to killing folks? Absolutely. Sniping is designed to be annoying, it's designed to be unfair. That's what it is. Somehow reading a character analysis into people that snipe is wholly irrelevant. And it is an activity that can be done without a ghillie suit. Having a ghillie suit in-game, whatever form it takes (be it a looted item like in the mod, or a puzzle-like crafted item), isn't going to change the landscape of sniping. It certainly didn't in the mod. Making folks a bit harder to see isn't going to have much affect, as it's already exponentially more difficult to spot folks in ARMA/DayZ than any other game I've ever played. There's nothing about sniping, in a video game, that screams "pussy" to me. Even if there was, again, reading a character analysis into an action is a silly distraction. I am not looking for a fair fight, ever, in DayZ. Or any game for that matter. I want to win/survive, if sniping helps me do that, then that's what I do. If it doesn't, then I do something else. I mean, it's not the 18th century, folks aren't lining up in fields to have at each other. Or slapping each other with leather gloves in a gentleman's duel. Sniping is unfair, pure and simple that's what it is. Moreover, I actually view sniping as another great way to work tension into the experience. In my two years of playing DayZ, mods and all, I can only cite one example of my having been definitively killed by a ".50 cal pussy." I really am skeptical of folks who claim the practice was widespread throughout Chernarus. Because in my experience (as one who rarely ventures into deathmatch cities) it just wasn't the case. I played the mod for over 2 years and can't remember being killed by a sniper - maybe once myself and that's it. Along with a craftable suit I want sniping to become more realistic - or I should say bullet physics to become more realistic which in turn will affect long range sniping. BTW I don't snipe in DayZ either but I like having the option and it needs to be challenging. The issues with "snipers" in first person shooters is they have it way too easy. All they have to contend with is bullet drop which is BS. Watch any Ultimate Soldier Challenge ( ) and I think one of the first tasks is to leg it to grab a sniper rifle and then get back and hit a target 200 yards away (not even 200m). Everyone of these episodes I've watched they always take a few shots to get on target - in DayZ only a noob would miss a target at 200m. So shooting is way too easy and why snipers are hated so much in game. If they had to adjust for wind and bullet spin as well as humidity then you would suddenly see a load of whining noobs on the forums. Long range shooting should be a skill that is learned so when (if) you get taken out by a sniper, you at least understand s/he spent some time learning to shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted April 29, 2014 Ghillie suit - I hope this is eventually implemented. Craftable and rare would be cool (even though duct tape and twigs would work) Range finder - Not necessary for the game but would be cool as well I'd prefer easier access to a map so I can make a range card and better tools to draw on the map (sometimes I'll make my own range card if I'm ever covering my friends from one spot for too long but then i get board and add in a dragon fighting some knights and the whole, whilst looks cool is ruined. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted April 29, 2014 No snipers are so much hated in the game because a lot of people don't know how to react/deal/be ready for snipers engaging them. I'd hate snipers too if I ran in the middle of a main road like a headless chicken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xalienax 621 Posted April 29, 2014 No snipers are so much hated in the game because a lot of people don't know how to react/deal/be ready for snipers engaging them. I'd hate snipers too if I ran in the middle of a main road like a headless chicken.Agree. Snipers carry a bad stigma in almost every game from CoD, to BF, to ArmA to DayZ amoung the vast majority. TBH i think its the "instantly destroyed without a sign" factor that really tweaks peoples nerves and adds to this stigma. Having played alot of the mod i am way more fearful of a M240B or AKM then a sniper in 90% of situations. yes you know where they are soon as they fire but they have way more versatility in engagement ranges and position. ive seen a single guy with LMG kill 14 person squad on dayZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 29, 2014 SnipWell wind is going to be added. However the question now is how deep of a mechanic do the devs want to make sniping. Do they want a deep and amazing long range sniping mechanic in the game that not only enhances and makes PVP sniping challenging but also enhances hunting ? Or will they just keep the same crappy vanilla elevation adjustments + some slight wind. I really hope they go for a complex and complicated sniping mechanic that mirrors real life one that will have dedicated snipers making range dope sheets and having these at their side to reference them. Or even wearing them if they are nutty enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted April 29, 2014 LOL I get what you are saying. I guess it could work. How about making a good one drop as an item but make it have a duration. I would have it last half as long as a crafted one and take twice as much damage if you crawl prone wearing it. I would also make it take up an entire bag in space to carry if not worn. I dunno. I don't like the thought of crafting a ghillie suit and having it taken off my body and someone else using it. My idea of crafting though is being able to take individual branches or grass and attach them to the base suit you craft. So you craft the suit and it has attachment points. You then forage for the pieces and attach them to it so you're making you're own, unique suit. The longevity of it should last as long as they would in real life. How long does it take for vegetation to go brown and dry - a week? The pieces should have maybe 7 states of decay and each day (not game hours but actual rl days) it drops down a state? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted April 29, 2014 I think any "thinning of the herd" will be temporary. People will learn the ropes, get good at it, and be sniping just as well. If anything, those who snipe will be more effective with a "realistic" and/or complex system. If one wants to snipe, he/she will do so. Making it more complex makes it more rewarding for me, but in so doing, all you're doing is just extending the learning curve. That depends on how they implement shooting. They need to add in the following. Bullet dropbullet spinWindHumiditybullet quality (maybe)Breathing (so you have to hold your breath)Proper scopes to dial in There's a reason in RL some people aren't marksmen - the same will spill over here too if they make the mechanic robust enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted April 29, 2014 Well wind is going to be added. However the question now is how deep of a mechanic do the devs want to make sniping. Do they want a deep and amazing long range sniping mechanic in the game that not only enhances and makes PVP sniping challenging but also enhances hunting ? Or will they just keep the same crappy vanilla elevation adjustments + some slight wind. I really hope they go for a complex and complicated sniping mechanic that mirrors real life one that will have dedicated snipers making range dope sheets and having these at their side to reference them. Or even wearing them if they are nutty enough. Well I play games for a challenge and I like to learn things too if I can so I'm hoping for more complex - something tells me we ain't gonna get it though :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hombrecz 832 Posted April 29, 2014 How is it childish? I really am intrigued by these moral connotations placed on sniping as an activity. I'm not sure how people sniping for fun is somehow less realistic/authentic either. Seems to be a common facet of SHTF scenarios, both fictional and factual. I wholeheartedly agree with you though, sniping needs to be made more infrequent (although it is much, much, much less prevalent than in the mod... by a lot) via loot. Honestly, while I'd like it to be "more complex" and think it will be, I don't think it'll make that much of a difference once people have become acclimated to it. Complexity doesn't mean difficulty. Childish in regards of "survival". You know, sniping people for fun, not their loot, has nothing to do with survival.But yeah, I understand that majority don't give rat @ss about survival and play Dayz as a deathmatch. This would be maybe possible on some RP servers. Wish proper sniper rifles in DayZ used maybe 7,62 x 54 or something and that this caliber would be made more rare then 7,62x51. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 29, 2014 Childish in regards of "survival". You know, sniping people for fun, not their loot, has nothing to do with survival.But yeah, I understand that majority don't give rat @ss about survival and play Dayz as a deathmatch. This would be maybe possible on some RP servers. Wish proper sniper rifles in DayZ used maybe 7,62 x 54 or something and that this caliber would be made more rare then 7,62x51. That is the thing what is a sniper rifle exactly ? I hate the term sniper rifle simply because it is dishonest. Just about any rifle can be a sniper rifle if it is used in a "snipers" hands. A better term would be precision rifle. Also making ammo rare or hunting rifles rare will do nothing to curve sniping. The only thing that will is complex shooting mechanics that mirror real life , the more true to life sniping is in dayz the less people that will participate in it and be successful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted April 29, 2014 Wish proper sniper rifles in DayZ used maybe 7,62 x 54 or something and that this caliber would be made more rare then 7,62x51. It's the other way round Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IamDinner 28 Posted April 29, 2014 I dunno. I don't like the thought of crafting a ghillie suit and having it taken off my body and someone else using it. My idea of crafting though is being able to take individual branches or grass and attach them to the base suit you craft. So you craft the suit and it has attachment points. You then forage for the pieces and attach them to it so you're making you're own, unique suit. The longevity of it should last as long as they would in real life. How long does it take for vegetation to go brown and dry - a week? The pieces should have maybe 7 states of decay and each day (not game hours but actual rl days) it drops down a state? The act of taking it off someone and it was homemade should have a chance of destroying and should always be at least damaged so they get little use from it. I mean if you shoot a chopper down it isn't like you can loot it and fly away or at least you shouldn't be able to. I guess the times and all that are up to someone that actually implements change in this development. They would need to test it I guess and see what works best for the largest number of players. If they don't put them in it is ok with me to but the more stuff to do and mess with helps give the world a richer feel I think. Within reason of course. Drag races would be fun in the downfall of man but in reality prob would not happen very often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 29, 2014 I do hope you guys know that real home made ghilli suits stink like crap right. ghilli suits are itchy, smelly and hot. If they are added your character would need to occasionally scratch himself, your character would sweat profusely in the suit thus zombies would be attracted to the area where the ghilli wearing player is since they should be able to smell the sweat. With these small additions I doubt anyone would mind the suits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danz 11 Posted April 30, 2014 Not really fussed either way about ghillie suits, considering grass doesn't render beyond 50 to 100 meters in standalone. Boonie hats have grass slots for camouflage, so maybe crafting this could be made possible. I like rangefinders, but I don't care if they're not in standalone. What I want are mil dots/strokes for the LRS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Earthmonkey 0 Posted May 2, 2014 I don't see the need for a rangefinder to be honest, when I snipe, I usually have "spots" that I've already ranged in and I know how far away certain landmarks are from it, and can make very educated guesses as to how far most things are. If I'm at somewhere I'm not familiar with, I simply draw from my experience and take the best educated guess that I can as to how far away it is. It's more fun this way, in my opinion, and I think Rangefinders would ruin that. I'm all for a ghilliesuit if it took a ton of stuff to craft, and required plenty of sewing kits to maintain. (running in ghillie should wear down the jute threads, degrading the suit over time) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted May 2, 2014 So shooting is way too easy and why snipers are hated so much in game. If they had to adjust for wind and bullet spin as well as humidity then you would suddenly see a load of whining noobs on the forums. Long range shooting should be a skill that is learned so when (if) you get taken out by a sniper, you at least understand s/he spent some time learning to shoot. But I still don't think it matters. Sniping isn't any easier than CQC. It's just a different kind of risk. You're trading risk, for range. It's still plenty hard to hit folks at range by comparison to CQC. Especially when people are on the move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellisco 2 Posted May 2, 2014 (edited) I agree with gibonez. Military-grade rangefinders should either be extremely rare or not in the game at all but, civilian grade ones that hunters use would be nice although they wouldn't be super accurate. They should still be rare though, like maybe a bit more rare than the LRS or can opener and if the military-grade ones are in the game than they should be Stab-proof Vest type rare. As for ghillie suits, I personally don't think you should be able to find them I think you should only be able to make them. Burlap sacks, rags, sewing kit and spray paint. You would need black, green and brown colors. What do you guys think? EDIT: Like others have said, a way to get around rangefinders would be having scopes with actual Mildots or a scale like the SVD scope. Some spotting scopes have those scales on them but you would either have to have a spotter with you to use it or get used to switching between the two. Edited May 2, 2014 by Mellisco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 122 Posted May 3, 2014 I want all of it. Basically there are tools out there on the internet that make range finding easier than using an actual range finder in game. Might as well give those who don't use external methods a way to find distances accurately, too. And yes, it should all be rare. It's sad when people go bonkers over a feature that wont make a lot of difference, anyway. Taking nice possible features away from those who DO want it. You know what would be nice? Server hive options where you can change what drops and how rare everything is.Disillutional people who think they're Jack Grimes or w/e from [insert FOTM zombie series here] with their 23 different kinds of winchester rifles and 12 kind of revolvers riding a horse on their imaginary highway whilst talking about "walkers" (srsly?) at the coast can then have their own hives. Whether you all like it or not, the DMR was the real sniper king, and we WILL have the SVD soon enough. We'll also get a better scope, I'm sure. It would be naive to think we won't get an m14 eventually, either. Considering it's customization options and Bohemia saying they want NATO weapons too, to fit possible future new maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_ruttle 199 Posted May 25, 2014 analog rangefinder, maybe, ghillies, yes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotcakes 348 Posted May 25, 2014 The ACOG and PSO scopes have rangefinders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gannon46 788 Posted May 25, 2014 I seen along time ago some cat found in the files an improvised ghille suit. it was supposedly made from burlap and rope etc. I personally want to do like in predator and cover my self in dirt,mud and leaves and hide in plain site then knife mofo's(if they only had a slit throat mechanic or like in Rambo just tear there throat out lol. and as for rangefinders I don't care just because you know how far someone is doesn't mean your going to hit them it still requires aim and the few seconds it takes to switch from ranges to gun the persons moved and the range is inaccurate unless your actually sniping and setting up ranges for a kill zone like a town or airfield either way both sound gravy to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted May 25, 2014 The ACOG and PSO scopes have rangefinders. That are rendered useless due to the FOV increasing magnification thus rendering the ability to accurately range impossible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gannon46 788 Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) I want all of it. Basically there are tools out there on the internet that make range finding easier than using an actual range finder in game. Might as well give those who don't use external methods a way to find distances accurately, too. And yes, it should all be rare. It's sad when people go bonkers over a feature that wont make a lot of difference, anyway. Taking nice possible features away from those who DO want it. You know what would be nice? Server hive options where you can change what drops and how rare everything is.Disillutional people who think they're Jack Grimes or w/e from [insert FOTM zombie series here] with their 23 different kinds of winchester rifles and 12 kind of revolvers riding a horse on their imaginary highway whilst talking about "walkers" (srsly?) at the coast can then have their own hives. Whether you all like it or not, the DMR was the real sniper king, and we WILL have the SVD soon enough. We'll also get a better scope, I'm sure. It would be naive to think we won't get an m14 eventually, either. Considering it's customization options and Bohemia saying they want NATO weapons too, to fit possible future new maps.DMR was awesome if your a noob SVD or m40a3 was the real sniper weapon no stupid zoom of course you can hit your target if you can see the whites of there eyes from 900m out and whats funny even with 20 rounds most d-bags still couldn't hit a broad side of a barn.sorry for the flame but DMR hahahahahah funny IMHO makes the game to easy. Edited May 25, 2014 by gannon46 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites