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Thadius (DayZ)

Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

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I happened upon an event yesterday I felt I for some reason or other had to share.


Me and three other friends happened upon a band of five bandits casually murdering every living soul they could find in Berezino, including our party. Of course we took great offence to this and proceeded to try to murder them right back.


Long story short, we killed four of them to the loss of myself and one other. Their fifth man is gone without a trace. Upon my friends investigating their corpses, they noticed how VERY well stocked and equipped they were. All of them in matching TTsko uniforms, helmets, assaultvests, LRS scopes, ACOGS, the works. And everything color-matched, pristine (what survived) even the vests. We chalked it up to a lot of server hopping looting and a penchant for roleplaying soldiers perhaps.


Anyway, now for the bit where the topic title comes in.


After faffing about as a newspawn for a time. I finally take a roundabout path in the forests outside Berezino to get to my friends without dying, when I suddenly spy four newspawns just standing in the dense foliage in a semi-circle. My spidey-senses tingling, I crouch behind a bush a hundred meters away and observe them. After a bit a very well kitted Gentleman runs up to them. A Gentleman that just happens to fit the missing fifth member of the murdering bandits to a tee.


Another long story short, I proceed watching them using a duplication exploit (which I will not detail here to avoid prolifiration) to kit all 4 of the newspawns up with pristine military gear and weapons once again. After which they promptly set off to Berezino looking like five identical clones.


(During this time I had tried to frantically relay my position to my friends, but I barely knew where I was.)


After warning my friends they were comming again, we dumped that server like a hot potato (after I went to the site of their duping to see if I could scrounge anything off their discards of course).


This whole series of events took about 30-60 minutes from the last shot was fired in Berezino.


Now comes my question: How does the community look on things like this? Is it more of a

"Well, it is so easy to do and the devs never fix it so meh, who cares"

or more of a

"We know people do it, and those guys are dicks"


Or is it something wholly different?

Also, since I went to their middenpile with the intent of scrounging their very illgotten goods, have I also broken som unsaid code of conduct?


My personal opinion on the matter is that it seemed to ruin some of the joy of the game. The sense of accomplishment of halting a KOS rampage on newspawns by a large well equipped party went away faster then usual when we realized it had not even taken them an hour to restock fully.


This post brought to you by 'Work Boredom'. The biggest cause of silly forumposts since 1999.

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Boring dicks.. should be a bannable offense imo..

Good job taking em out tho. To bad you didnt get the last dude so they could gear up again :-(

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to awnser your question OP


yes people dupe items and gear up their friends for a quick respawn back into PVP


yes they are scum


yes it is ok to use the gear you have looted off a duper

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Just like the mod I feel people should dupe as much as possible until it becomes such a problem that the devs are actually forced to care about and easily fix the problem instead of working on licking batteries and making zombies more buggy.

Edited by Weedz
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Me and three other friends happened upon a band of five bandits casually murdering every living soul they could find in Berezino, including our party. Of course we took great offence to this and proceeded to try to murder them right back.







So they duped their gear... make a bug report over at http://feedback.dayzgame.com

if what you witnessed had not already been posted there.


That is the only way things can get fixed and up until then - yes maybe it is not fair per se. But on the other hand that exploit has been witnessed and can now be fixed

and that is what early access is for.

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This post brought to you by 'Work Boredom'. The biggest cause of silly forumposts since 1999.


 Without that, forums would be ghost towns. :beans:

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Duping is part of the game like 3rd person and peeking over the wall. As long as rocket doesn't see it as a problem...we should do it too. So..how did they dupe items? Funny that you can't dupe in the mod anymore...did they actually allow iit in the SA?? :lol:

Edited by Enforcer

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Duping is part of the game like 3rd person and peeking over the wall. As long as rocket doesn't see it as a problem...we should do it too. So..how did they dupe items? Funny that you can't dupe in the mod anymore...did they actually allow iit in the SA?? :lol:


As much as I hate to say it:

The game is ALPHA / early access

That means they are mostly concerned to create game content.

(They will break the game ALOT)

Sure they will take care of gamebreaking things since without that we could not guinea pig for them but they try to create the "raw" game first.

Then when BETA comes they will concentrate on bugfixing.

So we will have to sit this out.

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 Without that, forums would be ghost towns. :beans:

Without that, I would quit my boring ass job.




Duping is part of the game like 3rd person and peeking over the wall. As long as rocket doesn't see it as a problem...we should do it too. So..how did they dupe items? Funny that you can't dupe in the mod anymore...did they actually allow iit in the SA??  :lol:

I figured out a way to dupe within 2 minutes of my first time logging into the SA without even trying. This is going to be just like the mod every time they fix one dupe method people will find another

Edited by Weedz

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I hate when people dupe and then use it to murder people with legit gear...

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The devs don't think it's okay. I for one definitely don't think it's okay for someone to do it, but until they fix it there nothing we can do.

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As much as I hate to say it:

The game is ALPHA / early access


They already dealt with it in the mod....as a lot of people complain there are a lot of things that "Alpha Alpha" without giving a reason why don't explain. A lot of things that are already working not working in the SA...alpha or not that's one of the things they should have put on top in their priority list...and the fact that they already know how to counter it makes it even worse.

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is about self respect


I play dayz for challenge ;)


for me more difficult = more reward feel  :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


is why I play 3PP:OFF and never do server hop or combat log


is why I never dupe nothing or take gear if is obvious was from dupe bitch >:(


this way every time I win have success I know is 100% honest and fair and I deserve


guys who taking short cuts in life cheat only them self because all win they having is fake not pure


is ok maybe they 'ignore' reality and celebrate the win but sub conscious brain remember everything and one day in future artificial façade they making is slip and show true horror of nasty lazy cheat truth :o


reality smack the face like cricket bat and breakdown coming for them ;)


is worth? for quick fake win feel? if you think is worth you are going down wrong path for happy life :|

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I hope they fix it, but I dont care about it TBH, Myself and my group always have survivors, But we prefer to gear our selves up by taking out other groups in a fight, Sooooo much more fun, live? die? who cares I enjoy gearing up and moving around the map, I can only imagine how boring it must be to have your mates fully gear provided to you within 5 mins of spawn!  They must not take the individuality of the games customization with any fun! Although we do often have the surviving member scavenge our dead bodies and drop our BP and gun in a safer location.....

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They already dealt with it in the mod....as a lot of people complain there are a lot of things that "Alpha Alpha" without giving a reason why don't explain. A lot of things that are already working not working in the SA...alpha or not that's one of the things they should have put on top in their priority list...and the fact that they already know how to counter it makes it even worse.


That is true but since they decided to use another engine (yes technically it is just another version but I am sure the differences are so big they basically started over from scratch) and are throwing things together rather quickly right now those things are to be expected.

On the upside they will have a good knowledge on how the different duping methods work and how to fix them. So when they start it will hopefully be quick.

I hope they fix it, but I dont care about it TBH, Myself and my group always have survivors, But we prefer to gear our selves up by taking out other groups in a fight, Sooooo much more fun, live? die? who cares I enjoy gearing up and moving around the map, I can only imagine how boring it must be to have your mates fully gear provided to you within 5 mins of spawn!  They must not take the individuality of the games customization with any fun! Although we do often have the surviving member scavenge our dead bodies and drop our BP and gun in a safer location.....

Some people only enjoy the combat atm for them the "gearing up" part is the boring thing - so they cut corners

Edited by Rauchsauger

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It's impossible to duplicate gear now.  So what are you talking about?   At this time you can only duplicate primary weapons by logging out with one in your hand and one already on your back. 


How the fuck can anyone duplicate other items if there is a log out timer now?

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It's impossible to duplicate gear now.  So what are you talking about?   At this time you can only duplicate primary weapons by logging out with one in your hand and one already on your back. 


How the fuck can anyone duplicate other items if there is a log out timer now?

I haven't tried it in a while but I used to be able to dupe without logging out at all.

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It's impossible to duplicate gear now.  So what are you talking about?   At this time you can only duplicate primary weapons by logging out with one in your hand and one already on your back. 


How the fuck can anyone duplicate other items if there is a log out timer now?


Its quite easy from what I understand and witnessed. It seems to involve nothing more then good timing and a friend.

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I'm sorry but I almost want to call bullshit on this as I can't understand how it's possible to duplicate now with the log out penalty timer.   There is no hint or indication for people to use and time it like before.  (not talking about the primary rifle dupe, that's easy and confirmed)


Or, did they figure out to cancel right after they see the timer go to 1 and then they rejoin a second time?      I can't believe that would work now.


Also, if people can still duplicate gear after the log out penalty, how come there is not one single video on how to duplicate gear since the log out timer has been around which has been at least 2 months now.   There are zero videos since patch which makes no sense because there are 500 different videos on how to duplicate gear pre-patch.


Why would there be zero videos on how to duplicate all gear since the timer patch, but there are 500 for before the patch?

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Over the weekend, both myself and a friend on entirely separate occasions managed to 'duplicate' our character. Neither of us was there when the other managed it .

I'm not sure how my friend managed it (he took a pic of tho self and his clone stood side-by-side almost 24 hours before the following story...) but for myself; I tried logging in to a server (joined same friend via Steam) and was greeted by the 'Wait for host' screen. After 60+ seconds of waiting, I hit Esc., and tried logging back in almost immediately (cannot remember of I waited any length of time). This time I went straight into the game to be greeted by... Well... Me. Scared me sh*tless. Orange backpack 'n everything.

It took me a couple of seconds to realise it was my clone. I didn't have much in the way of decent gear at the time and just though it be best to back away veeerrrryyy slowly, leaving him/me/it on the rooftop.

I've no idea what became of me.

Back to OP: IMO 'duping' = bad! and when this game is finished (stop laughing you...) I'm sure it will be an offence. But at this stage of development, it's probably for the best that it's brought to everyone's attention to hopefully receive a fix in the near-future.

Edited by IshFingers

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Over the weekend, both myself and a friend on entirely separate occasions managed to 'duplicate' our character. Neither of us was there when the other managed it.

I'm not sure how my friend managed it, but I tried logging in to a server (joined him via Steam) anew as greeted by the 'Wait for host' screen. After 60+ seconds of waiting, I hit Esc., and tried logging back in almost immediately (cannot remember of I waited any length of time). This time I went straight into the game to be greeted by... Well... Me. Scared me sh*tless. Orange backpack 'n everything.

It took me a couple of seconds to realise it was my clone. I didn't have much in the way of decent gear at the time and just though it be bet to back away veeerrrryyy slowly, leaving him/me/it on the rooftop.

I've no idea what became of me.

Back to OP: IMO 'duping' = bad! and when this game is finished (stop laughing you...) I'm sure it will be an offence. But at this stage of development, it's probably for the best that it's brought to everyone's attention to hopefully receive a fix in the near-future.

I believe you but you only say you hit escape after 60 seconds, but you didnt say how much time was left on your count down timer. Or did you not even have a timer?   This sounds so far that maybe only pure chance works.   I have yet to be convinced there is a consistent way to dupe.

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Hello there


If you chaps want to disbelieve these guys saw or managed duping, thats fine.


But, dont ask for more details on how to do it.


Ill start handing out infraction points if it continues. If you dont know how to do it, you dont NEED to know how to do it.





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