PySHD 17 Posted March 19, 2014 I know I can't be the only one thinking it, and since I can't find a post on it in the suggestion forums, does ANYONE have any ideas for a possible single player? Does anyone even want a single player? POST IDEAS!!!!!!! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted March 19, 2014 (edited) Suggested before, but this just isn't the right type of game. NPC interaction isn't the same as the unpredictability of a human. Edited March 19, 2014 by Geckofrog7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odin_lowe 3686 Posted March 19, 2014 (edited) Well, I play the mod since summer 2012 and for most if not all the variations of the mod there's single player mission files that enables single player for it. I would like to see a possible single player for the SA with options on item spawn, zombie numbers and whatnot. Without having to think about bandwidth and client/server restrictions, we could have hordes of zombies on the map. Also, the feeling of being alone and relying only on yourself is an intense feeling and adds immersion for me. I love the possibilities of both multiplayer and singleplayer options for most games. It's a choice too, those who hate the idea of singleplayer DayZ can just ignore it and play multiplayer all they want. :thumbsup: :beans: More possibilities = more possible fun Edit: Yeah, you could have used the search option as there's already a few threads about this.... Edited March 19, 2014 by Odin Lowe 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayy 173 Posted March 19, 2014 Personally I don't think it would be a bad idea, there could be preset NPC Bandit/Hero groups roaming around hotspots. Or towns controlled by a certain faction in the game, and the more or less you help any particular faction, will dictate how you are treated in those towns. But even if the devs considered this, it would be after Multiplayer is polished to at LEAST Beta... Again, personally, I would love a singleplayer, but it would need LAN capabilities. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pvt_Larry (DayZ) 98 Posted March 19, 2014 Private server. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thefriendlydutchman 160 Posted March 19, 2014 Want! Maybe more zombies in singleplayer? settings for loot spawns (easy,medium,hard) and ofcourse random bandit npcs walking around the map 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jasonperson 78 Posted March 19, 2014 Dayz is meant to be multiplayer, since humans are unpredictable. However, AI is predictable. There will never be multiplayer in this game because it would all be scripted. Not to mention it would waste the developers time on creating something pointless. If you want to play single player go on a server with no one on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Problematic 71 Posted March 19, 2014 Definitely not. Just not the type of game to go about and around without the chance of encountering someone else (NPC's are not someone else). I believe Dean even said somewhere he absolutely didn't want any NPC's in the game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted March 19, 2014 low pop server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 19, 2014 Hello there Rule 9 guys.....Rule 9. Link is in my sig. As to the SP, I too wouldnt say no to it as long as nothing could carry over to the online experience. I doubt it will happen though. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnyoneInCherno? 187 Posted March 19, 2014 I know I can't be the only one thinking it, and since I can't find a post on it in the suggestion forums, does ANYONE have any ideas for a possible single player? Does anyone even want a single player? POST IDEAS!!!!!!!My Idea for single player is to make tutorial missions that give background to the apocalypse: The Tutorials are set right after the infection hit. Driving tutorial could involve the early days of the infection and driving to get to the airport in time(NPC in passenger seat to "teach you"), Firearm tutorial could involve finding a dead officer in the Chaos(you spawn on same street you don't actually have to find him) and grabbing his weapons and ammo. This could also be a "looting" tutorial. This would continue to actually shooting a zombie in the head.HERE COMES THE BIG TWIST! Moving ahead a lot, the final tutorial mission would be flying(if of course planes are implemented). It is now late infection, and a Cessna has been repaired at the Northwest Airfield. Your NPC buddy who has been teaching you how to survive is with you in this final mission.You slowly learn the mechanics of the plane and all it's features as you fly towards the coast, back to civilization and out of this hellish country. You finally get towards the water when *CRACK* a gunshot sounds from below. suddenly it is as if a hail-fire of bullets are coming to you. The plane starts heading towards the water.....everything goes take one last look at your friend before you hit the water, and he does the same. *Darkness*. Your eyes slowly open. Finally you realized you have washed up back on the beach. Your friend is dead and now you are here to stay. *cut to DayZ logo* So whatcha think? 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IkaikaKekai 1957 Posted March 19, 2014 I would like to see single player/co-op, but I would want it to be fairly simple (No roaming NPCs, just you (your friend) and zombies). Can't really think of an objective, just spawn at the west edge of Kamenka and pretty much free form. Maybe have it so that if you find a radio or repair a stationary one you might hear a broadcast saying 'We will be picking up survivors at Svetlo Harbor in (5 in game days from when you start). This will be the last pick up for Chenarus." If you want to 'win' you have to survive the 5 days (1:1 ratio time, with the possibility to sleep) and be at the Docks when the heli/boat shows up (would be the ONLY NPCs in game other than zombies). If you just want to see how long you can survive you can ignore the boat pick up and just play. There would be no loot respawn and limited Zombie respawn (just pulling numbers out of my ass here, but say 10k zombies spawn from start, only 50k more zombies would spawn in, and they would only spawn in outside of your bubble, so no clearing the map by setting up a machine gun in Cherno with a shit tonne of ammo).I would make it so that you could (and possibly even NEED to) sleep in game, be more of a fast forward but could be interrupted (IE a zombie is smacking the shit out of you in your sleep or you hear a growl in the night), and you can't just run to Svetlo and 'sleep' for 3 days till the boat arrives. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akafugitive 244 Posted March 19, 2014 I wouldn't mind a single player, I would actually use my flash-light at night. Doesn't have to have NPC interactions, just a ton more zombies and nothing re-spawns. see how long you can survive for, could even put a helicopter on the map that if you repair it, entering it ends the mission successful. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMentMan 707 Posted March 20, 2014 it has been suggested before, i did. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ubermaster 39 Posted March 20, 2014 I get that fast heart beating because there are running 39 other dudes around and they might be near and hostile! Perhaps one in the building next to you. MAYBE A WHOLE GROUP! :OThats the power of this game imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrgesen 1341 Posted March 20, 2014 The only kind of single player that fits into DayZ, is a toturial tbh.This is not a singleplayer game, it was never ment to be single player and i doubt BI or Dean ever want it to be. But give us a nice, long toturial, going over most of the aspects in the game, just to give people "a hand" in the beginnning, would not be a bad idea tbh.Other then that, i think you are gonna have to wait for mods to create a singleplayer game mode, if its even possible, as i doubt BI will ever use resources on it. Ohh btw, when i say toturial i also mean a prologue, with background information on the outbreak, what measures has been taken and what not.Although im not sure BI wants that either hehe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted March 20, 2014 Dayz is meant to be multiplayer, since humans are unpredictable. However, AI is predictable. There will never be multiplayer in this game because it would all be scripted. Not to mention it would waste the developers time on creating something pointless. If you want to play single player go on a server with no one on it.The new Alien game has unpredictable AI. #Rekt 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrgesen 1341 Posted March 20, 2014 The new Alien game has unpredictable AI. #Rekt Well good luck getting them to create a new AI for DayZ mate......The point is, AI will never act like humans, it will never be as unpredictable as humans and it will never provide a greater challenge then humans :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akafugitive 244 Posted March 20, 2014 The only kind of single player that fits into DayZ, is a toturial tbh.This is not a singleplayer game, it was never ment to be single player and i doubt BI or Dean ever want it to be.But give us a nice, long toturial, going over most of the aspects in the game, just to give people "a hand" in the beginnning, would not be a bad idea tbh.Other then that, i think you are gonna have to wait for mods to create a singleplayer game mode, if its even possible, as i doubt BI will ever use resources on it.Ohh btw, when i say toturial i also mean a prologue, with background information on the outbreak, what measures has been taken and what not.Although im not sure BI wants that either hehe.I've been working on one. That will be covered in my topic listed below as coming soon. A lot of writing though and I don't have as much time for it anymore unfortunately Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayy 173 Posted March 20, 2014 The only kind of single player that fits into DayZ, is a toturial tbh.This is not a singleplayer game, it was never ment to be single player and i doubt BI or Dean ever want it to be. But give us a nice, long toturial, going over most of the aspects in the game, just to give people "a hand" in the beginnning, would not be a bad idea tbh.Other then that, i think you are gonna have to wait for mods to create a singleplayer game mode, if its even possible, as i doubt BI will ever use resources on it. Ohh btw, when i say toturial i also mean a prologue, with background information on the outbreak, what measures has been taken and what not.Although im not sure BI wants that either hehe. This guy has a point, plus, a prologue/tutorial thingy would be pretty awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Sinister 167 Posted March 20, 2014 Private server.Completely agree, if people want to pay for a private server, so be it. I would myself. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mullraugh 1151 Posted March 20, 2014 nah. Singleplayer sucked in Arma2. The npc's were goofy and badly voice acted. And they could only do so many animations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electi 149 Posted March 20, 2014 Pfff, you just loot a lot of food, and water, and then nothing heppens, you have full stomack and you win, it's not interesting at all, you just run - loot food - run - eat - repeat again if not enaught food or just sit like duck and do nothing... /sarcasm mode on so interesting!!!! /sarcasm mode off 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odin_lowe 3686 Posted March 20, 2014 Pfff, you just loot a lot of food, and water, and then nothing heppens, you have full stomack and you win, it's not interesting at all, you just run - loot food - run - eat - repeat again if not enaught food or just sit like duck and do nothing... /sarcasm mode on so interesting!!!! /sarcasm mode offEventually. No single player for the current state of the game of course. It would be useless... But when we have 4000 zombies on the map, and everything else, a single player option with customizable zombie behavior, loot tables and whatnot would be great. Think Project Zomboid. It started out as a single player only game, and with time they decided to add a multiplayer even though at first they were against it... There's already custom mission file for all the DayZ mods to be played single player, and that doesn't affect anyone playing in multiplayer, so it would be great to have more options, like a singleplayer mod, eventually. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites