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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

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did the update fix the zombies or are the stil doing superman jumps


It includes new zombie animations they are testing (which are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.

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It includes new zombie animations they are testing (which are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.



I didn't try the game with fast zombies yet, but I wouldn't mind them being faster than us. They're rage infected after all, and every movie (can't talk about real life situations obviously) with infected living humans had them sprinting and jumping like crazy. Which is plausible since rage increases adrenaline and adrenaline just might push them over the edge a bit. So yeah, when they stop clipping through walls it would be great if we had to find a safe place to hide from them instead of just wasting them all. I love where this is going.

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I didn't try the game with fast zombies yet, but I wouldn't mind them being faster than us. They're rage infected after all, and every movie (can't talk about real life situations obviously) with infected living humans had them sprinting and jumping like crazy. Which is plausible since rage increases adrenaline and adrenaline just might push them over the edge a bit. So yeah, when they stop clipping through walls it would be great if we had to find a safe place to hide from them instead of just wasting them all. I love where this is going.

fast zombies are grand yesterday i was in a house upstairs and 5 of them came through the walls and were jumping at me like someone turned on the turbo button. it would be great if the didnt come through the walls so you could hide but in time. next update lol

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fast zombies are grand yesterday i was in a house upstairs and 5 of them came through the walls and were jumping at me like someone turned on the turbo button. it would be great if the didnt come through the walls so you could hide but in time. next update lol

Of course, that's why I've said "when they stop clipping through the walls". :)

I'm going to play in a few minutes and see how it is now... 

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I like new zombie behaviour, but still i would like to see them in greater numbers.

in deed greater numbers would be great if you could hide from the without haveing to run out of a town to get away from them cause you have no melee on you

Of course, that's why I've said "when they stop clipping through the walls". :)

I'm going to play in a few minutes and see how it is now... 

let me know how it gos i wont get on till later tonight

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Just played 20 minutes on Stable with only minimal lags. Game on!

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I can't wait 'till there's a couple more problems with the next update and people start loosing their mind again like it's never gonna get fixed :D

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It includes new zombie animations they are testing (which are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.


The general speed and agression of the zombies are OK. But their detection radius of felt 3km and running speed of 40km/h when they are next to you are ludicrously.


My average survival time at the coast was about 10 minutes  ;) ...

Edited by Agilov

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After the hotfix I'm getting character resets on every relog... Just as the character did not save when leaving the server. Every time I join a new one it's without anything and on the coast.

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let me know how it gos i wont get on till later tonight


They come from everywhere! I was running from Berezino to the lumber mill, trying to aggro a few, and then came another player, being chased by another zed and asking me to help him. I killed those two with a pitchfork, and when he reloaded and shot the gun at least 5 or 6 more came running. If I didn't have the motorcycle helmet, I'd be dead in a second probably. They definitely make you more scared of what's going to happen, but they run around in weird circles sometimes, but that's not a huge problem. What I can't say for sure, but I think happened was... I think one zed killed another one :D I dodged his blow and another zed stood right in front of it and fell down dead. It was amazing to see :D

Oh, and I told the guy to shoot me, I had those green bandages and he was bleeding and had none (I'm switching to a hardcore server anyway), so we couldn't find them in the grass since we had to move to avoid the comming zombies. As soon as I died I hear a ton of them and saw the guy running like crazy around my body, trying to loot me. Yeah, they're definitely not just a decoration anymore.

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Just tried two uk servers didn't get any lag, New Z's speed seems very nice and more of a threat interested to see when there's more and no clipping. Good job.

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My  2 cents to current status (after hotfix):


permanent desync, not able to do anything in the game. 5x rubberbanded to the same location. 100Mb optic fibre, constant 6ms ping. Friend of mine plays totally fine.

Besides that - tho whole Z revamp is totally wrong:


Yesterdays experience: Respawn is a great mechanic, and desperately needed for sure. But not in the 30s interval, for christ sake!

It goes like this. You shoot a zombie, another comes in from nowhere....and again....and again...and again...There must be a chance for you to clear an area, even if for a few minutes. This state is basically uplayable. You either start killing them, and kill them forever. Or you run, not able to loot anything.


Another thing - are there some different levels of bleeding? There better should be, cause right now, you start bleeding, you're dead in less than one minute. If I was shot, I'm ok with that. But does every single SCRATCH from a zombie open my artery or what?


And please, PLEASE, add a cancel mechanic, so I don't have to stare at me finishing my bandage while being mauled by a fresh spawned zombie.

Edited by Caspartine

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They come from everywhere! I was running from Berezino to the lumber mill, trying to aggro a few, and then came another player, being chased by another zed and asking me to help him. I killed those two with a pitchfork, and when he reloaded and shot the gun at least 5 or 6 more came running. If I didn't have the motorcycle helmet, I'd be dead in a second probably. They definitely make you more scared of what's going to happen, but they run around in weird circles sometimes, but that's not a huge problem. What I can't say for sure, but I think happened was... I think one zed killed another one :D I dodged his blow and another zed stood right in front of it and fell down dead. It was amazing to see :D

Oh, and I told the guy to shoot me, I had those green bandages and he was bleeding and had none (I'm switching to a hardcore server anyway), so we couldn't find them in the grass since we had to move to avoid the comming zombies. As soon as I died I hear a ton of them and saw the guy running like crazy around my body, trying to loot me. Yeah, they're definitely not just a decoration anymore.

thanks for the heads up should be fun for me later on as im nearly dead from starvation :rolleyes:

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It includes new zombie animations they are testing (which are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.



You mean like dumbing down the game so it fits the dumbest?

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Zombies are worst than ever now. I can't get rid of them even though I keep running. Even if I'm not in their sight anymore they continue following. OMG stop making last minute hotfixes.

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I like the new Zombies just like many OPs said, the range of them is definitly to high. 


I agree with that cancel Option! Often got attacked by a Zombie while I was eating or bandaging myself :p


Keep on. 


Btw. didn't tryed it on Stable after the Hotfix.

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Tryed stable, loving it! After the hotfix, i dont get any lag/desync issues or session losts. Nice job Bohemia!

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Have the fire places and cooking been put in yet?



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I'm sorry... I don't usually resort to uncensored curse words... but:


.43 update  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Love the speed of the zombies. They're much more of a threat now.

HOWEVER... I am currently fully armed. I could imagine that newspawns starting out are going to have a b*tch of a time trying to evade them, find food, weapons, gear in general. I couldn't even imagine trying to hit one with an axe at the moment.

I would say, save these zombies and how they work now for when the buildings actually block their line of sight and collision detection. But otherwise, I would say they're MINT!

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I got rubberbanded on a GB hardcore server, that didn't happen to me before.


In the event of a de-sync you are now teleported back to your original location before the de-sync occured afaik. (Instead of running around for a few minutes with the icon on screen.)

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