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Operation "Sanctuary" safe zone calling all heroes (Event Ended)

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I have been gathering other friendly players secretly for an upcoming operation

Operation Sanctuary

Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140323T16&p0=136&fg2=ff605a&msg=Operation+Sanctuary&swk=1

Our mission will be to set up a safe zone in (CURRENTLY CLASSIFIED) and videoed for youtube

The Regulators will run security in different positions and a number of civilians who are friendly that will be assisting

Im working on recruiting those from trusted sources at the moment

civilians will need to bring food, water and medical supplies and we shall enter a FULL server and assist anyone who comes through

We will have to approach survivors and attempt to tell them that they are entering a non KOS zone and must keep there weapons away, except melee for zombies

It will take place on a weekend, to maximize our numbers and the server will only be given in PM to those recruited ( more on that at the end of the post)

A trading post will be set up as well as a medical centre

Rules of the sanctuary:

Anyone drawing a gun is likely to be shot, only security are permitted at all times to have weapons ready


Attacking another survivor unprovoked will result in security shooting that survivor, you have a right to defend yourself even if not security, it's not a dictatorship, if you feel threatened or are attacked then use what force you have to use

Anyone spotted aiming at the safe zone with a sniper rifle will be shot

Anyone logging ininside the safe zone will be told to log out, and shot of they refuse

Respect the security rules, they are there for your safety

Anyone is free to leave at any time, peacefully

Visitor rules

A visitor is someone who has been brought into the safe zone or is not trusted as a member of the original safe zone

Visitors must have firearms holstered, unless engaged they must not draw their weapons, use melee against zombies

Must comply with security personnel and remember, you are a guest and we will protect you if need be

All visitors must be escorted while inside the safe zone, do not stray from the group and if you are split up call out

Visitors are not permitted on teamspeak, and groups of more than 2 are not permitted to stay in the safe zone permanently


These people are those who are part of the operation but not a security member

These players are assigned tasks such as food distribution or medical aid

However unlike visitors, they have come from a trusted source and are permitted to use whatever means they deem necessary to protect themselves if security are not nearby

They do not have to keep their weapons away but must be lowered and should they feel threatened or a visitor draws a weapon at them they are authorised to defend themselves even if firing first (as visitors are not permitted to draw their guns, this is a breach of the rules)

Should the CQF turn up, they are considered Citizens are are authorised to have their weapons drawn, but lowered as not to alarm other residents of the safe zone

As a citizen you have every right to defend yourself

Try to call for security first if you spot something suspicious or your attacked, but feel free to fight if you have to


Security are limited to regulators only, although the CQF may be considered to join the defence if I can get them to come by

Security are the only people permitted to move around with weapons drawn at all times to ensure swift retaliation from an attack

Security are there to protect and make sure the trades and medical aid go smoothly


If you are interested in becoming part of the safe zone, we have slots open for medics and traders, if all slots are filled you can still drop by

The goal is to protect those inside and assist passing survivors

DETAILS such as time and location will only be revealed to trusted survivors and heroes, this is your reward for sticking it out this long (extensive research will be done for all players applying to be part or this event)

HOWEVER the server will be announced publicly and bandits will have to search the map for us

It will be a place where you can trade, give or receive assistance, and perhaps find some new friends

The server will be main hive, regular and we will be waiting to at least after the update is applied

If you are a friendly, friendly group or hero you may apply here, anyone applying who had registered an account after this date will never be accepted and we will be checking your posts to see what kind of person you are

Those accepted will be given citizen status (see above)

This will be on a full server, so there will still be bandit attacks and I'll announce the server publicly but not the safe zone location

In addition, a number of small events such as boxing will be held to fight for prizes

This event won't be held right next to the common spawn points, we are testing various locations away from elektro and Cherno and balota to see what will make a good place for this operation

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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oh this should be a bloodbath... cant wait to see the vids. good luck

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I'll have to check with the higher-ups but this sounds like a great idea, and fun too!

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Awesome idea, I wish that a clan would setup stuff like this every 2 weeks... 

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oh this should be a bloodbath... cant wait to see the vids. good luck

Your probably right

However I would just like to put out there we have been training for this type of event and out of the 4-5 times of locking down a city with 8+ guys it's been mostly positive (except one time we had to bug out)

So hopefully should go pretty well and I feel we are at a stage where we can get the community involved now

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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ah a noble cause indeed, count me in.


My humble group are medics and carry 0+ blood...im sure they will also come once i confirm its safe

Edited by BlissAndPanic

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Nice idea,


The Boomstick Authority will actually have something simular going on the next three weeks (we will start next Monday) as part of a Operation.

Feel free top hop in. See this topic for more information.


I hope that it works out.


We can also schedule a moment where we can test your defenses ;)

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Please, PLEASE post the server info. My crew needs to replenish morphine, epi pens and protector cases.


Yeah....that's what I thought...and where is KoS when you need him? ;)

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Will you post the location of this event on the day, for visitors, or will it be left secret to minimize disruption (baring in mind once it starts its location won't really be a secret anymore)? If I can find it I might turn up to trade. Also will it be on the hardcore or regular hive?

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LoL, its not a dictatorship, but if you don't follow are rules, we'll kill you. :rolleyes:

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It will all remain secret until the day of the event (except to those who are part of it)


It will be on the Regular hive


We fully expect there to be some infiltrations and bandit attacks, but we will be keeping it all a secret until the main day and wont be announcing the server publicly






LoL, its not a dictatorship, but if you don't follow are rules, we'll kill you. :rolleyes:


We wont kill you, we will ask you to leave if you don't like the rules and wont be permitted to enter the safe zone


But drawing your gun on someone on any situation is pretty much a death penalty and groups whose reputation precedes them (CQF) are granted additional rights.


Just like real life, those who have proven themselves get rewarded


I wouldn't let a begger into my house, but if hes been hanging around the street a few days asking for money I might make him a cup of tea


And someone has to lay down the law, if we let everyone run around with their guns out its going to get messy real fast

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Sigh... These events serve no real purpose. The security dudes will get bored eventually and leave earlier than they originally planed to do.


I'm not against events, just not for this game yet.

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Sigh... These events serve no real purpose. The security dudes will get bored eventually and leave earlier than they originally planed to do.


I'm not against events, just not for this game yet.


That's why I said AFTER the update, where zombies will be respawning which will add to the danger somewhat





Show the community that not everyone is KOS

Give people a place to get aid if they need it

Allow other groups as well as our own to get some publicity

Set foundations to future events which will be more common and better co-ordinated if some of our people can work together well

Form alliances with other groups



And for the security

We've done this before, besides if no one turns up after 30mins we will just switch servers

We will be taking it in turns to loot

Other events will be taking place, which our security will be permitted to participate in, just some fun events to fill in the gaps while no one is around

Again, we have done this before, the only difference is we are adding people and making it public


Also, the event will only be around 2 hours

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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That's why I said AFTER the update, where zombies will be respawning which will add to the danger somewhat





Show the community that not everyone is KOS

Give people a place to get aid if they need it

Allow other groups as well as our own to get some publicity

Set foundations to future events which will be more common and better co-ordinated if some of our people can work together well

Form alliances with other groups



And for the security

We've done this before, besides if no one turns up after 30mins we will just switch servers

We will be taking it in turns to loot

Other events will be taking place, which our security will be permitted to participate in, just some fun events to fill in the gaps while no one is around

Again, we have done this before, the only difference is we are adding people and making it public


Also, the event will only be around 2 hours



After this update, dude... This game is far from enjoyable to do events like this for a long time.





Show the community that not everyone is KOS

Ok, but then;


We've done this before, besides if no one turns up after 30mins we will just switch servers


If you switch servers you involve people who have no knowabouts of your event. Thus if they'll see people running with guns and they're with alot. They'll fight or flee, depending if they're armed or not( and they will be)

Thus, you'll meet KoS bluntly and people will die on both sides.



Other events will be taking place, which our security will be permitted to participate in, just some fun events to fill in the gaps while no one is around


Such as?


Honestly, you can do nothing in this alpha built. It's boring and repetitive, i bought the game just so i can play from time to time...

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Police State!....

Sounds, uh, interesting.

"Those who give up freedom for a little security deserve neither and will lose both." Or words to that effect. Haha I'm sorry, I just think IRL this is bound to cause trouble. But all the best!

Also... Your 'zone' (or should that be 'your' zone?)... Will you be evicting people who may already be there?

I've got my liberal douche-bag hat on today.

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oh this should be a bloodbath... cant wait to see the vids. good luck


Actually it could be very benign unless they tell people what server it is on ahead of time.. even on a full server, if they do this away from the coast at all, in my experience it will just be a lot of people standing around eating food.


The only way this gets exciting for them is if they welcome the challenge of telling others at least what server its on.. people still wont know their location. So the only way it gets really, really good is if they say hey.. we are here. Bring it. 

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Im up for being security. Any chance i can record for my channel? Would make an interesting episode/s.

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Any chance i can record for my channel? Would make an interesting episode/s.


Are you really going to listen to them if they say you can't record?


C'mon people...  :facepalm:

Edited by lrish

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Police State!....

Sounds, uh, interesting.

"Those who give up freedom for a little security deserve neither and will lose both." Or words to that effect. Haha I'm sorry, I just think IRL this is bound to cause trouble. But all the best!

Also... Your 'zone' (or should that be 'your' zone?)... Will you be evicting people who may already be there?

I've got my liberal douche-bag hat on today.


Yep, people who spawn in will have to either leave, or be killed.


This sounds exactly like Russia 'saving' the people of Crimea. :facepalm:

Edited by FunYun

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the name is Carrollart01 on steam, 95% of the time im a hero, the other 5 is usually when I see a real sespecious guy on the coast running around with a clown mask with a lot of bodies laying around, otherwise I give people food, and tell them of the area, whats going on, im also usually a sniper, I havnt used an M4 in a while, I used to a lot, can you tell how I can apply for this officially though?

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