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Operation "Sanctuary" safe zone calling all heroes (Event Ended)

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Lets bring a bit more excitement in this.

Lets put the security to the test, to see if you are really up to it.

I mean you guys are stating you can provide cover and security for freshies etc.


Dont get me wrong I think its a great idea. but a bit boring. afterall it's gonna be a better video when real bandits are trying to foil your plans right?


Lets meet up :D

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Hi, I'd like to apply for a security position.  I run with Apoc, he will also be applying for security detail.  Here is our attempt to protect Elektro from bandits, its less organized than this event however:


Operation:  Protect Elektro

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I'd be interested, more as a observer/helper. I actually layed my weapons down on experimental and probably will on the normal servers (maybe I'll just donate my guns to you guys)

as far as those saying this is a bad idea because "there's nothing to do in this game"..... I think you missed the point, because "there's nothing to do in this game" is why this is perfect !

it's something to do :-P


but then again I used to unwind after raids (yeah I used to play WoW ) by spinning in circles jumping from post to post on top of Ogrimmar bank, I guess I'm easily entertained.

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Anyone here (multiple people preferably) who wants to team up and try to take the city from them? Would atleast make this an actual event.

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Anyone here (multiple people preferably) who wants to team up and try to take the city from them? Would atleast make this an actual event.

I'm sure there will be more than a few groups trying to take the place from us

Besides you got to find it first

It will be interesting to see some bandits team up against us, especially if you youtube it too

I can imagine how much mistrust there will be between those kinda of people teaming up

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Can we have a ETA of when this will happen if ever

If you read his post you would have seen, "The server will be main hive, regular and we will be waiting to at least after the update is applied"

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Hehe, can't wait to tell all my buddies to KOS this place, gonna be epic!


I get the sense that either people aren't reading the OP, or simply don't understand what is meant by "trusted" players only. OP has already stated the framing for a date, the loose arrangements of arms, and who's involved already. He also stated how you can keep up to date, and how to apply.


Why is it so difficult to just read the first post? Silly bandits.

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I'm game ;)  My character (dubbed Dr. Grant... long story) has been alive for nearly a month now, I am a fully kitted medic (Rags, Morphine, Epy-Pens, Defib, Charcoal tabs, Antibiotics... whatever your ailment), and a long-range marksman (Fully geared Mosin with adequate ammo and an FNX for up close).  I can be a medic, I can be security, I can be your normal Joe.  I'm active duty military so I could help with a little organization.  Real life experience can only transfer so much into a video game environment.  Unfortunately, that active duty military thing has some side effects... Like the fact that I am not in the U.S. right now... and that I work nights which is days back in the states.

Even If you just want somebody to pass some ideas past, I can help where I can.  'Bout time there was some sort of hero population xD                                                              

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Ok, after some scouting this weekend I've confirmed the location (which is still secret)

Should be interesting as I've chosen a location that is easily defendable, snipers will have to get within 100m and risk being spotted due to terrain and buildings Ect completely blocking thier view past that distance and has plenty of places to position defence personnel

And it's still well within sight of main travelling routes or at least have some guys watching the surrounding towns for survivors

So you bandits better get out there and start scouting where you think we will be or just blindly search on the day

Totally up to you

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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If you want to make this an actual event that is not players standing around eating you should give away the server & location publicly when the event has started.

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If you want to make this an actual event that is not players standing around eating you should give away the server & location publicly when the event has started.

I'm am giving away the server I have said this multiple times

And no I'm not giving the location away

The last friendly event I was part of did this and it resulted in 40 people in elektro, and became a constant firefight for an hour instead of the friendly event it was suppoesed to be

If I want to make an event called "here we are, come as kill us" I would call it that

We will have scouts out there bringing in friendly survivors and bandits will have to work to find us

We will be fighting on our terms, not yours

It will be a laggy gun battle where nothing that we intend to get done will get done where we will have squads of 4+ logging inside our location every 5 minutes, do you really think that no one is going to try logging in inside the safe zone while a battle is going on?

Use your skills to find us, or don't bother

Besides giving away the location makes it the opposite of a safe zone as people will know that's where all the bandits will be

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Besides giving away the location makes it the opposite of a safe zone as people will know that's where all the bandits will be


But while you fight it means the rest of the server is bandit free, allowing Timmy Freshspawn to collect everything he needs


Be a man, grow some balls and give the bandits the details.

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But while you fight it means the rest of the server is bandit free, allowing Timmy Freshspawn to collect everything he needs


Be a man, grow some balls and give the bandits the details.


Not going to happen, if I wanted a fight I already told you I would make an event called "here we are, come kill us" or go and hunt bandits like I normally do


The last time we had people logging around us, full 40 server and when someone left another guy would join and be right in our face.


Its not about having any balls, it will be boring as shit having a firefight for 2-3 hours when we have to watch every inch of our surroundings for people logging in on top of us


Tell you what, make your own event, call it "come here, kill me" and tell everyone where your going to be positioned and don't lie about it and give a weeks notice and be at a location where its accessable from the coast easily


If you last longer than 3 hours on a livestream (Set it up at a specified time and prove its not a recording by performing certain actions with your character), ill tell everyone where we are going to be


and constantly tell people on the stream your server and location and watch the shitstorm decend on you






Didn't think so


Maybe you grow some balls, use some tactics, intel and skill and look for us instead of wanting some easy kills because you know where we are

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Not going to happen, if I wanted a fight I already told you I would make an event called "here we are, come kill us"


The last time we had people logging around us, full 40 server and when someone left another guy would join and be right in our face.


Its not about having any balls, it will be boring as shit having a firefight for 2-3 hours when we have to watch every inch of our surroundings for people logging in


Tell you what, make your own event, call it "come here, kill me" and tell everyone where your going to be positioned and don't lie about it and give a weeks notice and be at a location where its accessable from the coast easily


If you last longer than 3 hours on a livestream (Set it up at a specified time and prove its not a recording by performing certain actions with your character), ill tell everyone where we are going to be


and constantly tell people on the stream your server and location and watch the shitstorm decend on you






Didn't think so


Maybe you grow some balls, use some tactics, intel and skill and look for us instead of wanting some easy kills


I'm not the one coming onto the forums claiming to be a hero, saying I'm going to keep and hold a village, saying that everyone inside the village will be safe as long as they do as I say.  I'm shit at DayZ, I'm pretty shit at most games, pretty badass on Football Manager though.


Logging in with over a quarter of the server under your control, standing around waiting for people willing to submit to you ain't gonna be as fun as you think.  At least give a general starting point for the bandits, North part of the map etc. 

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We will have scouts out there bringing in friendly survivors and bandits will have to work to find us

We will be fighting on our terms, not yours


We will have people bringing in survivors, you know if you actually follow people instead of just shooting them maybe you will be able to see groups of people moving around and where they are headed


They will be there for a few minutes trading for stuff they maybe cant find, get medical aid and then Visitors are told to leave



Ok, after some scouting this weekend I've confirmed the location (which is still secret)

Should be interesting as I've chosen a location that is easily defendable, snipers will have to get within 100m and risk being spotted due to terrain and buildings Ect completely blocking thier view past that distance and has plenty of places to position defence personnel

And it's still well within sight of main travelling routes or at least have some guys watching the surrounding towns for survivors


Not many places like that, do some scouting yourself


This will be on a full server, so there will still be bandit attacks and I'll announce the server publicly but not the safe zone location

In addition, a number of small events such as boxing will be held to fight for prizes

This event won't be held right next to the common spawn points, we are testing various locations away from elektro and Cherno and balota to see what will make a good place for this operation

If nothing happens for 10-15 minutes, ill run one of our mini events


Well theres the south east ruled out right away, maybe read my post before posting



Anything else you want me to say that ive already posted?

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Like I said, all it will be is a bunch of people standing around being told what to do by you.  With everyone but your gang at a disadvantage.


Ruling out Cherno or Elektro is the same as ruling out the Airfields and the Military bases... don't exactly narrow it down a great deal.

Edited by Martmital

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Anyone is free to leave at any time, peacefully



No one is being forced to do anything, everyone who has been selected is a volunteer (and about 50% are people ive worked with before )

The only thing they are being told to do is don't KOS

And don't point your weapons in a threatening way


Anyone not willing to accept these laws doesn't deserve to enter the safe zone


The jobs they have been given, they asked for them

EVERY person that is joining this has been asked what they want to do



You clearly want to turn this into something its not, you clearly want it to fail by us giving you all the information you need to server hop inside, have a group ready to log in and ambush us ect and then will post something like "Hey this dumass shit failed, there guys are crap ect"


Keep dreaming, your just wasting your time here, so don't bother turning up

The event will be running for 2-3 hours, if you cant be bothered to spent some of that time searching locations that match the information ive given out then don't bother coming, its not going to take that long to search the map if you have an organised group



So basically what you saying is give the server info out (already going to be done) give out the location (so that groups can be set up ready for us, so we will probably wiped out while logging in) and if not then we will already be surrounded meaning ZERO chance of anyone entering the safe zone for help and then you expect us to sit around for 2-3 hours while people server hop in and takes sniper shots at us

Doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me


Ill make this clear one more time:


The event is to HELP friendly people, give them a SAFE place to TRADE and SEEK help, not to sit around in a prolonged FIREFIGHT for a few hours at the pleasure of all the bandits


None of which will happen if we give out the location

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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There is no such thing as a safe place in DayZ. If the bandits don't get you, the server hoppers will. If the server hoppers don't get you, the hackers will.

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Exactly so giving the location attracts bandits and server hoppers

Can't do anything about the hackers, but I can eliminate most of the server hoppers and only the bandits willing to put in time and effort will find us

Sounds much better then instant death upon logging in because they know where we will be

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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