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2 years on and nothing has changed

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People were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. and Guess what... its still Alpha. The SA vs the mod has even gone backwards. 


I think the issue here is that Rocket had a good idea but lacked everything else needed to pull it off. Im not sure Bohemia and the team are going to deliver on their promises. Im having serious Dejavu from the time i spent playing the Mod.

it was never an alpha 2 years ago, all the mod was was a proof of concept proving that if you made a survival crafting multiplayer game people would buy it thats really all the mod was they even established later the mod would be more like an early stage testing ground basically pre-experimental but it was never an "alpha" of anything. The "its been two years" crowd is almost as bad as the "3pp puts everyone on equal footing crowd"


At first I wasn't sure if it was just trolling but as time wears on Im starting to be convinced its more of the "just stupid" category for both groups. 


 the SA has gone backwards from the mod...yeah no....maybe when you count for some of the mods of the mod like epoch etc but the SA is leaps and bounds ahead of what the mod itself was.


Better medical system, no more blood bagging yourself. More than a handful of lootable buildings per city/town some towns werent even worth going to at all in the mod unless you got lost now everywhere has at least some potential value, better item management its still not great but it is better than the mod especially at launch. There are a lot of bad things about the alpha, but its an alpha thats why there's the huge ass warning text before you buy the game 

Edited by Sickerthansars

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They completely rewrote the game, of course its not at the same place. Besides, the DayZ Mod didn't make any money for the actual DayZ team. Now its their job.

I don't believe they completely rewrote it. Too many similarities between early bugs and issues in the mod and sa.

I think they stripped some things down and tried to optimize but I bet it's just more of a fork in the engine to avoid Arma constraining Dayz.

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Don't worry man, this game will never see completion. If they keep it in an alpha/beta state forever, they can just keep that silly disclaimer up there and all is well.

So if they haven't completed the game in a matter of months, it'll always be alpha?

Not even considering this is a BI game, which usually takes a matter of 3-4 years to complete BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY SPEND TIME ON THEIR GAMES.

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I don't really see how the sa is not a downgrade from the mod. For all of the improvements there are more things that are either broken or missing. Given that they postponed the sa for so long, this is what they gave us? Rocket leaving for Everest said everything about the development IMO. Half assed.

I'm a big dayz fan so I'm going to give it 6 months for Bohemia to fix this rambling mess of a game and check in again then

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I'm a big dayz fan so I'm going to give it 6 months for Bohemia to fix this rambling mess of a game and check in again then


Good idea, lots of other people should follow your lead.  "Alpha" still hasn't sunk in yet somehow.

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Now when I see a post like this one I always wonder if it is really a reaction to the game or a reaction to some recent emotional trauma they can't express properly. OP has someone hurt you on the inside recently?

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Go away. Nobody cares about your input since it's obvious trolling.



Ladies and gentlemen please don't insult other users or post irrelevant/pointless comments; yes, we all know that you like to post your popcorn pictures. 



OP is entitled to his opinion.

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You must have serious issues if you could put up with the duping and hacking on the Mod for 800 hours. Also wiping did happen on the mod and so did vanishing guns and backpacks and so on and on and on. Oh and teleporting back to the coast. hmmmm Sounds familiar..... dejavu again.


Oh but its ALPHA!. Yes 2 years later its still ALPHA. 


This game wont be beta for 3 years. By that time the team will be bored and moved on to other projects now they have made their money. 


I only played on the public hive for a few weeks which eliminated hacks for the most part. The reason I left the public hive was hacker related.


After that time, I moved on to renting a server which was on the shared hive. Frequency of hackers dropped 90%. After a few months I changed the server to a private hive and once there I think we ran into a hacker 2-3x until we shut down.


Maybe you got wiped on cheaply tricked out servers with self blood bags, 500+ vehicles, low/lift, animated helo crashes, custom loadout for donators, etc? Heavily scripted servers did all kinds of wacky things. Vanilla didn't. 


Did this happen on public hives? Shared? Private?


In my extensive experience, I never got wiped once. I couldn't even wipe with the toilet paper. None of my friends nor any of the 30+ static members we had on the private server got wiped either. We had many active admins and got zero reports of getting wiped. Only issue we had was an issue with humanity getting reset, which was fixed on a case-by-case basis.


I have never teleported once in SA, nor have I read about anyone in the forums complaining about being teleported to the coast in SA. I have been wiped (discon from the hive on poorly updated servers) and fresh spawned on the coast. That is different than what was happening in the mod. Usually teleporting to the coast in the mod came from Hero skins or hacks. Reiterating, your mistaken.


If you bothered to read what Dean Hall says in his reddit page you would know that DayZ Standalone will be in Beta by 1/2015.

Edited by Weyland Yutani
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The biggest problems that i feel need to be given priority is the fact that Zombies can phase through walls and they can see you from further than you can see them, even while you're prone. That and the fact that it's atrociously hard to stay connected to the servers.


Other than that, all i see is a sniveling whiner.

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As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod....


The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod.


Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again....


Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You have no idea who and no way to report them since this stupid game does not tell you who killed you and has no global chat. 


Item duping.... sigh


Features that get added that no one ever wanted and ones that are wanted never get added, You spent a year making the map have more lootable houses and the game is no better for it. There are no flash points and you can run for hours and never see anyone. You added all this extra loot which is useless and stuff is still being added while other things remain useless and broken.


You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. I never thought the Zombies could get any worse than the mod, but well done you managed it. Oh and they arent even dangerous. this is why the whole game is KOS.


The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Dont get me started on using stairs in this game.... or ladders. Or moving in general i feel like a suffer from some kind of disease that makes me move like a cripple.


I see you still havnt worked out how to stop people from clipping through walls. 2 years later.... Seriously?


Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently.


Then again Bohemia are very famous for half finished products and broken games that never get fixed. 


It will be a miracle if this game ever gets released as a stable finished version.

Omfg, I'm sorry, GO FUCKING DEINSTALL. It's not that hard! No one cares about your opinion, and there is literally NO POINT in ANYTHING you've said except for badmouthing someone else's life work.


I mean, I really want you to tell me right now that anything you said here had a legitimate point? Was it constructive? No, because you offered no solutions. Was it progressive? No, because you didn't actually point out a fault or broken feature, you just looked at a body of work and said "Wow, you're a piece of shit and will never amount to anything." Really man.

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 I should have more sense to ignore these threads because the game isn't a finalized product yet. OP, thanks for your rage post, so honestly what now? I mean that as a general question.You deliberately posted on here like many others to vent and let everyone know that you are upset because the game has not progressed how you think it should have by now. So are you quitting the game now and coming back later when it's finalized? Will you continue playing anyway and wait for the updates? Are you expecting the developers to read this thread and rethink their approach to this game, maybe bring a patch out this week fixing all the bugs you have issues with?


I'm guessing that you are not alone, there will be thousands of people that share your exact opinion but don't feel the need to start a thread about how upset they are (when it won't ACHIEVE anything), except you can get this all off your chest. If your post rang true after the games official public release, I would have your back my friend but it's far from finished so your post is another time wasting rage for all to respond too.


I guess I'm wasting everyones precious time too by just adding another post to an already useless thread but the question begs an answer because I've lost count of how many rage threads there are now. Maybe make a special venting thread for all to see and people can let it all out in there?


Be careful how you talk for the whole Dayz community too. "Features that get added that no one ever wanted", are you speaking for me too when you wrote that because you haven't explained what features. Do you get what I'm saying? I just wish this type of post could have it's own thread or be constructive rather than cry to be heard.

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 I should have more sense to ignore these threads because the game isn't a finalized product yet. OP, thanks for your rage post, so honestly what now? I mean that as a general question.You deliberately posted on here like many others to vent and let everyone know that you are upset because the game has not progressed how you think it should have by now. So are you quitting the game now and coming back later when it's finalized? Will you continue playing anyway and wait for the updates? Are you expecting the developers to read this thread and rethink their approach to this game, maybe bring a patch out this week fixing all the bugs you have issues with?


I'm guessing that you are not alone, there will be thousands of people that share your exact opinion but don't feel the need to start a thread about how upset they are (when it won't ACHIEVE anything), except you can get this all off your chest. If your post rang true after the games official public release, I would have your back my friend but it's far from finished so your post is another time wasting rage for all to respond too.


I guess I'm wasting everyones precious time too by just adding another post to an already useless thread but the question begs an answer because I've lost count of how many rage threads there are now. Maybe make a special venting thread for all to see and people can let it all out in there?


Be careful how you talk for the whole Dayz community too. "Features that get added that no one ever wanted", are you speaking for me too when you wrote that because you haven't explained what features. Do you get what I'm saying? I just wish this type of post could have it's own thread or be constructive rather than cry to be heard.

Lol, he's raging because he assumes the mod was the ALPHA test.  I mean, I hate to say this, but how dumb can people really get to post something like that?

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Yes, the tears, they are so delicious.



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People were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. and Guess what... its still Alpha. The SA vs the mod has even gone backwards. 


I think the issue here is that Rocket had a good idea but lacked everything else needed to pull it off. Im not sure Bohemia and the team are going to deliver on their promises. Im having serious Dejavu from the time i spent playing the Mod.


well rocket is leaving the programming and stuff to a skilled professional team, and will step back in a while :)

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Rocket is a Salesman and we have all been duped into buying into his vaporware idea that will be Alpha for years if not forever/..


Speak for yourself I don't feel I've been duped into anything I've already got my moneys worth out of the alpha alone.


Go play a finished game and comeback when DayZ is finished, if it still hasn't progressed to your liking then you can moan all you want.




Its rockets sand pit and he wants to make this and that.... Does anyone seriously fucking care about blood types? I just wanted to heal so i could return to the battle... not worry about A- blood or catching  the shits from water. This is as dumb as Far Cry 2's Maleria infection BS. 



I care because this is a survival game, not a war game.

Edited by Ricky Spanish
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Go away. Nobody cares about your input since it's obvious trolling.

I care, I feel he brings up some valid points.

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I care, I feel he brings up some valid points.

What points?  The points the he tried to state that the mod was the first ALPHA, which is false?  The point that he's raging about a game that is in early access ALPHA and Rocket himself has stated to not buy it if you're not willing to participate in it?  The point that every time you load the goddamn game up it tells you that it's in early access ALPHA and you have to click the I UNDERSTAND button to get to the main screen?

Edited by Caboose187

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My advice for you, irzero, is quit playing DayZ and play Fallout or something. The whole point of DayZ is to survive a world where food and clean water is scarce and zombies want to eat you. Not run around and kill things. Nothing has changed? Well boo hoo, welcome to a life after an apocalypse. If you really want to 'change' DayZ, stop complaining to us, the players, and make a mod for the game or something. DayZ Epoch wasn't made by the same people who made the DayZ mod you know...

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I have had fun. Im not saying that its WarZ


But It feels Exactly like 2 years ago.... Semi working game with useless crap being added every week rather than core stuff being fixed and features being added which people want. Heck some actual zombies?

You don't have to play this game you know. It's not that someone in holding you at gunpoint forcing you to play.

The Mod and SA are two totally different things. So, it hasn't been Alpha since 2 years.


Apperently you pee-sized brain doesn't seem to comprehend the big warning you get when you start the game.


So... either quit whining or quit playing.

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As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod....


The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod.


Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again....


Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You have no idea who and no way to report them since this stupid game does not tell you who killed you and has no global chat. 


Item duping.... sigh


Features that get added that no one ever wanted and ones that are wanted never get added, You spent a year making the map have more lootable houses and the game is no better for it. There are no flash points and you can run for hours and never see anyone. You added all this extra loot which is useless and stuff is still being added while other things remain useless and broken.


You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. I never thought the Zombies could get any worse than the mod, but well done you managed it. Oh and they arent even dangerous. this is why the whole game is KOS.


The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Dont get me started on using stairs in this game.... or ladders. Or moving in general i feel like a suffer from some kind of disease that makes me move like a cripple.


I see you still havnt worked out how to stop people from clipping through walls. 2 years later.... Seriously?


Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently.


Then again Bohemia are very famous for half finished products and broken games that never get fixed. 


It will be a miracle if this game ever gets released as a stable finished version.


Well, it seems they learned out of the modding limitations and restarted the whole project, which i think was the right choice. I assume you can expect it to get far better than the mod. Probably not perfect, but much better. I hope they have the capabilities to improve those fundamental engine problems. Just give them more time. Come back in a few months or a year, and then see how it goes.

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Love how only a couple of people will admit that the mod has so much more to offer atm. SA is nothing but a shell, with no real challenge to survival yet. Its COD on a big map, with loot. Further down the line it will get better with features, and the work they have done is good. I don't know how OP dosent like the new health system....I think that's brilliant. How many other games do we get a virtual stomach, and foods with different hydration/energy values. Its a massive improvement over the mods...eat steak for x amount of hp back. All be it with those intrusive txt messages.


Research is key when buying into an alpha game.  Rocket said very very VERY early on that he wanted to make a survival game, and zombies were only added to make it more "mainstream". So we know for sure the survival mechanics will be a big feature of the SA. If all your after is some arcade style run and gun maybe l4d would be a better choice.  


Right now the SA feels lacking I know. But these features like camps and cars haven't gone anywhere. They are just being re worked in the bat cave, and will make there way back in at some point. Hopefully they will be re done as well as the food/drink system, and give SA a depth of gameplay only dreamt of by other developers. Give it some time and lets see hat Mr Hall can do in these 10 months. Id like him to stay as much as everyone else, but its his choice. We just have to give him a chance and reserve judgement until we see the state of the game when he leaves :)

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Apperently you pee-sized brain doesn't seem to comprehend the big warning you get when you start the game.


Apparently you pee-sized brain doesn't seem to comprehend the warnings I've given.


Ladies and gentlemen please don't insult other users 




Omfg, I'm sorry, GO FUCKING DEINSTALL. It's not that hard! No one cares about your opinion, and there is literally NO POINT in ANYTHING you've said except for badmouthing someone else's life work.


Really man?


Ladies and gentlemen please don't insult other users 





Warning points will be next.

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