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About RabbitZ

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Bagels, fuck carrots bro...

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    my voice is hella high maaaaan...
  1. RabbitZ

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    My advice for you, irzero, is quit playing DayZ and play Fallout or something. The whole point of DayZ is to survive a world where food and clean water is scarce and zombies want to eat you. Not run around and kill things. Nothing has changed? Well boo hoo, welcome to a life after an apocalypse. If you really want to 'change' DayZ, stop complaining to us, the players, and make a mod for the game or something. DayZ Epoch wasn't made by the same people who made the DayZ mod you know...
  2. RabbitZ

    Real life Chernarus.. map links

    Hey, no pants in Povrly!
  3. RabbitZ

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    Mad World bro, Mad World... I dealt with the most fucked up shit in the game when it comes to bandits sounding like Mickey Mouse (literally, I ain't making fun at squeekers), and foreign people that don't understand english and still wants to kill you. But the first thing I did, is that I got the hell out of there dude! Ran like hell, not only for my survival but theirs man. I don't want to kill anybody, I just wanna survive and chill with chill people. But if that guy has a gun (even if his aim sucks dick), and you don't? Fucking run, bro!
  4. dude, chillax, they probably saw a bee on your back and overreacted or something. No need to go around killing people for no reason because of a silly bee, silly. Be one with the bro, and the bro will be one with you. no homo
  5. RabbitZ

    Dayz current state

    You say that the game sucks, but is it really the game? Have you dealt with errors, glitches, anything part of the game that is justified as unfair? I haven't even encountered anything like that when I played DayZ, even when I climb ladders. The only thing wrong in the game, that isn't part of the game, is the mind of the player who would kill you for no reason. So if I were you, I'd think twice before I blame a game, thinking that it sucks because of a problem outside of the game's coding... *edit: is isn't, how funny
  6. RabbitZ

    Well This Is Interesting, Another DayZ Spinoff?

    This is what I got from the video they have on the page "Where am I? whoa, look at all these plants! WHOA! the grass is moving! Dude the sky is so beautiful! woooow! let me go over here and WOW! LOOK ITS EVEN BETTER! WHOOOAA!" Also $5,000 dollars to go to Ohio!? Eat dinner with a couple of guys of which I don't even know, AND watch a movie with them?! WOW! What a deal! What's that? I GET A SHIRT?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I don't about you guys but I'd go for it. *cancelled* SHIT! well might as well kill myself now...
  7. RabbitZ

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    You know how in the game Left 4 Dead, you had to go through so many zombies just to get to some silly shack? Well the one thing that was odd about that game is that the characters were immune and didn't take that much damage from things biting and scratching you silly. But what I liked about that game was how you're able to kill a zombie with an axe to the head and you can see the damage you made, how easy it was to kill something that was already dead. But when I play DayZ, the first zombie comes up to me with a bat in my hand and I imagine how it's face would look like after I'm done with it. Granted DayZ doesn't have the right engine for those kind of graphics but it is logical that a hit from a bat to the face can stun, or even kill when it comes to rotting flesh. But that zombie continued to attack me, after so many hits to it's head. The only way to survive such a dreadful world 'full' of these things is to group up and help each other... but only for 5 minutes. Why 5 minutes? well it would take at least that long to clear a whole city of these things, which are like 5 or 6 zombies. Then we sadly don't have anything to do but kill each other, feed each other rotten kiwis. The whole point of this game was to survive, hope that the zombie didn't see us and not scream for a horde; run like hell to a place where other players can help you. Sorry that's just some rant I made up there, I felt like typing it down. What I want to see DayZ as is a mix between Left 4 Dead and The Last of Us. It would pretty much be like Project Zomboid except the aerial view of a well trained bird and pixelated graphics of what the stereotypical hipster gamer would want. The certain qualities of the 2 games would easily change a DayZ player's view of another player's life and keep the game more interesting to play. There would be a better reason why anyone would run to cherno, medical supplies, food and water, more survivors. Not sitting around camping, shooting off anyone you see; because that would be stupid to shoot a gun in the middle of a large city, full of zombies...
  8. RabbitZ

    Rabbits... the true horror factor

    Dude, remember Resident Evil? Wanna know why Bloodsuckers from Stalker are in the DayZ mod in the first place? (can't get the image thing to work, like damn dude...) http://imgur.com/gqrriaq theres fur on that thing maaan trust me, you don't wanna mess with us...
  9. I'll keep this in like a list man, more easier right? Spawned in on the South East shore went up North towards Rify met a guy with a sweet red hard hat, some random dude attacked me with a baseball bat random guy was all like "oh I heard a gunshot and I thought you were shooting him" or something I didn't even have anything but my pink beanie they went on their way, I left with some bruises cus the asshole hit me, what a dick, maaan went around the towns close to Rify, couldn't even find any food or water fountains met some dude with a motorcycle helmet, same shit happens again man! Baseball bat to the gut except the motorcycle helmet guy chased the bat guy, don't know where they went, fucking hate bats now... decided to venture over to the wrecked ship without any food, I was starving at this point whole place was deserted, I was the only one there in a 25/30 room, lemme share what I got, bro 1. kickass canvas shorts, they were gray, wish they were the picnic ones 2. blue poofy jacket, completely useless when it comes to holding stuff, 3 slots, takes up shirt and vest area, still looks cool 3. red children's suitcase, it had a turtle on it dude! so I went back to the closet towns to see if I can find any food, cus I was dying at this point man then out of nowhere, this fresh spawn comes up to me saying hello and stuff, asking what I was doing told him I was dying of starvation, dude freakin hands me tuna, I couldn't even find anything in that town saved me from starvation and gave me enough time to get to another town and get food, faith in humanity restored man found a kickass cowboy hat in some house with a pc in the corner later, made my day. Now I'm going to head north to check out those roads that lead to nowhere, underground enterances dude!... probably I don't know man... Beans :beans:
  10. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    Anyway, I should just end this thread cus of the non excellent people are attracted to it apparently, I didn't really much know about PVE servers only that I was sure people were all chill with each other. Especially when most of them weren't very populated. The only thing I can say right now is, watch some Bill and Ted and suppress that 'troll' of yours, or take a break from the internet, it's what I did hence the less posts. beans bros :beans:
  11. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    dude, what?
  12. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    Hey guys, whats with all the hate? I would understand that you guys had a bad day or something but no need to take out on me, I ain't mad dogging ya bros, chillax
  13. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    more like CODs, bandits are thieves, not murderers.
  14. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    Still the only thing I had that anyone would want is a dumb beret, he didn't really need to shoot me, I think he has mental issues that should be worked out. I try to prolong my time with player interaction as much as possible, those are the only times which are fun, what does he want, why is he doing it, what song does he want me to sing. But if you just plain out kill people for no reason other than to take their stuff, you're basically just running out looting things and thats it, no fun at all. I would understand the satisfaction of killing someone but I wouldn't get it from just killing someone who had their hands up, helpless and unable to do anything. Its like killing a puppy, why would you do that man?!... Yes I called myself a puppy, cus im adorable :D
  15. RabbitZ

    PVE server, no PVP... right?

    man, I'm just a bit bum that i lost my cool pants... shit bro... It was like a picnic but on your lap