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Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

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I already said many of these details but I will start again-



This was for sure on normal branch build, I was in a server with only one other player in it and it was a clan server called Bandit Hunter 24/7. This is a normal branch server.


I was not travelling or running for long periods of time, I was looting Zelenogorsk, walking and sprinting between buildings normally. 


I had only one rifle, an M4, with only one pistol.


I had only one ammo box full of ammo, no small container cases, two medical cases


Normal amount of gear with room/slots left in hunter backpack


Phillip, when you got the irregular heartbeat message, did you try sitting down and resting for a minute or two or did you keep on moving around? Im just guessing, but maybe you have to stop doing anything for a while until you get a 'I am feeling better now' kind of message?

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A - Something specific caused the heart attack (ie. trauma) as heart attacks aren't intended to be random

B - It's a bug, which isn't exactly rare in an alpha


Either way don't be *so* upset about it - at least not towards the devs. This is part of the development process; with new features come new bugs. With new bugs comes fixes. No offense or anything.


The weirdest part is that it happened to you in stable.. considering that heart attacks supposedly weren't added until the latest experimental build. I haven't not experienced this myself or heard of anyone else experiencing it as of yet.


or C. He opted for experimental and dun goof'd

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 it was a clan server called Bandit Hunter 24/7. This is a normal branch server.


What's the IP? No 'bandit hunter' server shows up in my browser.

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Im glad they are implementing features that will keep people from running sheer across the map, thats what is truly ridiculous. As is crying about dying to something on experimental.  

Unlimited sprinting is needed until there are some types of vehicles.

Solodude, It is excessive. The game needs to have a good balance of realism and fun, which is how it felt it was going. Adding heart attacks start to slide it down a slope of ridiculousness. Heart attacks don't sound fun. There is such thing as too much. Are we going to add cavities into the game from drinking too much soda? To be quite fair, if heart attacks are meant to not happen randomly etc, other things need to be added/straightened out before they are implemented.

Edited by MagneticToast

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or C. He opted for experimental and dun goof'd


How could I have been on experimental with my normal character, ON A LOW POPULATION SERVER.


I already listed the exact server it was on.


Seriously are you even trying?

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Don't heart attacks only happen when your shock value is high? Had you been in a fight or gotten shot or badly damaged? How was your health?


It does? Damn! That changes everything!  :o

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What's the IP? No 'bandit hunter' server shows up in my browser.


I have no idea let me try to find it. 



Also, it is impossible that I was in experimental branch, unless there is some way you can join an experimental server by accident without going into steam and downloading the branch manually.


I definitely did not go into steam and download the experimental branch, I have not downloaded it since december/january. Can it be downloaded by accident automatically??

Edited by schofie1d

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Dude, this post was incredibly stupid, please hold back from giving shitty advice in the future. 


I am asking about a specific detail in this game, absolutely no need to go nanny on me like I am 12. I realize it's a game you retard. 



I am asking, specifically, is there a fix for this. If not, I am saying it is incredibly STUPID and should be CHANGED. That is what this forum is for.


Not giving shitty parental advice. 

An advice is an advice. Not taking any at anytime means you know everything right? I was just sharing some thoughts since you seemed very annoyed at your situation, which you shouldn't be for the reasons I stated. This is just the obvious sir and I was just trying to help.


This is the experimental branch and we should treat it accordingly. Those features are bound to be tweaked. and change.


Please, this is a video game, no need for insults.

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I have no idea let me try to find it. 



Also, it is impossible that I was in experimental branch, unless there is some way you can join an experimental server by accident without going into steam and downloading the branch manually.


I definitely did not go into steam and download the experimental branch, I have not downloaded it since december/january. Can it be downloaded by accident automatically??


Yes it can automatically do it. It has happened to me before.

Edited by HunterJay

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I definitely did not go into steam and download the experimental branch, I have not downloaded it since december/january. Can it be downloaded by accident automatically??

Well why don't you check it to make sure buddy?

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If only all of us were as good at life as you.


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I did respond to you, I forgot to click the 'quote button'. 



This is retarded that I even have to defend myself, you people are incredibly unhelpful, unsurprisingly.

Some of you guys need to learn some manners

Right in the 'irony' there. Oof that hurt.
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Well why don't you check it to make sure buddy?


I am able to join normal servers at this time, and I have changed nothing


Can it also automatically instantly revert?

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I am able to join normal servers at this time, and I have changed nothing


Can it also automatically instantly revert?


Right now even if you downloaded experimental, you can still play the stable. That's why people have been asking you to double check.

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Right in the 'irony' there. Oof that hurt.


I love when people cry foul when they are retaliated against

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Why cant the staff explain how these new things work on the changelog ?


Maybe this isn't the work of the devs?

Still waiting for the server IP, that's the first step to figuring out the problem.

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Right now even if you downloaded experimental, you can still play the stable. That's why people have been asking you to double check.


Really, I did not know you could join both now. But no, it is still normal branch, it will not let me join experimental branch servers 

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Keep it going! I'm feasting on this guys tears.

Your fake low pop server. Playing with one other guy.

I'm glad you had a "heart attack" although I'm 99% sure you're trolling. 

Tell me that server again so I can come hunt you down and kill you properly. What is the name again Fapping in the woods 24/7?


Quit crying.

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Keep it going! I'm feasting on this guys tears.

Your fake low pop server. Playing with one other guy.

I'm glad you had a "heart attack" although I'm 99% sure you're trolling. 

Tell me that server again so I can come hunt you down and kill you properly. What is the name again Fapping in the woods 24/7?


Quit crying.

I really hope this guy gets a warning moderator, pretty silly




Maybe this isn't the work of the devs?

Still waiting for the server IP, that's the first step to figuring out the problem.


Server- Hardcore 24/7 Bandit Hunter Club Hardcore

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I definitely did not go into steam and download the experimental branch, I have not downloaded it since december/january. Can it be downloaded by accident automatically??

Unfortunately I think that experimental branch is the issue of your heart attack. Currently there are no heart attacks in Stable Branch. Check your steam to see if you somehow opted into the Experimental branch.


As well, I'm curious how you got your heart attack? 


Were you running through the houses with your weapon out? I know that can tire your character out quite a bit? Maybe its just prolonged running? How about a "play-by-play" of what happened leading to your attack? Maybe even items that you used that may have triggered the bug / implementation? 

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Keep it going! I'm feasting on this guys tears.

Your fake low pop server. Playing with one other guy.

I'm glad you had a "heart attack" although I'm 99% sure you're trolling. 

Tell me that server again so I can come hunt you down and kill you properly. What is the name again Fapping in the woods 24/7?


Quit crying.


Cut that shit.


From now on, this thread is about figuring out what the problem is, not insulting each other. That goes for everyone.


This kind of pile-on is bloody embarrassing.

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Seriously there is nothing in the game right now that would have saved me?


A defibrillator aplied by someone when you pass out, check the changelog: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175096-update-rev-036115535-experimental-branch/


Besides that's on the experimental branch only, so far. Thing that you forgot to mention.


Rule #1: Don't get attached to your gear.


Ps. You're welcome.

Edited by BrainlessZombie
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Cut that shit.


From now on, this thread is about figuring out what the problem is, not insulting each other. That goes for everyone.


This kind of pile-on is bloody embarrassing.


I am surprised the rules are pretty lax here. I get the impression people can insult for a while until a mod comes into stop them xD


Not saying I insult also. Just speaking from what I see.

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