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Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

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cite that data please?


"A distance related to the quartermile which is 440 yards or 402.34 metres. This race is probably best described as an endurance-sprint.

The 400m has achieved notoriety as a "man killer" because it is physiologically impossible to run at close to top speed for longer than 30 to 35 seconds before oxygen debt sets in and muscles "fill" with lactic acid. 400m runners must have good basic speed, they must be able to judge pace and they must learn to ignore pain!"

Edited by Nicko2580
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The wife just asked if the OP was healthy, hydrated and energized... She knows the drill.

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I run marathons and never had a heart attack.   Fuck this idea.  They better nix it.

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"A distance related to the quartermile which is 440 yards or 402.34 metres. This race is probably best described as an endurance-sprint.

The 400m has achieved notoriety as a "man killer" because it is physiologically impossible to run at close to top speed for longer than 30 to 35 seconds before oxygen debt sets in and muscles "fill" with lactic acid. 400m runners must have good basic speed, they must be able to judge pace and they must learn to ignore pain!"


I was more curious as to the time they can maintain that pace. I'm not trying to counterpoint you. just curious

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I was more curious as to the time they can maintain that pace. I'm not trying to counterpoint you. just curious

In terms of jogging I think quite a long time. People do 50km ultramarathons and things like that. For top speed sprinting I think it's only 6-7 seconds which is why the 100m at the Olympics is one of the favoured events - that's where you see people going the fastest.

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well if they are going to make it related to running, hopefully there will be a system in place to let you know when you are becoming tired or are approaching "Heart attack status" or whatever...



this just seems like a very odd way of restricting player mobility. It is basically, if it sounds like what I think it does, some sort of rudimentary "stamina" system. 

Edited by DeatHTaX
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The idea that Added heart attacks for realism but have not fixed basic physics in the game is insulting and annoying.  Fuck this idea.

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The idea that Added heart attacks for realism but have not fixed basic physics in the game is insulting and annoying.  Fuck this idea.


I agree they shouldn't be adding in more ways to die without adding things to do in game, other than loot (barely) and then go bandit/heroing.

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well if they are going to make it related to running, hopefully there will be a system in place to let you know when you are becoming tired or are approaching "Heart attack status" or whatever...



this just seems like a very odd way of restricting player mobility. It is basically, if it sounds like what I think it does, some sort of rudimentary "stamina" system. 

I didn't mean that you should die from sprinting too far, lol. I was just pointing out how ridiculous is the distances you can sprint now. 

I think they should make movement and weight directly related to food/water consumption. Walking doesn't use up much of your energy. Jogging uses up a little more. Sprinting uses up quite a lot. 

So you can walk huge distances without needing too much in the way of food/water.

You can jog quite large distances and only need a little more. 

But you can't sprint more than say, a mile, without needing to at least drink. 

It's not going to stop people sprinting long distance (they'll just load up on canteens) but it may at least make people consider how they're going to approach long distance travel, especially if they're fresh spawns... No more sprinting 2/3 the way across Chernarus with no food or water because that's just silly in my book.

As for heart attacks, I'm still not sure whether I like the idea or not. I think I'll wait for more official info on it's implementation and the causes before I decide.

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Now the game sounds like it's getting very silly.  Give us some fucking animals to hunt, and base building already who gives a shit about a heart attack.  

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I already said many of these details but I will start again-


This was for sure on normal branch build, I was in a server with only one other player in it and it was a clan server called Bandit Hunter 24/7. This is a normal branch server.

I was not travelling or running for long periods of time, I was looting Zelenogorsk, walking and sprinting between buildings normally. 

I had only one rifle, an M4, with only one pistol.

I had only one ammo box full of ammo, no small container cases, two medical cases

Normal amount of gear with room/slots left in hunter backpack


Okay, one step at a time:


One; Current Stable build DOES NOT include Heart Attack. These are only introduced in the 0.36.115535 build in the Experimental servers ATM, as confirmed by looking at both sets of patch notes. Sorry, but there is no way you could die of a Heart Attack on the Stable build.


Two; If the messages appeared in the lower left, you might be being trolled by someone with Admin on the server. How they'd be able to actually kill you character is left as an exercise for the reader. The messages are, however, a matter of no great skill to anyone who's run any version of an ArmA server in the past.


Three; If the messages appeared in the top right, then you WERE playing on an Experimental server. Those popup style notification are only on the current experimental builds as far as I'm aware. And since there was nothing pushed out to Stable clients with the last maintenance, I don't think anything has changed WRT that.


EDIT: Just saw the IP of the server. While I wouldn't bet my house on it, I'd be inclined to point you to 'Two' above. Just saying...


Current Stable version: 0.35.115188

Current Experimental version: 0.36.115535

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Okay, one step at a time:


One; Current Stable build DOES NOT include Heart Attack. These are only introduced in the 0.36.115535 build in the Experimental servers ATM, as confirmed by looking at both sets of patch notes. Sorry, but there is no way you could die of a Heart Attack on the Stable build.


Two; If the messages appeared in the lower left, you might be being trolled by someone with Admin on the server. How they'd be able to actually kill you character is left as an exercise for the reader. The messages are, however, a matter of no great skill to anyone who's run any version of an ArmA server in the past.


Three; If the messages appeared in the top right, then you WERE playing on an Experimental server. Those popup style notification are only on the current experimental builds as far as I'm aware. And since there was nothing pushed out to Stable clients with the last maintenance, I don't think anything has changed WRT that.


EDIT: Just saw the IP of the server. While I wouldn't bet my house on it, I'd be inclined to point you to 'Two' above. Just saying...


Current Stable version: 0.35.115188

Current Experimental version: 0.36.115535


All messages were displayed at the bottom left of the screen.


There is no possible way this was on experimental. I would know if I farmed a bunch of gear on experimental servers, especially when I was intentionally joining LOW POP servers, the EXPER. servers are not low pop.


Also, you are ignoring many other facts like I already stated, I went from conscious straight to dead. Correct me if I am wrong, but even in the experimental build, heart attacks make you go unconscious first and then you die later if no one defibs you. 



Please, at this point no one should be saying this was on experimental. 

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Also, I never downloaded the experimental branch. I can currently join normal, stable branch servers and I did not change anything.


This was not on experimental branch. 

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Gotta admit I'm somewhat convinced that it was server messages at this point, though that doesn't explain how you died.

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Jesus, this thread is dead, over, finished.  I concluded that the OP was on the stable branch.  I tested on the exact server, got the exact messages which I screened shot and posted and I did not die.  Therefore the OP got trolled by server messages, confused it with having a heart attack and died to, lag, dsync, shot, or a glitch.  


Case closed.



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"Here is what I don't get. Why are there two sides to this argument? It seems like this has happened to a couple people so far and everyone on the board is either defending it with their life or trying their damnedest to kill it.


People are saying "it won't work like that" or "why does it work like this?" when neither side has cited any sources on how it works. This is all speculation from both sides and until someone comes up with the evidence that shows how it works or how to fix it...or just any information about it, I am going to stay on the fence. For that matter, nobody should be speaking from a position of authority.


Discuss all you like, but all this "you're a noob" and "this is stupid" is ridiculous and makes the community look like a bunch of twits."



Now that we know it was server messages, my quote above is even more justified.

Edited by Rhodes

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Last night I ran from Vybor to Dolina to get a friend then we sprinted all the way back to Vybor. Didn't get anything. This is scary though :(

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The topic can stay locked, it needn't go on any more.

Edited by Inception.
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