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Poisoning food with berrys and a syringe

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Hello DayZ community


I just had the idea of poisoning your cans or fresh fruits with a syringe filled with the sort of berrys which make you sick.

Do you think this is unrealistic? In my opinion a syringe could easily pierce a food can with a bit of force.


This would add a whole new level of mistrust in the game. Whenever you rob or beg somebody for food you now always have to keep in mind that it could be poisoned. 

I also thought about ways to find out if something is poisoned. Maybe your character can smell the food after opening it or even taste just a litte bit to tell if it has been threatened.

Or you can also search for small holes in the can, which would make the "inspect" function more useful.


I know that people could possibly use this to troll a lot, but please let me know what you think about it. 


And sorry if my english isn't the best but I hope you'll get it. :P




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This is an excellent idea, take my beans.

Also why limit this to some cans, lets infect fruit, rice and anything else.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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Excellent idea,also introduce diferent kind of poisons,some that can render you unconsious or just sick and make you vomit.

Or have a rare poison that can insta-kill the desired victim.

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In my opinion, everything but cans - I don't know my metals, but I don't think syringes are substantial enough to push through a solid can. If someone knows otherwise, I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.

That being said, I love the idea - poisoning has been brought up before, but not with syringes as the means. 

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Or you can also search for small holes in the can, which would make the "inspect" function more useful.


Brilliant! I like your suggestion, but I really like this bit.

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I personally like to spray fruit with disinfectant & hand them out time to time to people I meet in my travels. :)

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You can already poison food and give it out

Numero uno: Aquire food

Numero dos: Find disinfectant spray

Numero tres: Spray it on the food

Numero cuatro: Give it to a willing survivor! 

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You can already poison food and give it out

Numero uno: Aquire food

Numero dos: Find disinfectant spray

Numero tres: Spray it on the food

Numero cuatro: Give it to a willing survivor! 


I tried to eat food, drink a can and eat a fruit that I sprayed with desinfecant and it didyn't poisoned me.

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I tried to eat food, drink a can and eat a fruit that I sprayed with desinfecant and it didyn't poisoned me.

Well it's nice to know that this doesn't work currently. I guess I can stop wasting my time. Thanks!

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Wouldn't be a good idea.

If you penetrate a can of food in should actually be ruined after a while since it gets rotten

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It will happen. Seeing that filling up syringes with feces and injecting it into unconscious players has been talked about...

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You can already spray food with Disinfectant Spray and cause people to get sick when they eat it, I like the idea of more ways to poison food.

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No. Sealed cans should be safe to eat, there's a reason I don't eat fresh fruit in populated servers. There's no reason to do this other than to troll people, and you've clearly never seen just how delicate a syringe is if you think they're going to easily penetrate a can.




And that's only penetrating flesh.

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No to canned food but yes to poisoning opened cans and fruits

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Imagine being able to craft RISIN but i dont think you should be able to pierce a can with a syringe.. make it so you have to open it first I would say then give it to them to eat straight away

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