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Is there anything being planned that incentivizes not shooting on sight?

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No it's not. Two heads are always better than one. Two people working together will always survive better than one. That's why societies exist on the scale they do today.

If you like shooting people for the pure pleasure of shooting people, that's fine but don't pretend it's because everyone is a threat to your survival. I'm not. Chances are if I've got anything on me you need, you can have it or I'll trade you something for it. Chances are that if you need something that I don't have, I'll be willing to help you find it and watch your back while we both search for it. 

It's not as black and white as - you exist thus you are a threat.

Your character is starving to death.

You find a can of beans.

I pop up behind you and tell you to give me those beans.

Nope, i dont need them right now, but there is a sniper nest with my smell all over it that needs a few more hours of tending and i will need it eventually anyway.

You seriously wanna convince me that you will give me those beans, resulting in your death from starvation within the next minute?

Naw. Tell you what.

I'm gonna kill you before you or me or anyone even knows those beans are there.

This is my territory and I will make sure that besides me, nothing but roaches survive...

Also, this is my fun! My territory! Pry it from my cold dead hands, and you have earned it!

Thats what I enjoy.

By the way, im shocked at the lack of creativity from some folks...

Youre so attached to your gear, but never do anything to prove it!

Here, i will help you out.

You log into your favorite server.

My, plenty people on today! Better be careful!

You logged out about 500m outside the town you call home.

You decide that RIGHT NOW you are in need of new bandages, a pack of ammo, and a can of beans. Hell, if you get lucky you might run across that black banadana youve been itching for...


Make a proper note of your surroundings. I mean PROPER!!! How many trees were EXACTLY 90 degrees left of you at 200 metres?

Not sure? Then you werent proper about it!

Now that you know the exact blade of grass you were standing on...

Drop your backpack.

Take EVERYTHING you do not NEED out of your clothes and put in pack. If your pack is full (imo) youre prolly doing something radically wrong...

NOW, go do a blitzloot of that town. In and out. Dont dawdle. Dont inventory tetris. Dont grab shit you dont NEED.

Get in, get your shit, get out.



Take a slight detour. Make sure youre not followed.

NOW go collect your gear and move on.

What do you lose if you die? A few pieces of clothing, maybe a pistol, and the X minutes it will take you to megasprint your way back to your PROPERLY stashed gear.

Needless to say that an observant player will know the server restart schedules of the servers he frequently plays on and has added to his/her favorite list...

What I am getting at is this: if you care sooooooo much about your "hard earned gear" (dont make me laugh) - then PROVE IT!


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No it's not. Two heads are always better than one. Two people working together will always survive better than one. That's why societies exist on the scale they do today.

If you like shooting people for the pure pleasure of shooting people, that's fine but don't pretend it's because everyone is a threat to your survival. I'm not. Chances are if I've got anything on me you need, you can have it or I'll trade you something for it. Chances are that if you need something that I don't have, I'll be willing to help you find it and watch your back while we both search for it. 

It's not as black and white as - you exist thus you are a threat.

Exactly. I hate it when people state that they KOS in order to "be realistic, because that is what will happen in a zombie apocalypse". 

Not really, for the exact reasons stated above. Long term survival  IS is group survival in the real world. This is a game, where there is no real struggle, so people KOS for kicks. In real life, they would be dangling from a tree very, very shortly after starting fucking about with people. Human beings desire stability, socialization, and most importantly, safety. All of these can be satisfied by being in a group.

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Your character is starving to death.

You find a can of beans.

I pop up behind you and tell you to give me those beans.

Nope, i dont need them right now, but there is a sniper nest with my smell all over it that needs a few more hours of tending and i will need it eventually anyway.

You seriously wanna convince me that you will give me those beans, resulting in your death from starvation within the next minute?


No, I won't convince you of that, because in that case you're just being a douche. You're not doing it for survival, as I said. 

What you could do though and what would benefit your survival directly, is let me have the beans, bring me back to your base and help me out a bit. If you did that I would be falling over myself to do something to help you in return, like maybe go on a run for you for supplies. Or do the dangerous legwork while you watch through your scope in order to pay you back for the help. 

That directly benefits you. Taking my beans does not.

As I said before - don't try and pretend you're doing it to survive. You're not. You're doing it because you like killing people and taking their stuff. 

That's fine. Don't get me wrong. Kill me and take my beans. I have no problem with that at all. But just admit that's what you're doing. Don't try and be sanctimonious about it and pretend it's all for your survival.

And also I don't really care about my gear. It's a game. I can get new gear. I care about having fun playing a survival game, just like you. It's just that our methods of fun are different. You like to kill everything in sight and I like to work with others to survive. You're Merle and I'm Rick.

Edited by Nicko2580
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I have a small suggestion that should help both sides.


How about implement small amount of new servers "labeled as safe" (although it won't technically be safe), like regular or hardcore


For example, perhaps when players die they keep one or two items with them (bind items to account on death) so they don't have to search all over again and KOS won't be as bad (but can still happen). Although if you were to get handcuffed or robbed or fall unconscious, you can lose everything


Like if I died I would bind a weapon and a backpack.


Now I know a lot of people won't like this but than again like I said go play on regular or hardcore servers.


Just implement like 2-3 servers as a test.


Also I'm sure the community can add to this as well.

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No, I won't convince you of that, because in that case you're just being a douche. You're not doing it for survival, as I said. 

What you could do though and what would benefit your survival directly, is let me have the beans, bring me back to your base and help me out a bit. If you did that I would be falling over myself to do something to help you in return, like maybe go on a run for you for supplies. Or do the dangerous legwork while you watch through your scope in order to pay you back for the help. 

That directly benefits you. Taking my beans does not.

As I said before - don't try and pretend you're doing it to survive. You're not. You're doing it because you like killing people and taking their stuff. That's fine. Don't get me wrong. Kill me and take my beans. I have no problem with that at all. But just admit that's what you're doing. Don't try and be sanctimonious about it and pretend it's all for your survival.

And also I don't really care about my gear. It's a game. I can get new gear. I care about having fun playing a survival game, just like you. It's just that our methods of fun are different. You like to kill everything in sight and I like to work with others to survive. You're Merle and I'm Rick.

Looky. Something to get out of the way. I am not the one who keeps bringing up the sanctimonious bullshit twice per page...

Its the anti-KoS group that does that...

"In a RL apoc you wouldnt this or that for survival! You are not doing it right! Whaaaaaambulaaaance!" Etc.

Im just playing that back at people and saying that, yes, in fact the exact way i play COULD be seen as an extremist form of survival.

I have outright and from the start openly said that I play this way because i like it, choose it, and find immense joy in it.

That out of the way...


Showing my base.

Or even my temporary nest for the day.

To... YOU?!

Seriously man, not even any one of my actual friends who i sometimes play with know THAT piece of info!

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I have a small suggestion that should help both sides.


How about implement small amount of new servers "labeled as safe" (although it won't technically be safe), like regular or hardcore


For example, perhaps when players die they keep one or two items with them (bind items to account on death) so they don't have to search all over again and KOS won't be as bad (but can still happen). Although if you were to get handcuffed or robbed or fall unconscious, you can lose everything


Like if I died I would bind a weapon and a backpack.


Now I know a lot of people won't like this but than again like I said go play on regular or hardcore servers.


Just implement like 2-3 servers as a test.


Also I'm sure the community can add to this as well.

Oh don't worry.  There will be modded servers eventually that will give you full loadouts right off the hop.

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Looky. Something to get out of the way. I am not the one who keeps bringing up the sanctimonious bullshit twice per page...

Its the anti-KoS group that does that...

"In a RL apoc you wouldnt this or that for survival! You are not doing it right! Whaaaaaambulaaaance!" Etc.

Im just playing that back at people and saying that, yes, in fact the exact way i play COULD be seen as an extremist form of survival.

I have outright and from the start openly said that I play this way because i like it, choose it, and find immense joy in it.

That out of the way...


Showing my base.

Or even my temporary nest for the day.

To... YOU?!

Seriously man, not even any one of my actual friends who i sometimes play with know THAT piece of info!

Afraid I'll take all ya stuff? You don't have to be so paranoid all the time Wheunis! :p Maybe I'll bring you some better stuff. ;) Can't we all just get along? :p

But nah, I get it. I don't care whether you KoS or not. You saw my post earlier in this thread. It's part of what makes DayZ great at the moment. Just pointing out that a lot of people pretend they're doing it to survive, when it's actually counter productive to survival. Eventually there'll be too many zombies for one dude in his nest to handle alone.

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Eventually there'll be too many zombies for one dude in his nest to handle alone.

At which point the game will die an excrutiating death of zero players active.

If zeds ever get to that point, you have just created just cause for a massive portion of players to demand a refund due to unplayability.

I dont like that either. But thats how it is now.

The age of FFXI is gone. Forced cooperative play has gone the way of the dinosaur. Except less dignified, at least the dinos went out with a bang.

Proper coop play just faded away like a beaten dog's whimper...

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I sincerely hope that a lot of the players leave when the number and difficulty of the zombies increase. Good riddance. You have a multitude of options if you want a PvP death match, this is a survival game that includes PvP but that's not the focus. If you don't like that, tear your ass. Don't let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you.

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I sincerely hope that a lot of the players leave when the number and difficulty of the zombies increase. Good riddance. You have a multitude of options if you want a PvP death match, this is a survival game that includes PvP but that's not the focus. If you don't like that, tear your ass. Don't let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you.

Was actually talking about the carebears...

Nice try though.

Me and my batshit insane characters are here to stay. FOREVER.

I havent enjoyed a game this much since EVE was still a new thing...

Edited by Wheunis

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I have a feeling that as soon as you can't sprint straight to a military loot spawn and gear up in an hour or two so you can return to the coast and start murdering, a lot of the KOS players will either be in here crying or will leave the game. The game is going to get a lot more difficult and it will be to our advantage to work together. It's just a matter of time.

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I have a feeling that as soon as you can't sprint straight to a military loot spawn and gear up in an hour or two so you can return to the coast and start murdering, a lot of the KOS players will either be in here crying or will leave the game. The game is going to get a lot more difficult and it will be to our advantage to work together. It's just a matter of time.


Why do you assume the KoS all run solo and have no friends?

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I'd dodge that kind of suggestion any day. 

Edited by Inception.
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There is no stopping what you do but you.


DayZ is about surviving. not from Zombies, not from Bandits, but from yourself.


You are the only thing keeping you alive. Once you become the very thing you hate (bandits), it's not survival anymore. It's just living, shooting, murdering for pointless reasons, and eventually dying.


Don't give in to the "Oh, well I was KOS'ed so I may as well KOS too just so it doesn't happen to me again" bullshit mentality.


Interact! Make friends, groups, play solo, be a survivor! The greatest threat to you in Chernarus is yourself. Don't hold yourself back.

Edited by mullraugh
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I have a feeling that as soon as you can't sprint straight to a military loot spawn and gear up in an hour or two so you can return to the coast and start murdering, a lot of the KOS players will either be in here crying or will leave the game. The game is going to get a lot more difficult and it will be to our advantage to work together. It's just a matter of time.

1: i never kill on the coast. The ONLY time that i have spent on coast is for five seconds after spawning, after which my ass disappears for GOOD - rare exceptions when im bored, i go scouting empty (see nr 3).

2: the only time i EVER have to regear, is when i am actually and legitimately caught offguard by another player. This has happened exactly three times total. Of those three, only one resulted in complete loss of gear.

3: unless you catch me literally minutes before a server restart, or right as i log out... You will never find all that much gear on me. My pack and all essentials are stashed away in a bush somewhere around 300-500 meters away from where I am. Consider yourself lucky you got one of my three longranged scopes, one pack of ammo, and a canteen or couple colas at best.

4: i absolutely want you to work together, especially if its against me. Like i said to someone else earlier. You want me to believe your morals and laws have value? Come prove it! Better prove it proper too, coz i WILL be back...

I really hope that i get you to understand that even TRYING to remove or discourage me in any way or manner, only makes me MORE excited to get it done.

I care for my character in a manner that even the most passionate carebear couldnt even BEGIN to understand. Not only do i preach it to anyone who would listen, even by accident, but i live it in every aingle button i press. Every life i take is a very careful and calculated action. You would NEVER see my shot. Neither would your friend. Because i care WAY more than you will ever even begin to care about your own.

I will sit behind my scope for two hours, waiting for just ONE of you to slip up, and take my shot. If three hours is what it takes, i have it. Do you?

You will not see me. You will not see my shot. You will merely know that the shadows have swallowed any evidence of what you THOUGHT you saw.

Edited by Wheunis
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There is no stopping what you do but you.


DayZ is about surviving. not from Zombies, not from Bandits, but from yourself.


You are the only thing keeping you alive. Once you become the very thing you hate (bandits), it's not survival anymore. It's just living, shooting, murdering for pointless reasons, and eventually dying.


Don't give in to the "Oh, well I was KOS'ed so I may as well KOS too just so it doesn't happen to me again" bullshit mentality.


Interact! Make friends, groups, play solo, be a survivor! The greatest threat to you in Chernarus is yourself. Don't hold yourself back.


This. Find a way to interact with other players that doesn't leave you at their mercy (or lack thereof).

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I just want to share an experience I had today.  I have never gotten that much of a adrenaline rush from a video game.    So I was at the NE airport looking for a replacement pistol (I had just given mine to a new spawn I met at the Ship wreck).  I was on the second floor room of military prison and out of nowhere :*BAKLING*,  a bullet ricochets on the building wall.  Must have been a sniper at a good distance because I didn't hear any gun shot.   Now crouched, checking my equipment to see if I got shot somewhere... Nope!     Take out my sawed off shotgun followed by hiding under the staircase.  I raise the volume to make sure I can hear foot steps if ever he decides to check his `kill` .  After a good 5-8 minutes (felt really long), I hear someone walking through the front.  Just letting you guys know that I have never engaged in battle before so I had no idea what to expect and I was so nervous.   It all happened in 1.5 seconds.  Emptied both my barrels directly at him, hide back under the staircase.   I see the body drop to the floor 3 seconds later?  Fine then, as long as he dropped.   I checked his gear and to my surprise, almost his entire inventory was ruined(nice!). The mosin and long range scope was the only gear not ruined and actually, still in pristine condition. Just to put icing on the cake, I hid the body.  


The reason I shared this with you guys is because I know how much of a dick some people can be.  You know, that time where you have your weapon holstered and you are just waving your hand to another fellow player that ends up shooting you in the face anyways?..     But there will be that time where you will the one that will bring the fight to them and end up winning and it will make up for all the previous shit that you had to endure.   


I also wanted to add that I am in no way against kos.  It makes the game come to life.  


Another side note,  I am no angel,  I do get bored and sometimes take pot shots at other players from a distance. 



Thanks for reading, 



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So can we get a straight answer? Is there anything being planned that incentivizes not shooting on sight?



Limited access to 'pristine' weapons systems, and military weapon systems. Gunshots attracting more than 2 zombies. In short, yes.

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Something is coming at some point most likely... Looking at other comments made from people on the dev team, I wouldnt expect anything that will effect your ability to play the game normally with whichever decision you make in killing someone.



"Bohemia has also said that it is trying to figure out ways to humanize players more, to add real weight to the idea of killing another person."



Edited by cels

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Something is coming at some point most likely....



"Bohemia has also said that it is trying to figure out ways to humanize players more, to add real weight to the idea of killing another person."




Said it a number of times, and will say it again.


Even if you leave me quadriplegic on a beach, with nothing but my jaws, I will hunt you and chew you to death from the ankles up.


NOTHING will stop your death by my hands as long as I have access to the means to inflict it.

Edited by Wheunis

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Said it a number of times, and will say it again.


Even if you leave me quadriplegic on a beach, with nothing but my jaws, I will hunt you and chew you to death from the ankles up.


NOTHING will stop your death by my hands as long as I have access to the means to inflict it.



Same here... i do it now and will do it even if they add something.. I find it pretty easy though actually atm so i hope whatever they decide is something pretty cool.. Im sure it will still be pretty easy, but at least theres something more to it...

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People will always KoS. When I get bored and wanna die in Day Z it's what I do. Go out with a bang. I don't see how they can "prevent" KoS when they already have to were if you get shot once half their stuff is instantly ruined. But some people don't care, or are shitty bandits thinking nothing won't get ruined.

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shitty bandits thinking nothing won't get ruined.


Stupidity has no ceiling... im sure there are actually bandits out there that while looting a fully ruined corpse, would say things like:


"This newb! He's been running around with ruined shit all this time, LAWL!!! I did him a damn favor!"



And you KNOW im probably right too!

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