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dean this, rocket that

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I may be just being a dick but it really annoys me when people do the whole  "dean didnt want whatever" or "rockets vision is so and so" hes not your mate, you dont know, you are re-hashing some interview shit like you know him and its soooo lame!!!!


It is always used to shout down peoples genuine suggestions for what they think will be good in the game - why dont people fashion their own opinions instead of rehashing some bullshit someone might or might not have said at some point? 


p.s. let me guess dean wouldnt have wanted people to act like me in his game or on this forum yeah? it wasnt part of his vision...

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I may be just being a dick but it really annoys me when people do the whole  "dean didnt want whatever" or "rockets vision is so and so" hes not your mate, you dont know, you are re-hashing some interview shit like you know him and its soooo lame!!!!


It is always used to shout down peoples genuine suggestions for what they think will be good in the game - why dont people fashion their own opinions instead of rehashing some bullshit someone might or might not have said at some point? 


p.s. let me guess dean wouldnt have wanted people to act like me in his game or on this forum yeah? it wasnt part of his vision...

Stop... you are ruining Rocket's vision of the forums with this thread.

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So... believing someone is wrong, according to you... even though Rocket's been pretty straightforward in his interviews and a trustworthy person...

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Some people use it as a credible way to give information to people that may not have heard/watched a stream or interview. Not just to be a dick and say "Your idea isn't what Rocket wanted".

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Have you ever thought that maybe people agree with Dean?

I did, then I realized they are just blind fanboys.

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lol chill.


What's more annoying is the "it's alpha" dudes. I just imagine a sad sad troll if anyone sprouts those two words.

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I'll have you know Rocket and I are totally mates. totes. totes mcgoats.


Srsly though, he's been quite transparent with where he's going with the game, and given that a lot of the suggestions are near enough cookie-cutters of each other, it simply becomes easier to justify it that way.

How many times are we expected to explain the intricate details behind why there's no safe zones in the game before simply going "Rocket doesn't want the game to become like that"?

Edited by Rage VG
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Have you ever thought that maybe people agree with Dean?

NO you spilled your jimmies no authority for you! And no, people that do this are like parrots. They just repeat interviews for "rightness" sake.

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Its also possible for someone to share some of his ideas. And while we may not know exactly what Dean's vision is for the game, im assuming he has something along those lines, and frankly Dean can make the game however he wishes, and if that mean conforming to some vision of his, that's fine with me. If it means he puts something or changes something I don't want, then maybe ill post something constructive to discuss it. But its not my decision, it is Dean's. If you don't like it, then don't play it.

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So... believing someone is wrong, according to you... even though Rocket's been pretty straightforward in his interviews and a trustworthy person...


if dean wanted you to suck his dick would you do it?

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I think the problem is that when you want to quote something that he's said in a twitch stream, for example, how else do you refer to him? Mr Hall? Would that be suitable enough for the OP?

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if dean wanted you to suck his dick would you do it?

That has literally nothing to do with anything.

Reciting the intentions of the developer when referring to his game is nowhere near comparable to being a sock puppet to the guy.

Edited by Rage VG
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if dean wanted you to suck his dick would you do it?

What is the point of a post like this? or this thread for that matter? You haven't contributed anything constructive to the development of the game with this thread.

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That has literally nothing to do with anything.


what if it was part of the vision man?

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Often the developers of games are quoted because it's the most direct source of information. Horses mouth, if you will.


I don't see what your problem is?

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What is the point of a post like this? or this thread for that matter? You haven't contributed anything constructive to the development of the game with this thread.


the point of the thread is that it is tiring to see people get shouted down because what they said was not in line with what someones interpretation of someone elses "vision" is and I think it sucks....


Also it was clearly an inflammatory statement that has inevitably (and amusingly) got everyone foaming at the mouth because it would appear that the sun shines out of mr halls bottom according to some on here...

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Often the developers of games are quoted because it's the most direct source of information. Horses mouth, if you will.


I don't see what your problem is?

The problem is his vision for the game is so vague but everyone uses the saying "Dean's/Rocket's vision for the game" to shoot down many legit ideas for the game.

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