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To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion

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It not the repetition of the threads; it's people lacking a reason for a possibly critical feature not being in the game. Example: I made a thread about possibly adding a button which would instantly drop whatever item was in your hands. I suggested this because numerous times before posting I was maimed by zombies who phased through walls while I was eating. Ideally, I would stop eating/drinking/crafting and pull out a weapon or at least my fists. I wanted to be able to quickly defend myself, but the response to the thread was "HURR DURR ALPHERR"

Because maybe dropping an item suddenly is not more important than say... Zombies phasing through the walls? BTW, it's an Alpha so Zombies phasing through the walls is still going to happen till they get time to get them straightened out.

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Because maybe dropping an item suddenly is not more important than say... Zombies phasing through the walls? BTW, it's an Alpha so Zombies phasing through the walls is still going to happen till they get time to get them straightened out.


You just made my point for me. Congratulations.

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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People get yelled at when they suggest something stupid and not needed anything.  Yes this is immature.  People also get yelled at when they constantly complain about this game being buggy when it's been stated that it's an Early Access Alpha even legitimate problems.

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You clearly have no idea what you are trying to quote.  And your corrections are very very far off base

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If you are making a constructive helpfull discussion or suggestion and have fully explored other people's posts about your issue/suggestion before posting i don't see why they reminded you that it's an alpha.

You are currently complaining about people complaining,so i take it that this is a rant.If you have a valid point about something and you know how to support and back up you opinion with reason i don't see a problem.Yet this current topic is highly lacking reason.



Are you Walter jr. from Breaking Bad? 


Silly alpha Walter. 

Edited by Solopopo

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I'm sick of everyone screaming ALPHA when someone makes any sort of complaint.


ALPHA TESTING is about providing FEEDBACK so that the game can improve. This isn't a linear rollercoaster we're riding, we can CHANGE it so that it is better.


Also, I know the disclaimers told me to not buy, as the product would be buggy, but I can deal with that. What I can not deal with is a community that literally YELLS AT EVERYONE WHEN THEY SUGGEST SOMETHING.

Its alpha...ur post is invalid

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The community is in its alpha state. Please come back a year or two for the full release of a good community.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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There is a CLEAR line between whining and feedback.

Lots of suggestions and feedback have gotten my beans!
Whining, however, has often received my ridicule or just flat lack of participation.


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Crying how a character was killed, not a suggestion. Crying that they don't like what is being added into the next patch, not a suggestion. Crying that the game crashes *bug report* not a thread and crying that it crashed is not helpful. Giving the error report from the windows application event logs with  DXDiag holy hell useful information not a rant/cry
Thread. A Thread suggesting something worth while that more than one person would enjoy /give beans. Someone suggesting the game takes a step towards WarZ GTFO.

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Its alpha...ur post is invalid

Your post proves that his post is very valid.

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I'm sick of everyone screaming ALPHA when someone makes any sort of complaint.


ALPHA TESTING is about providing FEEDBACK so that the game can improve. This isn't a linear rollercoaster we're riding, we can CHANGE it so that it is better.


Also, I know the disclaimers told me to not buy, as the product would be buggy, but I can deal with that. What I can not deal with is a community that literally YELLS AT EVERYONE WHEN THEY SUGGEST SOMETHING.

The problem, is most people arnt offering constructive suggestions or discussions. They are bitching about shit and not facilitating healthy discussion, or even doing basic research before bellyaching.


"Hey I noticed this funny thing." Is a good thread, we dont get many, we usually get "F(*& this game, i want my money back, its broken my _randomthinghere_ isnt working".

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It's valid to scream 'Alpha' when people moan about how the game isn't perfect. Reporting a bug is a completely different issue.

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ALPHA ​ there you go, one more time, and more to come, get use to it.

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There is a difference in what a constructive thread is. Saying that X needs to be in game is not constructive. Also people will jump down your throat about something that they deem isn't priority to the alpha

What they deem and what you deem. They're all just opinions. We are all entitled to them. I agree with OP. It seems like a lot of people come to this forum just to stroke Deans Beans. And god forbid anyone offer a suggestion for improvement - as they see it. Maybe some players legitimately want assless leather chaps and maybe some players want tracer rounds. Won't we all be sad when game goes to release state and the devs didn't add a cool feature because nobody suggested it and the devs never thought of it.

Fuck it. OP you're a whining little bitch who needs to realize this game is in Alpha. Didn't you click the accept button? You sucks a fat one loser.

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there's a distinct difference between constructive feedback/criticism and whining without offering any suggestions etc, or posting their complaint to bug tracker if it applies. 99% of of the complaint threads fall into the whining category 

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there's a distinct difference between constructive feedback/criticism and whining without offering any suggestions etc, or posting their complaint to bug tracker if it applies. 99% of of the complaint threads fall into the whining category

We are the 1%.

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Instead of open a thread in the forums you/they should have a look at the bug tracker and should search and/or report their concern anf if already found upvote. It's that easy. 

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People clearly have different expectations for an alpha, even though there's an ALLCAPS warning that attempt to set these expectations really low. People also have different perceptions of what constructive criticism and useful feedback is. Some prefer to submit detailed reports, allowing developers to easily locate and recreate the bugs, some prefer the more ALLCAPSY approach, which usually starts off: "I know this is alpher, but..."


DayZ also have different revues for this criticism. Some post on Steam forums, some post here, some post on reddit and others submit actual bug reports. Me, I usually answer the same way, someone asks. So if someone says: "I know this is alpha, but..." I usually answer: "But, do you know it's alpha?"

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Instead of open a thread in the forums you/they should have a look at the bug tracker and should search and/or report their concern anf if already found upvote. It's that easy.

Maybe some people chose to discuss it... *takes off glasses* ... Generally. ;)

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This is the internet, people just try to increase the size of their 'e-peen' :D All forums are the same in that respect, just some (including this one) are worse than others.

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I'm sick of everyone screaming ALPHA when someone makes any sort of complaint.


ALPHA TESTING is about providing FEEDBACK so that the game can improve. This isn't a linear rollercoaster we're riding, we can CHANGE it so that it is better.


Also, I know the disclaimers told me to not buy, as the product would be buggy, but I can deal with that. What I can not deal with is a community that literally YELLS AT EVERYONE WHEN THEY SUGGEST SOMETHING.


My Theory? There's a Difference between Feedback and constructive Feedback. There are threads that start with " I think that..." or "In my Opinion" or "There couldbe something wrong with this game, have you made the same experiences or any solutions?" Almost no one yells at the creators of these posts.


If you say "I bought the game and its crap" "Isnt polished and a total mess because on my pc it gives me only 20-25 frames.... naaa!" or "The game is bad and the developers are lazy" or even "Feature A doesn't work properly, but instead of fixing it they add Feature B to the game., and thats not the way I WANT IT to be!naaa!", yes, you will get people to say "Its Alpha" and "shut up" and "whiner" etc.



Why? Because spamming the forum with dozens of threads about the same trivial (or even solved) issues based on (almost) no knowledge of the topic they are talking about doesn't seem to be very popular around here. In my opinion.

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