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Server hopping has gotten worse. (actuall analysis, not a whine thread)

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The solution is simple:

hopping works because locations are known.

make locations unknown.

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I've gotten ghosted like crazy over the past few days, nothing's changed on my end. I'm cooped up at someplace with shots firing around me, I can't go out the front door because it's clear suicide, so I lean out a window or door and return fire. After a while no one's shooting. Great! He's either 1) ghosting me or 2) just there lying in wait. I'll go outside and take my chances.


Well, I got shot in the face. 


Rewind. I'll stay there and wait for some more time.


Well, I got shot in the back.


All of this assuming I'm fighting ONE person. If you've been on the server for a while, you can just log out and log back in without waiting too much. So no, it hasn't been fixed. It's more difficult, or more precisely, more situational, but it's still very doable and very much a threat to the wellbeing of any character.

You have no clue what you are talking about and with 9 posts chance are you're just a noob, there are about a thousand different ways you could have been legitimately killed by the description of your incident, i would keep playing and learn the game before jumping to huge, unthoughtful conclusions.

Edited by dayzhopeful

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Ok, so quick disclaimer: this is alpha. Yup. I know that. Not here to whine, just to point out an observation.


I have noticed a trend.


I think that the effect they have had on server hoppers specifically has made the situation worse, rather than better.


Instead, hoppers have, I think... 


I have personally observed, since the implementation of these mechanics...


This is not something I am only just noticing, but rather something I have been seeing since the implementation of the timer mechanics. It is only NOW affecting me because of the loss of a 2 week old, heavily geared, salty bastard of a character. Now that I am once again a low tier gear character, I am find it extremely difficult to equip myself with even the most basic equipment. I REPEATEDLY find myself looting a town on an empty server, to have ONE player join, and happen to be in the same town, who usually kills me...


The implementation of these timers, has, I think, forced hoppers to essentially spread out, and claim wider territory. The end result being that even LOW pop servers are looted out within only 15 to 20 minutes after a restart. This IS an alpha game, I know, but this CANNOT continue. Even without the recent performance issues, this is resulting in a very poorly balanced experience. How am I to test anything out, when I cant even find it?


Translation: Me, me, me. Boo hoo hoo.




At what point EXACTLY, did I say ANYTHING remotely similar to "crying"? See above.


So my opinion is just that. Even if it IS based on factual observations, its still my ANALYSIS of what I have OBSERVED. No, it isn't a college level dissertation. But every claim I make is based on a long period of, yes, undocumented, observations. I didn't make it up. Doesn't matter, cannot be taken as representative sample, which thread title and OP attitude both infer.


I came here to encourage discussion and debate about a perceived issue. I NEVER claimed to be the be all end all authority on the matter. Inference of thread title contrary to sentence.


But YOU come in here, waving your dick around, acting all snotty, start slinging insults, take what I say out of context, and generally do everything possible to act like a general ASS. You chose to be insulted. Don't be so damn sensitive. I didn't insult you, I disagreed with you.




NOTHING that I have said at ANY point in this thread comes even remotely close to sounding like this. My OP specifically said at the end that I LIKE where the game is going, and encouraged the devs.This is YOU. This is YOUR SHIT! NOT mine. OWN IT! THIS is YOU coming into what was otherwise a polite discussion for the sole purpose of shitting all over it by trying to make me out to be some kind of child. And now, yes, I am pissed.


Not only have I contributed to the thread and addressed other forum users, but I'm also not the only one who's disagreed with you. You're just throwing your toys out of the pram because nobody wants to play "Baseless Assumptions" with you.



Sorry OP, but you're making mountains out of mole hills. You seem like an angry guy, I hope you're ok.

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There is no trend.  End of story.  Where there is an exploit, bad players will find it and use it. Done

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How about this idea.


Give players a limit they can switch servers per day. Like only 2 or 3 switches a day. People should be able to switch servers to meet up with there friend's or clans. Taking that away would kind of suck. But 10 or 15 times a day is pretty much means your sever hoping to looting. 

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How about this idea.


Give players a limit they can switch servers per day. Like only 2 or 3 switches a day. People should be able to switch servers to meet up with there friend's or clans. Taking that away would kind of suck. But 10 or 15 times a day is pretty much means your sever hoping to looting. 

In this case game should be able to tell when you left the server on your own, otherwise if you log onto server and it restarts shortly after it might prevent some people from playing for entire day. 


And for your amusement 

Yet another dead sever hopper, this one died in base near pavlovo and even managed to fire his sawed off shotgun, he missed and than died do my SKS


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Remove the trolls and this is a decent discussion, reading your OP the memory of me moving through Zeleno? came straight to mind, lower then normal infected pop and only buildings that spawned guns where looted I left the town still gunless :(


While the current measures slow down their progress.  Once the respawn system is in place should add another layer of mitigation so even hopping the airfield will net next to nothing as the extended respawn timers, will for the highly looted area's, make it far less profitable.  I am also of the opinion that certain items should have a per server spawn cap, like no more then 2 M4's spawned at a time for EXAMPLE as they do have a chance of spawning in several locations that aren't the military base it should make life interesting.  Also I'd be more then happy to see loot not spawning instantly on restart, once that's done if the add an admin option for always day instead of forcing a restart to keep it daytime.


I'm sure Dean and the dev team have their own plan's for dealing with this they have already said that high grade weapons will become more and more rare as the game introduces more "low end" items, bows, spears etc.  I feel as the game near's completion server hopping simply will not pay off, unfortunately it's something we must deal with right now.


If you need me I'll be admiring the view of bolota airfield through a LRS..... he he he


(I wish, I'm working and my guy dying was why I logged out last time I played)

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I think the introduction of "low end" items (bows, spears, etc) and the decreasing of military gear will just make server hopping more prevalent. I mean if the military gear is rare, the only way to insure finding such high gear is to server hop.


I guess I am a repeating record (if you have read some of my other posts), but "low end" gear in my mind is not a solution. It will just mean that server hoppers will be the the ones with fully geared out characters while we will be the guys with crafted spears.



I'd be more then happy to see loot not spawning instantly on restart


This is the solution. If Dean implements a dynamic spawning loot system where loot respawns are based off a time/rarity table and not off server restarts, then serving hopping would be useless.


For example, at server restart their is a chance that a barracks with have good loot, okay loot, bad loot, or no loot. Then the time/rarity table will spawn loot based on the table, and the chances appear random to us players. I walk into barracks at server start, and I find a soda. Window Licker comes in fifteen minutes later, and finds a M4 and a helmet. General Zod comes in an hour later and finds ammo for his FNX, a magazine for it, and a pink shirt.


In this case server hopping does not grantee that you find good (any) loot. Now, the devs would have to implement some type of anti-camping, like loot wont respawn if a player is within a 100 meters of loot spawn.

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""I think the introduction of "low end" items (bows, spears, etc) and the decreasing of military gear will just make server hopping more prevalent""

I couldnt agree more


""I mean if the military gear is rare, the only way to insure finding such high gear is to server hop.""

Thats simply not true, but i know what you mean.


""the guys with crafted spears.""

Those are probably players that think survival is supposed to be primitive and romantic. Dont worry, they wont last long. I would like to see bows cause theyre nice and quiet.


Time / Place / Grade / Type should all vary.


p.s. Z should not bleed.

Edited by mgc

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The way loot spawns is just the devs going full retard mode in not knowing what the fuck they are fucking doing.

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Dunno if this is mentioned but a simple fix, that would make it much harder for hoppers is to somehow hide the server time or not make it start for example at 12:00 after a server restart. Make it a random timer or just have servers show night/day. I know it isn't absolutely fixing it, but it will make it rather harder for hoppers to determinate if its a fresh server or not.

Also it would require much more time and effort to constantly check servers if they are reset or not and somewhat reduce the hopping.


Just my 5 cents.


And those who keep hopping, keep up with it, one sunny day I will get you when you least expect it :)

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Dunno if this is mentioned but a simple fix, that would make it much harder for hoppers is to somehow hide the server time or not make it start for example at 12:00 after a server restart. Make it a random timer or just have servers show night/day. I know it isn't absolutely fixing it, but it will make it rather harder for hoppers to determinate if its a fresh server or not.

Also it would require much more time and effort to constantly check servers if they are reset or not and somewhat reduce the hopping.


Was thinking exactly this whilst playing tonight; joined up to post the idea, checked the thread and saw your post! I'd give you my beans but on the mobile and can't see how to do it!

The problem is that the server control panel only allows you to schedule restarts on the hour, rather than at a random minute number (at least as far as gamingdeluxe servers go). Hence any server showing the time as on or just past the hour, showing as nil or low player count in the list has likely just restarted.

Really server admins need to be able to choose hours AND minutes for restart period in order to overcome this. This part is down to the server providers to implement though.

In addition to that, get rid of the time display in server list, AM or PM and daylight or night should suffice. AT LEAST until they implement re spawning loot and do away with the regular server restarts needed at the mo.

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