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This game. And the people who play it

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The past 3 lives have honestly shown me the game and its playerbase/community/ players whatever. Are honestly just getting worse. And what I have learned from how this game is "changing" or IMO degrading, and making the game virtually UN-enjoyable to solo players who don't want to sit and camp a place just to kill every 30 minutes a person walks through. Its quickly becoming the only available play style for solo players and that is bullshit.


Let me explain with 3 short simple stories (mind you these are back to back in one playthrough (4 hours). Mind you these all took place on full pop HARDCORE servers (and here i thought the people on hardcore had more finesse, and class).


Life 1: I have tons of gear, cause honestly no one ever goes to the best loot place on map if you know what it is you know what i mean since the newest update. Anyway point is I can get 2 primaries and enough food and clothing for 2 people within 10-30 minutes, so looting is simple and easy and honestly once you know where to look it becomes second nature. Now on to the actual experiences.


So im running down to berezino cause I find camping and waiting for player in one location for 30 minutes or more just to shoot them is boring and pathetic so I try to think of more interesting ways to play, Currently I was just wanting to find fresh spawn running north and give them food and my second primary. Anyway I come to berezino and for the 5th time on a 30+/40 server it is barren, BUT I get to the construction site and come across 2 fresh spawns, I greet them they respond I tell them I got a lot of stuff to give them and to follow me to the barn so they do I begin to drop food and say I am giving them a gun and all of a sudden the life their fists and charge me...as im giving them stuff....they KO me then shoot me (BTW i had a helmet on worked against fists like a charm....) so ya that was just a moment where I just sat there saying really?


Life 2: Im a fresh spawn i run to berezino on a new server, i get there and come across 2 guys with newish loot one has a shotgun, they talk to me i respond they tell me to take my backpack off (i had nothing it was clear) so to prove i was unarmed...they then kill me and say "sorry not enough loot to go around"....I just sat there again saying ...really, I mean the least the idiots coulda done is just shoot me on sight since i wasn't even moving...but no they waste everyones time just to say meh POW it was just stupid.


Life 3 (you know what they say about true despair? when you have the most hope and right as it nears the top BAM its taken away)

This is the best example of what this game has become

I was in a server. I kid you not EVERYONE or at least 90% of the server at least was at elektro just camping in buildings waiting for someone to pass their site to say BOOM HEADSHOT. I know this I came across a guy with a backpack who just ran through it I had like 5 guns handguns shotgun 2 primaries, I was tempted to give him a gun but I knew he was going to a place that had guns and nobody around sooo I didn't bother risking it, so instead I gave him some food and water to get him where he needed to go and moved on. So as recommended I just ran around elektro, no one was on sniper hill (sniping is pretty rare now at least from sniper hills that ive seen) I get to kamyshovo and my god...let me just say this I honestly think DayZ should just be renamed Chernarus Deathmatch or more appropriately Elecktro Deathmatch. With a taste of homicidal rock um sockem robots. Because I came across literally 9 people just bolting it back to elektro after failing to hear a response the second time I simply started using the robots as aiming practice (only way to learn) I didn't kill any cause well they are hard to hit with fists up and zig zagging not to mention giving them a head start by trying to greet them. So im on the mountain after passing the 5th robot and all of a sudden i turn around to see a guy with his fists up right behind me he tried killing me i shot him after the bullet kept clipping right at my guns barrel a few times. I then come to kamyshovo where I see another man running he stops after i greet him and he silently start skirting around me and after a few seconds with no response starts trying to run circles and KO me...I kill him. Another man comes, head on he dies, another gets the jump on me while dropping a mag, i reload and end him. Ya...nothing, no talking at all, no sign they are even human god forbid you trash talk or something but no...probably just in a VOIP or silently trying to get back at the others who would (in their mind) do the same to them).


But finally I come across a guy with a gun ( I had the jump on him mind you) he greets me and we put our guns down, he is starving so we get in a house I tell him how everyone on the server is a malfunctioning robot who is bent on death. So we talk and he tells me he was following an unarmed guy (he was probably trying to kill him since i caught him, this is hindsight mind you). Anyway new fresh spawn who ACTUALLY TALKS AND IS HUMAN joins us in the house after i give the gun man food the new guy says he needs water so i lead them to the well. And they tell me where they came from where they headed, and all of a sudden gun guy shoots me and says "well I hope you enjoyed playing the game but im taking your guns you little fucker, oh man all his stuff is ruined oh well later bitch". Aaaaaaand that was my stopping point.


In conclusion, am i whining? A bit, but mainly im pointing out how just like the mod the player base is degrading due to the "eye for an eye" effect and the excessive YOLOing is LITERALLY showing that this game IS NOT a survival game its a #YOLO ELEKTRO FTW whatever that is.



Because the only thing we have heard is that guns will be more rare and there will be more loot, and when it comes to mechanics...we get hunting, barricading, cooking, all stuff from the mod....but no word on anything more in depth like optional activities or other things to do besides loot-shoot-repeat. I bought SA thinking they were going to build what the mod should of have been...not a smoother running version of the mod that has more/different loot that serves no purpose if it isn't food or a gun.

Honestly I don't think they want this game to be CoD+running simulator 2000 considering the effort put into the health system and other small things, but right now its so easy and simple to just kill and camp that it just makes the game a deathmatch and nothing else.


TBH I think people just want this game to be a griefing simulator more than anything, considering the type of people I come across; jumpy cowards, (the majority of people I have come across anyway) they shoot for the sake of not knowing what else to do, or the true scum the ones who have time to burn in the hopes of simply wasting someone else s time by sitting on a hill or near a hot spot to get off on being the person to end what someone put work into. Its pretty demented honestly, and unless some good changes are put into to allow for actual communication or variety then I just see this game degenerating into a game where only people who found a group and play and horde with that group will stay and will drive away any new players that want to get in on the "fun". Without innovation the game will simply fade and die especially since the genre is already being copied by games like nether and rust, rush seems to have a lot of big plans but dayz just seems like making a reboot of the mod with nothing truly new, again, they could be hiding the big stuff but honestly from what i can tell for atleast this whole year it will be more of the same...just less loot (aka more server hopping hermits).



Simply put, most people are becoming spiteful children who follows the eye for an eye motif and then some. Everyone just deathmatches at elektro (most just camping buildings with gun aimed at doorways) while sitting in their respective VOIP's to become silent homicidal robots in game, with no responses, or if playing alone they become a YOLO kamikaze. Not everyone is like this yet, but my god is it progressing fast like I said I don't even see anyone in berezino or NE airfield anymore

(lol inland? most people never went there in the first place in SA) the game is splitting into two decisive types of players, the hermits and the YOLO'rs the YOLO players are the solo players while hermits tend to solo server hop for loot till their buddies get on then just go camp a hot spot hoping to grief or kill others.


Is it their fault they are douche bags? No, the game encourages this because just like the mod there just isn't anything else to do, and it appears for the next 6 months (and possibly the whole year) nothing will change that formula just like the mod....After all when epoch came out vanilla went into a coma, and after checking dayz commander epoch and panthera epoch greatly outnumber vanilla by a good 1000+ servers. People clearly want more to do even if they don't know or want to admit it.


P.S This is a VERY recent personal perspective, just last week I was enjoying the game and came across good and bad players but starting late last week and this whole week, people have just fallen into downward spiral of YOLO deathmatching and becoming more and more hateful and spiteful due to everyone trying to hurt everyone else like theythemselves were hurt at some point...its just sad



Playing friendly used to be an actual option but if the people you help just say LOL FUCK IT for sake of lawls and kill you then whats the point? The fact that is happening is showing me the game is not authentic or realistic at all and people throw their lives away like its nothing proving for a fact that survival is not the main objective.

Edited by Slyguy65
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Pretty big post for a whole lot of nothing.

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In before a million cries of ALPHA


I do see the point of what you're saying, but i see no reason to assume nothing will change in the game in the next year. That seems ridiculous. I do understand what you mean, though, but that particular social aspect of the game just isn't developed yet. The only mechanics in place besides hunger/thirst/blood are guns and melee. It's either waste rounds on zombies or waste rounds on players, and for some people, it gets boring shooting at zombies.


It'll get better. I don't judge you for feeling frustrated on a message board because I'm not a sanctimonious hypocrite.

Edited by McGarnagle
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While i see your point,and you have every right to be frustrated about the community,keep in mind that the game's still

in an early phase,so really there are not many stuff to do.You could try and killing zombies if you are lucky to even find 1 :P

What i'm trying to say is,there are no vechicles,hunting,base-building and i mean most of the players come to the point where they are like

"i'm done,i have everything i need,now what? " As the game progresses and more stuff are to be implemented and Mr Rocket drops his planed massive hordes in Chernarus making survival as a lone wolf practically impossible,only then you will see change in the community attidute ;)

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It's not a whole lot of nothing; it's a legitimate concern. The game is advertised as a survival-horror apocalypse social-simulator. Instead, it's a bunch of asshole little kids with their mom's credit cards running cheat-script servers banning honest players left and right while spamming global-chat messages about how awesome their shit montages are and cheating, both with TeamSuck3 and simply spawning shit in.


Between private servers and rhinoCRUNCH, DayZ reaaaally went downhill with its playerbase on its way to launching the SA, and it hasn't improved from there. I mean, look at how many posts I have and how crappy I treat other members of the forums. If that doesn't show how low we've sunk, 'google translate' should do the rest.


Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go cheat in some gear and make some shit montages. :)

Edited by Applejaxc
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I feel your pain there will always be those deathmatching in the game but i still hope that some reason will kick in..


PVP is important to the game always was always will be but it is not the whole game. IMHO...

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Edited by Guest

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good guys finish last. become a man instead, become a HUNTER. This is the best human hunting simulator on the internet

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It was your first three lives. Chill.


I play hero too, and, sorry to say but yes you will die plenty of times simply because of a lack of ruthlessness. Though you get used to it and dieing because no big deal, especially if you're able to help that one person out of ten.

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Your TL;DR version was still too long lol

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Pretty big post for a whole lot of nothing.

Pretty small post for.. nothing. He's sharing his experiences, maybe you should do the same instead of just shitposting, and have you know, a discussion.


I've heard similar things about SA, but it could just be bad luck. Things like that happened to me in the mod, I know those feels, but usually it was just coincidence it was happening so often. Hopefully you're wrong about it getting worse, but unless something big happens I'm worried about the longevity of the SA. Even though it's an alpha, if this stuff becomes commonplace, it will just leave a bad taste in everyone's mouths which won't help in the long run.


It was your first three lives. Chill.


I play hero too, and, sorry to say but yes you will die plenty of times simply because of a lack of ruthlessness. Though you get used to it and dieing because no big deal, especially if you're able to help that one person out of ten.

He said last three lives though

Edited by Chris529

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DayZ will eventually offer more than PewPew, but the PewPew playstyle is fun to indulge in from time to time and I certainly harbor nothing against those who choose to play that! Right now we're all rabid bored and greedy, with nothing to compete with for resources but each other. We lack other goals to aspire to! Aside from hoarding massive amounts of beans and ordinance other people want to kill for. Of course we're gonna gun each other down! The stage DayZ has set calls for it.

I'd like the immerse myself in the survivalist feel of things eventually, when that actually becomes difficult! I want that part of the game to be the real struggle, the part that feels the most difficult. I don't really want a shooter with the backdrop of survival, I want survival with the backdrop of a shooter. I want risk management, both when dealing with the environment and when dealing with other players.

I don't really consider myself a roleplayer, but I do like to set light parameters around each playthrough. Parameters that are subject to change when social dynamics present themselves. However,

I also have ADHD, get bored easily, and tend to shoot people after going stir crazy from walking around in the woods aimlessly gathering loot.


Being friendly is still an option, I still accomplish it all the time (between my murderous rampages). Being friendly requires that you have the advantage or an escape route. Otherwise, you are just asking to be shot. Exposure isn't something you let happen until trust is developed. Even then, you risk making a bad call.

The long and short of it is that the game will become more when the game literally does become more ;p


Edited by Rudette

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I love the thought that by killing someone like slyguy in-game, i give him this much butthurt lol. 




Anyway, until this game is further along the line, i'm gonna party hard and shoot to kill because baby, it's like when you're little and your parents leave for the weekend. Sure you know they're coming back, but until then, it's alpha: and that translates into


Fuck it

Go crazy

Have fun

Do whatever

Give no shits

Game aint done tololol

Make people like slyguy sad pandas for the luls

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Having your own opinion is never aloud on day z forums (sarcasm)... people know this game is rubbish at simulating how a real zombie apoc would turn out and that it is just a complex pvp game full of typical internet people.. if they think its actually close to a real simulation of a zombie apoc and how things would really be then they are derp. Posting on the forums wont make deluded people change their mind. Just try and have fun with what ever play style you chose. bandit, hero, senseless killer who does not loot the bodies or griefer etc.. 


no internet based community for any game is good.

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I also agree. Kos players are ruining the game. Such players will not change for many zombies there or other things to do. It's a mindset of me, me, me and me above everything. My only hope is that they get tired and go but I'll probably get tired before they are like the head of a hydra, one is gone, two are coming....

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I don't KOS, but all I do in DayZ at the moment is look for PVP action.


Please tell me what else there is to do in the game yet. Not die of hunger/thirst? Easy. Find loot? Easy. Eradicate the zombie threat? Way too easy. Make a base? No bases. Fix up a vehicle? No vehicles.


This game is only challenging and fun for me when I'm in combat with other players.


It will get better when there is more content in the game and they make the game harder.

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 people know this game is rubbish at simulating how a real zombie apoc would turn out and that it is just a complex pvp game full of typical internet people..


no internet based community for any game is good.


So please enlighten all of us as to how that would ACTUALLY play out, sir. I'm waiting to hear from your vast experience with end-of-the-world zombie events :P

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I don't KOS, but all I do in DayZ at the moment is look for PVP action.


Please tell me what else there is to do in the game yet. Not die of hunger/thirst? Easy. Find loot? Easy. Eradicate the zombie threat? Way too easy. Make a base? No bases. Fix up a vehicle? No vehicles.


This game is only challenging and fun for me when I'm in combat with other players.


It will get better when there is more content in the game and they make the game harder.

I hope you're right, it's a shame to leave a game in which I put so much hope and today I can not recommend to anyone looking for what would be at first. Anyway I appreciate your point of view, it seems to me very reasonable.

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I'm getting really tired of all of these "The playerbase is evil" topics. The Dayz mod was more difficult to get/install or whatever, so a more niche group of players actually played it. With the early access release, and the recent hype for zombie/survival games, more mainstream players are playing the game. Not to say that all mainstream players are dicks on the game, but I would imagine a higher proportion of them are than the old niche that played the mod.


Right now, KOS is satisfying and has very minor repercussions. However, as the development progresses and we get more zombies, damaged loot that does something, balancing of weapon loot spawns etc, there will be a decline in KOS. Right now, zombies are a nuisance, so Dayz is effectively a human hunting game for some people. When zombies are a threat, and damaged items become useless, the thrill will come from having to stalk and hold up someone, without being found by a vast horde of zombies. Players will also have to work together to go into towns lick cherno, so may make temporary alliances to loot. Of course, they may double cross you, but that's better than running across a road and being shot at for 2 seconds out of nowhere and dying.   

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I know someones already said inb4 alpha, but motherfucking alpha. 


Yes, I know a significant portion of the playerbase are fucktarded little kids who should be slapped. A lot. Then sent to bed. Without supper.  


But at the moment we don't have cars, we don't have hunting, we don't have storage, we don't have working zombies and most importantly we don't have a fully operational disease system. 


The last two items on that list will hopefully put players in a position where they're likely to NEED help. I dunno about you, but I'm not interested in talking to random patronizing strangers on the internet offering me stuff that I can get on my own. The game is just too easy at the moment, because it's an alpha, and because of that fact people aren't gonna want your help, because they don't need it. 


If you're having a shit time with people, just wait a bit, more stuff will come in and hopefully sort things out. 

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I am new to the game and only have 60 hours played but the first 50 hours were played trying to be nice but it has done nothing but backfire on me.  People pretend to be nice while I help them get food, drink, and other supplies then suddenly they attack me and kill me for no reason other than to be a jerk.  Well, this how left a sour taste in my mouth and I am no longer playing Mr. Nice Guy.  If I see you, you are dead.  If everyone wants to be a dick, there is nothing left to do but join them.  Now I just camp a few busy places and kill well geared server hoppers for fun since it is no fun killing people without anything.

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well, there is ONE strategy left for friendly solo survivors...

get loot on empty servers (yes... its not fair... this game is not fair), and then just travel around on full servers. 

im full geared, walking mostly near the coastline helping fresh spawners. now i get my gear mostly from bandits (real bandits that i caught on act).

its interesting game style (also im alive for 2 weeks now).

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Well i must admit the coast, especially around Kamyshovo is a deathmatch - new spawns just try their luck with fists and anyone else seems to shoot on sight.


You really do need to get inland.  This doesn't mean that KoS isnt prevalent but there are few players who even try and head inland.


And really the days of letting new spawns get close to me now is over.  I'll talk and help but only from a distance.


Its the apocalypse - there is no trust.  Dont leave yourself so open - seems like all 3 of your deaths were because you let your guard down. Why would you do that?

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