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Why are they adding sewing machines , and not fixing the game?

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I'm really getting sick of these condescending posts. Way to point out the fucking obvious, besides the fact that you said "pre-alpha". It's not "pre-alpha", it's "alpha". If you have nothing better to spew in a thread than "LULZ ALFER", kindly keep your trap shut. We realize it's a fucking alpha, but we did pay some bones for it, so it should at least be moderately fucking playable. Dropping a game-breaking patch on a Friday is a huge blunder. Period.

here says he hates condescending posts and how does he express it by being condescending and insulting... These are traits usually attributed to pre adult people. hencee childish...


It's funny how you guys are so fucking brainwashed. Only on the internet can you convince people it's acceptable to charge money for 15% of something. We're all aware the game is an alpha. But you charged money for it, so at least keep it fucking working. I don't care what you implement; I just want the game to run when I want to play it. If it's in such a terrible state that you're not even sure it's going to run when you load it, don't charge money for it. Then you have the right to tell people to shut the fuck up when it doesn't work. I paid $30 for a game that I know isn't yet complete. I expect errors along the way. I anticipate problems. But dropping a fairly large patch on Friday, grabbing your coat at the door and telling people you'll get it working Monday is borderline retarded. Release the patch on a Monday when your staff is, y'know, working. This isn't a couple dozen people you're fucking over, there are hundreds of thousands of us playing DayZ.


Keep ridin' them nuts, guys.

Here he starts with an insult because people dont agree with him ... childish he goes on to call the devs retarded if he honestly felt they were retarded he wouldnt play the game,, Really he is just buthurt and ranting thats childish..





Yeah. I read the disclaimer. I am prepared to deal with it, like I said in my previous post. But common sense is common sense. Releasing a patch on a Friday is a bad idea, right? Or am I the only one who thinks that? I'm all for them fucking up and having to hotfix something mid-week. That's cool, because it's the best they can do. This wasn't the best they could do; this was poorly orchestrated.


here he points out he has read the warning given to him by the devs but the first time it affects him negatively he completely forgets the possible causing interuptions of game. This patch caused one for many many people we all had to suffer from it to varying degrees but we didnt start insulting the devs and ranting hence childish.


Look man, I really don't want to argue. My only point is releasing a patch on Friday is a bad idea because you don't know what's going to happen. Memory leak happened. Many people now can't play due to a bad call.



Here he shows the maturity one would expect of a married man with children this should have been his first and probably his only post in the thread...


On this i can agree with him it was a bad call so what was all the insults to the community to the devs for in the earlier posts. Deathtax do i need to point out some of your behaviour in the thread???

Edited by SoulFirez
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@OP I also don't get why people think devs do or can only do one thing at a time. You constantly have to fix or tweak things if you introduce new content because it might interfere with something else. In the end, only wide user feedback can give the "Okay" or "Something borked, better look at it again" or even "Scratch that completely".

As for this bug I have from my POV: Yes, I cannot play right now. It'd actually be nice to just have lower FPS, but I freeze right up after a moment of logging in. I narrowed it down to M4 attachments with broken textures that result in a memory leak or so. My option would be to drop it. Then I could play. But hey, I don't even mind. I think I'd rather wait for a hotfix 1-x days now. Simply because I have the choice and I can live with not playing for a few days. I'm not really someone too attached to gear, but it'd be a bummer to try to get the same M4 past hotfix with all attachments again.

Besides, nothing to tell me I could still freeze up even after ditching my M4 after connecting to another server. So it's just your usual DayZ risk management scenario, really. Loot the house or go past it? It's all about risk and reward. Damn, even when dealing with item bugs now it seems :D

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You've got some dev stain on your chin, hombre :P



We just don't get on our knees and fill our mouths as people such as you do when anyone says something less than favorable about them.


So go on, tell me again what hate train i'm on, but before you do that, get off the "Dev stuffhole bandwagon" you drone-like fanboy :)


Enough of that behaviour. See you in a week.


'Grimey Rick', you are hanging in the balance too. Just because people don't immediately accept your premise that the devs are screwing you over, you have no call to talk like you do.

Quit the stupid, insulting sexual references, or find another forum.

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I would suggest that the team working on aspects such as networking, graphics, and items are three completely different teams as each topic requires a different specialisation.

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Seems the forum is full of whiny kids that are gutted they can't spend all weekend sitting in their rooms gawping at a screen, go out to play, go to the youth club and ask a girl out, go to the movies etc, just don't sit indoors wasting your youth bleating on the internet.

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Just to make things clear, I'm not happy when the game does not run, but I kinda don't feel the urge to insult anybody because of it.

Oh well, maybe I'm fan boy, maybe I just grasp the concept of what the frikkin alpha actualy means :-).


Maybe Deathtax will use his week off the forums for mediations and something more healthy, then spouting offending bollocks on forums.

I call it win-win :-D.

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Alpha is for adding features, beta is bug fixes and polish. Of course you can fix bugs in alpha but it's more about getting all the stuff you want in.

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Alpha is for adding features, beta is bug fixes and polish. Of course you can fix bugs in alpha but it's more about getting all the stuff you want in.

They really should add this to the warning.

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Yeah. I read the disclaimer. I am prepared to deal with it, like I said in my previous post. But common sense is common sense. Releasing a patch on a Friday is a bad idea, right? Or am I the only one who thinks that? I'm all for them fucking up and having to hotfix something mid-week. That's cool, because it's the best they can do. This wasn't the best they could do; this was poorly orchestrated.



I'm pretty sure the idea of releasing the patch on Friday was the idea that people could play the whole weekend without interruption with the new items included. With the idea that when they get back to work on Monday that there would be a list of "bugs" that they could start looking at to find a solution that won't break the game again.


Also I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this patch on Friday was meant for Weds.. They just rolled it out early to fix the major bug of people getting stuck and not being able to respawn as well as fixing the logout bug where you would wind up where you were 5 minutes previous to logging out.


Next time you want to create a moronic thread please do some research.


Also multiple fixes have been posted. I can tell you that if you removed canned beans from your inventory your FPS problems will probably be fixed.

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Facepalm.... another one of these posts... The teams that produce new content are COMPLETELY SEPERATE from the programmers...........

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With the new update, my frame drop to 1 fps, and I cant move, game crash.


I have been pretty upset that, there is no fixes for this game, and they keep adding meaningless stuff like spray paint, and now....sewing machines...


I dont understand, I thought this was a zombie game, but why is sewing machines taking priority over bug fixes?  What are sewing machines suppose to do? Does anyone want to start a sewing machine business in cherno? and have others defend us? We can sew cloths for food



Please not again.......

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It's funny how you guys are so fucking brainwashed. Only on the internet can you convince people it's acceptable to charge money for 15% of something. We're all aware the game is an alpha. But you charged money for it, so at least keep it fucking working. I don't care what you implement; I just want the game to run when I want to play it. If it's in such a terrible state that you're not even sure it's going to run when you load it, don't charge money for it. Then you have the right to tell people to shut the fuck up when it doesn't work. I paid $30 for a game that I know isn't yet complete. I expect errors along the way. I anticipate problems. But dropping a fairly large patch on Friday, grabbing your coat at the door and telling people you'll get it working Monday is borderline retarded. Release the patch on a Monday when your staff is, y'know, working. This isn't a couple dozen people you're fucking over, there are hundreds of thousands of us playing DayZ.


Keep ridin' them nuts, guys.


Man you just dont read the warnings... its your fault. If you want a game which is running anytime you want it, dont buy Alphas, expecially not the ones who are warning you that this game has serious issues.

Edited by Rancor

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It's pretty ambitious to think that people will still be playing this in 2 years.

Well the concern of the devs is to finish the game by then, wether anyone is still playing it isn't exactly their problem.

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Well the concern of the devs is to finish the game by then, wether anyone is still playing it isn't exactly their problem.


I honeslly think after their 1 million in sales, they could close up shop and call it a success. 


alot of people are playing it on steam..they dont have to fix the game, because people will still play it, even in its unplayable state


I guess this answers my question of why they are adding sewing machines and not fixing the game

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In a way you are right, they aren't fixing it.


They are making it.

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I'm pretty sure the idea of releasing the patch on Friday was the idea that people could play the whole weekend without interruption with the new items included. With the idea that when they get back to work on Monday that there would be a list of "bugs" that they could start looking at to find a solution that won't break the game again.


Also I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that this patch on Friday was meant for Weds.. They just rolled it out early to fix the major bug of people getting stuck and not being able to respawn as well as fixing the logout bug where you would wind up where you were 5 minutes previous to logging out.


Next time you want to create a moronic thread please do some research.


Also multiple fixes have been posted. I can tell you that if you removed canned beans from your inventory your FPS problems will probably be fixed.


Not my thread, sir. I am merely posting in it. -1


For the fifteenth time, my entire point is that releasing a patch on a Friday is a bad idea for this very reason. No one is around to fix it for three days. That is not good business. That's the only thing I've been trying to push in all of my posts, but people don't seem to be able to grasp that. You can't post "LULZ ALFER" when someone complains they released a patch that caused more problems than it fixed the day before the weekend. That has nothing to do with the alpha. That has everything to do with a bad call. I freaking love this game; I've got 300 hours logged already. I'm going to give my opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it/reply to it.


As for the fix, I actually discovered how to fix it on my own and then posted it in someone else's thread where they were suggesting modifying .pbo files which only helps in the cases that the problem item was a weapon attachment. The problem can be anything: head lamps, hard hats, beans, weapon attachments, etc. I've personally experienced those items causing grief myself. So yeah, I'm good. But that wasn't the point. Now that everything is blown way out of proportion because we have so many forum sheriffs on here trying to make themselves appear all-knowing, I'm just shaking my head.


My apologies for swearing, but I hardly view "fuck" as offensive when used as an adverb. No one's gonna read the post anyway, so what's the point, eh?

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It's pretty ambitious to think that people will still be playing this in 2 years.



I agree to that. But hey, i do not develop the game, so i do not know about their ambitions.. :))

It's been 2 years since mod release I believe...seems to be doing well to me;


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I will not reply...I will not reply...I will not reply... IT"S AN ALPHA! Not a beta, not a gamma or a delta. There are going to be good days and there will be bad days, roll with it already.  At least your not trying to configure modem init strings or find an opengl driver or configuring the number of cylinders on a hard drive manually.  Oh sh@t, I just gave my age away...  AT&F C1 D2 Q5 K0. USR baby, the good ole days.  It's a journey and I'm loving it an I'm sorry that you are not.  But again IT'S AN ALPHA!

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The teams that do bug fixes and create new content are seperate from eachothers. What this means is we can have new content -and- bug fixes!


There is always a good bunch ppl that simply dont understand this when a game is being developed.

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the FPS drop is directly associated with a memory leak... that can be fixed by getting rid of any pre-patch gear. Me and some buddies were running ops with CQF second someone logged in and caused whole group to have FPS drop had them go to another server get naked and come back. FPS issue was resolved.

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The teams that do bug fixes and create new content are seperate from eachothers. What this means is we can have new content -and- bug fixes!

Holy shit. This is the first version of this statement that I've read and actually makes sense. ;) I now understand what people mean when they say "Do you want the artists learning code?" Before I just thought they were being smarmy. Which they probably were actually.

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Just calm down everybody. I've read sarcasm, insults and some cheap teenager trolling, but nobody cared to explain to this confused fellow how is it that production pipeline works. One on hand you have programmers taking care of the code side of the game, on the other hand you have artists doing all the artwork (that includes textures, models, level design, music, sound effects, etc.). While programmers work is always slower and prone to break something with each new line of code, the artists work is more straightforward and the never stop, where the programmers have to stop moving forward and go back in the case they've actually broken something. Even among coders, they probably have separate tasks (you have coders for the engine, and coders for the gameplay. I used to be a gameplay coder), they can't all work on the same issue to fix it faster. So while the engine programmer's pace is slower, the gameplay coder goes faster (adding new weapons, items, etc.). By the time we get a patch, the amount artwork surpasses the amount of coding and the amount of gameplay coding surpasses the amount of engine coding. All the processes work in parallel, but you can't throw more people into the same issue to fix it faster. That's why you get the illusion that they're not caring about fixing the game, and adding hardhats or sewing kits makes it look like they don't have the priorities straight.


TL;DR: Read something about game developing before posting such an ignorant statement. Even when this is not my game, it hurts my feelings.

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Just calm down everybody. I've read sarcasm, insults and some cheap teenager trolling, but nobody cared to explain to this confused fellow how is it that production pipeline works. One on hand you have programmers taking care of the code side of the game, on the other hand you have artists doing all the artwork (that includes textures, models, level design, music, sound effects, etc.). While programmers work is always slower and prone to break something with each new line of code, the artists work is more straightforward and the never stop, where the programmers have to stop moving forward and go back in the case they've actually broken something. Even among coders, they probably have separate tasks (you have coders for the engine, and coders for the gameplay. I used to be a gameplay coder), they can't all work on the same issue to fix it faster. So while the engine programmer's pace is slower, the gameplay coder goes faster (adding new weapons, items, etc.). By the time we get a patch, the amount artwork surpasses the amount of coding and the amount of gameplay coding surpasses the amount of engine coding. All the processes work in parallel, but you can't throw more people into the same issue to fix it faster. That's why you get the illusion that they're not caring about fixing the game, and adding hardhats or sewing kits makes it look like they don't have the priorities straight.

TL;DR: Read something about game developing before posting such an ignorant statement. Even when this is not my game, it hurts my feelings.

Sorry I didn't mean to imply I don't understand the basics of game design. I took an intro to game design course in college while getting my music business degree so I have a tenuous grasp. But what I'm saying is I never understood what some people were talking about when they said "do you want artists to learn code?" or something similar because it was such a weird thing to say with no explanation. This guy above did it in a way that makes sense.

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We would all get along so much better in the world if we didn't assume ourselves to be smarter than the rest. I don't like to rush out an statement as much as I don't like to rush out an answer. Most of the times I just ignore everything and stay out of trouble, but in this case there was some sort of honesty in the complaint. I heard it from my girlfriend (who also plays this game) and some of friends. So I guess this is an doubt that's on a lot of people's mind.

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I dont understand, I thought this was a zombie game, but why is sewing machines taking priority over bug fixes? 


Nothing is taking priority over bug fixes, you just don't understand game development. They're doing both at the same time.


Also, there are no sewing machines.

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