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About Nanoha

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  1. Nanoha


    Well seen as I can't post on twitter I'll post here but to me this looks like teeth from a chainsaw chain although given that much detail on teeth alone seems excessive... OK it's not a chainsaw..
  2. Nanoha

    Someone explain zeroing to me!

    Saw this in another thread not long after I posted, I didn't realise this was possible but that's pretty cool.
  3. Not poison. The issue with dried milk is that consuming it dehydrates you. 2 of those and you were probably severely dehydrated especially if that's the first thing you ate on spawning since you spawn with low hydration anyway.
  4. Nanoha

    Dumb questions on reloads

    It certainly gives value to magazines and clips.
  5. Nanoha

    Someone explain zeroing to me!

    Aren't they just point blank markers? Since firing closer than whatever the gun is zeroed to would cause the bullet to hit higher. I don't think there are any range finder scopes in game yet unless you really can use the ACOG to calculate range. You certainly can get range finders that work like this (finding range based on size of the target) but I'm not aware of anything like that in game yet unless it is as you say and you can use the ACOG for it. Is this it? http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/8/88/Acog_Optics_Zoomed.png because the lines above look like 300m and 200m to me.
  6. Is this actually poisoning anyone though? The video shows him applying spray to it but does the spray actually cause poison. If the video showed him eating it and getting sick then sure but it doesn't.
  7. Nanoha

    Dumb questions on reloads

    Would be nice if R did this stuff without mags/clips also. Like R would load a single bullet in a pistol if you didn't have a magazine or load up/top up 5 bullets in a Mosin etc. I don't see why this shouldn't be the case; not like you have to drag a magazine/clip over to the gun. It would obviously just take longer than loading a clip/magazine and be limited to 1 bullet etc (or 2 shells in a shotgun and so on).
  8. Nanoha

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I'd be happy with range finder indicator on scopes. The ones you calculate range by lining up a person's height with the parts on the scope.
  9. Nanoha

    New to computer gaming

    As a first PC I would just go to something like Overclockers and go for one of their tweakable prebuilt/custom build systems. Tweak it such that it's the best it can be while staying in your budget. They will even overclock it for you too. I realise you probably don't have much choice but building a "budget" pc is probably not a good idea, you want it to last and with the new consoles coming out there Is finally a reason for publishers/developers to really push what a game can do. I wouldn't go for top end as that is poor value for money (but they only way to really get the best), you need just a bit below top. All that said, could probably build by pc on a "budget" now since it's a bit old but runs fine after tweaking some settings: Intel Core i7-2600k overclocked to 4.4ghz 16 GB ram 2xGeForce GTX 560 Ti - sli Windows 7 pro x64 SSDs for Windows/Programs/Games Now I think I would prefer having one heafty gfx instead of sli.
  10. Alpha is for adding features, beta is bug fixes and polish. Of course you can fix bugs in alpha but it's more about getting all the stuff you want in.
  11. I have looted one in a hangar once (NWAF), other than that it was only in the tents.
  12. Nanoha

    Changes to guns

    I think the m4 is fine, never been killed by it. The Mosin on the other hand... against an m4 you at least get a chance to patch up, help your friends up, blood/saline etc. Mosin is just shot-dead. Up close and personal the m4 will win but beyond that and it's fine. I've had very very few good gun fights as most of them have simply been bang dead. When my friend and I had m4s and so did one of our opponents it was god fun. It took our opponent with a Mosin an awful lot of shots to finally hit but the second you do hit it's game over which kinda sucks. It would be nice to get insta shot unconscious and bleeding out or something instead, at least giving a chance for some medical attention; perhaps the defib will be useful for this now. I always run with the Mosin now, it's just awesome. Press t...
  13. Nanoha

    Broken Limbs and Treatment

    In general I like the idea. So far the only thing that has broken my leg was a chair...
  14. Nanoha

    Crosshair in 3pp 1 cm too high?

    The crosshair is fixed to the plane of your screen isn't it? Where as your gun move around and so on. I can't recall Arma 2 now but Arma 3 crosshair is shown where the barrel of your gun is pointing in the world which moves around a lot and disappears at times too. It's not actually possible to have a correct 3pp crosshair without it moving around. Even sticking something on your screen would not work correctly. I do actually prefer firing with the 3rd person cross hair but it's not really there for accurate fire.
  15. Nanoha

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    Moral of the story, if you have an item for someone, get it to them before you start wandering about.