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wuffi (DayZ)

How do you dress?

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i know boring as hell and most of you will scream BANDIT but i am not i roll with an arma clan so strangely we play a mil group in the zed apoc


 edit not sure i have the settings on sweetfx right yet either colours to dark??

Edited by SoulFirez

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Before the C'boy hat and B95 it was just get a Tac shirt, match off that.  No I sacrifice pockets to look like the DayZ version of Rick.


Cowboy Hat (Brown)

Black Shirt (2 pocket ver., not tac)

Blue Jeans

Chest Holster w/ Magnum

Brown Leather Shoes (look like shit kickers, but it'll be our secret that they aren't)

Brown Gloves



B95 in my hands, M4 on my back


Red Child's Bag (I kid, Hunter's Pack)

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Calibre i am going to scream BANDIT lol but rocking it well like the look jealous on the LRS to so dangerous bandit......


PS is no one using sweetfx to improve the dayz visuals was hoping to get a comment if anyone who did thought my settings to dark and what settings they use..

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I remember one day I was reading about football strips years ago(soccer to you americans) and they had done a study about what sells most. Younger fans liked strips with lots of different colours and patterns, the louder the better. Older fans liked plain strips, less different colours and quieter shades.


You see a plain looking player with quiet don't-look-at-me gear with a gun and an axe, and no bells or whistles on like payday masks or gasmasks? Hes probably an older player, more mature and more trustworthy. Guys running around with all the 'cool' gear on, like camo and gasmasks and payday masks and stuff, they are probably younger, more cavalier show-off players who should be avoided.


Its not an exact science, just my little take. You can tell a geared up players personality by what hes wearing, and if hes sporting cool gear and a scary mask, hes looking for an excuse to gun you down. Someone like me who is an older player? Im happy with a green hoodie and matching backpack to melt into the background while I run around.


Sunglasses though are a different matter. Older guys are suckers for shades. So don't factor that into your thinking when judging a geared up player ;)


Put it this way, every show off youtuber who uploads Dayz vids, they are ALWAYS clothed the same, military gear and gasmask/payday masks. Its the gear of the young gun who is looking for an excuse to put a bullet into someone.


Trust me!


I have to disagree with this. I dress in camouflage because when I'm running across a field I blend in better. That being said I'm 28 and am prior military. My play style is also more solo and staying hidden.


But in essence you can usually generalize pretty well.

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big fan of brown hunting pants and green rain jackets or checked shirts.

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full TTsKo cloths, military boots, ballistic helmet, UK assault vest.

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Calibre i am going to scream BANDIT lol but rocking it well like the look jealous on the LRS to so dangerous bandit......


PS is no one using sweetfx to improve the dayz visuals was hoping to get a comment if anyone who did thought my settings to dark and what settings they use..


Yeah, that son of a bitch is fo' sure, a very very badman indeed..  I do as equally a good job in the plaid though, so the cosmic balance is maintained!

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Cammo Bandanna

TTKO pants/shirt

DMP cammo vest

splitting axe (not a fire axe as they are bright red/yellow, just awful cammo)

hunter backpack

green boots

green mosin

no sunglasses or masks

the Black/African player skin for cammo (the Caucasian skin is too bright) 

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I won't touch the camo milgear as I've seen too many guys wearing it, and it just looks like bog standard bandit gear + I just feel like a clone.


I try to keep to muted civ clothing (green hoodie or raincoat, and brown hunter pants atm), always with a blue radar cap. 


Waiting for face bandanas to come out, although that will probably mark me as a target. 

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Like this, but usually all black, but sometimes I go green or tan too.

I like to travel light and only carry what I actually use and need to survive. 


PS: The scope I was holding for out sniper.  - "Only what you need to survive!"

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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Like this, but usually all black, but sometimes I go green or tan too.

I like to travel light and only carry what I actually use and need to survive. 


PS: The scope I was holding for out sniper.  - "Only what you need to survive!"


Nothing to fix yours legs with?

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Cowboy hat or a green beenie


Respirator (paranoid about airborne pathogens)

Olive tactical shirt or a green hoodie or a raincoat - depends on condition and which one I find first. (will definitely change to a leather jacket once I find one)

Chest holster

Green cargo pants

Hunter's backpack

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Nothing to fix yours legs with?


Touche my friend!


I normally do have one, but I was experimenting with using the small improvised bikpik and just didn't have one atm.

I usually carry morphine over the 3 slot tall splint.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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...You see a plain looking player with quiet don't-look-at-me gear with a gun and an axe, and no bells or whistles on like payday masks or gasmasks? Hes probably an older player, more mature and more trustworthy. Guys running around with all the 'cool' gear on, like camo and gasmasks and payday masks and stuff, they are probably younger, more cavalier show-off players who should be avoided.


Its not an exact science, just my little take. You can tell a geared up players personality by what hes wearing, and if hes sporting cool gear and a scary mask, hes looking for an excuse to gun you down. Someone like me who is an older player? Im happy with a green hoodie and matching backpack to melt into the background while I run around.


Sunglasses though are a different matter. Older guys are suckers for shades. So don't factor that into your thinking when judging a geared up player ;)


Put it this way, every show off youtuber who uploads Dayz vids, they are ALWAYS clothed the same, military gear and gasmask/payday masks. Its the gear of the young gun who is looking for an excuse to put a bullet into someone.


Trust me!


Well that is actually starting to seem pretty spot on. When I started playing the mod and standalone my tendency was to go for camo at all costs, not because I wanted to be a bandit, but because I was trying to blend in and not be seen, thus hopefully avoiding being KOS'ed by the legions of griefers out there. It didn't work, despite being someone who would rather die than KOS someone in the game out of fear. The Camo getup looks threatening and if you roll around with an assault rifle and a gas mask/payday mask you're basically asking to get shot by people who just want to be left alone and who otherwise wouldn't bother you.


Nowdays my getup is a lot more sedate. I don't wear a vest or a holster. I have an orange puffy jacket and plain brown pants, a big orange backpack and a cowboy hat. In between posing like the marlboro man against the cherno sunset, I am not averse to helping out any newly spawned people with some food and rehydration. I hope that looking like a deliberately civilian player will at least stop some of the people who would just KOS from percieved self-defence killing me, obviously nothing you can do about the bandits/griefers.

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