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About muddyraccoon

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    This, uh, building stuff, bullying people that post rude comments (not here, obviously. That would be counter productive). I like science, and think a Zombie Apocalypse would be good for the world.

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  • Bio
    I am a scientist, and in the lab I work I get to do all sorts! But only after I get told to by people that make 5-7 times as much money as I do, so it sorta takes some of the fun out of it. Thanks to DayZ I get to both kill people and help people. It makes me feel better depending on the day I'm having. I'm mostly nice and helpful though.
  1. muddyraccoon

    Strange death, Wtf happened?

    If there were 4 other people on your server, then there were 3 other bullets headed towards your brain that were too slow. It's a small world after all.
  2. muddyraccoon

    My first kill

    In a clan I used to be in (note the past tense), we were on the large and open hill above the city-proper of Elektro. We were advancing in a line, grabbing cover where we could. Keep the same guy to your right and left, and keep even. Pretty much the only rule. As we got closer to buildings, we started taking fire. I ran up and prone-dove under a bush, my mates to the right and left undoubtedly followed suit. We were so close to the gunfire, I could taste the gunsmoke. I nearly soiled myself with anticipation/anxiety/fear. So when I see a guy creeping in a bush, not 10 yards away, I let loose my war cry and followed it up with a rain of bullets. Several minutes later, after my sobs became less violent, I would make sense of the voices comparing me to a douchebag Leeroy Jenkins, and informing me of my removal from the group. I learned a lot that day; all of it enlightening, none of it good, mostly depressing.
  3. muddyraccoon

    AUTOGYROS in DayZ?

    Watched one video, planning to watch more, gather as much info as possible, then put in my well-informed opinion to contribute to the discussion in a constructive way. After the first video, I was thumbnail-click-baited into watching 3 videos of some braless European blonde. So, as eloquently as I can state it, what were we talking about? Well, I am for Autogyros only because Gyrocopter girl is for them. I wouldn't mind something like this. I think it could add some light-hearted fun. Make it a project that takes man-hours to complete. One guy could do it, though it would take more time. Once persistence is persistant, and we can craft something like a camo-netting to hide our WIP Gyrocopter, we will be able to make a well-hidden or well-defended stash. But I wouldnt limit the amount that spawn, like only 2 can exist per hive. That leads to a trollable situation of hoarding things. Just a ridiculously low spawn rate for each part spread out over a hive. That should force interaction.
  4. muddyraccoon

    A mountain not just hills?

    I am definitely becoming Jeremiah Johnson. Then make F7 the "gentle nods" hotkey and I can do this all damn day!
  5. This is so 5-places ago Kich, you need to keep up babydoll! anybody who's anybody left that bored cliché days ago. I have a tumblr that focuses in on the hottest trending locales of the moment. Recent places have been The Ashwood Forest up north, the pine tree in Olsha (if you have to ask, you weren't meant to know), The back of a V3S Cargo, The main street of any town at night while wearing a burlap bag on your head, no shoes, and only carrying a gas lamp, and the place that we just abandoned the top of Cherno's firestation also only at night and only when the camera angle casts your profile over the rising or setting moon. We are investigating a few different spots to see which is trendiest. It's a close race between "Halfway up any ladder in a forest," and "the interior of a castle while you pretend to be a ghost who is haunting the castle." From where I'm standing, it's any ones game.
  6. muddyraccoon

    What should I do in DayZ. Oh me oh my

    Just riffing off other's ideas: -Obtain full red/green/blue tracksuit. No light blue, no black. -Find same color Boonie Hat. -Equip Thick Framed Glasses (also accepted: Aviators. Thin frame glasses will be INSTANT DISQUALIFICATION!!!) -Nothing else can be equipped, or this is DQ!! And not the frozen treat kind! (Golden Brass Knuckles deemed acceptable for flair) -Head to highly populated city in Highly Populated server. -Toggle Run/Walk so your character is only walking. -Through direct comm's, blare loudly Run DMC's "It's Tricky" -Begin walking until you make contact with a stranger. -Without speaking or typing, try to communicate that the contact is being challenged to a dance off -Final Step: Throw Down. If done correctly, the contact will feel the affects of having been "served," thus initiating a dance off. ***If you witness these events transpire in exactly this way, please exercise caution in the area. For once it is Thrown Down and someone gets served, threat level will raise immediately to Oh, It's On which is what is blamed for the Economic Collapse in 1929.***
  7. muddyraccoon

    So yeah, about that new Alcatraz island............

    Yes! So exciting to see my handiwork in a screenshot! Regardless of the implications it has on my driving ability. I didn't want to be one of those guys that always dares, but never does a dare. So I put my money where my mouth was and was surprised to see seafloor driving work. I was going to exclaim my amazement on here, but after a quick search it seems it's old news. Once again, I'm behind the times, or so my MySpace friends tell me. My new Public Hive goal! Do the E.T. move, using ammo/clips/mags/drums instead of Reeses' Pieces, then lock them in! Maybe hit them with some electricity first, for good measure. Hmm, now I think I'll got to suggestions to try to get in some Bear Mace.
  8. muddyraccoon

    Map Changes in 0.53: Rewind and play it again!

    I love this one. It's like the truck is day dreaming. Like he just got done watching a Bond movie and is longing to be a gadget filled car. "One day, Phil. One day you'll make it to that island. One day you'll be an amphibious spy vehicle."
  9. muddyraccoon

    So yeah, about that new Alcatraz island............

    Boats? Just drive there! Problem solved.
  10. muddyraccoon

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    The max I got is 2. Drove to Zeleno, found another, parked them close to Green Mountain, looking for another, then server reset. Found one near GM, drove back to where I stashed the other 2 and they were both there. Got too excited tried to exit a moving truck. Too bad I don't have the option to tuck n' roll, cause trying to get out of a moving vehicle, no matter how slow, is Death! Just for you I will try to get a Jay Leno collection going.
  11. muddyraccoon

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    This. I built my own desktop 5 years ago for $1600, which was better than AW's top machine. With minimal upkeep/upgrades it runs great. And it was seriously easy. newegg, tigerdirect, and all the components tell you how to install. It's like Lego's essentially. I only comment because Down with overpriced bs. It is ridiculous.
  12. muddyraccoon

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Or when I finally get an M4 off a pers:off server, then find a Truck, and after hitting a hill or something, I land about 10 feet under the street, with no way out but death. I'm still sobbing about that. And I definitely agree on characters. I knew his blood type, he had a favorite knife, just hours upon hours of backwoods survival. Now nothing.
  13. muddyraccoon

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I agree, which makes me think that phrase isn't meant for people that understand and can cope. It's for the butt-hurt rage monkeys.
  14. muddyraccoon

    So I found this cow...

    You should all be sent to the punitentiary, or another suitable punishment will be found.
  15. muddyraccoon

    So I found this cow...

    Oh Cod, animal puns? Do we have to stick to cows, or would you mind if I changed the species just for the Halibut? Oh, and please clean your shotgun, and wash your hands.