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wuffi (DayZ)

How do you dress?

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Do you dress your self "stylish" or do you dress strictly for camoflage.

In personal camoflage is everything for me.

(I even don´t wear the big red hiking backback because the smaller green one

gives me more camoflage).

But how about you?



Oh and i never wear those payday masks ;)

(btw. i love the game payday)

because in think this mask crys out loud "I´m a BANDIT!!!" :)

Edited by wuffi

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I try different combinations anytime I die, depending on what I am able to find. I like to try different combinations of clothing to see if it actually has an effect on how some people view you when they run across you ingame...

I've had some interesting results so far, its a fun little experiment!

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I just take what I find. I don't give a shit if I'm camouflaged or not. I just want to rob people and wear pants while doing it.

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Here is my favourite setup

Green Motercycle Helmet (Prestine)


Green shirt / Green Hoodie / TTSKO Jacket

Green Pants / Green Cargo Pants / TTSKO Pants

Green Jungle Boots

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Depends on what I'm dressing for.

If I'm going friendly I try to dress as casual as possible. I find it actually gets me shot at less.

If I'm going the loner style, I'll grab camo stuff and a Mosin and stick to the woods.

If I'm going axe murderer I dawn a Payday mask, red canvas pants, school backpack, gun holster or black vest, and red punk boots if I can find them.

I'm also a pretty big fan of gasmasks.

Edited by Rudette

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Whatever has the most pockets


Yeah, in this game it's all about function over fashion. 


That said, I never make the head of my character look "aggressive" by wearing masks.  

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I used to wear entirely military gear, but I'm starting to get tired of that and I'm slowly moving toward a more civilian look. No orange or yellow clothes, as it sticks out too much.

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If I'm going serious, then anything olive drab. I've got a picture my buddy took showing me about 20 feet away from him and all you can see is my face. He didn't realize I was that close until I said "here I am".


But if I'm just playing around, or trying to run into people I'll pick whatever looks good!

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Currently I'm going for a sort of heroish look - well geared but instead of a TTSKO jacket, I've got a blue check shirt. 

From top down it goes like this:

Green Beret

Rocket Aviators

Blue Check Shirt (I was going to go for light blue check but it just didn't look quite as nice)

UK DPM Camo Assault Vest


Brown Jungle Boots


I don't really care about camo anymore, I'm going more for the look.

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Currently I'm going for a sort of heroish look - well geared but instead of a TTSKO jacket, I've got a blue check shirt. 

From top down it goes like this:

Green Beret

Rocket Aviators

Blue Check Shirt (I was going to go for light blue check but it just didn't look quite as nice)

UK DPM Camo Assault Vest


Brown Jungle Boots


I don't really care about camo anymore, I'm going more for the look.

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I hate those Masks because they mostly look silly. 


I'm not gonna wear them until the "V for Vendetta"/Anonymous mask is out. At the moment I prefer sunglasses.


The rest of my clothes depends on what I find.


Oh, and I try to avoid the yellow and orange raincoats. They are so bright, everyone can see them from a mile away. I'm not so much into camouflage, but I try to dress in darker black/green/greyish clothes.

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Like a man!



Seriously though, I like to dress a green camo way, olive's really good. I ditched my ballistic helmet for an olive baseball cap.

If I'm not going for that (Hardcore char) then I dress up as a civilian. (Hoodie, cargo pants or jeans, taloon backpack, respirator, etc.)

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Shirt, Jeans, Boots, Military Backpack, FNX, Hatchet and a Beanie

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I remember one day I was reading about football strips years ago(soccer to you americans) and they had done a study about what sells most. Younger fans liked strips with lots of different colours and patterns, the louder the better. Older fans liked plain strips, less different colours and quieter shades.


You see a plain looking player with quiet don't-look-at-me gear with a gun and an axe, and no bells or whistles on like payday masks or gasmasks? Hes probably an older player, more mature and more trustworthy. Guys running around with all the 'cool' gear on, like camo and gasmasks and payday masks and stuff, they are probably younger, more cavalier show-off players who should be avoided.


Its not an exact science, just my little take. You can tell a geared up players personality by what hes wearing, and if hes sporting cool gear and a scary mask, hes looking for an excuse to gun you down. Someone like me who is an older player? Im happy with a green hoodie and matching backpack to melt into the background while I run around.


Sunglasses though are a different matter. Older guys are suckers for shades. So don't factor that into your thinking when judging a geared up player ;)


Put it this way, every show off youtuber who uploads Dayz vids, they are ALWAYS clothed the same, military gear and gasmask/payday masks. Its the gear of the young gun who is looking for an excuse to put a bullet into someone.


Trust me!

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i dress in any way that distinguishes me to my friends. since i usually play with 2 to 4+ people, i want them to make sure they know its me and dont shoot me. i found too many people all in camo with either a mask or gas mask on. now i stay away from that. 


i even stay away from helmets- either ballcap, snow hat, beanie or camo dorag. i never found the helmets to help squat since its usually a 1 round to 5 round insta-death anyways. 


right now, im dressed in black cargo pants, black top, vest and b b cap. i imagine ive live for 1 to 2 days, get killed and start my fashion police search all over again.

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I go for the hero look. If I have the option this is my favorite look

Blue Beret


Blue Check shirt

Chest holster w/ magnum

TTsko pants

Blue Jack boots

Hunting Backpack

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Beret (I carry various colours as dictated by situation) with TTSKO Jacket and Trousers, Olive Jungle Boots, Olive Assault Vest, Green M4.

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I remember one day I was reading about football strips years ago(soccer to you americans) and they had done a study about what sells most. Younger fans liked strips with lots of different colours and patterns, the louder the better. Older fans liked plain strips, less different colours and quieter shades.


You see a plain looking player with quiet don't-look-at-me gear with a gun and an axe, and no bells or whistles on like payday masks or gasmasks? Hes probably an older player, more mature and more trustworthy. Guys running around with all the 'cool' gear on, like camo and gasmasks and payday masks and stuff, they are probably younger, more cavalier show-off players who should be avoided.


Its not an exact science, just my little take. You can tell a geared up players personality by what hes wearing, and if hes sporting cool gear and a scary mask, hes looking for an excuse to gun you down. Someone like me who is an older player? Im happy with a green hoodie and matching backpack to melt into the background while I run around.


Sunglasses though are a different matter. Older guys are suckers for shades. So don't factor that into your thinking when judging a geared up player ;)


Put it this way, every show off youtuber who uploads Dayz vids, they are ALWAYS clothed the same, military gear and gasmask/payday masks. Its the gear of the young gun who is looking for an excuse to put a bullet into someone.


Trust me!


All you KOS whiners pay close attention to what this guy says. Learning to profile other players can take you a long way when choosing who and when to engage a stranger.

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Sometimes i try to dress in full camo of any one colour, but usually i'll try for an urban ninja look, or a Metro: 2033/Last Light look; mix-matched camo and gear, winter hunter pants and black MB helmet and gasmask combo. 10/10 gets me shot everytime

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Mostly casual with down jacket, hunter pants, orange taloon, baseball cap. When I go PVP I dress commando style, black beret, aviators, tac vest, black pants, M4. Kill or be killed.

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New Zealand Beret, respirator, green check shirt, olive assault vest, grey cargo's, blue combat boots, hunter's packpack.

If I could find a damn machete I would be set.

I lost my favourite black hat with the gun logo on it after the patch, till I find it again, the beret will have to do.

I kind of have a PMC look goin' on.

Edited by Daemonkid

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I hate those Masks because they mostly look silly. 


I'm not gonna wear them until the "V for Vendetta"/Anonymous mask is out. At the moment I prefer sunglasses.


The rest of my clothes depends on what I find.


Oh, and I try to avoid the yellow and orange raincoats. They are so bright, everyone can see them from a mile away. I'm not so much into camouflage, but I try to dress in darker black/green/greyish clothes.

The Guy Fawkes mask*. I have a friend that claims to be a part of them, and i just think: yeah, sure mate, whatever you say. His pimpled face,rabbit teeth and fedora mask his ability to hack facebook pages...

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