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73 Good

About GoldenKade

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Lying dead in a warehouse to the north.

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  • Bio
    I stank.
  1. GoldenKade

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    It only happens to my regular character, my hardcore character is unaffected.
  2. GoldenKade

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    Oh, I'm sorry that an obnoxious bug keeps occurring for me.
  3. GoldenKade

    Backpack disappeared

  4. GoldenKade


    Watch as OP bitches about himself! What a beauty!
  5. GoldenKade

    Backpack disappeared

    Once, I lost my boots, press vest, mosin, pistol and my anal virginity.
  6. GoldenKade

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    I'm with you here, OP. My regular character gets wiped roughly 5 times a day and I'm sick of it.
  7. GoldenKade

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    The Z spawns are my favorite, one time I sat in front of a spawn swinging my axe and must have killed at least 30 zombies.
  8. GoldenKade

    Rotten Foods

    Only wrong because you ate a rotten banana. whore.
  9. i like to punch people irl and in game
  10. GoldenKade

    "So...you ughh Friendy?"

    Love it when I get my attackers.
  11. GoldenKade

    How long to gear up?

    100 hours... hahahahahahaha oh you guys
  12. GoldenKade

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1. Tents/bases 2. Some sort of actual (very rare) sniper rifle 3. NVGoggles 4. Knife takedowns 5. Knife takedowns
  13. GoldenKade

    your first interaction with another player

    Probably because helicopters don't spawn loot... (last I checked)