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Map *Fairly upto date* of the entire SA including loot.

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This map has so far got me through most of the game and is fairly damn accurate as far as loot goes.


However I would suggest ignoring any hot spots that show military tents, until these are fixed there is no loot here.


Im guessing this is already posted elsewhere but for anyone interested here it is again!

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I hate DayZDB... Mod was so much better without it IMO.

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Honestly, you will find the game so much more rewarding if you didnt use 3rd party "cheats" like a loot map sir :)
But if people want to use it, go ahead.
I can promise you, the game is not the same if you use stuff like this though.

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for anyone interested here it is again! - if your not interested why post? Im not forcing you to use it, this section is for new players, if you dont fancy running around like a headless chicken then use it, if not then dont?


The option is there to turn of loot and just to be used to find friends, as far as maps go this is one of the best for showing all roads and houses for navigation. 

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Thanks, it is a great newbie guide on where to go and some direction.on where to go.

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for anyone interested here it is again! - if your not interested why post? Im not forcing you to use it, this section is for new players, if you dont fancy running around like a headless chicken then use it, if not then dont?


The option is there to turn of loot and just to be used to find friends, as far as maps go this is one of the best for showing all roads and houses for navigation. 


Well im simply stating its much more fund to find all this on your own mate, much more rewarding :)

Thats why i wrote "But if people want to use it, go ahead."


Im not doubting people want to use this, they have been using it since the beginning of the mod.

I would never recommend it to any one though, takes away to much of the game and the exploration side of things.

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I use it to show my newbie friend where is where but I really like getting lost or scavenging without knowing what city it is.


And if I recognize a city, I don't need a map to find my way, just a compass is enough.

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the map is very useful, but i've used it to much in the mod... i'd say i already know almost every place in this game and things as maps or a compass are totally useless for me now, since i can navigate without it easily

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The loot spawns are off in this there is a lot that show "loot" where absolutely nothing spawns.

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It's a shame so many people have this map on another monitor while playing.


When i first played the mod the sense of exploration and the unknown was great...this map spoils that.

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Pete, in reference to your last post. This is a discussion forum. If you do not require other peoples opinions, then perhaps your idea is more suited to the gallery.

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Thanks for posting it man! Glad you like it too.  :) It saves me time from getting lost and running the exact opposite way that I wanted to go. I can not imagine the hours I would lose running if I did not have it.  :thumbsup:

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I stopped using that map. Pretty much useless except the weapon locations which were obvious.

Edited by DontGoToBalotaAlone

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I stopped using that map. Pretty much useless except the weapon locations which were obvious.

I'm a completely new play to both the mod and SA, I kinda like this map to give a general idea of what is a good place to go. I'll probably won't need it later on, but for now it's nice, as it's quite daunting to see the amount of ground you can cover.

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Well yes, for orientation it's great. Get a compass and you can travel long distances in a straight line through any forest, but as for loot, it's inaccurate.

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I like the map STRICTLY for the minimal amount of orientation it gives. What I really want to do is bitch slap the Ruskie that was in charge of direction signs. Some of them just point in a general direction with NO streets nearby. "Hey, Ivan, you want to go there? Just run through the woods like a good RUssian Hansel and Gretl."

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I like the map STRICTLY for the minimal amount of orientation it gives. What I really want to do is bitch slap the Ruskie that was in charge of direction signs. Some of them just point in a general direction with NO streets nearby. "Hey, Ivan, you want to go there? Just run through the woods like a good RUssian Hansel and Gretl."

Yeah I tried using the signs ingame first too. But they are too few and don't seem to be correct.


Some access roads to towns seem to be missing town names as well.


This would all be very helpfull and you wouldn't need to tab out to have a peek at the map.

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It's not very useful as a "loot map" anyway, since the loot spawn rate is now so low that it's 0% in most buildings, for all practical purposes. I still love the DayzDB map for navigation, though. 

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I don't use a loot map, as it does take away from the game some.  


But i do like to use a os type map.




I enjoy navigating using this.. just adds an element of gameplay to me.  I also like that it is out of date.. that adds something.

Edited by MadTommy

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I don't use a loot map, as it does take away from the game some.  


But i do like to use a os type map.




I enjoy navigating using this.. just adds an element of gameplay to me.  I also like that it is out of date.. that adds something.

This is much cooler to use indeed. I find the icons on the db site obstructing anyway. It should be common sense you can find loads of stuff in a major city, and military stuff at an airbase.

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i think the homepage is a great invention for ppl that didnt play the mod and just dont  have a clue where they spawn

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I use this to get around since I rarely find/use a compass.


I find the loot locations to be mostly inaccurate. Has anyone found weapons on that island near Kammy?

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