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Grimey Rick

The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

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It's a bug that's way too common. 

The new logout system is going to be the next death of me when I spawn in front of a Cherno hospital instead of in a nice wooden cabin.

I don't know what to tell you. The OP mentioned it like it was some intentional component of the new logout system. It's not. It's a known bug that's already fixed according to the experimental changelog. 

  • Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect
Edited by solodude23

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We know all the netcode is screwy because of lag and desync, and I don't want to get in to a long back-and-forth with you over this, but it's a separate issue to the one yardpro reported in his thread. Not only is it a separate issue, it is a known issue, and not only known but apparently fixed on experimental.


The cause of the issue is the same.

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The cause of the issue is the same.

This is semantics. Yes the cause of both is "server stability" just as the cause of both is "the game being alpha", but we don't categorise all problems as being "alpha" unless we're being facetious toward someone who makes the millionth thread about a known issue. I am not going to argue a category error, the specific issue is different in behaviour and has been fixed on experimental and that's all that really needs to be said as the experimental build is scheduled to go live on stable next week.

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This is semantics. Yes the cause of both is "server stability" just as the cause of both is "the game being alpha", but we don't categorise all problems as being "alpha" unless we're being facetious toward someone who makes the millionth thread about a known issue. I am not going to argue a category error, the specific issue is different in behaviour and has been fixed on experimental and that's all that really needs to be said as the experimental build is scheduled to go live on stable next week.


Yes its different in behaviour while the cause remains the same. Being in alpha is not a cause, possibly a reason.

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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I just wanna know what the fuck this thing is and whether i need to use my fire axe or sks to kill it.



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Man, I can't believe people want this game to be more like WoW of all things. Why not an awesome MMO like Eve Online?


(it has the same logout system as DayZ you know)


Of course OP is just using the guise of a bug to bitch about not being able to safely combat log so...


wow you're an idiot lol

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Man, I can't believe people want this game to be more like WoW of all things. Why not an awesome MMO like Eve Online?


(it has the same logout system as DayZ you know)


Of course OP is just using the guise of a bug to bitch about not being able to safely combat log so...


1) Taking one aspect of another video game, regardless of the genre, would not subtract from the "realism" of DayZ. It's tried and tested. It works. If they can fix the current system so that you don't randomly appear somewhere else, then great. If not, let's find something that works. The one I suggested works.

2) Eve Online is obviously a better MMORPG than World of Warcraft. Just look at the numbers. /facepalm

3) I don't combat log. Ask DeatHTaX. This is a legitimate situation, and not the first time it's happened. I shouldn't have to wait for five or more minutes for the server to recognize where I'm logging out. Period. This is a pretty blatant bug that should've been caught in experimental; it's not something small that could've been overlooked.

4) Keep on trollin', Mr. Durst.



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I think the timer being after you log out is preferable, but that's purely my opinion. However like I said your specific issue is fixed on experimental now Rick, it should be on stable in the middle of next week. In the meantime I'd recommend waiting a little while before logging out, just to make sure the server remembers your exact location. :)

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I don't know what to tell you. The OP mentioned it like it was some intentional component of the new logout system. It's not. It's a known bug that's already fixed according to the experimental changelog. 

  • Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect


I don't know what to tell you... It's clearly not by coincidence that I only spawn back in places I had been 30 seconds-2 minutes just before logging off. 

This "intentional component" totally defeats the purpose of running to a safe place to log out in. 

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I don't know what to tell you... It's clearly not by coincidence that I only spawn back in places I had been 30 seconds-2 minutes just before logging off. 

This "intentional component" totally defeats the purpose of running to a safe place to log out in. 

You're right; it's not a coincidence because it's a known, commonly occurring, long ago reported, and supposedly fixed bug. It's still not intentional.


Play experimental and check if it's fixed, lol. If you don't want to, it should be stable by next week Wednesday.

Edited by solodude23
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I just wanna know what the fuck this thing is and whether i need to use my fire axe or sks to kill it.





I dunno but if that thing comes at me for my beans its getting the machete! 

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According to the patch notes it is.  :)


Yeah, but can you never know for sure until playing! :)


As for the 30s logout, I think it should stay the way it is where you log off and your character stays for the 30s. Making it so you can cancel it is somewhat besides the point as you could still potentially combat log and cancel if you see a guy before the 30s is up. Making it so you have no control after logging off influences players to never do it in a frequented area or in combat.

Edited by solodude23

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I have found that when I log back in, I am about 8 feet from where I was.  Not bad, but could be costly in some cases!

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I just wanna know what the fuck this thing is and whether i need to use my fire axe or sks to kill it.




Don't attack my Water Elemental! D:

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Yeah, but can you never know for sure until playing! :)

As for the 30s logout, I think it should stay the way it is where you log off and your character stays for the 30s. Making it so you can cancel it is somewhat besides the point as you could still potentially combat log and cancel if you see a guy before the 30s is up. Making it so you have no control after logging off influences players to never do it in a frequented area or in combat.

And if I can't randomly walk up on a log-sitter (that's my term for your avatar for 30sec after you log out) and kill him for his pants with no chance of defense then he's obviously a combat logger. There is no better system! I love you Rocket!!!! Fap fap fap...

PS - Dexter season finale... Combat (serial killer) logger?

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You are the one millionth poster to mention "the way WOW logs out"!!!

Your choice of prizes:

Death be ladder fall


Death by rotating while crawling as if playing 1.6 mod or sooner!!

So whats your point,fan boy?    Is it beyond your grasp that the wow log out method is better?   Are you blind to how awful this new ptch is?   Its broken.

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You logging out in one place and spawning in another is not the logout systems fault, just desync etc not saving your location correctly to hive...
Doesnt matter if there is rainbows and unicorn with melting clocks to show your logout time...

Edited by Zeppa

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The logout system works fine, but there's a known issue whereby it seems to take a while for the server to sync up and remember where exactly you were


Cool. Thanks.


I have a Canon 5dM3 to sell you. There's a known problem with it that it doesn't take proper exposure even though you program it correctly. Other than that, it works great.

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The wow logout timer still works in favor of combat loggers.

Run to cover, position to see around cover and hit exit.

If they take their time to move to your position, congratulations, you combat logged.

If they throw caution to the wind and charge you, you can now react and kill them.

The current system is better because now combat loggers have to take a serious gamble.

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PS. The bug you talk about is annoying. It's gotten me killed. They are fixing it.

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Was just playing with the wife and a friend. We decided to quit for dinner after making our way from Berezino to the north-eastern airstrip. We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip, waited for about a minute in-game, then logged out.


Upon logging in an hour or so later, my character appeared just in front of the prison on the hill in plain view of basically everywhere. The first sounds I hear? The FNX popping off, followed by, "You are dead". Yeah. Fucking awesome.


This isn't the first that this has happened either; it just happens to be the first time that I ended up taking bullets to the face because of this terrible system. I definitely waited long enough. We were there for at least a full minute. Fuck.


I agree that we need a valid logout system to deter combat-loggers, but this is not it. I've seen negative feedback when the World of Warcraft logout system has been mentioned, but... why? Find somewhere safe, click exit, a countdown timer appears, after the [20] second countdown, your character is logged out where you fucking logged out. Not ten feet from where you logged out. Not a mile from where you logged out. But exactly where you logged out. Crazy, right?


I'm posting a screenshot of this system from World of Warcraft that I just took in case there's some confusion:



the game itself is terrible i advise playing dayz SA in the year 2015

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So whats your point,fan boy?    Is it beyond your grasp that the wow log out method is better?   Are you blind to how awful this new ptch is?   Its broken.

Hey WOW fan boy ?? how about you go back to WOW.....


The only problem with the log out is yes the bug where it is not saving most current location fix that and the system works lol The log out timer was made to stop or limit combat logging being able to see in game while waiting to log out as has been mentioned allows you to react to the person your trying to combat log on ...


Easy solution dont be a coward and log in combat or is that to much common sense?????

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