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Grimey Rick

The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

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Well...find a spot...stay in the spot for a minute, logout, login, back in the same place. What you describe happens only if you rush and log off, but seriously whatever...its gonna get fixed today.


Not true. Like I said in the OP, we waited for at least a full minute. Patch notes said thirty seconds. We figured we'd be safe. Not the case.


Perhaps, but that is certainly not the message concieved by the thread title or the screenshot posted about WoW.


This is not the first time I've been teleported to a random location after logging in; it's just the first time it's actually bitten me in the ass. The message I was/am trying to "conceive" (...?) is that the current system is broken/poorly implemented. If this is going to be hot-fixed, that's great. I patiently await to see what they unroll.


This isn't a bug right?


When you log out you're rolled back 1-2mins and this was to stop people logging into high loot rooms, grabbing stuff quickly and logging out to move to the next server?

The system is sound imo BUT just like every other game, It has ignorant players who don't read or try to get info on what's going on and only venture into forums to whine and moan about things they don't understand.


Message of the day! "Ignorance is not an excuse!"  ^_^


The system is not sound. You're arguing in favor of something you're not a part of. You don't need to get offended when people complain about a legitimate issue. You're not a developer. Also, congratulations on your eighth post, all of which have been extremely helpful. /facepalm


I got so lost in the DayZ wilderness today that I ended up in a World of Warcraft server.


You win this thread. 




When you log out it will rollback ur character 1-2minutes! just make sure you're in your 'SAFE ZONE' 2mins before logging out and when you return you will be right where you left!


The patch notes claim you only need to wait thirty seconds. Therefore, your point is moot. Congratulations on your ninth post. Again, very helpful.


Personally I think the logout timer should be cancellable, but take time to recover from.

"Sleep" lies you down on the ground, disarms you, and things start to fade to black for 30 seconds. You cannot equip anything while going to sleep into your hands. When you stand up, the timer is cancelled.


I like the idea of going to sleep. I wasn't suggesting we copy the exact fucking source code from World of Warcraft, just the general idea. Your idea adds legitimacy and immersion. The current system is just a crapshoot as to whether or not you waited long enough to log out, which, for the record, was supposed to be thirty seconds.


Personaly i like the way it is because combat loggers risk being blind for 30sec. I've already killed some while in that 30sec window :P  I didn't attack first and tried to make contact through voice but seeing them sit down makes my insticts kick in and I just go for it and rush them!

Before this feature was added I'd be in combat then things would go calm and i'd not know if they logged or just waiting it out. Now it's more dramatic and you know that 30sec is counting down and they could be sat out of sight and log, so you have to be fast if you want that loot! :beans:


Only downside atm is the bodies dissapear after the 30sec.. I know if you die in the 30sec it does this, but not sure if logging out when already dead has the same effect. Either way it needs fixing imo.


Congratulations on killing someone that you had no idea was combat logging. Also, you don't have "DayZ instincts". Another reason this system is stupid.




Actually experimental is going live on stable today, as in now.




Thanks. A helpful post as always. (No sarcasm.)


Awesome, I can't wait to see what excuse server hoppers come up with next. I'm not calling Rick up there a hopper, but some in this thread.


I am also excited to see if this issue gets hot-fixed. And yeah, I am not a server hopper. There're too many people on these forums who think they know everything about everybody. When someone creates a thread depicting a fairly detailed situation with no holes in the story or blatant flaws, it's probably best to believe them until they're somehow caught in a lie. I don't know what kind of judicial system the rest of the world supports, but here in Canada, you're innocent until proven guilty.


EDIT: I swear to God if I didn't love this game so much, the [mostly] shit community would be fucking intolerable.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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I am also excited to see if this issue gets hot-fixed.

It was fixed on experimental last night and according to Romeo Foxtrot it's going on the stable branch today. The devs seem to have responded to this issue quite quickly considering it only appeared around Wednesday, this makes me happy. :D

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Was just playing with the wife and a friend. We decided to quit for dinner after making our way from Berezino to the north-eastern airstrip. We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip, waited for about a minute in-game, then logged out.


Upon logging in an hour or so later, my character appeared just in front of the prison on the hill in plain view of basically everywhere. The first sounds I hear? The FNX popping off, followed by, "You are dead". Yeah. Fucking awesome.


This isn't the first that this has happened either; it just happens to be the first time that I ended up taking bullets to the face because of this terrible system. I definitely waited long enough. We were there for at least a full minute. Fuck.


I agree that we need a valid logout system to deter combat-loggers, but this is not it. I've seen negative feedback when the World of Warcraft logout system has been mentioned, but... why? Find somewhere safe, click exit, a countdown timer appears, after the [20] second countdown, your character is logged out where you fucking logged out. Not ten feet from where you logged out. Not a mile from where you logged out. But exactly where you logged out. Crazy, right?


I'm posting a screenshot of this system from World of Warcraft that I just took in case there's some confusion:



Whatever you see now is intended as a temporary fix in all probability and is better than nothing while a new system is designed. An in game countdown doesn't work as it has been tried on previous mods. People can just alt + f4 or end process via task manager.

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Whatever you see now is intended as a temporary fix in all probability and is better than nothing while a new system is designed. An in game countdown doesn't work as it has been tried on previous mods. People can just alt + f4 or end process via task manager.


Prematurely ending the World of Warcraft process results in your character remaining on the server in a vulnerable state for the remaining duration of the countdown. Again, not a fanboi, just saying.

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Prematurely ending the World of Warcraft process results in your character remaining on the server in a vulnerable state for the remaining duration of the countdown. Again, not a fanboi, just saying.

Regardless, players will be trying to combat log, if they are successful then it defeats the purpose of why the timer was implemented in the first place, being able to see like that mean's if the person they are fighting come's in after them they will cancel and shoot back.  I know the example has been flogged like a dead horse but for the sake of clarity.  Mr Logger run's into a house, Mr Shooter follows, Mr Logger hit's the logout, Mr Shooter enters the building, Logger cancels and open's fire.


The only way I would support being able to see for the 30 seconds after hitting logout is if you couldn't move or act and there is no cancel option.

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Congratulations on killing someone that you had no idea was combat logging. Also, you don't have "DayZ instincts". Another reason this system is stupid.

That guys going to bed? He has work tomorrow? He thinks he's alone? Bullshit! Combat logger! Shoot him!!

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The server rolling your back to another position and being able to watch yourself log out are not related issues. 


waiting only 30 seconds is not to much to ask, even if you are blind. There are various harms if you allow players to see the world around them while they log out. It enables door/corner camp combat logging for example.

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I had the same issue yesterday. Logged out in a second floor room behind closed door and when I logged in a couple hours later, I was in the middle of the first floor. I am sure it will be fixed soon.  I think a lot of people forget that the game is still in alpha and probably will be for quite some time. 

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I had the same issue yesterday. Logged out in a second floor room behind closed door and when I logged in a couple hours later, I was in the middle of the first floor. I am sure it will be fixed soon.  I think a lot of people forget that the game is still in alpha and probably will be for quite some time. 



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 We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip



Edited by zeroy99

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We ran to some pine trees in the field just south of the airstrip




Right there, the mistake. Find a SAFE place, this isnt one, not far enough from danger. For the apparent teleporting (you were obvioulsy de-syncing prior to logging off) its .. ALPHA man, relax!

Edited by zeroy99

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Right there, the mistake. Find a SAFE place, this isnt one, not far enough from danger. For the apparent teleporting (you were obvioulsy de-syncing prior to logging off) its .. ALPHA man, relax!


Thank you for the advice. I will make sure I run at least five minutes at a full sprint before I next choose to log out near an airstrip.



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To the OP if you see this... Its a damn alpha and HAS TONS OF WARNINGS BEFORE YOU JOIN A SERVER !!! Chill the fuck out and remember the first rule of Day-Z. NEVER EVER, get attached to your gear.  And dont log out close to towns anymore, all the devs are saying to not do that right now so just listen and dont try and take things into your own hands until they fix the issue. 




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I guess I wasn't specific enough for you. The logout system is fine, there was a problem with the servers whereby it didn't remember where you logged out. This problem is now fixed. Since you like to talk tuff about how much you love server hopping and how everyone else should dealwithit, I only expected you to cry about this. :D


Mid-week next week is not next month.




LOL. You're such a twat.


Who's complaining? I can't be more happier. Found 3 m4's, a shitton of ammo, 4 mosins, 2 shotguns and 1 sks all on the same server. So Im sure youre be writing a post about how you got killed over and over and over again. Because all this does is arm me even more and I dont even have to server hop.


Start your complaining cry baby post soon, bitch tits!

Edited by DirtyscumbagLith

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We know all the netcode is screwy because of lag and desync, and I don't want to get in to a long back-and-forth with you over this, but it's a separate issue to the one yardpro reported in his thread. Not only is it a separate issue, it is a known issue, and not only known but apparently fixed on experimental.


Are you one of the developers? Or just a forum guy with waaaay too much time on his hands?


Thought so.



Ssssh, cry baby. Shsssshhhh.


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Are you one of the developers? Or just a forum guy with waaaay too much time on his hands?


Thought so.

Show me where I was wrong.

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Show me where I was wrong.


Youre defending something that clearly wasn't working. Brainless fanboy chatter.


I logged out by a bush and came back in and was in the middle of town, no cover, next to 2 zombies.


For you to say "that is working" is a clear indication that you a.) really dont understand anything b). just a babbly fanboy.

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Youre defending something that clearly wasn't working. Brainless fanboy chatter.


No I wasn't, I was saying the issue reported by the OP and the issue Skyline-GTR brought up were not the same issue. Since you seem to be unable to follow our conversation you might not want to butt in to it.


I logged out by a bush and came back in and was in the middle of town, no cover, next to 2 zombies.


For you to say "that is working" is a clear indication that you a.) really dont understand anything B). just a babbly fanboy.


I didn't say "that is working", I said it's not the same issue Skyline-GTR brought up. The server not remembering where you logged out was a known issue, which is now fixed by the way according to the patch notes.



The cause of both issues is the same. That is why I posted a link to the discussion about priorities.


Yet one is fixed, has yardpro reported his issue (constant login countdowns, not the same issue as "Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect") as fixed? This is not overly complicated, you seem to just want to argue the semantics by making the category error of simply labelling them both "server instability" when really they are two different issues.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina
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No. I simply stated my reasons for posting.

You are the one trying to argue a point.


Same as previously when i posted about the other thread. You tried to argue a point.


While you talk about semantics. I said the cause is the same for the 3rd time now.



edit: if you care to actually look at the troubleshooting section, it is full of similar issues.

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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No. I simply stated my reasons for posting.

You are the one trying to argue a point.


Same as previously when i posted about the other thread. You tried to argue a point.


While you talk about semantics. I said the cause is the same for the 3rd time now.


I am simply responding to you because you keep saying "the cause is the same". If you don't want me to respond to it any more, just say so. I'll let you say it again and you can have the last word, but you'll still be making a category error. When yardpro made his thread he was complaining about being disconnected and having to wait to play every time he connected to a server, something completely different from "Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect" which was a known and widespread issue that is now fixed according to the patch notes.


I can't put it any more simply than that, so I'll leave it there and let you repeat yourself once more.

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I am simply responding to you because you keep saying "the cause is the same". If you don't want me to respond to it any more, just say so. I'll let you say it again and you can have the last word, but you'll still be making a category error. When yardpro made his thread he was complaining about being disconnected and having to wait to play every time he connected to a server, something completely different from "Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect" which was a known and widespread issue that is now fixed according to the patch notes.


I can't put it any more simply than that, so I'll leave it there and let you repeat yourself once more.



I love how you think you're correct but 2 or more people have no idea wtf youre babbling about.


well done!

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I love how you think you're correct but 2 or more people have no idea wtf youre babbling about.


well done!


Like I said, I can't put it any simpler. You said it yourself, you "have no idea wtf I'm babbling about", leave it at that because it's clearly going way over your head.

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I suggest you have a look at the definition of "category error" because I am not making that error.


Yardpro's thread was a discussion about the order in which the servers were adjusted. Stability vs punishment.

As stability would solve this issue, then there is a clear connection.

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To the OP if you see this... Its a damn alpha and HAS TONS OF WARNINGS BEFORE YOU JOIN A SERVER !!! Chill the fuck out and remember the first rule of Day-Z. NEVER EVER, get attached to your gear.  And dont log out close to towns anymore, all the devs are saying to not do that right now so just listen and dont try and take things into your own hands until they fix the issue. 





jesus christ all of you new-posters stfu with this "It's an ALPHEEERR!" shit. it won't help you fit in faster and it's annoying. Maybe if this was page 1 it'd be different, but this is the FIFTH FREAKING PAGE! It's not necessary

Edited by DeatHTaX
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