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Johnny Depth

If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

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Is teamspeak better than Skype or steam chat? Those are the only two I use lol

Cant say about skype( dont use it) but yeah audio quality for me that is , is far better on team speak  than steam chat ....


Oh to your other question about if we would like to come help or try to take berez away from ya LOL good one i think ya know the answer already :huh:

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Well, it makes for a great read. The digital equivalent of waving his penis around in helicopter-dick mode, while shouting "look at my dick, my dick is amazing, trolololol!".

And it explains why I usually am so alone at the NWAF. ALl the bandits seem to be sitting on some hill/some high building with their guns, shooting freshspawns or people who are obviously not very well stocked or armed. Blimey! I will venture there, the NEAF and Berezino, and shoot the people who shoot people tro prove once and for all shooting people is bad. Except the people who shoot people who shoot people shoot me ... that will then be the REAL bandits. The former kind we shouldn't label bandits, these are so called "dicks", as I have come to learn on the fabulous interwebs.

(corrected equations: bandits shooting people who shoot dicks who shoot freshspawns. Now it is coming together, right? Ye olde dayZ foodchain forming again.)

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Why the fuck did he put Berezino in the title when he says they were in Cherno? Is it just stupidity or is there some joke that a I have to lose a few dozen brain cells to understand?

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he started his um self proclaimed rule in cherno then moved to berez as from what i have seen berez is the new electro lol so many spawns charging north to berez.. so changed title of thread from cherno to berez

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Well, it makes for a great read. The digital equivalent of waving his penis around in helicopter-dick mode, while shouting "look at my dick, my dick is amazing, trolololol!".

And it explains why I usually am so alone at the NWAF. ALl the bandits seem to be sitting on some hill/some high building with their guns, shooting freshspawns or people who are obviously not very well stocked or armed. Blimey! I will venture there, the NEAF and Berezino, and shoot the people who shoot people tro prove once and for all shooting people is bad. Except the people who shoot people who shoot people shoot me ... that will then be the REAL bandits. The former kind we shouldn't label bandits, these are so called "dicks", as I have come to learn on the fabulous interwebs.

(corrected equations: bandits shooting people who shoot dicks who shoot freshspawns. Now it is coming together, right? Ye olde dayZ foodchain forming again.)

Beans take my beans spat my coffee out reading this(helicopter dick mode ill be remembering and using that in future)

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Why do you kill these people? They aren't even a threat are they? Or did they have handguns too?

It seems like a waste of ammo to shoot these people because they don't have anything valuable. I get shot like this all the time and it drives me crazy! I turn the game off sometimes. Maybe you should stop shooting everyone and make friends to make the game more enjoyable for the rest of us.


Hey man, if that really was you I apologize, but you shouldn't be looting in my area. I would have let you just walk on by, but going house to house in my area will get you a ticket to shotville, if you catch my sweet drift.

Anyways, come back and hang with us, just don't loot or you'll pass away again. Bring a book and we can read to each other! Let me know

Edited by Johnny Depth

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behrizino is new goto place. you sem to mostly spawn in that area now and with the new town above it makes sense to visit those two places first for loot and then airfield over to left few minutes. instant good loot.

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OP douche or dick-head...




Hmmm, I'm going to go with Dickhead, and here's my reasoning.


A douche can clean out a vagina, and I don't think the OP has even ever seen a vagina. (In person. Internet porn doesn't count)

This is why he has to take out his sexual frustrations on game characters and then brag about it online so that he can get some validation for his wasted life.

A dickhead, on the other hand, can be attached to a virgin, making it nothing more than a useless waste of flesh (not unlike our OP), and until he does what he was made for and gets fucked, he will always be a pointless, useless dickhead.


To summarize, the OP is a dickhead. 

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Hey I know why you like killing us.. Because you're a psycho.

GUYS I'm telling you he will talk to you for 15 minutes or longer and even run around with you and give you prestine stuff! He have me canned food, water bottle, black mosin pristine with a long range scope, and then I heard gun shots and died.

This is why he psycho.

We talked about running to the crop circle north of the north east airfield, we talked about lighting up bilota (spelling) book exchange, we talked about fishing, the gym...

Then POP.

I'm dead.

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Hey I know why you like killing us.. Because you're a psycho.

GUYS I'm telling you he will talk to you for 15 minutes or longer and even run around with you and give you prestine stuff! He have me canned food, water bottle, black mosin pristine with a long range scope, and then I heard gun shots and died.

This is why he psycho.

We talked about running to the crop circle north of the north east airfield, we talked about lighting up bilota (spelling) book exchange, we talked about fishing, the gym...

Then POP.

I'm dead.





LOL I remember EXACTLY who you were!! That was a lot of fun and I actually contemplated about letting you live or asking you to join our server, but I kept hearing an annoying cat on your end of the chat and I knew that would get old pretty fast.  It was a good time getting to know you for a bit, but in the end what had to be done had to be done.  Come on back sometime if you want and maybe we can work something out.



Also, you had a bad taste in dayz clothing brah.

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As the next posted points out, this gives away the server:



Of the users currently online, Brendan and Jjames fit the bill, but there are too many imponderables. This is assuming that the screenshot hasn't been edited (the others seem legit - they have the date in the filename). The selfies are too generic for Google's reverse image search to throw up anything. My hunch is that the "victims" are simply members of the OP's team, and for the most part he's on a server with only a handful of players. Presumably "tailgaterz69" above is either him, or one of his teammates. The rule of thumb is that the more the person posts, the more information he gives away.

Edited by AshleyP
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Can this thread PLEASE be moved somewhere else?


Its taking up space in the forum, pushing other discussion away, and for what?


So the op can brag endlessly about bambi kills, gym workouts, and post pictures of himself. The whole thread is just a constant "LOOK AT ME, IM AWESOME!" troll fest. OP CANNOT claim it is an attempt to challenge other players (like my cobra commander skit I tried to do), because he STILL will not post the server ID.


OP is nothing more than an attention whore.


Please move this to somewhere more appropriate.

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Oh and Johnny Depth, thanks for teaching me how to read books! :)


No prob man! Just picked up another book called Traveler's Journey, or something like that. It looks promising, will give it some time later on. About to go see that Lego movie with my gf and some brahs

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No offense but seriously.. you sound and even look like a douche. That kind of douche and show-off I always have to throw out of the club during Friday nights. Are you from Central Europe by any chance? Perhaps Prague?


Also, pass the server finally. So I can test your mettle, my good man. :P

Edited by Ceallach
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Haha, what a character. Look at his avatar now. He just doesn't give a fuck about what anyone says. This whole thread is hilarious!

Good shit.

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Please move this to somewhere more appropriate.

Yes: the graveyard.

Edited by sacrdandprofne
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