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About NotFish

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. NotFish

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    Combat logging is the same as admitting defeat. He might as well as stood up, dropped his gun and put his hands up while i walk up and execute him on the spot. If he combat logs, then he admits defeat and i'll walk up and execute him while he sits on the ground like the melon that he is. The system works, and the only people who have a problem with it are combat loggers.
  2. NotFish

    Anyone have any problems with ammo disappearing?

    Yes this has happened to me several times. But it's only an Alpha, so what are going to do. With little things like this, you have to just shrug it off and be philosophical about it. "Sure I just lost some of my Mosin ammo, but I've still got all this other ammo so lets just move on."
  3. NotFish

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    The combat log system isn't intended to force people to finish fights, it's intended to punish people who try to combat log and discourage it in the future. You need to understand the mindset of a combat logger. They don't do it to avoid fights, they do it because they don't want to lose their gear in a fight that is not going their way. When they try to combat log for this reason, the other guy can just shot them in the head in the next 30 seconds, so they lose their gear anyway. Knowing this, combat loggers will not try and combat log but rather try to run or fight their way out. It's not about avoiding fights, it's about protecting themselves. And when it no longer protects them, they will stop doing it.
  4. Seems that the last few time I've been through Berezino I've seen the same thing. One or more people on top of the hospital in town, west of the construction site, engaged in sniper warfare with another person, or group, on top of the apartments across the road from the supermarket to the north. I've been through Berezino four times in the last 2 weeks, on various lives, and encountered this every time. Obviously different groups each time (I think) but always the same fight. What is up with that?
  5. So I'm all alone up in that new town north of Berezino and I've just left the police station and I'm heading for the big square in the middle of town when a little notification pops up in the same place that tells you when you're hungry/thirst/bleeding/etc that reads "You hear footsteps behind you." Naturally I turn on the spot, raising my gun. Nothing. An empty street. Infact i'm sure i didn't hear any footsteps through my speakers, and i've never seen that notification before. It did a right job of creeping me out, so I found somewhere safe to log out and came here to ask. What is up with that? Is there some new feature I don't know about? Could my guy be hearing things? Going insane? Or is this new town haunted?
  6. NotFish

    The Sad Story of Randal

    "Poor Randal, may he rest in peace" I say as I wipe his blood off the contents of his backpack.
  7. So I've decided I'm going to take a crack at pacifism. In my next life I'm going to get my hands on a backpack and a fire axe to fend off the undead, but I'm going to stay away from all guns and run away if attacked rather than retaliate. I'll even keep my axe in my bag, despite it taking up so much space, so that I appear as non-threatening as possible. I wonder how I'll fare...
  8. NotFish

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Hmmm, I'm going to go with Dickhead, and here's my reasoning. A douche can clean out a vagina, and I don't think the OP has even ever seen a vagina. (In person. Internet porn doesn't count) This is why he has to take out his sexual frustrations on game characters and then brag about it online so that he can get some validation for his wasted life. A dickhead, on the other hand, can be attached to a virgin, making it nothing more than a useless waste of flesh (not unlike our OP), and until he does what he was made for and gets fucked, he will always be a pointless, useless dickhead. To summarize, the OP is a dickhead.
  9. So I'm somewhat fresh spawned and doing a food run through Electro when and I've just gotten done looking through the bar near the school. I'm looking to leave the building when I see someone in casual clothes and a rifle of some kind run into the school. So naturally I decide to leg it out the back door, only to run straight into a full-mil guy with a mosin. He doesn't blow me away instantly, but tells me to head into the church, and says that if I go anywhere else he'll drop me. I head into the church and see two other full-mils and a fresh spawn on her knees cuffed with a bag over her head. The apparently ran out of cuffs because they didn't restrain me but told me to crouch in the corner and surrender. God knows what they were doing to my fellow hostage, but I was stuck in the corner with a gun in my face. I sat like this for about a minute when suddenly I see movement at the door. Oh, why if it isn't that rifle guy that ran into the school earlier. The bandits hadn't seen him yet, but he'd seen them. *bang bang bang bang bang bang* gunshots, loud as hell. And the bandits just start dropping. I see the cuffed girl go down and I scream over direct "I'M NOT WITH THEM! DON'T SHOOT ME!" The shots don't stop and my screen goes black. "You are unconscious." I hear some foot steps, a gunshot, more footsteps, another gunshot, footsteps that get closer, another gunshot and my message changes to "You are dead." Thanks for the rescue. Asshole.
  10. NotFish

    My character yells at spawn

    Your character has healthy status when he first spawns? What wizardry is this!?!?
  11. NotFish

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Why the fuck did he put Berezino in the title when he says they were in Cherno? Is it just stupidity or is there some joke that a I have to lose a few dozen brain cells to understand?
  12. NotFish

    Death by Lag

    Yep it's another one of those... I had just been robbed by pack of bandits in the south western part of Berezino and was sent off naked, without even a pair of shoes to my name. I managed to get my hands on some clothes and a small backpack, and after a trip to the school/office building near the lumber mill, I got a shotgun and some buckshot shells. Then I headed north into town to hit up the well when suddenly I hear "AIEEEE!" and like some crazed psychopath an axe wielding newspawn comes running around a blind corner aiming to take my head off. He was still about 5 steps away when fed him a buckshot sandwich. A shotgun blast to the face at near to point blank range should have ended the discussion then and there, but lag allowed him to get close enough to hit me on the head twice with his fireaxe. Black screen. "You are dead." BULLSHIT!!! I got him! Respawned just south of the lumber yard and ran straight back to my body. Luckily no one had found my body and he had died a split second after me, but a good few seconds after he SHOULD have died, so I managed to get all my stuff back along with a shiny new fireaxe, with only a few bloodstains on it (mostly mine). Yet another story of Death by Lag. Anyone have any lagdeath stories of their own to share?
  13. NotFish

    O- or AB+

    The title says it all. What blood type would you prefer to have the most? Which blood type do you cross your fingers and hope for when you first use a Blood Test Kit? As you know O- is the universal blood type that can be given to anyone while AB+ is the blood type that can accept blood from anyone.
  14. NotFish

    Resources and gun crafting!

    Go play Rust if you want to make guns
  15. NotFish

    Resources and gun crafting!

    Why? That's the big question. For example, why would you go to the trouble of crafting a Bolt Action Rifle when the Mosin Nagant is faster to reload and more damaging with farther range and easy to find?