Macdeth 176 Posted February 4, 2014 I'm willing to admit to the possibility of being wrong. In most circles, this is considered a good trait. hy·poc·ri·syhiˈpäkrisē/noun 1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform Your behavior (namely this thread) does not conform to your stated belief that one should not "come running to the forum" in the event things do not go the way they want in DayZ you see you're doing it again. on a separate topic i suggest that people do not come running to the forums to complain about how stupid they've been. I am not guilty of running to the forums to complain about how stupid I've been therefore I am not guilty of hypocrisy. you are desperately trying to force a parallel where there is none and it's starting to get a little embarrassing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dekartz 315 Posted February 4, 2014 you see you're doing it again. on a separate topic i suggest that people do not come running to the forums to complain about how stupid they've been. I am not guilty of running to the forums to complain about how stupid I've been therefore I am not guilty of hypocrisy. you are desperately trying to force a parallel where there is none and it's starting to get a little embarrassing.It being a separate topic does not negate it being your stated beliefs. Your comments on a particular topic do not exist in a vacuum. Anyway, may I ask what the purpose of the original post was? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macdeth 176 Posted February 5, 2014 It being a separate topic does not negate it being your stated beliefs. Your comments on a particular topic do not exist in a vacuum. that still doesn't detract from the reality that it does not represent an example of hypocrisy in any shape or form, quite why you decided to commit yourself to continuing an argument the author of which wisely abandoned hours ago is quite beyond my comprehension. Anyway, may I ask what the purpose of the original post was? the purpose was to express my irritation with those individuals who insist upon farming for gratitude along the coast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brok21k 38 Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) you see you're doing it again.on a separate topic i suggest that people do not come running to the forums to complain about how stupid they've been.I am not guilty of running to the forums to complain about how stupid I've been therefore I am not guilty of are desperately trying to force a parallel where there is none and it's starting to get a little embarrassing.Moving the goal posts again, to sit in line with another desperate grasp for superiority.It's amazing how much you can exposure the inner working of ones thought process, through a few forum posts. Edited February 5, 2014 by Brok21k 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 5, 2014 I'm with the op. Fukn weirdos go to the coast to wrangle noobs and try to bro rape them. I almost always attack anyone geared up on the coast. Easier to murder some hippie than have to run 30+ minutes and start server hopping :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macdeth 176 Posted February 5, 2014 I'm with the op. Fukn weirdos go to the coast to wrangle noobs and try to bro rape them. I almost always attack anyone geared up on the coast. Easier to murder some hippie than have to run 30+ minutes and start server hopping :) I trust that you were joking ; ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 5, 2014 um.. why would i joke about that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macdeth 176 Posted February 5, 2014 It's amazing how much you can exposure the inner working of ones thought process, through a few forum posts. it's also amazing how you can expose the limits of ones intellect in a single forum post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoldenKade 73 Posted February 5, 2014 Look at OP, boy I sure wish I were as cool as he was. He's so intellectual and brainy! Boy, I wish I were him. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dvsilverwing 241 Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) You're literally posting about how you're pissed off that people try to help fresh spawns as opposed to what, killing them? OP is a bitchly and a lame while I am a pimp and a cool. Upvote me to karma heaven baby! Edited February 5, 2014 by dvsilverwing 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brok21k 38 Posted February 5, 2014 Moving the goal posts again, to sit in line with another desperate grasp for superiority 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richard III in Leicester 200 Posted February 5, 2014 OP I've been reading thru on my phone and wanted to post a comment but it's taken so long to get to the end I can't fecking remember what I was going to say. I skipped the last 2-3 pages of posts sorry folks. Though I agree with your point it is a touch odd to head back to the coast with the mindset of feeding/watering/clothing new spawns. But I've never experienced it myself so have never thought much about it before. I play in a very similar way to others who have posted, and yourself I think, as a loan wolf looking to survive whilst always on the lookout for other players. Tho not to shoot or shout at or even do anything for the most part, usually watch and follow and see what people are up to. Get involved if I have to. Anyway, without more pointless waffle from me I'd like to say one way to look at it is, even if the 'good Samaritans' are only doing it for their own fulfilment, at least they aren't just trolling and killing unarmed players and being c#nts all along the coast. There's always gonna be plenty to of shit bags, let the do-gooders off a little. They help to balance the scales a bit. And you might end up feeling self fulfilled ;-) Hehehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
over9000nukez 199 Posted February 5, 2014 what made you post this? did some guy on the coast come and try to help you, then you went ape shit on him and he shot you or something? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lidskjalf 132 Posted February 5, 2014 you know the type, get themselves all geared up then head straight back to the coast to offer assistance to all the helpless bambis out there. Christ they make me want to vomit. first of all anyone who just spawned on the coast is extremely likely to be very pissed off about dying and losing all their gear, probably at the hands of another player only a few minutes previously. Secondly, there is a very high chance that this helpless bambi is an accomplished KoS player who would try and kill you with a gun, an axe, a kitchen knife or indeed a pair of fists no matter when and where you happen to meet. There is something very odd about players who go to the coast specifically to 'help' fresh spawns. Don't get me wrong, I love genuine and spontaneous acts of human kindness, I myself have occasionally derived a real sense of well being after some chance meeting, a little time spent getting acquainted and establishing that neither one of us is an incurable asshole, it's a real pleasure to share some supplies under such circumstances, a rare and pleasant experience indeed. But actually focusing on seeking that out? making 'heading to the coast to help bambis' your primary aim is just fucking weird, there is something very patronising and arrogant and selfish about those players and when help is forced down my throat, I gotta tell you truth, I often repay it with an act of extreme violence. Stop inflicting your strange need to feel appreciated on otherwise quite content gamers who are busily embarking upon, what for most, is the best part of the game. Gearing up and negotiating the wall of bandits that await in the tree lines and the city scapes ahead, leave them alone and for gods sake stay away from the coast unless you are actively seeking pvp encounters. What waste of keystrokes - this forum thread is moronic. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lidskjalf 132 Posted February 5, 2014 My exact feels. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
okiimatsu 56 Posted February 5, 2014 Everything the OP says is true. Have a nice day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted February 5, 2014 wouldnt it be fun to merge this thread with one of the KoS threads, so we can bitch how everyone is killing people on sight and bitching how obnoxious the ubiquitous good-doer carebearing is in the same place? 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Halsinki 2 Posted February 5, 2014 wouldnt it be fun to merge this thread with one of the KoS threads, so we can bitch how everyone is killing people on sight and bitching how obnoxious the ubiquitous good-doer carebearing is in the same place? Irony of that magnitude would probably bring about it's own cataclysmic event. So... who can we get to do that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Franchi (DayZ) 146 Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) wouldnt it be fun to merge this thread with one of the KoS threads, so we can bitch how everyone is killing people on sight and bitching how obnoxious the ubiquitous good-doer carebearing is in the same place?Will give pristine long range scope and pristine acog to whomever makes this happen (hardcore), alternatively, pimped out m4 and FNX (everything worn or better), including suppressors and a pristine acog (regular). Lets sweeten the pot a bit, will throw in a pristine can opener on either!!!! Edited February 5, 2014 by Franchi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyline-gtr 130 Posted February 5, 2014 I think the point im trying to make is that DayZ allows for many different styles of play.These styles of play are interchangable, meaning you can switch it up for teh lulz or whatever.If you dont like how someone else plays the game, just kill them and move on.Moaning/crying on forums generally wont get you very far.If you do feel very strongly about something and you think that is reasonable to suggest a change. Go to the suggestion forum and make thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solopopo 330 Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) you know the type, get themselves all geared up then head straight back to the coast to offer assistance to all the helpless bambis out there. Christ they make me want to vomit. first of all anyone who just spawned on the coast is extremely likely to be very pissed off about dying and losing all their gear, probably at the hands of another player only a few minutes previously. Secondly, there is a very high chance that this helpless bambi is an accomplished KoS player who would try and kill you with a gun, an axe, a kitchen knife or indeed a pair of fists no matter when and where you happen to meet. There is something very odd about players who go to the coast specifically to 'help' fresh spawns. Don't get me wrong, I love genuine and spontaneous acts of human kindness, I myself have occasionally derived a real sense of well being after some chance meeting, a little time spent getting acquainted and establishing that neither one of us is an incurable asshole, it's a real pleasure to share some supplies under such circumstances, a rare and pleasant experience indeed. But actually focusing on seeking that out? making 'heading to the coast to help bambis' your primary aim is just fucking weird, there is something very patronising and arrogant and selfish about those players and when help is forced down my throat, I gotta tell you truth, I often repay it with an act of extreme violence. Stop inflicting your strange need to feel appreciated on otherwise quite content gamers who are busily embarking upon, what for most, is the best part of the game. Gearing up and negotiating the wall of bandits that await in the tree lines and the city scapes ahead, leave them alone and for gods sake stay away from the coast unless you are actively seeking pvp encounters.Helping bambis can bring about very unique and exciting encounters. I don't think you get what this game is about. Have fun alone up north. The party is at the coast, at least until servers can handle more players. Edited February 5, 2014 by Solopopo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted February 5, 2014 wouldnt it be fun to merge this thread with one of the KoS threads, so we can bitch how everyone is killing people on sight and bitching how obnoxious the ubiquitous good-doer carebearing is in the same place?Actually, after the first page I thought this was the KoS thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madturk 4 Posted February 5, 2014 man all of you people are so narrow minded. see the big picture. people killing people.people killing people for no reason.people killing people for some aim they want to achieve.whats the difference? you see bandits(including kos players and yes they are bandits, they are not different types.) are allways will be beacuse they have choice to pull the trigger or not to.and heros will always exist in the game too. see what i mean* its a reaction.bandits vs heros. some are bandits who does whatever the fuck they want in a total chaotic world.and some are heros give you beans and gives directions to i did not kill the bambi with a shovel on his back.he wanted some water.i did not gave him anything told him where the well is. couple of hours later i shot a bambi in the back when he was running towards elektro following the advice dont be a fanatic on both sides.dont be a crazy kos player or be a so-called ''hero''. act natural improvise.why did i shoot that bambi you say? well i needed to check if could shoot straight over 400 hundred meters with pu scope. and i do. cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igotrage 47 Posted February 5, 2014 didn't you hear we're all equal now you ignorant git. Unless your a kind, helpful, compassionate soul who is prepared to take risks by offering other human beings assistance when its not asked for and for nothing in return. Then your just inferior to a supreme being like yourself eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites