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why good samiritans irritate me

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why do you feel the need to apply labels to a sandbox game?


I am none of the above, I log in and try to survive as long as possible. I don't seek confrontation neither do I shy away from it. I take each moment as it comes and anjoy this unpredictability enormously.


Bandt/hero/medic/sniper/bambi helper and all the rest are just bullshit labels that shouldn't even exist.


Each situation is unique thanks to the diversity and randomness of human behaviour, I allow my natural reaction to whatever circumstances I find myself in to dictate what happens next, there are no rules there are no labels except those we impose upon ourselves.




was that aimed at me Cyan?

I can assure you I steer well clear of the beaches. Only fresh spawns, assholes and do gooders to be found there


So why label them as good Samaritans, they might want to recruit?


Why does it even bother you?


Your happy to dish it out and presume how other people play, but cry when they do it about you?


It sounds like you have issues, but to presume anything about YOU seems to upset you. 


Feels like a room, with mirrors on all four walls. Help!

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so being social and helping newbies is bad and egoistic, because...?




I don't usually reply to lazy brained meme posters, but in your case i'll make an exception, try reading the topic, the answer is there.

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You will eat my beans and drink water I've given to you whether you like it or not. Furthermore, you will appreciate or respawn. 

Edited by Miquinei
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I agree, if you go to the beach, expecting to get hugs and kisses for handing out fresh fruit, you just might learn a lesson about greed and gratitude. If you chose to play as friendly, you still need to look out for your own security and survival.

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why else do they do it?


every action deliberately performed by a human being is motivated by reward, that is simply a fact.

There is nothing wrong with helping people when the opportunity presents itself and I have already stated in the OP that I love spontaneous acts of kindness between two or more human beings.


What I am talking about is those players who inflict their desire to feel appreciated onto other players who are not requesting assistance.


I don't. I have always felt a naturally tendency to help people, be it in video games or real life.

I don't go out of my way to run to the coast and help people every time I log on, but I'll help people in need if they need it.

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Actively seeking PvP encounters against poorly equipped players? Enjoy your rotten kiwis in Elektro.

This is the fun game mentality vs. the immersive experience mentality that different players are operating with in action. There are conflicting portions and even parts that also compliment each other since a mindless KOS from a PVPer makes for a great antagonist. I just wish Rocket would make the KOS, which isn't going anywhere, make some logical sense within a background story.


edited: edited the editing

Edited by Thane
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yeah, until there is real risk of killer infection and the prospect of starving to death easily, heroes will have something really to do then..

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In my experience, going to the coast to help fresh spawns is the only way to actually meet people. If you run into an airfield with an m4 equipped, or even with nothing, you get shot as soon as they spot you. Meet a bambi, offer them some food and drinks, help them get gear, talk along the way.. They're far more likely to not shoot you as soon as they pick up a gun.

Occasionally they will still shoot, but that's a lower risk than just running into the barracks yelling friendly

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So why label them as good Samaritans, they might want to recruit? their actions provide the label, by selecting such a limited approach labelling is unavoidable.


Why does it even bother you? because it impinges upon my game, I am tired of being shouted to from a bush by these cretins, I actually prefer KoS players, at least they provide a challenge and some excitement.


Your happy to dish it out and presume how other people play, but cry when they do it about you? no, I am correct, I take exception to people jumping to the wrong conclusion without any evidence, it's called ignorance.


It sounds like you have issues, but to presume anything about YOU seems to upset you. I am sat here enjoying the debate, again drawing conclusions...


Feels like a room, with mirrors on all four walls. Help! stop projecting your own fears and insecurities

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I don't. I have always felt a naturally tendency to help people, be it in video games or real life.

I don't go out of my way to run to the coast and help people every time I log on, but I'll help people in need if they need it.


me too.


and I have no problem with helping others.


I have a problem with the serial do gooders, the needy 'addicted to gratitude' types who we've all met

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it impinges upon my game, I am tired of being shouted to from a bush by these cretins


Poor you, players interact with you in a way you don't want. Welcome to DayZ.

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I broke up two fist fights in Kamishovo yesterday by killing the guys with helmets and hand weapons as they beat newspawns.  I then saw a bunch of new spawn running into town and heard a bunch of M4 fire.  I left.


The issue with going to the coast to kill bandits is that you will generally look the same as a bandit which just means you have people who will gun you down for being nice.

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stop projecting your own fears and insecurities



The Irony....


and jackpot ladies and gentlemen!

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Nope, don't agree with you. The same hate you apply to what you are talking about i send right back at you and your opinion.

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Everytime we go to the coast with the best of intentions it turns into a hillarious bloodbath.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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this is one of the problems with forums.


Some people read through the OP, digest it, mull it over and allow their own mind to formulate a well constructed response and a debate takes place.


Others read the title and skip the rest throwing out ill judged knee jerk responses in the hope that they have correctly guessed what the OP was attempting to communicate, and at the bottom of the pile are those who give beans to those ill judged responses.


Anyone who enjoys other players using them to manufacture a scenario where they get to be grateful to this stranger for giving him something he never asked for is a fool.

Edited by Macdeth
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Personally, if I spawn at coast and someone comes to give me beans and a water bottle, I say thanks. Makes starting a bit easier especially if the coast is already picked clean. I don't think that the good samaritan guy looks me down or something. He is just doing his stuff and I'm doing mine. ....and about that big fonted message above... If a stranger stops me while I'm walking down the street and gives me 100e, I take it and say thanks. That guy feels good about himself and I'm 100e richer. I would be a fool not to take that 100e!

Edited by Al Bobo
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I do agree that the whole going-down-to-the-coast-and-hold-up-random-newspawns-at-gunpoint-so-we-can-give-them-some-beans idea is very misguided. As a newspawn I would fight them rather than allow myself to be held up, since I would have no way of knowing their intentions, and the majority of times it is simply not friendly. There are plenty of videos that shows how sour such situations quickly can become, making the "helpers" turn into what is essentially newspawn killers, because the unarmed newspawns refuse to comply to their security measures. If you want to give them gear, go down to the road when theres noone around and drop the gear, then head up the hill again. Don't get into that whole "Stop I am friendly I want to help you"-spiel.


If you want to help newspawns more effectively, then patrol the high ground on the coast for snipers, or bandits on the coast. Sure this will sometimes also lead to firefights between players mistaking each other for newspawn snipers, but so be it, at least it provides an entertaining firefight.


This is only advice, I am not trying to tell anyone how to play their game, but just don't be surprised if, after holding a newspawn up at gunpoint, while dragging some beans from your inventory you get punched out by them.

Edited by BadAsh
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this is one of the problems with forums.


Some people read through the OP, digest it, mull it over and allow their own mind to formulate a well constructed response and a debate takes place.


Others read the title and skip the rest throwing out ill judged knee jerk responses in the hope that they have correctly guessed what the OP was attempting to communicate.


Anyone who enjoys other players using them to manufacture a scenario where they get to be grateful to this stranger for giving him something he never asked for is a fool.


yeah but thats not an issue of DayZ. thats a pretty common behaviour.


many percieve helping others as rewarding in itself. some crave the recognition they recieve from such actions. getting annoyed that a common human behaviour is also reflected in interactions in a multiplayer video game might be considered foolish. but hey, everybody is entitled to a rant now and then :)

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There is something very odd about players who go to the coast specifically to 'help' fresh spawns.


No there isn't dude. I hear what you're saying, read the entire OP and the thread, but I disagree with some of your generalizations. I agree that most humans act out of a need to be rewarded, and sometimes that's simply the feeling of helping another. I genuinely enjoy that, too.


That said, there are many play styles, and all of them are valid. From the derpy spawnkillers who can't hit the side of a barn, to the over-friendly noobs who run into danger yelling "friendly friendly!" only to be shot, rage quit, and post a tirade on here.


People yelling at me trying to give me stuff annoys me, too, but that's only that person. There are also simple friendly encounters with people who are bored with the otherwise lack of content in the game, and maybe trying something new for a bit. Or maybe just trying to find a friend? To test boundaries? DayZ is a fascinating social experiment in a lot of ways, as well.


I once went from the North all the way down to the coast with the intention of giving everything I had away. However, 1) I wasn't looking to be killed, and 2) I wasn't insistent about it. I would not run up to people trying to give them shit, or hide in a bush yelling. I would interact, see if I could discern what they were about. Some people who are brand new to the game would actually love to have a friendly interaction.


Edit: I only tried that once, and it didn't happen. I wound up going back to the north, and then being reset.


So there are complex motivations for all play styles, and they change even in the same person from time to time.

Edited by Zhrike
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Others read the title and skip the rest throwing out ill judged knee jerk responses in the hope that they have correctly guessed what the OP was attempting to communicate.


Anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, right?




Gunpoint? You sound like one of those people who thinks guns are always bad. My gun is there for self-defence, if you threaten me and I press space to point it up then you can tell me you're being held at gunpoint.


Edit: I know there are people who do the whole "GET DOWN GET DOWN HAVE SOME BEANS" thing but to pretend this is a majority is fantasy. I don't understand those people but whatever floats their boat, this is a sandbox game.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina
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Uhhh... I think you're reading into things too much. "Going to the coast to help bambi's" pretty much means, "I want an excuse to kill geared up people, so I need to find some bandit chum."

Also, who made you lord and master of approved playstyles? Sounds like you're just pissed that people are getting in the way of your bambi hunts.


Quoted for truth!


A lot of people who go to the coast to lend a helping hand, are using that excuse to find and kill Bandits or other geared people, I mean I know exactly where to go on a loaded server if I want to run into these "Helping" people, lol...

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To MacDeth - 

I think I solved your issue and created a new play style for you to try. Why not hunt the ones who disturb you so? Yeah, not a bandit or a hero, just kill people you find helping bambis and leave the bambis alone? I won't even try to make a label for it, I'll leave that honor to you. 

To e47 - 
I have recently began playing the lone wolf a lot and trying to avoid all human contact and I do it on full servers because it's hard as hell. The thrill, fear and rush is unlike anything I've ever experienced in a game.

To All - 

If you see a fully geared player absolutely capable of engaging you in a fire fight turn and run at first sight of you or the sound of gun fire, it's probably me. I am actively trying to experience "survival" in it's most basic form which means avoiding risk. Sometimes I fail (I'm on my third attempt now), but I've had a good time keeping the same person and gear for several days in a row.

And deep down inside, I am hopeful someone will give chase, someone will say to themselves "Oh no you don't, you're not getting away that easy!" and start to hunt me to the ends of the map. Dogging gun fire when I can't locate the shooter is awesome. I had one guy give chase once and it was because I found myself trapped in a dead end valley. The only way out was to run up a steep incline doing the "Holt Fuck can we move any slower?!?!?!" shuffle. While dodging gun fire from the hunter, at a distance, location unknown. When I finally broke free over the rig and was able to run full speed, I lost the fucker, because I knew, the only way they were gonna get me now was to traverse the same incline. I could have sat there and waited but on a full server, I would have left myself exposed to too many.

I often rotate playing styles as I go. Right now, I'm thrilled with the Lone Wolf survivalist role play. And that's all it is really, role playing. Role Players gonna Role Play, it's not worth getting aggravated over someone else's style. Adapt and improvise but most of all, make the game fun for yourself.


See an issue, find a way to solve it.

Edited by Sinphaltimus
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OP has a fair point.


Some groups are interesting in their approach, like if they want to force one to kiss their boots for their kindness.


I must say I find top notch folks that help but do not enforce the help.


Now, this brings me to a complete different and strangely similar scenario.


Why gear up and then act superior in face of new spawns ?


Gearing up means you going to challenge the strong groups right ? Make sure they leave town and leave you in control.


Think about it. Seen plenty of groups, all military jingle along just evading each other like the plague, while others, for good or for bad go in and risk confrontation. And no I ain't talking about controlling just a airfield or a base. I mean towns, roads, passes, etc.


Forcing help is just as bad as avoiding confrontation. Is a way to show off with no consequence.


Carefree help is the deal that matters. Same as not running off when you get faced with similarly geared up players.



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