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What are your biggest concerns and fears regarding the near/far future of the game?

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My  biggest fear is that zombies remain all fuckin' weird.. (I think the AI for State of Decay zombies would be really good for this game)

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My  biggest fear is that zombies remain all fuckin' weird.. (I think the AI for State of Decay zombies would be really good for this game)


+1 for the slower shambler zombies in state of decay. They are freaking dangerous too.

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Greatest concern?


That BI caves to the popular mainstream of "gamers", dumbs down and simplifies almost all systems in game and we are left with Call of BattlefieldNaziZombies4567....


Not really realistic in my mind given BIs past history but there is a lot of pressure on these guys to beat the big dogs now.....


Only time will tell.

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+1 for the slower shambler zombies in state of decay. They are freaking dangerous too.

Agreed, when they all run it makes them more or less similar to Cod zombies in the sense that they all run at the same rate and its fairly easy to judge where they'll be in 3 seconds if you go  for a gap.. With the slower ones thrown in it makes it slightly harder to judge if you can sprint through that gap fast enough.

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well aren't you just a negative nelly

hehe - just dont see them ever being how one would expect - lost a bit of faith tbh

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... how is this game gonna be made, because right now the performance is poor, REALLY poor (not talking about content, not talking about playability, not talking about anything of that).


I am talking about things like when you open your inventory, right-click on your Soda Can and it says "receiving" and a few seconds later appears the options.... this means the client has to ASK the server what are the options for that object. Same for inspect, or just landing your mouse over the object and waiting for the small window with name and description to appear. Same happens when equiping an item from the hotbar (and gets worst when, having to click more than once, your character starts equiping and un-equiping the weapon... hotbar on everyother game would be just to equip a weapon, but not this one, this always does things on a special way). Same when you jump, why does the client has to ask permission to the server to vault/jump? that action should be client-side, and there before, instant. Or the reason why zombies clip through walls, as simple as because those buildings aren't there, the actual map (the one the zombies see) is just an empty map of grass and trees (and im not sure about trees).


wtf? I mean, why is this not coded into the client like in every other game of this planet? Pings are not high, desync is something common in every game, but in this one its AWFUL to play because of the way its made. They way things are done are just the opposite as any other game.. why? And dont give me the alpha bullshit, because I know, they going to "optimize" the netcode? really? optimize? its not optimitzation what it needs, its a complete redone from the scratch to make it the same as every normal game. Even if you reduce the ping and the desync to a 1/4 what its now its still gonna be worst than by just making those things client-side.


Server just should send a simple hex code of the inventory items. Example: 0xA176ADF0 = Closed Soda Can Pristine. And thats it! doesn't have to send to the client the options for that can (opening, eating, equiping, droping, whatever) because those are already coded into the client. Wherever theres a building, shouldn't be grass under it, the map should INCLUDE the building as an original part of it. Meaning theres nothing else there than that. Same for everything else.


This is the only thing breaking the game for me. Not the KoS, not the poor content, not anything else. Just that suffering when playing because it doesnt feel smooth and natural, and I always have to keep and eye on my character because if I press 1 to equip my axe, wether if my char its going to do it or no is a lottery.


P.D: Bold letters are for those who are for sure going to answer "alphaaaa" like if this means all the problems are magically going to be solved. What I am mentioning here, haven't seen a single dev adressing this problem and an eventual solution to it except for that "optimize netcode" promise that even on best scenario, its not going to be enough.

Edited by p4triot

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the more packed the server is, the more laggy and glitchy it will be, simple as that

Edited by goodc420

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... how is this game gonna be made, because right now the performance is poor, REALLY poor (not talking about content, not talking about playability, not talking about anything of that).

I am talking about things like when you open your inventory, right-click on your Soda Can and it says "receiving" and a few seconds later appears the options.... this means the client has to ASK the server what are the options for that object. Same for inspect, or just landing your mouse over the object and waiting for the small window with name and description to appear. Same happens when equiping an item from the hotbar (and gets worst when, having to click more than once, your character starts equiping and un-equiping the weapon... hotbar on everyother game would be just to equip a weapon, but not this one, this always does things on a special way). Same when you jump, why does the client has to ask permission to the server to vault/jump? that action should be client-side, and there before, instant. Or the reason why zombies clip through walls, as simple as because those buildings aren't there, the actual map (the one the zombies see) is just an empty map of grass and trees (and im not sure about trees).

wtf? I mean, why is this not coded into the client like in every other game of this planet? Pings are not high, desync is something common in every game, but in this one its AWFUL to play because of the way its made. They way things are done are just the opposite as any other game.. why? And dont give me the alpha bullshit, because I know, they going to "optimize" the netcode? really? optimize? its not optimitzation what it needs, its a complete redone from the scratch to make it the same as every normal game. Even if you reduce the ping and the desync to a 1/4 what its now its still gonna be worst than by just making those things client-side.

Server just should send a simple hex code of the inventory items. Example: 0xA176ADF0 = Closed Soda Can Pristine. And thats it! doesn't have to send to the client the options for that can (opening, eating, equiping, droping, whatever) because those are already coded into the client. Wherever theres a building, shouldn't be grass under it, the map should INCLUDE the building as an original part of it. Meaning theres nothing else there than that. Same for everything else.

This is the only thing breaking the game for me. Not the KoS, not the poor content, not anything else. Just that suffering when playing because it doesnt feel smooth and natural, and I always have to keep and eye on my character because if I press 1 to equip my axe, wether if my char its going to do it or no is a lottery.

P.D: Bold letters are for those who are for sure going to answer "alphaaaa" like if this means all the problems are magically going to be solved. What I am mentioning here, haven't seen a single dev adressing this problem and an eventual solution to it except for that "optimize netcode" promise that even on best scenario, its not going to be enough.

Everything you complained about is "hopefully" due to game being alpha. I agree certain things should be worked on immediately, especially zombies glitching through walls.

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Welcome, this is the outcome of using an outdated engine and trying to update it yet failing miserably. 

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the more packed the server is, the more laggy and glitchy it will be, simple as that


In fairness; 40 players on a server in todays age doesn't exactly constitute as being "packed". Look at Planetside 2. Its a poor excuse.

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... how is this game gonna be made, because right now the performance is poor, REALLY poor (not talking about content, not talking about playability, not talking about anything of that).


I am talking about things like when you open your inventory, right-click on your Soda Can and it says "receiving" and a few seconds later appears the options.... this means the client has to ASK the server what are the options for that object. Same for inspect, or just landing your mouse over the object and waiting for the small window with name and description to appear. Same happens when equiping an item from the hotbar (and gets worst when, having to click more than once, your character starts equiping and un-equiping the weapon... hotbar on everyother game would be just to equip a weapon, but not this one, this always does things on a special way). Same when you jump, why does the client has to ask permission to the server to vault/jump? that action should be client-side, and there before, instant. Or the reason why zombies clip through walls, as simple as because those buildings aren't there, the actual map (the one the zombies see) is just an empty map of grass and trees (and im not sure about trees).


wtf? I mean, why is this not coded into the client like in every other game of this planet? Pings are not high, desync is something common in every game, but in this one its AWFUL to play because of the way its made. They way things are done are just the opposite as any other game.. why? And dont give me the alpha bullshit, because I know, they going to "optimize" the netcode? really? optimize? its not optimitzation what it needs, its a complete redone from the scratch to make it the same as every normal game. Even if you reduce the ping and the desync to a 1/4 what its now its still gonna be worst than by just making those things client-side.


Server just should send a simple hex code of the inventory items. Example: 0xA176ADF0 = Closed Soda Can Pristine. And thats it! doesn't have to send to the client the options for that can (opening, eating, equiping, droping, whatever) because those are already coded into the client. Wherever theres a building, shouldn't be grass under it, the map should INCLUDE the building as an original part of it. Meaning theres nothing else there than that. Same for everything else.


This is the only thing breaking the game for me. Not the KoS, not the poor content, not anything else. Just that suffering when playing because it doesnt feel smooth and natural, and I always have to keep and eye on my character because if I press 1 to equip my axe, wether if my char its going to do it or no is a lottery.


P.D: Bold letters are for those who are for sure going to answer "alphaaaa" like if this means all the problems are magically going to be solved. What I am mentioning here, haven't seen a single dev adressing this problem and an eventual solution to it except for that "optimize netcode" promise that even on best scenario, its not going to be enough.

Send Hex codes to the server? LOL For it to intercept the data it cannot just be "Hex" codes plus that a very easy way to make it easier to cheat. Another thing is that the hive system right now isn't the best (it's in a messy state), they will have to rebuild it or modify it so have the player/enviroment doesn't have to send so much information to it that isn't necessary . This isn't just "another" game, and this isn't just "another" server / game system. It's a whole lot more than that.

In fairness; 40 players on a server in todays age doesn't exactly constitute as being "packed". Look at Planetside 2. Its a poor excuse.

Poor excuse? Do you even have a single clue at how there system works compared to DayZs? 

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The OP has legitimate points.  This game is so badly coded.  Even the most basic mods of older games did not have such terrible code that pressing a key was just a crapshoot.   I played a shitload of mods and games and never recall hitting a weapon hot key and having to worry if it wouldn't work.   This is the scary shit that tells me the dayz concept should have been bought by a different label and set of developers.

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Its alpha. I hate hearing that every time there is something negative said about the game. It is alpha   YES  but that is not what's causing all the problems. They need to rethink and redo some things quick before all hope is gone. Yes it will get better with time but how much time. Sure any game can become great with 4 years of development doesn't mean you should take your sweet as time and do that. Personally I was the biggest fan of the game. Back in the Arma 2 days. It was actually my first game on PC and the reason I got a steam account and a computer. Loved it. Played the crap out of it, still am. I had high hopes for SA and it has failed miserably. I have given up on the idea of this being the same game I fell in love with 2 years ago but better and haven't played it in ages. Just hope the new games coming out like H1Z1 and stuff don't do the same crap these guys did. Its a alpha is not an excuse.

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Its alpha. I hate hearing that every time there is something negative said about the game. It is alpha   YES  but that is not what's causing all the problems. They need to rethink and redo some things quick before all hope is gone. Yes it will get better with time but how much time. Sure any game can become great with 4 years of development doesn't mean you should take your sweet as time and do that. Personally I was the biggest fan of the game. Back in the Arma 2 days. It was actually my first game on PC and the reason I got a steam account and a computer. Loved it. Played the crap out of it, still am. I had high hopes for SA and it has failed miserably. I have given up on the idea of this being the same game I fell in love with 2 years ago but better and haven't played it in ages. Just hope the new games coming out like H1Z1 and stuff don't do the same crap these guys did. Its a alpha is not an excuse.

Okay, while I currently think very little progress is done and that the underlining problem (with the engine) is nearly unsolvable, I cannot agree with your statement.


It's an alpha, is an okay answer for the lack of guns cars, buildings and the presence of mind boggling major bugs.

It's an alpha, is not an okay answer for the lack of progress and the pitiful engine that is currently being used.  

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Okay, while I currently think very little progress is done and that the underlining problem (with the engine) is nearly unsolvable, I cannot agree with your statement.


It's an alpha, is an okay answer for the lack of guns cars, buildings and the presence of mind boggling major bugs.

It's an alpha, is not an okay answer for the lack of progress and the pitiful engine that is currently being used.  

ok agreed I meant excuse for how long, like I said sure In 4 years im sure the game could be great. Just don't think players or devs will stick around long enough.

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ok agreed I meant excuse for how long, like I said sure In 4 years im sure the game could be great. Just don't think players or devs will stick around long enough.

They won't. Neither party will. 

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Let's follow the Minecraft development plan, and allow players to light items on fire before building a working GUI.

This game, with such great potential, seems destined to fail.

Edited by Skreen32

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Welcome to DayZ Alpha testing, how may i help you?

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