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Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

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Maybe they chose the sitting for 30 seconds After you log out because its a half assed way to also address the duplication exploit.  So in a lazy way, they addressed combat logging and the duplication exploit with the most minimal coding possible.      I really am starting to think Dayz will never be finished.   But I hope Im wrong and wish them success.

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I dont find it necessary to make altf4ers to moan, if they can be hidden 30seconds after altf4 they could have dont it by sitting also, this moaning only benefits pursuing players. Everyone should have even playground and not over punish people who try to exploit.
Also connection issues would make your player moan in bad places and that aint fair neighter.

But I agree, sit and wait 30 while being able to look around is the way to go.


Maybe they chose the sitting for 30 seconds After you log out because its a half assed way to also address the duplication exploit. So in a lazy way, they addressed combat logging and the duplication exploit with the most minimal coding possible. I really am starting to think Dayz will never be finished. But I hope Im wrong and wish them success.

Would never believe this is the case, rocket have said (freely quoted) that "if you cant do it well now, do it later/dont do it"
BUT it could be a place holder to fix 2 issues while they get both finished... but then again the duplication aint SO big issue that it count at this stage when wipes and resets happen.

Edited by Zeppa

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Maybe they chose the sitting for 30 seconds After you log out because its a half assed way to also address the duplication exploit.  So in a lazy way, they addressed combat logging and the duplication exploit with the most minimal coding possible.      I really am starting to think Dayz will never be finished.   But I hope Im wrong and wish them success.

Because there is no reason to make anything more complex, if you start trying to detect wether players are in combat or not, you open potential methods to exploit the logout mechanic to some degree.


What's wrong with 30 seconds of presence for anyone anyway? Do players feel they are being punished by being forced to pick a safe logout spot?

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I really don't see the problem of the implementation of this logout timer and staying in game for 30 seconds. If you've played DayZ for any amount of time, you're telling me that logging out in a safe spot isn't a given? Seriously!?


If you have to go because of your wife/gf is on your ass or you just have to take a mean shit you must at least try your best to find a safe spot regardless. Yeah?

If you do not logout in a safe spot now you're risking being shot upon login(which indeed leaves you open to be shot/manhandled for some seconds), so this whole argument about having to spend time or whatever to find a safe spot is a bit much really.


I have always logged out in a bush or a pine tree and have never had a worry about a player finding me or a Zed killing me. As someone else has already stated... There are literally thousands of bushes and trees to hide in and they're not necessarily deep in the forest. I welcome this fix and it should work brilliantly.

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I just don't understand why they can't come up with a system that flags people that are actually in combat, instead of just assuming everybody is.

Because it is not computationally feasible to calculate who is in combat with who. What are the criteria that you can come up with to even consider applying, and how can you possibly not create a situation with these criteria that isn't wide open to exploitation by players? The system they are trialing has simplicity and scalability on it's side which will become more desirable as we begin to be able to ramp up the number of players per server. Your suggestion would entail orders of magnitude more computation and would become an even greater suck on server resources. And people are already dispairing about the supposed lack of performance as it is.

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So, after reading these 6 sites we can draw these conclusions:


1) Yay combatlog fix!


2) but I will DIE and I can't do nothing against it! Because Zombies, Players, freakin flyin cows and infected apes will get my helpless body!


3) Log out somewhere safe and nothing will happen to you


4) But...but...I...want to shoot at somebody, if I miss I want to hide and click logout, and if he comes for me I still want to react and have the possibility to kill him (really thats the ONLY thing I can see where this system is worse)




I understand why people don't like ghosting, i don't do it and never even think of doing it while playing ... but in true Dayz fashion ... isn't it the players fault if they get killed by a ghoster for staying in the same position for so long and camping that spot? I know i'm causing trouble, but after so many "deal with it" responses and the automatic assumption that anyone who doesn't like this change opposes it because they only log to ghost, then wouldn't it be reasonable to state that only people who are campers have trouble with ghosters?  I personally move every time i fire my weapon so that people can't get a bead on where i'm at, am i doing it wrong?   :D


Well, easy one:

Its not part of the game. Essentially ghosting works (worked) like a teleport hack, while camping & sniping (which is far too boring for me ;)) is nothing that is against, let's call it the laws of nature (of DayZ).

But I see your point, since now it will take a ghoster a minimum of 7 minutes to go around...and if you haven't moved for 7 minutes (!) you are either camping or afk.

But still just think about it that way: changing magically your position vs lying in the grass for 7 minutes. Which sounds normal for a DayZ-World and which not?

Edited by LaughingJack

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HaHa. Yea I get it. Somebody doesn't like the way its implemented means he must be a logger. Are you really that brain numb?


Sorry if I was shitting into your cereals, or that you felt I was. That wasnt intenional as I have also family and have to deal with kids and wife breaks/aggro/disturbance but I still prefer a "maybe not so good" fix now over a "maybe awsum fix" with a flagging system in a far away future. This game has other issues to deal with too and that "easy to implement" solution is more then welcomed by 98% of the players. Losing a 6 month old character to it would suck but that could happen to you on any ladder,stairs or by accidently sticking the canopener into your eyes ;)

Edited by GrumpyFragger
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Such an easy fix, do not allow a player to connect to another server during that 30 second log out timer. Fixed. 


Isn't that included in the log on queue? It said in the patch notes that extra time was added to the queue if you quick logged out.

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Kosing is still part of the game combat logging however is not its a exploit believe it or not. Having to leave the game quickly to do stuff well dont freakin play it if your on a busy time of the day eitherway a timer is perfect 30 seconds man 30 seconds i think that is perfectly fair.

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Also they worked in the timer nicely in alot of dayzmod servers normally just a 10-20 second timer before you can click abort and a few of them servers if you alt f4 it would auto kill you or if they had active admins they would blackflag you from the servers and life expectanny in the game like an hour maybe more people with 6 month old characters are simply cheating or combat logging. Standalone has far too many combat loggers so many in fact everyone gonna get punished because a majority combat log at the mere sight of other players or they hear a shot go off.90% of the players ive run into have up and logged because they are pusses whats the point in gearing up if you are gonna log at the first sight of combat? Whole point of gearing up to begin with is to defend and go aganst other people [retty pointless if you just gonna cheat and log every time.



In the end this is dayz it is meant to be a hardcore game its not freakin warz so rocket will continue to make the game how he see's fit which is hardcore so if you have a busy life thats your problems dont expect him to hault developmen tto appease a casual carebear of a player.carebears need not apply the game is brutal.

Edited by Rammur

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How hard can it be to code something along the lines of, if player uses weapon player and his/her target get 15 minute pvp flag. logout during said 15 minutes can't be done. Anything causing client to close/crash during said 15 minutes makes you stay in game defenseless for the remainder of the 15 minutes.


I personally think that would be more punishing for the lamers than the 30 seconds, without causing issues for people not in combat.



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give choice :)


hit 'ESC' see 2 option


'quit instant' - this close game character staying for 30 seconds :thumbsup:  ;)


'quit normal' - 30 second timer you stay in game is possible interrupt no problem ;)

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give choice :)


hit 'ESC' see 2 option


'quit instant' - this close game character staying for 30 seconds :thumbsup:  ;)


'quit normal' - 30 second timer you stay in game is possible interrupt no problem ;)


The problem with that is a player could easily sit behind cover for 30 seconds and then log out.

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Nobody has ever caught me logging out in a tree line, 30 seconds here or there is not going to make a difference.

If you log out in Elektro or airfield buildings I can see why you would have a problem with this, but there's a simple solution.

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I just wonder if it's easy to determine the way you disconnect. Say you lose connection to the server or simply crash, then your character stays in world without you having any opportunity to bring your character to safety. In which case, sitting down for 30 seconds after you've logged out is a death sentence. Yet reducing the penalty for certain types of disconnects, would encourage people to find a way to simulate that type of disconnecting.
How would you protect people that can't run the game well, versus the actual combat loggers?

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How would you protect people that can't run the game well, versus the actual combat loggers?




Other than actually making a system that flags people in pvp I don't think there is any way to differentiate between your game crashing or alt-F4'ing.


So basically if you have troubles with frequent game crashes/disconnects you are screwed.



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Other than actually making a system that flags people in pvp I don't think there is any way to differentiate between your game crashing or alt-F4'ing.


So basically if you have troubles with frequent game crashes/disconnects you are screwed.




This is an alpha so disconnects and crashes are common, so basically even on the stable branch, people will be screwed starting next week?

I truly hope that the developers are less dismissive about this issue.

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Its quite simple really.....

If you dont want to die from an STD's....wear protection!!!

Remember kids, SAFE TIMER DISCONNECTION's kill, be smart, be safe.

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I totally agree with this.



...This should be the exact opposite, you should have to be able to sit down FOR 30 seconds, in a safe location, BEFORE you can log out.  EQ1 used to have the same log out procedure, and it was integral to survival in the end-game.  To clear raid mob aggro, you had to zone out, or log out of the zone and character completely.  Once you did this, anything you had attacked or was coming after you, would stop doing so.  I believe this is what Rocket and Co are trying to set up, however, they're doing it the opposite way.With their current design, you still "need" 30 seconds of safety to effectively log out with no risk.  However, with the current system, the 30 seconds you have to "wait" or "need" are AFTER you have any chance to make a decision or put up a fight.  Currently, someone could log out in a "safe" area, only to have someone server hop, or just log into their server, right at their location, and kill them, completely defenselessly.  If the system were set-up to be closer to the mod version of a log out timer, it would be much better for the players.  The current set up benefits bandits and handicaps defenseless players done with their session, in the most extreme disfavor.  If the log out system could be changed, so that like EQ1, your character must: F3 and sit, be seated for 30 seconds, and then after 30 seconds of being seated, when pressing ESC and accessing the menu, they will be able to click "Exit/log out".Now!!  On the flipside!!! If someone DOES NOT wait and sit for 30 seconds and Alt+F4s, THAT'S when their avatar should stick around for 30+ seconds in game.   Now THAT would be a log out system.  For players combat logging, in the most textbook definition, they got shot at and know they can't find somewhere to hide to sit down for 30 seconds, so they just Alt+F4; their avatar would instantly stop and be stuck in game for another 30-60 seconds.  In all honesty, if someone combat logs like that with Alt+F4, I think it would be a great idea to have their character start making the in-pain noises.  That way if they did manage to find a hiding spot, but chose not to take the 30 second chance wait, they would be stuck in game and would be making noise for the pursuing players/zombies to hear and find them...
Edited by BrainlessZombie

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Rocket touched on this on Reddit (see above), personally I found the logout system in the mod incredibly frustrating when I had to leave in a hurry, I wouldn't mind a countdown if I could choose to skip it and exit immediately know my character would remain in-game until it expired.


^^this + 30 sec is much too short time.

I prefer a three minutes timer.

Edited by NoCheats

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Why not just set the game so if a player is within 0.5 miles of the center of any Town or Urban area they have the 30 seconds "Sit n Pray" senario, if your in the woods, fields, beach etc etc, or outside the 0.5 miles you can logout with a 10 second time limit/penalty. If your in combat in the woods, 10 seconds is more that enough time to find the logger and destroy his new boots.

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I know the solution for you Im call it the "sadistic logout":

After you hit "logout" you have to wait 30 seconds but you see your char...but you can't react!  So when you are finally logged out, you know that your character is safe...or dead ;)



Everything else has been mentioned at least 5 times in this thread...so I just won't repeat it again. Go back and read it yourself :)

Edited by LaughingJack
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I know the solution for you Im call it the "sadistic logout":

After you hit "logout" you have to wait 30 seconds but you see your char...but you can't react!  So you know that your character is safe...or dead ;)



Everythiong else has been mentioned at least 5 times in this thread...so I just won't repeat it again. Go back and read it yourself :)


Nice idea.

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^^this + 30 sec is much too short time.

I prefer a three minutes timer.




I would prefer 15 minute timer, but only for people that are actually in combat.



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i think some of you guys need to take off the tinfoil hats and, using the doll, show the doctor where the bad man touched you....




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