Zombie Jesus 723 Posted January 30, 2014 The point is that no matter what you're doing, you're either going to be able to defend yourself for 30 seconds, or blindly roll the dice and hope no one rolls up on you in that same 30 seconds. Those are the ONLY two options. Thinking this only affects combat loggers is completely ignorant. At any point in the game, any one not combat logging could log out somewhere, where they think is safe, only to have someone else log in, possibly that played on that server and only that server, HOURS ago, and be able to kill them freely, with no risk, because you logged out "legitimately", and left your avatar behind for 30 seconds. That's just dumb. Who would seriously log into their server and see someone sitting there, not responding to chat at all, and just leave them be because they "might" be logging out. All you're going to see is an immediate KOS of anyone sitting down. So we should just go with the easily exploited mechanic because on very rare circumstances someone will get unlucky? I am sorry people will exploit the other mechanic to avoid combat on a much greater frequency than people getting unlucky in a safe area. I will take that death you describe everytime so I do not have to deal with people mysteriously vanishing because they are too afraid to lose their gear. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrumpyFragger 67 Posted January 30, 2014 At any point in the game, any one not combat logging could log out somewhere, where they think is safe, only to have someone else log in, possibly that played on that server and only that server, HOURS ago, and be able to kill them freely, with no risk, because you logged out "legitimately", and left your avatar behind for 30 seconds. Tell me, how big is the chance that someone logs in right into the same bush you log out, loads, sees you and kills you...all within 30 secs on a map 225km² wide ? Please stop with this silly arguement and be happy that we have finally a anti-pussyout solution. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted January 30, 2014 you can pansy out of a firefight and log out, and hope they can't get to you in those 30 seconds, sorry you missed the bulleye there. however the end result is they won't be able to panzie out... this isn't a debate about intent. its about results. the result is he won't log and that IS the bullseye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Goner 661 Posted January 30, 2014 Actually you just sound completely ignorant and like you haven't read anything I posted, but thanks for playing. Dieing because you logged out and someone logged in, or a zombie spawned, is backwards, sorry. You can ignorantly throw combat logger at me all you want, but you just look like an idiot to anyone with any sense or intelligence, and like you haven't read the original post I made, or any responses besides the one you chose to cut up and quote out of context. Here it comes folks. I've suspected a troll from the beginning of this thread and now he's grinding his ax. The point is, this is the solution and you don't have a voice in the matter. Read rockets response on reddit. They made their decision now shut up about it. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1whzfy/30_second_logout_timer_in_next_build_confirmed_by/cf2at0s?context=3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Goner 661 Posted January 30, 2014 Tell me, how big is the chance that someone logs in right into the same bush you log out, loads, sees you and kills you...all within 30 secs on a map 225km² wide ? Please stop with this silly arguement and be happy that we have finally a anti-pussyout solution. Exactly, this whole thread is ridiculous. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChiefMasterKush 321 Posted January 30, 2014 Exactly, this whole thread is ridiculous.Na, I enjoyed the debate and I learned from it. Everything below my picture is useless now :thumbsup: :D :beans: :beans: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted January 30, 2014 Yes, this was explained later in the thread. It seems like a clear way to punish combat loggers while not punishing the everyday survivors/bandits nearly as much, but hopefully they will implement a system in the future where I know I will not have died when I logged out. If you don't log out in Cherno/Elektro or in vicinity of any military loot spawn buildings then I guarantee that you will not die. And even if you die that way it will be very, very, vary rare (something like once per 10,000 safe log outs) and worthy sacrifice to end the combat logging plague. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChiefMasterKush 321 Posted January 30, 2014 If you don't log out in Cherno/Elektro or in vicinity of any military loot spawn buildings then I guarantee that you will not die. And even if you die that way it will be very, very, vary rare (something like once per 10,000 safe log outs) and worthy sacrifice to end the combat logging plague.Then, I will come to you for my refund if I do die. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Goner 661 Posted January 30, 2014 Also, if you play with friends just have them watch your back. Take turns being the last one to log out. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted January 30, 2014 Actually you just sound completely ignorant and like you haven't read anything I posted, but thanks for playing. Dieing because you logged out and someone logged in, or a zombie spawned, is backwards, sorry. You can ignorantly throw combat logger at me all you want, but you just look like an idiot to anyone with any sense or intelligence, and like you haven't read the original post I made, or any responses besides the one you chose to cut up and quote out of context.Because I've NEVER lost a character from glitching thru a wall, falling thru stairs, climbing up a ladder, climbing down a ladder etc etc Actually he nailed it in my opinion that's exactly how you sound. Personally I think you should get up take a breather and come back when this thread had some time to play out some more. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zedicologist 162 Posted January 30, 2014 I do not understand people like this. You're the guy that's always like, "This is gonna go wrong and this is gonna go wrong and this is gonna go wrong and then this and then probably that, definitely that..." ad infinitum. Wait for it to be implemented, try it out, you're probably going to love it. Because right now, you sound like a very very whiny combat logger who is tossing his toys out of the pram due to his exploit being removed.I agree with this dude. Give it a try. Dont go on a butthurt rant about something you have not fully tested and experienced to the fullest. Its progress in the right direction. Like i said before, im sure they considered your proposed fix to the situation but for some reason it was defective in some way. So deal with it. ADAPT. access your surroundings before logging out even if the you're in a safe place. Its 30 seconds. A risk you will have to take, which im sure wont be a problem at all. But for some reason or another you felt like you needed to rant a little. In the end, its just a game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Goner 661 Posted January 30, 2014 Na, I enjoyed the debate and I learned from it. Everything below my picture is useless now :thumbsup: :D :beans: :beans: I hope you learned at least this: "immagine you are in combat. a Ghost can take cover and wait for the 30s cooldown you propose. then change server and move to another spot. wait for the another 30s cooldown, and then logging back at your side and shoot you.in the current state a "wannabe-ghost" is forced to leave his character unharmed for the 30s. it will not solve the problem completly, but give you a possibility to shoot that mofo down before he can "swap-server-logback" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChiefMasterKush 321 Posted January 30, 2014 Because I've NEVER lost a character from glitching thru a wall, falling thru stairs, climbing up a ladder, climbing down a ladder etc etc Actually he nailed it in my opinion that's exactly how you sound. Personally I think you should get up take a breather and come back when this thread had some time to play out some more.HAHAH, my friends do this ALL the time. My buddy went through the screen in the back of the church and couldn't get back out. Talk about a safe place to log for 30seconds. We had to ax him through the wall to get his gun back. :beans: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
execpro22 128 Posted January 30, 2014 Actually, its more like you left a town to log out in the woods. you begin the 30 second count down when someone bumps into you that you wren't expecting. this gives all players the chance to cancel the log out and fight back - not just the Combat loggers I'm sorry, but if you choose to log out and someone "bumps" into you then you obviously picked the wrong spot. Your fault, not the games. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HazZarD87 166 Posted January 30, 2014 OP sounds like a combat logger. Just logout in a safe place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted January 30, 2014 I never log out in areas where being AFK for 30 seconds means my character is likely to die so I welcome this system. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) This log out system literally treats every single player like they're combat logging, every single time they log out.Look, a lot of people on these forums have been so inceansed by combat logging that they have literally created hundreds of threads DEMANDING this system be put in place, so that they are not deprived there precious kills and ruined loots. They have got exactly what they asked for. Now we have to eat it. I for one, don't spend my time in PvP so it doesn't make a difference to me. 30 s is not going to put me in danger too often because I am that careful WRT my surroundings. On the odd time that it might make a difference, meh... , it's only gear and we're still in early Alpha. Nothing I'm too attached to here, yet. To the OP: Someone else has posted the Reddit quote from Rocket about the test they did using your method. IT DIDN'T WORK! IT WAS EXPLOITABLE! I'll take Rockets words over your arsehole opinion anyday. Edited January 30, 2014 by DJPorterNZ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted January 30, 2014 I'm sorry, but if you choose to log out and someone "bumps" into you then you obviously picked the wrong spot. Your fault, not the games. your point eludes me, dear sir. are you saying that if you pick the wrong spot to legitimately log out, you must die? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
execpro22 128 Posted January 30, 2014 Thank you for pointing out all the logical things that would actually make the system I proposed better than leaving an avatar behind, though the second one you kind of missed the mark in, and the first one. Considering that at any point, if you leave an avatar behind for 30 seconds, you can pansy out of a firefight and log out, and hope they can't get to you in those 30 seconds, sorry you missed the bulleye there. How would sitting down for 30 seconds and forcing you to stay in the game allow you to not be held accountable for making a "bad decision" and trying to log out in a firefight? How does leaving an avatar behind that EFFECTIVELY DOES THE SAME THING FOR 30 SECONDS make any difference? It doesn't when you're combat logging, it does when you're NOT. Start using your brains people, they're there for a reason. Difference being with Rockets way the game forces you to face the consequences of your cowardly decision... You basically want the game to give you a second chance if your cowardice doesnt work to your advantage.... Isn't DAYZ about having to live with the consequences of bad decision making? Again NO DICE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted January 30, 2014 Difference being with Rockets way the game forces you to face the consequences of your cowardly decision... You basically want the game to give you a second chance if your cowardice doesnt work to your advantage.... Isn't DAYZ about having to live with the consequences of bad decision making? Again NO DICE! you don't get it. the guy won't log - which means he doesn't combat log, which means, regardless of the player's intent, the mechanic worked. do you want to punish people for their thoughts, or their actions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
execpro22 128 Posted January 30, 2014 your point eludes me, dear sir. are you saying that if you pick the wrong spot to legitimately log out, you must die? Bingo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted January 30, 2014 your point eludes me, dear sir. are you saying that if you pick the wrong spot to legitimately log out, you must die? Bingo! ....no further comments, your Honour. the Defense rests. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites