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Gandalf the White (DayZ)

Reaction On Dying

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If a player doesn't kill you then the game will.. Thats a qoute from someone, that pretty much puts together Dayz Alpha ATM..

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'I'm never playing this stupid game again' after staring blankly at the 'you are dead' screen for about 30seconds.


Starts a new character the next day.

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As frustrating and some times gobsmackingly shocking at how you die sometimes. I now enjoy the journey to gearing up. 

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"great now I can test out this theory I had" or "time to gear up again, let's try something different!"


Awesome reaction is essence.

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Mine is absolute blind rage. Especially when I have a guy completely decked out and die to BS things.


I mad bruh


I recently died with all pristine loot, lots of food weapon and ammo. That was a guy with axe that killed me. He kinda teleported around me, maybe because of desync.

So I woke up on a coast with no regrets and now I'm trying to find all those things that I had.

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Here was my reaction to my last death, I fell through some stairs while looting a building on my way back south from the NE airstrip where i found a pristine long range scope


First thought when I saw myself falling with full pristine military gear an acoged M4 and that long range scope? "Well at-least its not my hardcore toon with a can opener and an FNX mag" Followed by "oh dam lost Treasure Island" I have figured out how to avoid getting killed by other players pretty well, but buildings, they get me every time!


Funny thing is I took the better part of my night time play to run to the NWAF, striped it clean in the dark and ran like hell! Aside from no acog (no red dot either) and still not having a pristine fire axe I'm back to the same gear, even got a sight for my fnx and bayonet for my m4

Edited by Franchi

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It's kinda funny cause for a week straight I was dieing twice a day... I got really good at gearing up during this period.  My current Character is going on 2.5 weeks alive... I haven't climbed a ladder for 2.5 weeks ;p

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I recently died with all pristine loot, lots of food weapon and ammo. That was a guy with axe that killed me. He kinda teleported around me, maybe because of desync.

So I woke up on a coast with no regrets and now I'm trying to find all those things that I had.

Did you where in  Elektro ? In a corner of a room in a building at the first floor with the door closed ?

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If I'm playing with friends: Run back to body, hope they survived and move my shit.

If alone: Go for a walk or do literally anything else. Brain needs a break.

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"blah...wonder where I'll spawn next"

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Honestly, if someone kills me got me really mad just the very first time, killed me and a friend on a spawd lasted 1 and 1/2 days, pretty much geared up, not even a "surrender"  just Killed on Sight....

Really mad, but than u understand that this is part of the game itself, so once i see someone i just let bullets talk, than later we can have a conversation, and surprisingly they are all very generous once theyr dead...

But there is something i really cant stand...

Check this out:

We were a group of 2, at the airstrip on the south, at the barracks, checking for loot, than we get under heavy fire, we split, one doing firecover the other one closing range to the shooter, than i manage to kill him, with a magnum, and he was firing with a m4a1, the other friend dies, so i loot what i can, and go on, check the near buildings, than server restart, i find myself just outside barracks, i spot a zombie, and i enter the barracks, take out my baseball bat, and  i observe a magic, a zombie walking thru walls, and finally getting near, i try to hit him, but for some reasons the only thing i hit is the bed and walls, while he oneshot me and get me unconscious... 

Ragequit is prettymuch the answer....

I understand that this is alpha... but FFS... can i get oneshotted from a zombie who can cross walls?

Edited by Joker83

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It's kinda funny cause for a week straight I was dieing twice a day... I got really good at gearing up during this period.  My current Character is going on 2.5 weeks alive... I haven't climbed a ladder for 2.5 weeks ;p


I just die if I go inside buildings and check inventory.... Don't even need to use stairs or ladder to die randomly... First floor is enough

Edited by Jeppe

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blind rage?


uh, no.


I honestly dont care if I die. often times, Im bored fully decked out. to me, the real fun is gathering- esp the NEAF where it gets so hairy going into the barracks. its fun, wild and entertaining. and theres something fun about wanting- maybe from a find, or maybe bashing/shooting someone who has everything i want- i might lose, but if i win, ahhh, thats fun as hell.


if i have a mosin and the long range scope, i get a little bummed losing the scope. aside from that, i dont care.


but mad? no way. embrace starting as a bambi. its like enlightenment.

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I got really upset the first three times I lost a geared guy.  Now I enjoy it.  I like the process of regearing, the sense of liberation with being more care free since you have little to lose, and the struggle for survival.


But good god, first couple times are gut wrenching!

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