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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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While I think you are right in most of the things you said, there is one point, that I have (sadly) argue about:



In every online game were cheaters. In every single one. Not even Blizzard could keep WoW clean and they were pumping money like crazy into securing the system afaik. And don't get me started on FPS like CS, CoD, BF...the more people play the more idiots cheat. Sad but true. Either they just want to annoy people and destroy their game experience because...well I don't know for hwatever reason, or they are just not good enough and search an unfair advantage because they desperately need to "win" (you can't win dayZ...but you know what I mean), because...well same as before.


Every normal player hates cheater and thinks of them as the cancer of the community, and why not? But, well, sometimes you just have to wait and hope. As lenin said - BE bans in waves, hopefully a banstorm is coming through. (I never thought I would be able to quote lenin say something like that O.o)




Only from my experience: The more mature a player is the less he is likely to cheat. So 99% of cheaters are spoiled brats or teenage idiot-trolls.


I have yet to see any evidence of hackers in client side online multiplayers like world of tanks. Cheaters/hackers i guess you mean hackers..

Edited by Walking Wounded

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Hackers, and all other plagues killing DayZ right now, is why I miss how Alpha testing was before.


You know, when game makers actually cared enough about their customers to not release shitty alpha's just so they can get money.


It used to be that game makers asked people to alpha test sometimes even pay them, and they would fix all the clunks all the glitches. Alpha players would often use improvised hacks to test the security and when it would be in Beta and not early beta, they might release it for public to already buy. But most of the times, they actually finished the games when they released them.


Nowadays game makers care only about money, and how to get it quickly, this is why game makers sell games in early alpha because let's face it. You can always use the "but it's early alpha" card just to protect your money hunger.


If even the creator, the father of DayZ quits and says that dayz is basically shit and will be shit forever, it makes you wonder if this was just a cashgrab from Rocket.


You can't get refunds and you have to pay to test their game, to rent servers so others can test the game.. WTF happened to game makers, I am disgusted by DayZ and the fanboys who protect DayZ.

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I dont know what the fuck you guys are talking about who say all pc games have a big hacking problem.  I have played pc games since 1995 and the only two games Ive seen hacking problems that were serious were counter strike and freaking dayz.   I may not be hardcore pc player but ive played a large number for all these years.    

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 I have been playing for 300+ hours now.  I am a legit player that will kill or die under same grounds and under an even fight.....but I have experienced "funny" events when I am ready to kill.....3 times since yesterday and 5 times to my squad mate: you discover another player, start the hunt/chase....and when you have them on your sights.....server restarts......lots of ghost players running around and sometimes (2 out of 3) I got killed.....beach it is....but this game is going to the drain due not only to hackers, but to the probability of never being developed to even Beta.  


I am ok with the lack of content (since I accepted the Alpha terms), glitches, poor stability....and so on....but hackers?.....hell no.....


My squad mate was running away from danger...and he got back....to ground zero after 250 mts or so of running...obviously he was killed.  


And no, server never restarted....you just log in again a run away from the area or you will be under the "restarting grounds" again....

Edited by pizuicas

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I find it funny that the main reponse to posts like this is "every game has hackers" and yes they do, and having to deal with ONE every 100hrs is just something one has to deal with, but perhaps many of you do not remember the dark dayz of dayz(mod) where just about every sever had hackers, and these hackers didn't just have aimbot, god mode and the such, but also had tanks, attack helicopters, and nukes that ruined the game. Now having said that I have yet to see a hacker in my 150hrs but it is my biggest fear for this game.considering the past...


a little something from way back when for those of you who may have forgotten.

One of the eight apaches flying around raining death on everyone that day.


This was not a uncommon occurence back then.

Edited by Kaw

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@ OP. Do not listen to anyone, i have met hackers in EVERY game, c on they r even hacking stupid flash gams, those little rat bastards sadly are everywhere and every anticheat it s just a mere malfunctional placebo banning pubblic hax and ass coded hax.

Sorry but you have to deal whit those retards cheaters in every game you will get hands on you will find cheater ( online speaking ).

Lol i rembery first ( and only ) online skirmish in cnc red alert, that guy killed my whole base whit a simple basic rifle unit.... O yahhhh.

Q3 = cheaters

UrT = cheaters

ET or ETQW = cheaters

Any Unreal T. = cheaters

CnC = cheaters

VAC Based Games = loads of cheaters

PB Based Games = as above

I can go on for hours dude, it just change the % to meet one depending on baseplayers/gameengine hardened to hell.

Resuming all that shit in a short way.


Edited by KamiOfKOS

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And please... don't say it was desync. A fresh spawn with an M4 spraying and teleportation is all this is.  

I just wanted to show other in case you have been victim since i got such clear footage of it

Edited by KakiharaKeenan

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And please... don't say it was desync. A fresh spawn with an M4 spraying and teleportation is all this is.




For saying you don't usually call hacks instantly you're pretty fast with it over Direct.


But anyway, I don't see where your 100% proof is that it can't be desync? Doorshutters aren't synced properly across the clients as far as I know, they're always behind. Meaning he could have just opened the door whilst you didn't see that happening. If he wouldn't have shot the door would have opened on your screen after about 1-2 seconds later.



And yes, BattlEye does things. They're just not banning all the time, they're banning in waves. Wait for the next one and get yourself something nice to snack when people come on these forums again to complain that they've been banned.

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I m just hoping those bastards die from a painfull ass cancer and for the idiots using those hack the same.

I m laughing like an idiot thinking almost all pubblic hax having some nice trojans ahaha, pls log into you bank account after a nice disrupting session of cheating :)

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There's been so many videos similar to this one lately...

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Looks like desync!


(Just wanted to be the first :lol: :rolleyes:  )

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After +500 hrs I have yet to see a hacker, sure there are some script kiddies but I woulnd't say its out of hand. No need to be so drastic

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Edited by Highlander007

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After +500 hrs I have yet to see a hacker, sure there are some script kiddies but I woulnd't say its out of hand. No need to be so drastic

Looking at your avatar pic........... yes, you may have a different view to some things :lol:

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Really? You haven't? Do you meet other players at all? or stay in the north all the time?

I've seen people teleporting - not desync.
I've seen a guy walking through the building like it wasn't there and shoting people through walls. (replacing building files cheat I guess)
God one knows how many people are using things that aren't so obvious to spot.

Dayz in the current state is heaven for cheaters i guess.

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Must watch we where playing as a clan had two sniper teams as over watch one with eyes on hospital this guy pops out of know where and gets the kill.


Is this desync or what?

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I've seen this before... It's hacking and I have a buddy that hacks and I know how it works. This is teleporting. He can simply go through walls, shoot his character up hills it's crazy. ;S

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Teleport maybe ?

Desync dont get u back where the desync started ?

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I've seen this before... It's hacking and I have a buddy that hacks and I know how it works. This is teleporting. He can simply go through walls, shoot his character up hills it's crazy. ;S

Im sure YOUR buddy know a lot about hax and used many... Ahaha, always the bro, sis, friend, husband of sis, cousin....


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