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Items you'd like to see on DayZ

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American indian






business suit

space man lol



bla bla bla

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All kinds of accessories that the Dev team can think of, and go easy on military weapons, old guns would be cool, 19th century weapons, kruegers, small firearms(i speak of "civilian" firearms to not overpower pvp that much, give it a feeling that you actually have a chance if you only have a .45 fearing that everyone else has an assault rifle) just a thought!!

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range finders
elephant trunk gas mask/attachment to the pilot helmet
katana :D
some more interesting melee weapon action (such as katana, maybe more stuff)
get rid of fist 1 shot kills D:
compound bow


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What I really want to see is a few dozens of clothes. Like different shirts, more hoodies, damaged business pants and shirts. All the stuff you would actually find in a small village.


I've a problem with the high-end clothes (TTsKO and all this stuff). They all look completely similiar. An improvement would be, if they would change the colors of all the (already implemented) clothes. It would be the simplest step and give the player a great improvement in case of customization.


Also: many of this items already exist or could be actually pretty fast re-textured.


I've a huge list of items I would like to see - but I'm pretty sure we'll have more then enough items from time to time.

Right now, I really don't wanna see that every character looks like each other.

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There are some really good ideas in this thread (improvised items for example) and some terrible ones (mascot suits, miniguns).


Someone mentioned spears. I'd like to see improvised spears made with a bayonet and a tree branch. 


I'd also like to see improvised explosives. There's a quarry on the map so there should be explosives of some kind. I'm not sure how that would work because it would probably need buildings that could be damaged or destroyed and I'm not sure the engine is capable of that.


I wouldn't mind a few mortars either. Once the game is fully developed they would be useful for raiding bases and towns. Mortars are a staple with most armies because they are very cheap compared to something like a minigun. Miniguns aren't realistic for a setting like Chernarus. Now if you want to talk about crew served MGs then that's a different story as there probably would be a few of those in some of the military bases.

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  • Bandanas that you can wear on your face

Wearable ammo belt

Better (rare) long range scope

Some sort of police/riot gear

More clothing

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more knifes


i know. machete incoming! but we need more!

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Civvy street weapons found in homes or sporting shops


more types of shot gun all kinds of hunting rifles,pellet guns

cross bows, catapults, knuckle duster, scuba, spear gun


ancient weapons found in castles or ship wreck under water

long bow, sword , spear. dagger, musket,cutlas  

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If a wearable gear, I would like to have below:

1. Military ballistic goggle.

2. Military/Special Forces Mask/Ski Mask (and the ability to paint it to custom color)

3. Military/Civilian Binocular.

4. Carbon fiber crossbow (like daryl use in the waling dead)

5. Watches. (so you can know in game time)

6. Military bags or backpacks (small and large)

7. When you loot a military base, chances to find a box of Meal Ready to Eat (MRE's) beside than the normal can foods.

8. All items suggest by the community above me :)


Come on Dean/Dev, hope you guys read this post and will be able to bring some if not all into the game.  :)

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Most definitely, my player needs more swag.




stop that. No "swag" in this game

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  • Halberd




More basic / variety of Civillan clothing

MadMax (RoadWarrior for the US) Outfit aka Fallout 3 Style -

Belts for gun holsters

Waterbottles that can attach to belts

Multitools - and reason to use them i.e. crafting of traps / alarms / homemade weapons





Hydration Packs

Edited by shael6636

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I think we have enough weapons for now.

How about some fish in the streams and lakes or on the coast. Craft a spear or a net and catch em and eat them. Make a few types of the fish poison that make you sick if you eat them and have the fish spoil after an hour or two.

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more blunt weapons like fence posts or thick branche,iron pipes whatever you can grab to smack a Zombie

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  • Halberd
  • Hatchet
  • Katanna
  • Longsword

Why a Katana? This isn't 1800s Imperial Japan. The Halberd/Longsword don't really make sense either because I can guarantee those would have been cleaned out of the castles by now.

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