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About hypermoon

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  1. hypermoon

    Im so done with this game.

    There is no game here. You are bitching about Alpha. Not realization that many of the changes probably will change the way PVP is handled since that is something they are aware of.. duh. You can bitch and whine after the game is out, until then people just need to stfu and offer suggestions to improve the game. Nothing more. Whining is useless.
  2. So I dropped my laptop on accident and immediately these blue lines appeared on the screen. It doesn't appear everywhere but anywhere where there is black (for example the background to this forum) these blue lines run through it. If I try and upload a screen capture photo it will look normal though. Using Dayz as an example, if I play in the daytime it actually looks somewhat normal. There is still lines on certain dark objects such as black t shirts or trees. At night however, it's just completely blue lines everywhere and I can't see anything basically. I don't know anything about computers, does anybody know what I did and if there is anyway to fix this?
  3. hypermoon

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I had to read nearly every page until i got an answer... sweet. Should be on the first page.
  4. hypermoon

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I can't seem to find any servers.
  5. Glad to see more of these threads because this is the biggest thing I want to see in Day z. No doubt character value should be greater than the value of loot.
  6. hypermoon


    My 2 cents is just add alcohol and smokes. Dean mentioned adding these in one of the dev blogs I think, or some video. Either way, they make awesome RP elements if they are done right.
  7. hypermoon

    More survival features?

    Also would be sweet if you could could set up a trip wire, that you've attached empty cans of tuna and beans to so it rattles and alerts you when something steps through it.
  8. hypermoon

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    All the video's i've watched of him playing are awesome. He could just go around shooting anybody he sees and I've watched other video's of people doing that and It's a pretty boring play style to just shoot everybody you see. Frankie usually only shoots people if they are obviously a bandit, or if they don't drop their weapons. i think most people who hate him hate him because he's famous in Dayz and they aren't.
  9. hypermoon

    Are you addicted to this game?

    Not yet. I'm more excited about features to come than I am the current game. Once barricading, cooking, persistant storage, loot respawn and hunting are in the game and the environments starts effecting the player more I probably won't put it down for a long time.
  10. Agree. Character value needs to exceed loot value. This would also give players the ability to rob players hold players hostage without having to kill them because they YOLO'd after they lost their loot.
  11. hypermoon

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    I'd still rather have zombies than just infected people. More fun that way. I mean who are we fighting anyway? Angry dudes who punch you awkwardly. Fuck that, I want living dead to be impervious to my bullets and eat my dirty rotten corpse. I'd like to see zombies have to take lots of bullets (and they should react when you shoot them) but still die from them and they just die in one shot when you shoot them in the head.
  12. How come when I tear up a shirt with stuff in it I lose everything that was in that shirt? Was it always like this or is that new problem? Other than a few ammo boxes i haven't found anything new.
  13. I love the giant massive groups that hang out in Elektro. Since there is no loot people just hang out, usually in the church. Esspeically fun at night. Then there is always one asshole who sneakily starts feeding people rotten kiwis.
  14. What are the changes exactly? I have seen a few of them already like different ammo. But is there a changlog somewhere? What changed?
  15. hypermoon

    Remove "Hide Body"

    Yes, I agree. It's highly unrealistic. Bodies just melt into the ground, wtf. You should be able to move them though.