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Is kicking players instantly from servers allowed?

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There are 2 types of post going on here regarding kicking players,


1, Can a admin kick a player to allow him to join the server they pay for, to monitor it and so on.

2, Can a player be kicked to allow clan mate/friends to join.


The second one I would say NO it is against the rules as for the first,

I know on the Mod version you wasn't allowed to do this, But the payed SA version I don't know,

and maybe needs looking at.

Edited by SaintMerc

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There are 2 types of post going on here regarding kicking players,


1, Can a admin kick a player to allow him to join the server they pay for, to monitor it and so on.

2, Can a player be kicked to allow clan mate/friends to join.


The second one I would say NO it is against the rules as for the first,

I know on the Mod version you wasn't allowed to do this, But the payed SA version I don't know,

and maybe needs looking at.



I see nothing wrong with both 1 and 2. If the admin wants a clan mate or friend to join I see no issue. They run that server they should be able to create room for that player. I.e. kicking the last player to join.

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If what you say is true, the rules need to be clarified.  The current rule language does not contain "you are only allowed" as your statement does, and is therefore considered a non-inclusive example. As you can see from the rule set, every restricted action listed contains a big red "NOT" in the rule.  Therefore, without clarification, the structure would indicate that the last statement is not a restriction and should be interpreted as a non-inclusive list. 


If the rule is intentioned as you describe it, the rule needs clarified due to ambiguity.  In fact, if you could not kick a player to make room for an admin, the rule should precisely state that, it does not, and until clarified, I don't see how anyone could claim a GSP or Admin has violated the current rules for that action.  Before action could legitimately be taken against a GSP or Admin for kicking to make room for an admin, the rules should be modified to that effect by having the following statement:


You may NOT kick a player to make room for an admin.


If the intent of the rules are what you claim, then they are written badly imo, and should be clarified.


I agree its a "black hole" atm mate.

But thats the only rule stating you CAN KICK if bla bla bla.
Basicly this means its the only valid reason to kick, ever.

We dont need 1000's of YOU CANNOT KICK rules, because its easier to tell people when its allowed, which is basicly never.

You cannot expect them to write up 5 pages of rules stating crap like "You CANT kick to make room for your brother in law" and so on.


I see nothing wrong with both 1 and 2. If the admin wants a clan mate or friend to join I see no issue. They run that server they should be able to create room for that player. I.e. kicking the last player to join.


Well my friends, if you do so, you will most likely get reported and your server will get taken down :)

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I agree its a "black hole" atm mate.

But thats the only rule stating you CAN KICK if bla bla bla.

Basicly this means its the only valid reason to kick, ever.

We dont need 1000's of YOU CANNOT KICK rules, because its easier to tell people when its allowed, which is basicly never.

You cannot expect them to write up 5 pages of rules stating crap like "You CANT kick to make room for your brother in law" and so on.



Well my friends, if you do so, you will most likely get reported and your server will get taken down :)


Reported and taken down. Umm seems like a good business plan.


What's the point of owning a server if you can't allow for space for your clan mates/friends, if your server is full.


Seems like you do more trolling than thinking of the real issue here Byrgesen.

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Reported and taken down. Umm seems like a good business plan.


What's the point of owning a server if you can't allow for space for your clan mates/friends, if your server is full.


Seems like you do more trolling than thinking of the real issue here Byrgesen.


Bohemia isn't in the business of renting/selling servers. They're in the business of making games. And like many games, they've applied a set of rules. If you can't follow them, then you won't be allowed to host a server.

Edited by Dekartz

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Bohemia isn't in the business of renting/selling servers. They're in the business of making games. And like many games, they've applied a set of rules. If you can't follow them, then you won't be allowed to host a server.

Name one other game that does not allow server admins to kick whoever they want, whenever they want from the server they are paying for..?

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Name one other game that does not allow server admins to kick whoever they want, whenever they want from the server they are paying for..?

Finally someone is on the right track.


Finally... :)

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Not to mention, that DayZ really isn't the atypical game that one would host a server for.


The fact that it touts itself as an MMO however means that (on the public hive) everyone should be playing by the same set of rules. Allowing server owners free-reign of the servers that they chose to and would have to agree to these rules to pay for would undermine this.

No one's holding a gun to your head and making you host a server.

Wait for private hives and you'll have all the control you want.

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Quote from the T&C's from BF3 "Please note that server administrators also should not boot other players just because they are ahead, killed you, etc. The player must be violating the T&Cs (which may include violating the rules of the server, as long as those rules are in accordance with the T&Cs, as mentioned above)."


This doesn't take into account other factors pertaining to kicking. This is barebones legal jargon. Doesn't cover all the bases.

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Regardless, it gives you terms and conditions for running a ranked server. And denotes that your own server rules cannot be in contradiction to these terms and conditions. 

It is the example that was requested, as it was requested.

Edited by Dekartz

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Not to mention, that DayZ really isn't the atypical game that one would host a server for.


The fact that it touts itself as an MMO however means that (on the public hive) everyone should be playing by the same set of rules. Allowing server owners free-reign of the servers that they chose to and would have to agree to these rules to pay for would undermine this.

No one's holding a gun to your head and making you host a server.

Wait for private hives and you'll have all the control you want.

Really! We host a server to create a gaming environment where our members and friends can play together on a consistent basis. We meet new people in the Dayz gaming community solely off of our server’s name. They come back to play on our server. They join our TeamSpeak and chat with us in game. We've meet quite a bit of players from all around the world who play this game, and they continue to come back to game with us on our servers.


The point of this thread is kicking players. And this directly affects people who are admins, owners, members, and pubbers. So when you say no one's holding a gun to my head and making you host a server you have to think about the community of people we serve. Who that may affect. I think you need to think before you speak. The current state of the game is PUBLIC. We serve the public. We know that. The rules are vague and not concrete. It's obvious the rules need some tweaking and clarity.

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I think it's been made quite clear. At this point and time, all servers are connected to the PUBLIC hive. Therefor using a server to allow only you and a select few to enter and farm gear is against the rules. Either let everyone play, or get disabled. Makes sense, seems like a good way to run things... Might not really be necessary at this point in Alpha, but those are the rules. If you choose not to follow them, you risk the chance of being reported and shut down. What else is there to argue about? Why does this thread have 4 pages.... Move on..

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Really! We host a server to create a gaming environment where our members and friends can play together on a consistent basis. We meet new people in the Dayz gaming community solely off of our server’s name. They come back to play on our server. They join our TeamSpeak and chat with us in game. We've meet quite a bit of players from all around the world who play this game, and they continue to come back to game with us on our servers.


The point of this thread is kicking players. And this directly affects people who are admins, owners, members, and pubbers. So when you say no one's holding a gun to my head and making you host a server you have to think about the community of people we serve. Who that may affect. I think you need to think before you speak. The current state of the game is PUBLIC. We serve the public. We know that. The rules are vague and not concrete. It's obvious the rules need some tweaking and clarity.


The majority of this post was irrelevant to the prior statements. Which were mostly in regard to rules for servers. You commended someone who thought the idea that server-owners having to abide by a TOS set by the company that makes the game to be unprecedented, and now you state that the rules need to be more concrete. It appears to be an inconsistency in your views or a somewhat unexpected change in them.

Unless of course by "the rules need some tweaking and clarity" you in fact mean "The rules should be geared towards more what I believe they should be". In which case, we return to the original topic of debate.


The key is to set up a system that allows server admins an agreeable level of control without allowing them the opportunity to use this control as an exploit for them, their friends, their fellow clan-members, etcetera. The rules as they stand now are vague because it is impossible to predict every situation that will come up, thus as situations come up the rules will conform. Still, as I understand it, there are stated circumstances within the current server-hosting rules that state that a server-hoster can not kick players on joining to loot farm or to prevent other players from joining. This in conjunction with the rule that disallows private servers states rather clearly (to me at least) that you cannot kick players for the sake of allocating specific slots to "preferred players".

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 Still, as I understand it, there are stated circumstances within the current server-hosting rules that state that a server-hoster can not kick players on joining to loot farm or to prevent other players from joining. This in conjunction with the rule that disallows private servers states rather clearly (to me at least) that you cannot kick players for the sake of allocating specific slots to "preferred players".


This basically what I was going to say. To me it looks clear that you are not allowed to kick people unless the players are being verbally abusive or abusing ingame bugs to gain an ingame advantage. Just because someone has helped pay for the server doesnt give them a reserved spot on the server and for someone to be kicked to open a spot up to them. Currently all the servers are public and have to abide by the terms of service.  


Until they allow private servers you can be reported for kicking players without proof of their verbal abuse or exploiting. If you dont like it, then dont rent the server or contribute to the server. I appreciate the people who do pay but you still have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

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that simply isn't what the rules state as they stand right now, kicking players for verbal abuse or exploiting is not an inclusive list, just examples.  Otherwise, it would say you can only kick for those violations.

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Honestly I've ran a BF3 server since release, and it's still full today, they don't enforce their server rules.

And lets face it, EA isen't exactly a rolemodel in the gaming community. Perhaps DayZ should start adapting other ideas that EA rolls with, like microtransactions and day one DLC..?

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And lets face it, EA isen't exactly a rolemodel in the gaming community. Perhaps DayZ should start adapting other ideas that EA rolls with, like microtransactions and day one DLC..?

EA's other business practices are irrelevant. You're the one opting to rent a DayZ server. You're subject to their rules and regulations. Don't like it? Don't rent a DayZ server?

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I dont understand why there is any confusion.


If you are an admin you cannot keep a PvE server or keep the server private, for yourself, friends, clan or hot girl from down the road. 


It ain't hard.  They are Public!

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I'm part of a community, their servers(not DayZ) are open on public nights. If you want a slot, you better be on time. We don't kick for admins, members, we only ask a player to leave, if a player lots connection and the server filled, while he tried to rejoin. If you kick people for friends and members, the server isn't public and if the server is connected to the public hive, it is by definition public.

Edited by Dallas

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happend to me, everyone got kicked though.

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..there is no reason to kick anyone really ..simply stop your server and all the moochers will move along... then you start it up again

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..there is no reason to kick anyone really ..simply stop your server and all the moochers will move along... then you start it up again

Your comment suggests, you can infact restarting your server to get rid of players,

When there is no need to restart as some posts have stated they only have to reboot every 6 hours or so. ??

This is not productive and not helping the current situation. :)

Edited by SaintMerc

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